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The coastal fringe of the eastern part of the Rhône delta is a large area where activities related to ecological and economical interests have increased since the beginning of the century, including the salt industry of theCompagnie des Salins du Midi et des Salines de l’Est, the industrial complex ofFos-sur-Mer, tourism managed by the local authorities ofPort-Saint-Louis andArles, and dune restoration of the La Gracieuse spit undertaken by thePort Autonome de Marseille. The vulnerability of the area for changes brought about by these activities is linked to the extent of several coastal changes, whereas these changes are related to the physical functioning of the coastal fringe, such as coastal processes, but also to external components such as relative sea-level rise, subsidence, reduction of sediment input, human impact, etc. For many decades, coastline ‘protection’ in the eastern part of the Rhône delta has been undertaken to withstand erosional processes that offset beaches and retreat of the littoral. The use of different engineering structures illustrates the heterogeneity and differences in age of the various management policies. At the eastern side of the Rhône, thePort Autonome de Marseille, dealing with management, has opted for soft engineering structures using fences for dune restoration on the La Gracieuse spit. At the western side of the mouth, theCompagnie des Salins du Midi et des Salines de l’Est has been using hard engineering structures to combat erosion (rocks, groins, tetrapods, etc.). A brief assessment of the management efficiency is presented, including an analysis of the data collected concerning the survey of the zones where the structures were built. Their varying efficiency shows the important role played by the sediment supply to the littoral (solid river discharge) and the coastal hydro-sedimentary processes. In the eastern part of the Rhône river the success of the dune restoration is mainly due to the important sediment supply transported in this area by eastern drift currents. At the western part of the mouth, the decrease of sediment supply linked to erosional processes in the shallow off-shore beach has made the structures more vulnerable, and therefore, the activities of the salt industry. For this last threatened zone, three management scenarios are discussed by taking into account economical, physical and ecological parameters.  相似文献   


The notion of sustainable development in the context of water resources is discussed. Facing the increasing pressures — population growth with consequences for settlements and production of food and fibre, and human aspirations to better living standards — the business-as-usual approach to water development and management cannot he globally sustainable. The need for curbing water demands and for ‘doing more with less’ are gaining growing recognition in our increasingly thirsty planet. An integrated approach to freshwater resources is needed, based on the perception of water as a natural resource, part of the ecosystem, and an economic and social good. It is discussed how hydrological extremes jeopardize sustainable development. Sustainability-related properties of drought and flood preparedness and mitigation measures are reviewed. Even if the term ‘sustainable development’ has been typically used in a qualitative sense, in order to compare how different options (e.g. flood protection alternatives) fare with regard to sustainable development, one needs at least rough quantitative measures. A sample of relevant indices is reviewed. It is advocated that hydrological observations should be recognized as an essential component of sustainable development and management of water resources.  相似文献   

Gorgonian corals are long-lived, slow-growing marine species dominating Mediterranean rocky bottoms. Endowed with complex morphologies they give a structure to the whole community, moreover, being efficient suspension feeders, they play a key role in plankton-benthos energy flow and CO2CO2 storage. Thus, the structure and the development of benthic, hard bottom communities are linked to gorgonian survival. The red coral Corallium rubrum (L. 1758) is a precious gorgonian endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Harvested and traded world-wide since ancient times red coral is a clear example of overexploited marine resource. This species is structured into self-seeding, genetically differentiated populations, some of which, living in the shallower part of the species bathymetric distribution, was recently affected by anomalous mortality events linked to global climate change. The co-occurrence of overharvesting and mass mortality could dramatically affect such populations. Demographic population models, widely applied by conservation biologists to check population viability and to project population trends over time are fundamental to foster survival of such populations matching harvesting to population growth rates. Therefore we set out a dynamic model of a genetically differentiated red coral population living in shallow waters. This population is characterised by small/young, crowded colonies and high recruitment rate. On the basis of the size–age structure determined for this population, a static life-history table, in which survival and reproduction coefficients of the different size–age classes were reported, has been set out. Demographic data were included in a non-linear, discrete, age-structured dynamic model, based on a Leslie-Lewis transition matrix. Our field data indicate that the recruits-to-larvae ratio is actually density-dependent. Such dependence, positive for low and negative for high density values, was included into the model and the effect of colonies of different size–age classes on recruits-to-larvae ratio was considered to be proportional to the number of polyps they have. We applied such model to simulate the trends of the studied population under different increases of survival and life-span. As some populations of gorgonians actually show the dominance of sparse, big/old colonies and low recruitment rate, while others are characterised by crowded, small/young colonies and high recruitment rate, we simulated the shift from the former to the latter structure increasing survival and life-span. Our results suggest that a dramatic mortality increase of bigger–older colonies (due, in the case of red coral to overfishing) could have determined the population structure we found.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches represent typical venues for recreation and tourism worldwide, as well as part of the lifestyle and identity of coastal communities. Their overexploitation, however, threatens their survival. Especially in urban areas, beach management requires balancing needs by different users and obligations to protect beach functions, including conservation. In light of this, research about the human dimension of beach ecosystems has been advanced as a way to assist planning and decision making in beach management. This study assessed beachgoers' perceptions of sandy beach conditions in South Africa, by means of a questionnaire survey. The effects of demographic profile, travelling habits, motivations to visit, and recreational preferences on beachgoers' perceptions of beach conditions were tested. Beachgoers shared a general concern for the wellbeing of sandy beaches, with particular reference to the state of biodiversity and conservation. They also gave great importance to the values underlying beach ecosystems. Three motivations to visit groups and four recreational preferences types were identified. Demography, travelling habits, motivations to visit, and recreational preferences all influenced perceptions of beach conditions. The results from this study were used to draw management recommendations, with particular attention towards the promotion of conservation while also maintaining the recreational quality of urban sandy beaches. The results also highlighted the relevance of considering users' views as a tool in decision-making processes in Integrated Coastal Zone Management.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to arsenic (As) causes significant human health effects, including various cancers and skin disorders. Naturally elevated concentrations of As have been detected in the groundwater of Bangladesh. Dietary intake and drinking water are the major routes of As exposure for humans. The objectives of this study were to measure As concentrations in rice grain collected from households in As-affected villages of Bangladesh where groundwater is used for agricultural irrigation and to estimate the daily intake of As consumed by the villagers from rice. The median and mean total As contents in 214 rice grain samples were 131 and 143 μg/kg, respectively, with a range of 2–557 μg/kg (dry weight, dw). Arsenic concentrations in control rice samples imported from Pakistan and India and on sale in Australian supermarkets were significantly lower (p < 0.001) than in rice from contaminated areas. Daily dietary intake of As from rice was 56.4 μg for adults (males and females) while the total daily intake of As from rice and from drinking water was 888.4 and 706.4 μg for adult males and adult females, respectively. From our study, it appears that the villagers are consuming a significant amount of As from rice and drinking water. The results suggest that the communities in the villages studied are potentially at risk of suffering from arsenic-related diseases.  相似文献   

Wang  Qiugui  Sha  Zhanjiang  Wang  Jinlong  Du  Jinzhou  Hu  Jufang  Ma  Yujun 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2019,41(5):2093-2111
Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Sediment sequences in Lake Qinghai spanning the past 100&nbsp;years were explored to assess the effects of changes in local land desertification, dust...  相似文献   

Calving can be a critical period for cetaceans. Areas providing security for vulnerable calves, and high food availability for lactating females can be critical habitats requiring specific conservation measures. Here, we test the hypothesis that calving and nursing habitat could be defined for Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus). We investigated the spatial and temporal preferences of this species around Pico Island, Azores, using data gathered from land-based surveys and dedicated at-sea observations between 2004 and 2007. We divided observed pods into three groups: (1) those with newborn and young calves, (2) those with older calves or juveniles and (3) those consisting only of adults or sub-adults. We analysed eco-geographical variables and incorporated them into a presence-only spatial distribution model to evaluate differences in habitat suitability among the groups. We identified 694 pods of Risso’s dolphins overall. On the 267 pods observed in the first and second groups, 136 calves or juveniles were identified, of which 22 were newborns. The peak of the calving season was between June and August. The pods with newborn calves were larger and closer to shore, whereas the other groups were more widely dispersed offshore. Our results support the definition of critical habitat areas for this species, but we suggest widening the geographical coverage for better mapping around the island and throughout the archipelago generally. Conservation measures can, nevertheless, be implemented immediately, in order to reduce human impacts on a vulnerable component of the Risso’s dolphin population  相似文献   

The high conservational value of the lichen-rich vegetation and landscape of the marine foreland Ørkenen on the isle of Anholt is treated from a Danish as well as a European perspective. The sensitivity of the lichen-rich vegetation to physical disturbance is emphasized. The impact of invasive species such asPinus mugo as well as the effect of atmospheric deposition of nutrients on the heaths at Anholt is described. Considerations related to the development of a management plan for Ørkenen are presented.  相似文献   

Benthic suspension feeders are abundant in Mediterranean coastal environments, though most of them are threatened due to overexploitation, climate change impacts, and unregulated diving or fishing practices. Little is known about most of the coastal communities in terms of large-scale distribution and realistic benthic–pelagic coupling implications, which are keys to understand and manage those threatened ecosystems. The active suspension feeder Halocynthia papillosa (one of the most common ascidian species of the Mediterranean Sea) was selected as a model organism to help to understand the ecological role in benthic–pelagic coupling processes and its importance as a carbon sink (an essential ecosystem service). The spatial and bathymetrical distribution of this organism has been studied using remotely operated vehicle video transects. The species was distributed throughout the study area, with a maximum density of 4 specimens m?2. The highest abundances and the biggest sizes were observed on the range of 20–50 m depth. The role as carbon and nitrogen sink of this suspension feeder has been quantified coupling distribution data with existing in situ studies of feeding and respiration. Along the 1.24 ha of the study area, H. papillosa yearly ingested 519.4 g C and 31.4 g N and retained 20.2 g C. As long as the physiological data are known, this new methodology could be very useful in assessing bentho–pelagic links and the capacity of being C and N sinks of a wide range of species. This new approach may be essential for the future management of benthic communities.  相似文献   

The debate in the literature on the science–practice interface suggests a diversity of opinions on how to link science and practice to improve conservation. Understanding this diversity is key to addressing unequal power relations, avoiding the consideration of only dominant views, and identifying strategies to link science and practice. In turn, linking science and practice should promote conservation decisions that are socially robust and scientifically informed. To identify and describe the viewpoints of scientists and decision makers on how the science–practice interface should work in order to improve conservation decisions, we interviewed Brazilian scientists (ecologists and conservation scientists, n = 11) and decision makers (n = 11). We used Q methodology and asked participants to rank their agreement with 48 statements on how the science–practice interface should work in order to improve conservation decisions. We used principal component analysis to identify shared viewpoints. The predominant viewpoint, shared by scientists and decision makers, was characterized by valuing the integration of scientific and strategic knowledge to address environmental problems. The second viewpoint, held mostly by decision makers, was distinguished by assigning great importance to science in the decision-making process and calling for problem-relevant research. The third viewpoint, shared only by scientists, was characterized by an unwillingness to collaborate and a perception of scientists as producers of knowledge that may help decision makers. Most participants agreed organizations should promote collaboration and that actors and knowledge from both science and practice are relevant. Disagreements concerned specific roles assigned to actors, willingness to collaborate, and organizational and institutional arrangements considered effective to link science and practice. Our results suggest there is ample room for collaborations and that impediments lie mainly in existing organizations and formal institutional arrangements rather than in negative attitudes between scientists and decision makers.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage problems were experienced in a Pb–Zn mine operation at Lechang, in the northern part of Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China. Geochemical and acid generation evaluations were made on fresh tailings including tailings fine, tailings sand and high sulphide tailings, and oxidised tailings with the aim of providing information on mine rehabilitation. All fresh tailings had a pH higher than 7 while the oxidised tailings had a pH of 4.9 (range 1.6 to 7.4). Only samples with pH < 3 had an electrical conductivity (EC) > 4 dS m-1. Total S contents of all tailings samples were very high with the high sulphide fraction having a mean S content of 38%. All fresh tailings had a high acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) while half of the oxidised tailings had an ANC less than zero. The results from the acid–base account and the net acid generation test indicated that all fresh and oxidised tailings samples were acid-forming except for the sand fraction samples. All tailings samples contained high total concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn but low concentrations of total nitrogen and phosphorus. The preliminary results demonstrated that the tailings were all acid-forming especially the high sulphide fraction which should be kept permanently unexposed under impermeable cap or water.  相似文献   


A cross-section survey of five states in Nigeria was derived through a stratified random sampling technique in 1999–2000 to assess the contribution of traditional knowledge in environmental conservation. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaire survey and discussions with stakeholders, with field assessment of herb gardens. Interviews were held with 1953 respondents composed of women, men and youths drawn from 20 settlements in 10 local government areas in the savanna and rainforest ecological zones.

The results derived from data analysis indicated that: (i) the rural communities were willing to accept integrated rural land-use practices that would conserve species and habitats, sustain the rural economy and the socio-cultural lifestyles of the people; (ii) the people at the local level had some basic knowledge about species and habitats, and have been conserving the forests with traditional land tenure rights; and (iii) environmental projects acceptable to the rural communities must be beneficial to the people, participatory, integrated with traditional knowledge and based on local needs.  相似文献   

This paper explores challenges in reconciling the cultural, economic and ecological pillars of the sustainable development concept. It does so by examining how conflicts in the management of an island off the Irish coast called Skellig Michael, which has been internationally designated for its significant cultural and ecological attributes, have been intensified by: (a) increasing tourist numbers; (b) a re-framing of the site’s identity and (c) changing visitor motivations. These have resulted from the amplified attention the island has received following the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi in which it features prominently. Following a critical identification and discussion of the fault lines between different stakeholders involved in the conservation and use of the island, the paper advances a roadmap for action to help resolve animosity in the governance of the site and facilitate its sustainable management in the context of changing visitor numbers and profiles.  相似文献   

Application of stable isotope analysis (SIA) in jellyfish allows definition of trophic patterns not detectable using gut content analysis alone, but analytical protocols require standardization to avoid bias in interpreting isotopic data. We determined δ13C and δ15N in Aurelia sp. from the northern Gulf of Mexico (30°00′N, 89°00′W–30°24′N, 88°00′W) to define differences in stable isotope composition between body parts and whole body, the effect of lipid extraction on δ13C in tissues, and fractionation values from medusa to prey. The isotopic composition of bell and whole Aurelia sp. was not different. The increase in δ13C values after lipid removal suggested a correction is needed. To aid future analyses, we derived a correction equation from empirical data for jellyfish samples. Laboratory feeding experiments indicated medusae increased +4 ‰ in δ13C and +0.1 ‰ in δ15N compared to their diet. These results suggest protocols commonly applied for other species may be inaccurate to define Aurelia sp. trophic ecology. Because Aurelia spp. are commonly found in marine ecosystems, accurately defining their trophic role by use of SIA has implications for understanding marine food webs worldwide.  相似文献   

Over the course of the last decade, research conducted by the Imperial College Environmental Geochemistry Research Group has focused on the nature and effects of lead in UK dusts and soils. An initial nationwide reconnaissance survey demonstrated that approximately 10% of the population is exposed to lead levels in excess of 2,000 g g–1 in house-hold dust. Subsequent exposure studies revealed that for 2 year old children in the UK urban environment, approximately 50% of lead intake was from dust ingested as a result of hand-to-mouth activity. Follow-up computer controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM) analysis of urban household dust and particulate material wiped from children's hands showed that important sources of dust lead include lead-based paint, road dust and soils. CCSEM identification of specific soil lead tracer particles (from minewaste contaminated soils) in dusts and on children's hands further documented the important role of soil as a source of exposure. Speciation studies of soil lead of this origin indicated that the form of the lead, which is largely influenced by the soil environment, is the primary control on bioavailability. It appears that although lead of minewaste origin may be present at elevated levels in dusts and soils, it does not necessarily contribute to elevated blood lead levels when the lead is present in relatively insoluble form.  相似文献   

While it is known that Antarctic sea ice biomass and productivity are highly variable over small spatial and temporal scales, there have been very few measurements from eastern Antarctic. Here we attempt to quantify the biomass and productivity and relate patterns of variability to sea ice latitude ice thickness and vertical distribution. Sea ice algal biomass in spring in 2002, 2003 and 2004 was low, in the range 0.01–8.41 mg Chl a m−2, with a mean and standard deviation of 2.08 ± 1.74 mg Chl a m−2 (n = 199). An increased concentration of algae at the bottom of the ice was most pronounced in thicker ice. There was little evidence to suggest that there was a gradient of biomass distribution with latitude. Maximum in situ production in 2002 was approximately 2.6 mg C m−2 h−1 with assimilation numbers of 0.73 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. Assimilation numbers determined by the 14C incubations in 2002 varied between 0.031 and 0.457 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. Maximum fluorescence quantum yields of the incubated ice samples in 2002 were 0.470 ± 0.041 with E k indices between 19 and 44 μmol photons m−2 s−1. These findings are consistent with the shade-adapted character of ice algal communities. In 2004 maximum in situ production was 5.9 mg C m−2 h−1 with an assimilation number of 5.4 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. Sea ice biomass increased with ice thickness but showed no correlation with latitude or the time the ice was collected. Forty-four percent of the biomass was located in bottom communities and these were more commonly found in thicker ice. Surface communities were uncommon.  相似文献   

J. R. Allen 《Marine Biology》1998,132(3):383-390
Dense beds of the suspension-feeding brittle-star Ophiothrix fragilis are common in European waters. Their potential importance in benthic–pelagic coupling has been highlighted, but little is known about the feeding dynamics of this species. Encounter-rate models provide a potential mechanism for the estimation of feeding rates on suspended material of varying sizes. This work investigates factors essential to the application of such models. Particle-retention efficiency (RE) converts encounter rate into capture, or clearance rate. Laboratory studies demonstrated that RE varied with the interactive effects of flow velocity and particle size. RE was lowest for large particles, particularly at high flow velocity where RE as low as 59% was observed. This indicates that if RE is not accounted for in encounter-rate models, significant overestimates of feeding rates on large particles may occur. Flow around feeding arms and tube feet was characterised by intermediate Reynolds numbers, precluding application of the most simple encounter-rate models. Complex secondary-flow patterns were observed, which carried particles along the downstream side of the feeding arms, but these did not appear to increase the area available for particle capture. Previously reported particle capture by arm spines was not observed. Evidence of active rejection of large particles by tube feet was recorded. Difficulties in the application of encounter-rate models for prediction of seston-removal rates are highlighted by these results. Predicted encounter rate may deviate from actual clearance rate due to the effects of retention dynamics, localised flow patterns and differential particle handling. Other methods of estimation of seston-removal rates are equally problematic however, so that encounter-rate models are likely to remain a useful tool for such estimates. Received: 23 January 1998 / Accepted: 24 June 1998  相似文献   

Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) are a common health problem prevalent in the wet zone of Sri Lanka with a prevalence of >25 of the population. In comparison, in the dry zone of Sri Lanka IDD occurs in <10 of the population. Seventy soil samples from 14 villages selected on the basis of the incidence of goitre, were collected and analysed for 13 trace elements using ICP-MS. In order to identify any prevailing differences in antecedent chemical environments, soil samples from each pre-selected village were classified into three groups in terms of their geographical location. Among the elements investigated, the total soil concentrations of Rb, Sr, Ba, Mn and Co are lower in the wet zone of Kalutara. In contrast, total soil Rb, Sr, Ba and Mn contents are higher in the dry zone of Anuradhapura. Further soil total Mo and Nb levels are relatively similar in all pre-selected study locations. The high endemic goitre regions (IDD >25 of the population) show low levels of Rb, Sr, Ba, and Mn and higher levels of V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb as compared with moderate and non-goitre areas. Factor analysis was used to exploit the correlation structure present in data and yielded three groups in all cases. This indicated that most transition group elements and iodine are associated with the Mn phase in the low IDD areas whereas iodine shows a high affinity for the organic phase in high IDD regions. The variable distribution of trace elements, therefore, must be due to differences in mobility and capacity for incorporation into the structure of secondary minerals or organic phases.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Fluoride contamination in groundwaters of a rural region in semi-arid Western India has been studied using combination of geochemical-and-isotopic...  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Hooghly–Matla estuarine system along with the Sundarbans mangroves forms one of the most diverse and vulnerable ecosystems in the world. We have...  相似文献   

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