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The paper presents a method to determine the most influencing stressors and the most susceptible resources for complex assessment problems involving multiple stressors impacting multiple resources over a region. The method is based on the concept of limiting priorities in a square matrix which capture the transmission of influence along all paths between stressors and resources in the matrix. The proposed method allows the relationship between stressors and resources to be looked at in both univariate and multivariate fashion, taking into account the interactions among the variables. Hypothetical and case study examples are given for illustration purpose. It shows that the proposed method is suitable for the determination of the most important stressors and the most susceptible resources, a common (but often uneasy) task in integrated environmental assessment.  相似文献   

天津公园土壤重金属污染评价及其空间分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着城市化和工业化进程的加快,我国城市及其周边目前已遭受到明显的重金属污染,本文着重研究了天津17个主要公园土壤重金属的污染特征。2007年10月采集公园土壤样品,利用ICP-MS分析土壤重金属的含量。研究结果表明:Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr、Cd和Pb的平均质量分数分别为36.57mg·kg-1,116.56mg·kg-1,30.15mg·kg-1,51.04mg·kg-1,0.25mg·kg-1和31.62mg·kg-1。以天津市土壤背景值为评价标准,天津公园土壤重金属污染属于中度污染和轻微生态风险。重金属主要污染因子为Cd,其次是Pb、Zn和Cu。天津中环线以内区域公园土壤重金属污染较中外环线之间相比较重。不同行政区划区域公园土壤重金属污染从综合污染指数来看,由重到轻的顺序为:红桥区〉河北区〉河东区〉南开区〉河西区〉和平区〉北辰区;从潜在生态指数评价来看,由重到轻的顺序为:红桥区〉河北区〉河东区〉南开区〉河西区〉北辰区〉和平区。  相似文献   

Concentrations of metals and arsenic in farmland soils along the Yanghe River, upstream of Guanting Reservoir, were evaluated using fuzzy comprehensive assessment (FCA). FCA is an emerging methodology for assessing environmental status based on fuzzy logic which can model linguistic data and represent chaotic conditions. The ratio of concentrations of metals and arsenic (As) in surface soils of farmland along the Yanghe River to the corresponding reference values decreased in the order Cd>Zn>Cr>Ni>Pb>Cu>As. Based on the FCA, 86% of surface soils along the Yanghe River were classified as grade C, which is suitable for forestry with a greater absorption capacity, suggesting that most farmland along the Yanghe River has to be abandoned as farmland. In order to improve the quality of soil along the Yanghe River and avoid degeneration of water quality in the river and the Guanting Reservoir, remediation of farmland soils along the river is suggested.  相似文献   

In view of increasing emissions of antimony (Sb) into the environment due to industrialization and consequent carcinogenicity, it is essential to remove this metal from the ecosystem. Antimony and arsenic (As) are analogs. Although numerous studies examined arsenic removal, few reports are available on Sb removal. In this review, various Sb removal techniques are described to understand how this process occurs and what research gaps are needed to improve efficiency. At present, surface adsorption technique is the most widely used for Sb removal. Biological treatment namely phytoremediation is also a promising method and more investigations are required in this regard. The selection of a suitable technique for a given area depends on the conditions including economic, environmental, and social conditions.  相似文献   

Given the complexity and time-consuming of the conventional environmental capacity based assessment on air environment carrying capacity; a new method for assessing urban air environment carrying capacity based on air pollution index (API) is presented. By using this new method, the air environmental bearing capability of 333 cities at the prefecture level and above is assessed. The results show that of the 333 cities 9.6% is of high bearing capability, 34.5% relatively high bearing capability, 52.6% medium bearing capability, 2.7% low capability, and 0.6% is of weak bearing capability; in terms of regional distribution, the western region is of relatively high air environment bearing capability, followed by north-eastern and eastern regions, and the ambient air quality in the middle region is quite poor; among the 12 urban agglomerations in key regions, Pearl River delta, west side of Taiwan Strait and Chengdu-Chongqing agglomerations are of relatively high carrying capacity while other agglomerations are of medium bearing capability. The assessment results imply that the existing air quality standard (GB3095-1996) is quite unsound.  相似文献   

桂林市菜地土壤-蔬菜汞污染研究和评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯明  钱建平  张力  胡存杰 《生态环境》2004,13(4):575-577,584
对桂林市近郊8个不同片区蔬菜产地的118个土壤样品和71个蔬菜样品中汞的含量水平进行了调查和分析。运用单因子污染指数法评价了菜地土壤一蔬菜中汞的污染现状。研究表明,桂林市及近郊菜地土壤和蔬菜已受到不同程度的汞污染,全市各片区菜地土壤汞含量平均值为0.098-0.523mg/kg,以国家土壤环境质量标准二级标准评价,土壤平均污染指数在0.33-1.74范围内,属非污染或轻污染状态,除穿山南片和纸马铺外,其余采样点均有样本超过国家二级标准,其中七星公园东北片的土壤汞超标率较高,达71.4%,污染情况比较均一;虞山桥东南岸土壤汞超标率较低,为33.3%,但土壤汞含量变异较大,说明污染情况变化大。全市各片区老菜的汞含量平均值为0.0625-0.128mg/kg,为国家标准GB2762—1994规定蔬菜汞含量(0.01mg/kg)的6.25—12.8倍,超标率已达100%。实验还发现,蔬菜中的汞含量与土壤中的汞含量具有显著的相关性,且蔬菜汞的大部分分布于地上部可食部分。分析了菜地土壤汞污染的主要原因,可能与使用含汞农药和生活垃圾肥有关。  相似文献   

新乡市郊区大棚菜地土壤重金属Pb、Cd、Cr和Hg污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周凯  王智芳  马玲玲  周丹  姚连芳 《生态环境》2013,(12):1962-1968
科学评估菜地土壤重金属污染对保障食品安全和公众身体健康具有重要的现实意义。采用原子吸收光谱法和冷原子吸收光谱法,研究了新乡市郊区菜地土壤重金属Pb、Cd、Cr和Hg的质量分数,并参照HJ 333-2006《温室蔬菜产地环境质量评价标准》,对土壤重金属污染进行评价。结果表明:菜地土壤重金属Cd、Pb、Cr、Hg的平均质量分数分别为25.64、156.18、992.38、0.316 mg·kg-1。东黑堆、前河头、后河头和东水东菜地土壤重金属Cd、Pb、Cr均全部超标,其中以Cd污染最为严重,后河头土壤重金属Cd的质量分数达到33.78 mg·kg-1,超过土壤环境质量评价指标限值的111.6倍,东水东采样点次之,也超标66倍。除了前辛庄Hg污染超标127%以外,其他采样点重金属Hg均不超标。表层(0~10 cm)土壤重金属Hg质量分数高于耕层(10~20 cm),其他重金属没有表现出明显的规律性。在不同季节,Cr质量分数随着季节变化逐渐递增,Hg质量分数则呈递减的趋势;Cd和Pb质量分数没有明显规律性。不同采样点综合污染指数以后河头的为最高,达到了82.49,其他依次为前河头、前辛庄、东黑堆、东水东。总体上讲,新乡市近郊菜地土壤重金属综合污染指数远远超过Ⅴ级的限值3.0,前河头、后河头和前辛庄菜地土壤都处于极高风险的重金属污染状态;东黑堆和东水东菜地土壤也处于高风险状态。  相似文献   

In this paper, a quantitative life cycle model for carbon emission accounting was developed based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) theory. A residential building in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city (Tianjin, China) was selected as a sample, which had been constructed according to the concept of green environmental protection and sustainable development. In the scenario of this research, material production, construction, use and maintenance, and demolition phases were assessed by building carbon emission models. Results show that use and maintenance phase and material production phase are the most significant contributors to the life cycle carbon emissions of a building. We also analyzed some factor influences in LCA, including the thickness of the insulating layer and the length of building service life. The analysis suggest that thicker insulating layer does not necessarily produce less carbon emissions in the light of LCA, and if service life of a building increases, its carbon emissions during the whole life cycle will rise as well but its unit carbon emission will decrease inversely. Some advices on controlling carbon emissions from buildings are also provided.  相似文献   

综合水质标识指数法在浑河水质评价中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
胡成  苏丹 《生态环境》2011,20(1):186-192
综合评价水环境质量,全面把握流域水环境污染特征是水环境污染防治中的重要基础性工作。水质标识指数可以完整标识水质评价指标的类别、水质数据、功能区目标值等重要信息,在单因子水质标识指数法基础上建立的综合水质标识指数法能完整表达河流总体的综合水质信息,既不会因个别水质指标较差就否定综合水质,又能对综合水质做出合理的评价;既可以在Ⅰ到Ⅴ类中比较水质的优劣,亦可以对劣Ⅴ类进行评价。为系统全面地研究浑河流域各不同河段水环境特征,将浑河流域划分为3个控制单元,根据2001—2010年间水质监测数据,采用综合水质标识指数法,识别出各控制单元主要污染因子,并阐明了浑河流域水环境质量时空变化规律,本研究即体现了全流域统筹考虑的系统思想,又体现了分区研究的针对性特点,并首次将综合水质标识指数法应用于浑河流域水质综合评价,其研究结论对水质监测数据的评价有一定的借鉴作用,亦对流域水污染防治对策的提出有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

郑州市环境空气中VOCs的污染特征及健康风险评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
挥发性有机物(VOCs)不但是引发霾和光化学烟雾等环境问题的重要原因,达到一定浓度时还对人类健康造成威胁.为研究中原地区环境空气中VOCs 污染状况,探查VOCs 对人群健康产生的风险,以中原地区核心城市-郑州为代表,于2012年─2013 年间,在郑州市区内布点,以苏玛罐采样/气相色谱-质谱法分析测定了VOCs 的时空分布,并使用健康风险评价四步法进行健康风险评价.郑州市环境空气中VOCs 年均浓度分布特征:以烷烃和芳香烃为主,分别占总量的23.8%和19.5%;年平均质量浓度,芳香烃类为131 μg·m^-3、烷烃类为118 μg·m^-3,酮类为84.3 μg·m^-3、卤代烷烃类为67.8 μg·m-3;单体化合物以丙酮(66.2 μg·m-3)、乙醇(27.5 μ·m-3)、正十-烷(24.4 μg·m-3)和甲苯(17.2 μg·m-3)质量浓度最高,污染程度在国内居于中等水平.VOCs 季均浓度分布特征:夏季高于冬季,但各类化合物在两季的浓度差异较大.VOCs 日均浓度变化特征:烷烃类和芳烃类化合物于10:00 出现浓度峰值,浓度变化趋势与交通量变化具有相关性.健康风险评价结果为:非致癌风险大于1,会对人群健康造成-定的非致癌危害;苯、四氯化碳、1,2-二氯乙烷、1,1,2-三氯乙烷、六氯丁二烯的致癌指数超过EPA 致癌风险值,但未超出OSHA 致癌风险.  相似文献   

我国水污染及饮用水源中有机污染物的危害   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
本文阐述了我国水污染环境的状况和危害,以及微污染饮用水源的水质特征和饮用水源中的有机污染物及其危害。  相似文献   

The occurrence and removal of 13 antibiotics were investigated in five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with advanced wastewater treatment processes in Beijing, China. Most of the target antibiotics were detected in the secondary and tertiary effluents, with the concentrations of 4.8-1106.0 and 0.3-505.0ng·L^-1. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics showed relatively high concentrations in all samples (782-1814ng·L^-1). Different tertiary treatment processes showed discrepant antibiotics removal performances. Ozonation process was found more effective in removing target antibiotics compared to the coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation process and sand filtration process. Investigation of the target antibiotics in three typical urban rivers in Beijing was carried out to understand antibiotics occurrence in surface water environment. Eight antibiotics were detected in the studied rivers, with highest concentration of antibiotics in the fiver which was mainly replenished by reclaimed water. This study showed the necessity of employing more effective advanced treatment facilities to further reduce the discharge amount of antibiotics.  相似文献   

轮状病毒(Rotavirus,RV)是引起全世界婴幼儿肠胃炎的最主要病原体.在我国,儿童秋季腹泻发病达到高峰,也主要由轮状病毒引起.论文改进了RT-nested-PCR检测水中轮状病毒的方法,于2006年10月对北方某市城区水环境(包括污水、地表水和饮用水)中的轮状病毒进行了初步检测.结果表明,该市某污水厂进水和不同工艺段出水、主要公园的景观水体、主要自来水厂进水和出水以及城区管网水,均检出轮状病毒.综合分析从水源到管网的过程,认为管网水中的轮状病毒可能与水源水污染有关.管网水中有轮状病毒检出,说明秋季该市饮用水中存在潜在的轮状病毒传染源.同期对管网水进行的细菌学指标检测,没有发现总大肠菌群、耐热大肠菌群、粪链球菌,可见目前城市供水水质标准中的细菌学指标并不能准确反映病毒污染状况.  相似文献   

As a result of economic development and population explosion, global ecological environments have been severely disturbed and markedly changed. An ecological crisis involving desertification, soil erosion, degradation of land quality, loss of biodiversity and global climate change has been brought about all over the world. In order to manage ecosystems efficiently, it is necessary to assess ecological risk at multiple scales. Ecological risk is the probability that a region and/or site will experience defined ecological or environmental problems. In this paper, the ecological risks of soil erosion, desertification, and acid deposition have been assessed on a national scale according to natural and human factors, such as topography, soil, vegetation and climate. This assessment has provided very useful information for ecological environmental management in China.  相似文献   

本文聚焦我国水生态保护与修复工作,结合长期实践,分析当前的形势和任务,指出了当前要着力解决的水生态问题主要是:在大坝上游,河流变湖库,生境变化导致生物物种变化;水库水流流速变缓,水体自净能力降低,导致富营养化及藻类水华。在大坝下游,清水下泄,冲刷下游河道导致局部河道河势变化较大;水库蓄水使坝下游春季水温下降、秋季水温升高,水温变化过程滞后;水库蓄水导致大坝下游的水文过程改变,水的流量、流速、流态发生变化。在河道(航道)整治工程中,裁弯取直,缩短水流在河道中的停留时间,河岸衬砌和硬化,减少水向沿河堤岸的渗透,在大降水和洪水时易造成涝灾和洪灾。在涉湖工程中,阻隔河湖,填湖造地。在明确存在问题和迫切需求的基础上,提出了切实可行的对策建议。当前水生态保护与修复要围绕一条主线,即"人要发展,鱼要生存"的"人鱼线",要采取"调、控、退、通、改、拆"的综合措施,即生态调度,控制水污染,退建还水、退田还湖,河湖连通,对已建涉水工程进行生态化改造,对在保护区、重点风景名胜区、特有鱼类栖息地修建的小型工程要采取坚决措施拆除,恢复原貌。  相似文献   

城市污水厂氨气的来源及排放因子研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对城市污水处理厂进行现场调查和分析,选取广州市猎德污水处理厂的格栅、沉砂池、A-B工艺的曝气池、组合交替式(unitank)生化池、污泥浓缩池及脱水机房采集气样,同时在A-B工艺的曝气池、unitank生化池及A-B工艺的沉淀池采集水样,采用模拟实验测试这些污水处理单元的氨挥发速率,并结合理论计算,研究氨气的来源和排放因子.结果表明,A-B工艺的曝气池和unitank工艺的生化池为城市污水处理厂的主要氨排放源.城市污水处理厂污水的氨气平均挥发速率为21.06μg.m-.2s-1,在此基础上计算出其氨气平均排放因子为0.28 g.m-3,其中A-B工艺曝气池的氨排放因子较高,为0.205 g.m-3;unitank生化池的氨排放因子为0.033 g.m-3;A-B工艺沉淀池的氨排放因子较低,为0.0085 g.m-3.  相似文献   

采用定标、单项评分和综合评价的方法,从净化能力、抗逆性、管理、资源化程度和景观5方面,对华南地区筛选出的11种高等维管植物净化城镇污水效益进行了评价。结果表明:黑藻、假马齿苋和水筛对污水的净化能力与风眼莲相当,而综合效能优于风眼莲。评价结果为城镇污水的处理提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

水污染对扬州市水资源存量的影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将水资源分成水资源的流量和存量两部分,估算了扬州市的水资源存量,提出了评价水污染对水资源存量影响的评价方法,并利用这种方法对扬州市水污染对水资源存量的影响进行了评价,得出了扬州市的水资源存量不足,而水污染又对水资源存量产生了较大的影响的结论。  相似文献   

Urban energy consumption is one of the most important causes of air pollution. Air pollution-oriented ecological risk assessment is of great significance to the promotion of urban environmental protection. This paper focuses on ecological risk in Xiamen city caused by air pollutant discharge from urban energy consumption. The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model was used to establish two scenarios of energy consumption in Xiamen city, and based on different scenarios, we estimated urban energy consumption and discharge quantity of air pollutant (DQAP). A box model and an expert scoring method were used to calculate the air pollution burden (APB) of SO2, NO2, CO, PM10 and PM2.5 and to obtain the probabilities of different air pollution loads. An ecological risk assessment model was developed and utilized to predict Xiamen city’s ecological risks in 2020. The results showed that under an energy-saving scenario, the ecological risks for PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 are high, whereas the ecological risks for CO and PM10 are low. Under a baseline scenario, the ecological risks for PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 are moderate, whereas the ecological risks for CO and PM10 are low. In addition, the APB of SO2, NO2, CO, and PM2.5, but not of PM10, is predicted to rise. In the simulation, energy generation from coal is the main source of air pollution. Although the DQAP from automobiles is not high, it is predicted to rise year-on-year. In summary, the ecological risk due to pollution in Xiamen city is high, and the main pollutants are SO2, NO2 and PM2.5.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutically active compounds in wastewater released from human consumption have received considerable attention because of their possible risks for aquatic environments. In this study, the occurrence and removal of 10 pharmaceuticals in three municipal wastewater treatment plants in southern China were investigated and the environmental risks they posed were assessed. Nifedipine, atenolol, metoprolol, valsartan and pravastatin were detected in the influent wastewater. The highest average concentration in the influents was observed for metoprolol (164.6 ng/L), followed by valsartan (120.3 ng/L) in August, while median concentrations were higher in November than in August. The total average daily mass loadings of the pharmaceuticals in the three plants were 289.52 mg/d/person, 430.46 mg/d/person and 368.67 mg/d/person, respectively. Elimination in the treatment plants studied was incomplete, with metoprolol levels increasing during biological treatment. Biological treatment was the most effective step for PhACs removal in all of the plants studied. Moreover, the removal of PhACs was observed with higher efficiencies in August than in November. The WWTP equipped with an Unitank process exhibited similar removals of most PhACs as other WWTPs equipped with an anoxic/oxic (A/O) process or various anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (A2/O) process. The environmental risk assessment concluded that all of the single PhAC in the effluents displayed a low risk (RQ<0.1) to the aquatic environments.

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