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王琴  曲建升 《生态环境》2012,21(4):635-640
碳排放差异研究对于科学合理地制定我国节能减排政策具有重要的指导意义。在利用IPCC参考方法对中国1999—2009年期间各省(市)CO2排放量计算的基础上,引入Theil指数,定量分析了中国不同收入水平下的CO2省际差异及其与人均收入水平之间的关系。结果表明,1999—2003年中国人均CO2排放量随着人均收入水平的提高而增加,2003—2009年中国各收入水平省份的人均排放量近似于不规则的"M"型增长趋势,中等偏低收入省份的人均排放量迅速增加,并超过中等收入省份;不同收入水平省份之间和各省份内部的人均CO2排放水平均存在较大的差距,但省份之间的排放不平等水平明显大于省份内部的不平等水平。因此,中国在制定节能减排政策时,要充分考虑经济发展和人均收入水平的条件下,兼顾区域和省域碳排放的特征,制定合理有效的减排目标和计划。  相似文献   


This article examines the causal relationship among carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, per capita economic growth, and international trade using temporal econometric models with serial data for the period 1980–2017 in China. In the Armax model all regressors are significant in having influenced the dependent CO2 variable. Subsequently, unidirectional causalities are identified from energy consumption and from commercial opening to carbon dioxide emissions, from commercial opening to energy consumption, from carbon dioxide emissions to per capita economic growth and from economic growth to commercial opening. These results show that, over time, more energy consumption in China results in more carbon dioxide emissions so there will be more environment pollution.  相似文献   

依靠科技进步 发展低碳农业   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在全球携手应对气候变暖、减少温室气体排放的背景下,发展低碳经济是解决气候变化与经济发展矛盾的有效途径。通过描述气候变化、固碳减排对粮食安全、土壤碳汇、森林固碳、资源循环利用等影响和促进作用,深入分析发展低碳经济与可持续发展的关系,探讨如何在农业领域内开发高效循环生产体系,从而实现农业生产过程的固碳减排目的。由此,提出发展低碳农业是实现低碳经济的目标之一,它是一个复合技术体系,涉及了绿色农业、循环农业、生态文明、可持续发展理念。必须通过科学技术的突破,改造、提升低碳农业技术,改变农业现有的"高能耗、高污染"的生产状况,实现低碳生产、生活方式的转变。最后提出发展现代的低碳农业产业经济的对策和思考。  相似文献   

经济增长与农业碳排放关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李波 《生态环境》2012,21(2):220-224
研究首先基于农业投入与生产视角的6个主要方面碳源,测算了1993-2008年我国农业生产活动所导致的碳排放量,分析发现我国农业碳排放总量和强度分别年均增长率为4.08%、2.38%,但环比增速总体上处于阶段性下降态势。化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、灌溉、翻耕等导致碳排放年均递增率分别为3.45%、4.65%、7.20%、4.77%、1.22%、0.38%。进一步综合运用协整理论及误差修正模型,实证我国经济增长与农业碳排放之间的关系。结果表明:我国经济增长与农业碳排放总强度,以及经济增长与化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、翻耕等5类碳源导致的碳排放强度之间存在协整关系,且人均GDP每增加1%,农业碳排放总强度与化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、翻耕等碳源的碳排放强度分别增加1.72%、1.61%、1.18%、0.40%、2.48%和1.31%。最后,据此提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

排污权交易理论的提出解决了发展经济与治理环境不能并行的难题。以欧盟碳排权交易体系为标志的世界范围内的碳排放权交易市场已逐步形成,碳排放权交易的实施减缓了全球气候变暖的速度,改善了人类赖以生存的生态环境,从长期看也促进了该政策实施地经济的发展。CDM机制下拥有世界上最大碳供应量的中国在国际碳排放权交易市场上却一直处于价格接受者的地位,辛苦的减排成果却给国外买家创造了丰厚的利润。国内有关碳排放权交易的理论研究与交易市场的试点运行早已在前几年展开,目前也取得了较大的进展。全国7个碳交易试点运行市场在2014年6月达到了交易的高峰期,交易量达到285.9227万吨,交易额达到了16398.2325万元。另据国家发改委统计,截至2014年10月,7个碳交易试点省市共完成交易1375万吨二氧化碳,累计成交金额超过5亿元人民币。然而这样的交易额对蕴含巨大减排潜力的中国而言远远不足,中国的碳排放权交易市场还不够成熟,试点地区的碳交易市场也比较分散,尚未形成全国统一的排放权交易市场。碳排放企业参与碳交易市场的积极性不足,导致碳排放配额流动性过低,市场交易量较低,交易市场的活跃度不够,这对想要在2016年运行全国统一性碳排放权交易市场的中国来说是一重大挑战。文章首先分析对比了国内外排污权交易市场的运行机制与现状,其次对目前中国7大碳排放交易试点地区的市场成交额与成交量等交易状况基础进行分析,找出碳排放交易市场发展缓慢的根本原因,结合碳排放权金融市场的发展与碳金融衍生产品的创新,为中国在国际排放权市场上赢得话语权以及争取是“十三五”期间构建相对成熟稳定的国内排放权交易市场的给出建议。  相似文献   

刘睿  翟相彬 《生态环境》2014,(7):1164-1169
人类活动造成的温室气体排放已经对自然生态造成了巨大的影响。如果无法有效解决气候变化问题,到2030年将有超过1亿人因此而失去生命,且全球经济增长将削减3.2%。有效地控制和减少温室气体的排放是人类急需解决的问题。目前中国温室气体排放总量已经超越美国成为全球第一大温室气体排放国,中国的能源结构决定了中国燃煤发电是中国CO2主要排放源之一,因此实现燃煤发电碳减排对降低中国碳排放总量,减少温室气体排放具有重要意义。准确地计算燃煤电厂产生的碳排放量是进行碳排放权交易、低碳火电厂在经济上具有可行性,最终实现燃煤电厂碳减排的前提条件之一。本研究根据世界资源研究所提供的计算工具首先界定了本研究对于碳排放计算的范围,其次阐述了不同电厂应针对其使用的燃煤进行工业分析的精细化程度不同而采用不同的计算方法,最后对两组不同机组类型的中国火电厂进行了碳排放量计算和对比分析。根据以上分析得出了大容量、高参数的燃煤发电机组相比小容量发电机组不仅能提高能源利用效率,同时也能相对减少因生产电能而产生的CO2排放。其次,燃煤电厂CO2排放中煤炭固定燃烧占有绝对比例,脱硫及外购电力所占比例较小,但排放的绝对总量并不小。再次,由于大容量、高参数机组与小容量发电机组相比在生产单位电能所消耗的燃煤量更少、其排放的废弃中的CO2浓度相对较高,应此更适合安装碳捕捉系统,有助于提高捕捉效率,降低捕捉CO2的成本。因此,建议在未来建设碳捕捉系统时应优先选择大容量、高参数机组。本研究的创新点在于在上述研究的基础上考虑单个燃煤电厂的煤质、考虑电厂脱硫、外购电力的因素,根据电厂对煤质不同程度的工业分析采用不同的计算方法,目的在于更?  相似文献   

This work aims to identify the main factors influencing the energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the iron and steel industry in China during the period of 1995–2007. The logarithmic mean divisia index (LMDI) technique was applied with period-wise analysis and time-series analysis. Changes in energyrelated CO2 emissions were decomposed into four factors: emission factor effect, energy structure effect, energy consumption effect, and the steel production effect. The results show that steel production is the major factor responsible for the rise in CO2 emissions during the sampling period; on the other hand the energy consumption is the largest contributor to the decrease in CO2 emissions. To a lesser extent, the emission factor and energy structure effects have both negative and positive contributions to CO2 emissions, respectively. Policy implications are provided regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions from the iron and steel industry in China, such as controlling the overgrowth of steel production, improving energy-saving technologies, and introducing low-carbon energy sources into the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

通勤行为作为城市居民交通出行的主要组成部分,通勤碳排放的有效控制成为低碳交通发展的重点。以广州4个典型社区为例,构建结构方程模型,基于居民日常通勤行为的微观角度测算社区居民通勤碳排放,深入分析社区居民通勤碳排放的影响机理。结果表明:小汽车通勤成为居民高碳通勤的最主要因素;通勤距离和方式是决定社区居民通勤碳排放的两个直接影响因素;相对于个体社会经济属性和居民态度偏好来说,居住空间环境变量对于居民通勤碳排放的影响更为显著;居民态度偏好对于居民未来的通勤方式将起一定的作用,在公共交通通勤群体对小汽车通勤的强烈欲望以及小汽车通勤群体对小汽车通勤的行为依赖双重因素的推动下,若技术、政策和空间环境保持不变,随着经济社会的发展,未来通勤高碳化趋势明显。  相似文献   

低碳城市发展路径思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为应对全球气候变化,人类开始寻求低碳发展方式。城市作为人类经济、社会活动的集中地,是低碳发展理念的实践主体。阐述了低碳城市的概念,分析了低碳城市发展的技术路径,介绍了国际上低碳城市的实践途径,提出了我国低碳城市的发展路径和对策思考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship among carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, GDP, and energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries by using a Responsiveness Scores (RS) approach. Empirical results over the period 1971–2013 suggest that GDP per capita and energy consumption show positive RSs, while trade and urban population negative ones. Moreover, energy consumption and urban population reveal moderate increasing returns to scale, while GDP per capita exhibits decreasing positive returns. Furthermore, three-way factors analysis sets out that most of the countries lays on regions with moderate negative Total Responsiveness Scores (TRS). This means that when all factors are jointly increased, CO2 emissions have a moderate decrease. In addition, some GCC countries present a different pattern compared to the average pattern of MENA countries. Finally, radar plots indicate that, overall, RS pattern over factors is moderately heterogeneous within GCC countries, with larger variability appearing in the response to urban population and GDP.  相似文献   

低碳经济与农业发展思考   总被引:60,自引:2,他引:58  
大气中碳浓度的升高是导致全球气候变化的主要原因.以低能耗、低排放、低污染为特征的低碳经济是目前人类应对全球气候变化,减缓温室气体排放的根本出路.农业生产与全球气候变化息息相关,农业是温室气体的第二大重要来源,如何减少农业温室气体排放量并探寻减排方法已经成为当务之急.从低碳经济这一热点问题谈起,论述了农业生产与全球气候变化的关系,以及当前农业面临的问题和挑战,提出了发展低碳农业的对策以及具体措施,旨在为呼应低碳经济,应对全球气候变化提供科学决策,促进现代农业由高碳经济向低碳经济转型,实现农业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The nitrogen emission from household food consumption (NEHFC) has played a vital role in sustainability development. Recent changes in household dietary have significantly accelerated reactive nitrogen emissions in China. However, the spatial patterns and dynamics of these flows between urban and rural areas remain unclear. Based on material flow and spatial-temporal analysis, our study investigated the patterns of Chinese urban-rural NEHFC during 1993–2015. Increasingly apparent regional disparities were found in both the spatial patterns of urban-rural NEHFC during the study period. Notably, the spatial autocorrelation of urban NEHFC demonstrated a ‘U’ type, compared with a recent decreasing Moran’s I index of rural NEHFC. Moreover, the regional spatial-temporal variation of per capita urban NEHFC exhibited ‘South (High)-North (Low)-Middle (Fast)’ trend. By contrast, the hotspot of per capita rural NEHFC mainly concentrated in South-eastern China with a distinct regional changing of ‘Middle-east (Fast) & west (Slow).’ The Social-Economic and Regional-Development Index were far more critical than the Natural-Geographic Index to the spatial-temporal variation of per capita urban NEHFC, whereas the rural NEHFC was driven by the combined actions of all the three indexes. Our study highlighted the necessity of ‘Location-Suitable’ and ‘Urban-rural recycling’ nitrogen management strategies for reducing the risk of NEHFC in China.  相似文献   


A method is presented to interrelate the development of economy, environment and social quality in communities. Economy and environment, in initial development stages, oppose each other. Social welfare and economy generally develop simultaneously. To assess overall progress in sustainable development, an integrated and quantifiable framework is presented which defines five levels of sustainability. Increasing sustainability is characterized by growing responsibility for the impacts of man's actions in space and time. Through increased eco-efficiency and changed awareness, nations and companies arrive at a synergistic relationship between environment and economy. It is indicated that social security benefits expenditure increases by a factor 3.5 and carbon dioxide emissions per capita decreases by a factor 3 at each higher level of sustainability. Quantified differences in sustainability levels of 24 nations are shown. Priorities for improving and safeguarding sustainability are indicated.  相似文献   

在全球气候变化的大背景下,发展低碳经济已经成为全球性共识;同时作为发展低碳经济前沿领域的碳交易市场也得以迅速发展。本文简要综述了我国农业碳汇交易研究和碳交易市场发展的现状及其存在的问题,分析了在福建建立海峡两岸农业碳汇交易平台的政策机遇和区域优势,提出了构建闽台农业碳汇交易中心的规划设想,并结合规划设想提出了要加强碳汇农业理论与节能减排技术、低碳农业发展规划与综合评估体系、农业碳汇交易机制、监测及其认证体系等农业碳汇研究的方向与建议。  相似文献   

方恺 《生态环境》2014,(11):1868-1875
足迹家族和行星边界都是国际可持续发展研究领域新近出现的热点概念。系统回顾了足迹家族和行星边界的概念缘起,首次提出了基于足迹家族和行星边界的环境可持续性概念及其评价框架。其中,足迹家族定义为:人类在自然资源消费和废弃物排放过程中占用的地球生态系统的再生和消纳能力;行星边界定义为:可供人类安全占用的地球生态系统的最大再生和消纳能力。由此,将环境可持续性定量描述为人类环境足迹小于或等于对应行星边界的情形,反之则为环境不可持续性。分析了该环境可持续性概念的6项基本特征:系统性、选择性、交互性、不确定性、尺度依赖性、赤字可权衡性。在此基础上,以全球30个主要国家为例,对提出的足迹家族-行星边界整合框架进行了实证应用。从与人类社会关系重大的环境问题入手,对各国在气候变化(碳排放)、水资源利用和土地利用3方面的环境可持续性进行了多维测度。结果显示:22国的碳排放呈现不可持续性,人均碳赤字最高为美国的26.1 t·a-1(以CO2当量计);17国的水资源利用呈现不可持续性,人均水赤字最高为西班牙的1497.8 m3·a-1;15国的土地利用呈现不可持续性,人均土地赤字最高为荷兰的2.3 hm2·a-1。研究表明,碳排放的可持续性与社会经济发展水平关系密切,发达国家对气候变化的贡献明显大于发展中国家;水资源利用和土地利用的可持续性则更多地受各国人均资源禀赋制约。本研究对科学量化和比较不同国家的环境可持续性具有参考价值,该评价方法也适用于其他环境问题或国家以下尺度的核算分析。  相似文献   

China has been committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. China’s pledge of carbon neutrality will play an essential role in galvanising global climate action, which has been largely deferred by the Covid-19 pandemic. China’s carbon neutrality could reduce global warming by approximately 0.2–0.3 °C and save around 1.8 million people from premature death due to air pollution. Along with domestic benefits, China’s pledge of carbon neutrality is a “game-changer” for global climate action and can inspire other large carbon emitters to contribute actively to mitigate carbon emissions, particularly countries along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) routes. In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, it is necessary to decarbonise all sectors in China, including energy, industry, transportation, construction, and agriculture. However, this transition will be very challenging, because major technological breakthroughs and large-scale investments are required. Strong policies and implementation plans are essential, including sustainable demand, decarbonizing electricity, electrification, fuel switching, and negative emissions. In particular, if China can peak carbon emissions earlier, it can lower the costs of the carbon neutral transition and make it easier to do so over a longer time horizon. China’s pledge of carbon neutrality by 2060 and recent pledges at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) are significant contributions and critical steps for global climate action. However, countries worldwide need to achieve carbon neutrality to keep the global temperature from growing beyond the level that will cause catastrophic damages globally.  相似文献   

This research is aimed at the rapid development of a low-carbon economy, in which we propose the classification and application of relevant management measures to affect the development of environmental management ideas and measures of the low-carbon economy, which we called as low carbon management measures. According to scientific analysis of the lowcarbon economy, we can divide low-carbon management measures into three parts: measures for reduction of carbon sources, carbon flow planning, and increase of carbon sinks. Furthermore, we list the advantages that China can utilize to develop its own low-carbon management measures. In the end, necessary adjustments to environmental management measures in China can be made according to this scientific classification.  相似文献   

中国能源消费导致的CO2排放量的差异特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主春杰  马忠玉  王灿  刘子刚 《生态环境》2006,15(5):1029-1034
运用一种不产生残差的方法——对数平均迪氏指数法LMDI(logarithmicmeanDivisiaindex),对中国部分省份、区域能源消费导致的二氧化碳排放量进行了分解分析。将二氧化碳排放总量的变化分解成五个主要影响因素,即化石燃料的排放系数、能源消费结构、能源强度、人均GDP和人口总数。研究表明我国各省(地区)的二氧化碳排放量在1996年后呈现零(或负)增长趋势,主要影响因素是能源强度的提高;各省(地区)的二氧化碳排放量地区差异显著。因此,要在全国实现二氧化碳排放量的总体减排,应从提高能源利用效率,调整产业结构,消除地区发展的不平衡,逐步改善能源消费结构等方面考虑。  相似文献   

This paper develops a macroeconomic framework for creating a competitive and sustainable Saudi Arabian economy, taking into account the interrelationships among social, environmental, and economic factors. The objective of the research is to build a model that will allow for evaluating the effects of a wide range of emissions abatement policies on economic growth and development. The research methodology is grounded in econometric modeling of the Saudi economy over the period 1980–2010. The estimated parameters of the model were used to project long-term gross domestic product (GDP) growth paths based on three environmental degradation abatement scenarios. The results suggest that the sustainability of economic growth in Saudi Arabia critically depends on aggressive emissions-reduction policies since policy scenarios corresponding to higher pollution cuts yielded higher, sustained long-term GDP. The results also broadly reject the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis, implying that a turning point in the relationship between CO2 emissions and per capita GDP is yet to be attained.  相似文献   

Climate change has become one of the most serious challenges facing humanity; developing a low-carbon economy provides new opportunities for addressing this issue. Building a low-carbon city has been pursued by people with a high degree of enthusiasm in China. Different from actions at the national level and distinct from practices of developed countries, low-carbon development in Chinese cities should be placed on diverse concerns. Taking Suzhou of Jiangsu Province of China as a case city, this paper adopts a scenario analysis approach to explore strategic focal points in the transition to a low-carbon city. Within this transition, we mainly focus on the different contributions from two factors-economic restructuring and technological upgrading. Scenario analysis results show that 1) in the case of no breakthrough technologies, it is difficult to achieve absolute emission reductions; 2) technologies involved in optimizing energy structure and improving energy efficiency of basic service sectors should be highly emphasized in local planning; 3) in comparison with technological upgrading, economic structural adjustment could be a stronger contributor to mitigation, which is one of the main differences from developed countries. However, the key issue of economic restructuring is to promote the growth of emerging low-carbon industries, which requires not only a strategic choice of new industries but also an introduction of advanced low-carbon technologies. It is also found that establishing a local carbon emissions accounting system is a prerequisite and the first priority for realizing a low-carbon transition and government capacity buildings should be strengthened accordingly.  相似文献   

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