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The EU vision of sustainable agriculture, land use, forestry and management of natural resources contributes to the balanced exploitation of the environment, taking into account rural development strategy. Whilst the EU directs activities through legislative tools, national systems of public administration are responsible for the implementation of the respective laws. Despite there not being acquis communautaire in public administration, non-formal cooperation has nevertheless emerged and systems of national public administration have to meet EU criteria and ensure the effective implementation of legislation. The paper presents an analysis of how Slovak state administration has converged with EU requirements in the field of sustainable agriculture, land use, forestry and natural resources. Administrative convergence is considered through the internal convergence represented by capacities without legal subjectivity, and through external convergence represented by legal and administrative subjectivity. Both approaches are observed at the central level within specialized public authorities. Local state administration is characterized by the creation of internal administrative capacities with the challenging delimitation of which competences are affected by the process of administrative convergence.  相似文献   


Seven measures of sustainable development for Scotland are examined for the period 1980-1993. These measures are green net national product, genuine savings, ecological footprint, environmental space, human appropriation of net primary production, the index of sustainable economic welfare and the genuine progress indicator. Very different messages concerning sustainable development in Scotland emerge from these measures.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed the indigenous practices of agro-biodiversity, changing patterns of cropping systems and conservation of agriculturally important natural resources of rice–wheat-based agroecosystems. The research was carried out in three villages of Azamgarh district, eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Participatory approaches and personal interviews were combined to collect the data from 180 farmers. The results indicated that resource-poor (RP) farmers, by applying traditional practices of natural resource conservation, outperform their rich (RR) counterparts in conserving agro-biodiversity. Increase in irrigation facilities, adoption of improved crop varieties, commercialisation of farming and socio-economic changes have threatened the agro-biodiversity and related natural resources of these agroecosystems. For most of the crops, the RP farmers had better production stability as compared to the RR ones because the former tend to apply more sustainable and ecologically sound indigenous practices. A negative growth rate was observed in the area/numbers and production of legumes, livestock, pasture lands and community forestry. Women, who are the local custodians of conserving indigenous biodiversity (uncultivated species) and crop varieties through localised knowledge and sociocultural institutions, had significantly higher knowledge on agro-biodiversity than men. We concluded that integration of farmers’ eco-friendly practices with formal science and policy-making in a participatory mode may enhance sustainability of functions of agroecosystem leading to the strengthening of adaptive practices in changing climate and socio-economic scenario.  相似文献   


The Lesser Himalaya, as the most densely populated part of the tectonically active and ecologically sensitive Himalayan mountain ranges, deserves specific attention to the conservation of the environment and the sustainable development of natural resources. Rapid growth of the human population during recent years, and the absence of any viable means of livelihood other than uneconomic crop farming have led to the uncontrolled exploitation of land areas and the consequent degradation and depletion of critical biophysical resources in the region. The need for sustainable development in Himalaya, therefore, makes it imperative to adopt a comprehensive land-use policy based on land capacity analysis that is scientific and practical. The main objective of this paper is to evolve an optimal land-use framework for the Gomti Watershed, situated in Kumaon, Lesser Himalaya. A detailed study of the traditional land use, regional agricultural system and the areas prone to environmental hazards was made throughout the watershed, through the preparation of large scale topographical forest and land record maps, field surveys and mapping. The average slope was considered as the principal parameter of land capacity, the potential for landslides and the intensity of erosion. Recognising the drastic changes that have taken place in the traditional land use, the watershed area has been proposed to be defined as protected forests (33.41%), community forests (32.86%), cultivation (23.33%) and horticulture (8.30%).  相似文献   

Methodology of litter management has many forms and increasingly measurement is linked to management. By providing measured profiles of the quality of litter types, trends in the input of new items can be assessed and prevention programmes directed more effectively to sources. Developing methodologies and their application to management cover three main areas.
1.  Rapid appraisal where a framework of litter categories and pollution grades is used to map litter distribution on a broad geographic scale.
2.  The benefits of using the ‘species-area’ approach with transects to enable quantitative data to be collected in a cost efficient manner.
3.  Linking litter to an input source, requires that the qualities of individual litter items be assessed. The species area approach is useful in this context since by the time that 300–400 litter items have been described the main composition of a sample can be characterized and input sources attributed.

Supported metal catalysts, particularly for precious metals, have gained increasing attention in green synthetic chemistry. They can make metal-catalyzed organic synthesis more sustainable and economical due to easy separation of product with less metal residue, as well as reusability of the high-cost catalysts. Although great effort has been spent, the precise catalytic mechanism of supported metal-catalyzed reactions has not been clearly elucidated and the development of efficient and stable r...  相似文献   

In this paper an overview is presented of the landscape development of the low-lying parts of The Netherlands. It is shown that water has played an important role in this development. Since prehistoric times, but especially since about 800 AD, man has gradually occupied the low lands along the sea and the main rivers. Through these settlements a chain of actions and reactions of man and his physical environment was set into motion. This chain of events is briefly outlined. It is stated and also illustrated that not only the characteristics of the landscape of the western part of The Netherlands, but also the organization of the Dutch society has been influenced strongly by manÕs need to cope with the omnipresence of water and the threats and opportunities posed by that. It is concluded that the outlined events can only be understood properly if interdisciplinary research takes a more prominent role than it does now.  相似文献   


A cross-section survey of five states in Nigeria was derived through a stratified random sampling technique in 1999–2000 to assess the contribution of traditional knowledge in environmental conservation. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaire survey and discussions with stakeholders, with field assessment of herb gardens. Interviews were held with 1953 respondents composed of women, men and youths drawn from 20 settlements in 10 local government areas in the savanna and rainforest ecological zones.

The results derived from data analysis indicated that: (i) the rural communities were willing to accept integrated rural land-use practices that would conserve species and habitats, sustain the rural economy and the socio-cultural lifestyles of the people; (ii) the people at the local level had some basic knowledge about species and habitats, and have been conserving the forests with traditional land tenure rights; and (iii) environmental projects acceptable to the rural communities must be beneficial to the people, participatory, integrated with traditional knowledge and based on local needs.  相似文献   

Gorgonian corals are long-lived, slow-growing marine species dominating Mediterranean rocky bottoms. Endowed with complex morphologies they give a structure to the whole community, moreover, being efficient suspension feeders, they play a key role in plankton-benthos energy flow and CO2CO2 storage. Thus, the structure and the development of benthic, hard bottom communities are linked to gorgonian survival. The red coral Corallium rubrum (L. 1758) is a precious gorgonian endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Harvested and traded world-wide since ancient times red coral is a clear example of overexploited marine resource. This species is structured into self-seeding, genetically differentiated populations, some of which, living in the shallower part of the species bathymetric distribution, was recently affected by anomalous mortality events linked to global climate change. The co-occurrence of overharvesting and mass mortality could dramatically affect such populations. Demographic population models, widely applied by conservation biologists to check population viability and to project population trends over time are fundamental to foster survival of such populations matching harvesting to population growth rates. Therefore we set out a dynamic model of a genetically differentiated red coral population living in shallow waters. This population is characterised by small/young, crowded colonies and high recruitment rate. On the basis of the size–age structure determined for this population, a static life-history table, in which survival and reproduction coefficients of the different size–age classes were reported, has been set out. Demographic data were included in a non-linear, discrete, age-structured dynamic model, based on a Leslie-Lewis transition matrix. Our field data indicate that the recruits-to-larvae ratio is actually density-dependent. Such dependence, positive for low and negative for high density values, was included into the model and the effect of colonies of different size–age classes on recruits-to-larvae ratio was considered to be proportional to the number of polyps they have. We applied such model to simulate the trends of the studied population under different increases of survival and life-span. As some populations of gorgonians actually show the dominance of sparse, big/old colonies and low recruitment rate, while others are characterised by crowded, small/young colonies and high recruitment rate, we simulated the shift from the former to the latter structure increasing survival and life-span. Our results suggest that a dramatic mortality increase of bigger–older colonies (due, in the case of red coral to overfishing) could have determined the population structure we found.  相似文献   


Octanol‐water partition coefficients (P) of a number of organochlorine insecticides (OCs) are presented. The merits of log‐log regressions between experimental ? values and calculated estimates of P, solute activity coefficients in water, solute molecular surface area data, and reversed‐phase liquid‐chromatographic net retention data, are critically evaluated for several classes of pollutants: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated benzenes, chlorinated biphenyls and OCs. Special attention is paid to the predictive accuracy of such semi‐empirical regressions in connection with possible effects of solute molecular shape and polarity.

Finally, bioconcentration and ‐accumulation of hydrophobic pollutants in fish are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify the adoption level of practices associated with more sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly practices. Additionally, the motivations for and barriers to the adoption of these practices by farmers are investigated. Data were collected through closed questionnaires taken by a random sample of farmers in the Southwest, São Paulo, Brazil, during the second half of 2013. Overall, sustainable agricultural practices recommended in the literature and analysed in this study are being not fully adopted by farmers of the studied area. The results showed that financial motivation is associated with farmers adopting new, more sustainable technology, whereas the lack of information on and lack of technical support for these technologies are significant barriers. Other results, research implications, limitations and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Dune slacks are low-lying, nutrient-poor, species-rich, inter-dunal, seasonally flooded wetlands, are amongst the most threatened habitats in the Dutch coastal dunes. Since 1853 Waternet has been extracting groundwater from the coastal dunes southwest of Haarlem to produce its drinking water. Dune slacks largely disappeared due to the desiccation caused by this water abstraction, over more than a century biodiversity declined as a consequence. Increased societal concern pushed habitat restoration high on the political agenda by the end of the 1980s. It was agreed to do what is possible to restore original dune slacks without endangering the water supply. Far reaching interventions in the dune water system were foreseen to achieve this mutual goal. To allow reliable decision making, the entire hydrological history of the drinking water production in the Amsterdam Dunes since 1853 and its ecological consequences were evaluated over a 10-year study period. The main tool was a 3D groundwater model constructed using all information gathered to date and calibrated using the long-term monitoring data available and widely extended for the purpose, to which ecological modeling was added and calibrated with the available long-term and extended vegetational inventories. These scientific tools were used to assess proposed interventions to be decided upon, which aimed at finding a new balance between groundwater extraction and nature restoration. In 1996 and 2007 large-scale measures were taken, which include filling in of recovery canals, mowing, grazing and sod-cutting to support the native plant communities of wet dune slack habitats. Results of these measures in terms of the restoration of natural hydrological conditions are shown together with the first results for the recovery of wet slacks vegetation that resulted from the combined hydrological and ecological restoration measures that were taken since 1995.  相似文献   

The marine foreland called Ørkenen (=the desert) at Anholt is covered by lichen-richEmpetrum nigrum-Corynephorus canescens heath vegetation on beach ridg e systems formed during the elevation of land after the Weichsel ice age andStereocaulon saxatile-richAmmophila arenaria-Corynephorus canescens vegetation on semi-fixed aeolic dunes. The development of the vegetation at Ørkenen is the result of various kinds of human exploitation, with its maximum in the 16th and 17th century. After the cessation of human use, a slow succession towards closed vegetation with mainlyEmpetrum nigrum andCorynephorus canescens began. The present heath ecosystem, developed on sandy substrate with very little organic matter and a small nutrient supply, is a high priority habitat in Europe.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches represent typical venues for recreation and tourism worldwide, as well as part of the lifestyle and identity of coastal communities. Their overexploitation, however, threatens their survival. Especially in urban areas, beach management requires balancing needs by different users and obligations to protect beach functions, including conservation. In light of this, research about the human dimension of beach ecosystems has been advanced as a way to assist planning and decision making in beach management. This study assessed beachgoers' perceptions of sandy beach conditions in South Africa, by means of a questionnaire survey. The effects of demographic profile, travelling habits, motivations to visit, and recreational preferences on beachgoers' perceptions of beach conditions were tested. Beachgoers shared a general concern for the wellbeing of sandy beaches, with particular reference to the state of biodiversity and conservation. They also gave great importance to the values underlying beach ecosystems. Three motivations to visit groups and four recreational preferences types were identified. Demography, travelling habits, motivations to visit, and recreational preferences all influenced perceptions of beach conditions. The results from this study were used to draw management recommendations, with particular attention towards the promotion of conservation while also maintaining the recreational quality of urban sandy beaches. The results also highlighted the relevance of considering users' views as a tool in decision-making processes in Integrated Coastal Zone Management.  相似文献   

The high conservational value of the lichen-rich vegetation and landscape of the marine foreland Ørkenen on the isle of Anholt is treated from a Danish as well as a European perspective. The sensitivity of the lichen-rich vegetation to physical disturbance is emphasized. The impact of invasive species such asPinus mugo as well as the effect of atmospheric deposition of nutrients on the heaths at Anholt is described. Considerations related to the development of a management plan for Ørkenen are presented.  相似文献   

Systemic understanding of marine and coastal environment needs data integration following a respective concept e.g. multi-dimensional and functional mapping. A number of new activities will improve data supply for coasts and seas. This data needs to be integrated and combined with socio-economic drivers and resulting pressures. Resulting knowledge base should be able to inform effectively ecosystem-based management actions, such as integrated coastal zone management, maritime spatial planning, extension of Natura 2000 areas or climate change adaptation in coastal regions and maritime sectors. Assessment that aims to inform such processes will require rethinking of priorities for spatial data collection and analysis, in particular building on data sharing and standardization, improved spatial data integration, promoting interoperability of relevant information systems and possibility of assimilating different data types in to models. Different aspects of spatial data should be addressed in coherent implementation of spatial data infrastructure.  相似文献   

This study examines the possibility of designating and implementing a citywide public space network, constituted of randomly dispersed and not interrelated public spaces and greenways across the city of Mu?la. Although Mu?la is a major coastal province, with worldwide tourism districts, the city centre falls behind other settlements in terms of quality of social life, physical layout, economic investment and tourism revenue. In 2001, the local government commissioned the Department of Landscape Architecture of Ege University to prepare a comprehensive master plan towards achieving a corporate public space network, as well as development strategies to ameliorate the previous failures. The master plan developed a blueprint for the citywide network and addressed each existing or potential public space and greenway as integrated components of the network. The process involved short-, medium- and long-term action from the local government to achieve the physical layout and efficiently implement phases of the network. As a guide for other small or medium urban settlements in Turkey, a model proposal was derived from the study to address formulation, implementation, and management of the network in order to create a sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse whether self-help groups (SHGs) play catalyst role in the inclusive and sustainable development of rural poor. This has been empirically examined in Indian scenario with a specific case of SHGs promoted by Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (SKDRDP), using secondary and primary data. A sample survey of 419 SKDRDP-promoted SHG members was conducted in Dakshina Kannada and Madikeri districts of Karnataka state in India. The data collected are analysed by adopting factor analysis technique. The results exhibit that SKDRDP-promoted SHGs contribute significantly to reforms in the society, enhance the capability of rural poor, and enable economic well-being and financial inclusion of the poor. Thus, SHG activities enable inclusive and sustainable rural development. The results have significant implications to the policymakers, non-government organisations, and local government organisations of underdeveloped economies.  相似文献   


Criterion 4 of the Montreal Process addresses the conservation of soil and water resources as a way to assess the sustainability of a nation's forests. For the most part, the indicators under this criterion are relevant to rangelands. The area and percent of rangeland with significant soil erosion apply equally well to both biomes. Percent of streams with flow rates and timing outside its range of historical variation is also equally important, although a measure of proper functioning and condition may provide a better measure of the indicator. The area and percent of rangeland with diminished soil productive capability because of a loss of reduced organic matter or changed physical characteristics can be useful indicators locally and regionally.  相似文献   

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