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江苏省农户秸秆还田的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农户秸秆还田不仅有利于土壤有机质的增加,实现耕地的可持续利用,而且在发挥我国农田土壤固碳潜力,积极应对气候变化方面具有重要意义.文章以江苏省农户调查数据为基础,建立Logistic模型,对影响农户秸秆还田的因素进行分析,以期为制定促进农户秸秆还田的政策提供科学依据.结果表明,不同地区农户对于秸秆还田的决策存在差异:在较为发达地区,秸秆还田与否,农户更多的是从秸秆处理的边际成本出发;而略欠发达地区,则主要是基于秸秆的利用效益.此外,技术因素也影响农户秸秆还田的行为决策.在制定促进秸秆还田技术应用的激励政策时,要充分考虑地区农业生产以及农户生产经营的基本特征及差异,因地制宜,有效地促进秸秆还田在各地区最大限度地被应用和推广.  相似文献   

The increasing environmental awareness caused by the green movement has led to changes in attitude towards our traditionally wasteful society. Recent surveys in Hong Kong have shown that waste recycling has gained increasing verbal support among its citizens. This paper reports on recent findings which reveals that some discrepancies exist between people's attitude and behaviour towards waste recycling. The implication of this phenomenon on how and when a waste recycling policy should be carried out is considerable. Two major types of barriers to waste recycling and reduction were evident. Technical barriers to recycling included lack of appropriate information, lack of conveniently located bins and of temporary storage space, whilst the most critical barrier to paper waste recycling was the presence of non-recyclable materials in some paper items. Psychological barriers included the attitude of being troubled, and that too little waste was involved to be worth the effort. Technical barriers were found to dominate in commercial paper waste recycling, and can usually be overcome while psychological barriers were more significant in household waste recycling and are more difficult to solve. Thus, it might be concluded that, if a large scale household waste recycling programme were in place in Hong Kong, more effort should be devoted towards educating the public, to eliminate as many psychological barriers as possible. Findings from attitude surveys on recycling can provide valuable information for policy makers. However, a review of the literature indicates that findings from attitudinal and self-reported behavioural surveys may exaggerate the proportion of those who have a favourable attitude towards the surveyed subject matter. Thus, it is prudent for policy makers to consider the response rate of the surveys also.  相似文献   


Solid household waste management in Malaysia has reached a critical stage. Increasing population, urbanization and changing patterns of lifestyle have instigated the phenomenon. The 15 000 tonnes of garbage produced daily are thrown into 230 landfills nationwide, where 80% of them have only two years of life span left. Although recycling programmes were launched as early as 1990, only 5% of the wastes are recycled. The purpose of the present research was to ascertain the current management of household solid waste, attitude and motivational factors towards recycling. Data were collected using interview survey on 150 households in an urban residential area. The findings demonstrated that the respondents had very low awareness and knowledge regarding local domestic waste management. Separation of organic and non-organic wastes was rarely practised by 76% of the respondents. Most waste was thrown away, except for newspaper and aluminium cans which were regularly recycled, while furniture, and electrical items were reused by giving away or trading-in. The attitude of the respondents towards recycling was modest. Of the five motivational factors, intrinsic satisfaction and individual commitment were more important reasons for recycling than convenience, economic motivation and societal commitment. The results of the study indicated that, in order to overcome the solid waste crisis, the conscience of the individual needs to be raised through environmental awareness and concern, inculcation of sustainable consumption practices and education on waste management.  相似文献   


The generation, handling, and safe disposal of waste materials has become a major concern in North America. Approval of facilities for waste processing and proper disposal is becoming more difficult to obtain. Furthermore, there is a growing public awareness of the importance of conserving and preserving our valuable natural resources. This expanding awareness has given rise to the trend towards recycling or reuse of awide variety of solid wastes. Experiences with using waste materials in highway construction can vary considerably, depending on material characteristics, construction processes, and climatic differences. A number of waste materials may be suitable for use in highway construction, but others may not. The objective of this paper is introduced in two tasks. The first is to include a survey of the waste materials and by-products that have been used successfully, or may be used, as materials for highway construction or maintenance work. This also includes determination of the state of practice concerning economic and technical factors for these wastes. The second is to rank these materials based on three criteria: number of uses by State agencies, economic uses and performance aspects.  相似文献   

典型产业承接区土壤砷含量的空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以揭阳市为研究区域,采集了1330个表层土壤(0-20 cm)样品和331个深层土壤(150-200 cm)样品,利用富集因子法分析了表层土壤中As的污染状况,通过GIS空间分析技术以及单因素分析法探究了土壤As的空间分布特征以及影响因素.结果表明,研究区表层土壤As含量的均值为6.03 mg?kg-1,低于该区土...  相似文献   


Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) have attracted attention from the aerospace industry due to their light weight, excellent mechanical properties, and resistance to corrosion. However, CFRP composites are difficult to recycle as their recycling process must be performed under extreme conditions; end-of-life regulations do not directly address the problem with reusing these composites. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore solutions that minimize the use of CFRPs and prolong their useful life in the airline industry. To achieve this goal, this work conducted a review of the state of the art of CFRP fiber recycling, emphasizing the recycling processes, restrictions, and regulations. One solution is to develop a CFRP recycling market that would allow the sequential use of recycled materials among industries in descending order of the required structural performance of the composite.  相似文献   

为研究废弃印刷电路板(PCB)在回收加热拆解电子元件过程中所产生的气体排放物的主要成分,使用自行设计的废弃PCB拆解装置进行拆解实验,采用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIRS)、气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)、离子色谱(IC)和电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)等分析方法,对实验过程所收集到的气体产物进行成分分析.结果表明,废弃PCB的基板在加热过程中发生了初步分解,基板上的溴化环氧树脂发生了O—C、C—C、C—Br键的断裂,产生了苯酚、2,6-二溴苯酚等有机物;伴随有机气体逸出的还有废弃PCB在加热过程所释放的含有大量S、N、Cl、Br等元素的无机酸性气体;而连续的熔锡过程还使得PCB与焊料中的Sn、Pb、Sb、Hg、Cd、Cr等重金属产生烟尘逸出.  相似文献   

Crop residues are an important biomass, and are significant in the sustainable development of China. This paper uses the Grey-Markov modeling approach, the cost-benefit analysis method, and the constraint optimiza- tion method to establish the potential of crop residue recycling in China (CRRC) using a bottom-up analysis. Taking 2010 as the baseline year, the CRRC model is used to determine the quantity trends of crop residue resources, simulating the recycling potential and selecting key crop residue recycling technologies for operation between 2010 and 2030. The results illustrate that the total residue output from different crops will gradually increase to 1062 million tons in 2030. The proportion of crop residue for field burning is expected to decrease as a result of guidance and support from the government. Market mechanisms are also improving the development of the crop residue recycling industry. The economic benefit of crop residue recycling is expected to be worth 132 billion CNY in 2030 according to technology structure options. Key crop residue recycling technologies preferred such as liquefaction, amination, silo, co-firing straw power and composting will account for more than 85% of the total benefits.  相似文献   

电化学方法现场产生H2O2的影响因素及其废水处理应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
姜成春  张佳发  李继 《生态环境》2006,15(3):503-508
建立了以石墨碳棒为阴极,Pt为阳极,饱和甘汞电极为参比电极,Na2SO4为支持电解质溶液的H2O2制备三电极体系。对电流密度、pH值、通氧流量、支持电解质浓度和极间距等主要参数对生成H2O2的影响进行了单因素轮换试验研究,并采用正交试验方法对这些因素进行了分析。结果发现,pH值对生成H2O2的影响最为显著,支持电解质浓度和通氧流量也具有较大影响,极间距影响不明显,电流密度则存在着最佳值。通过试验获得的最优参数组合为:pH=2.00,电流密度=1.02mA·cm-2,通氧流量=0.4L·min-1,支持电解质浓度=0.1mol·L-1,极间距=6cm。在该参数组合条件下,采用电-Fenton法对活性染料RedMX-5B进行脱色和矿化试验,初始Fe2 投量为0.25mmol·L-1,电解180min,脱色率可达90%以上,但矿化率不高(<25%)。因此,提高矿化率是染料废水处理在未来的主要课题。  相似文献   

Benthic macrofaunal populations through their feeding, bioturbation, burrow construction and sediment irrigation activities have profound influences on organic matter inputs to marine sediments (biodeposition) and on the vertical distribution of deposited organic matter within the sediment. These effects in turn influence the rates and pathways of organic matter mineralisation, and element cycles. Similarly, bioturbation, burrow construction and burrow irrigation are major determinants of sediment-water column fluxes of oxygen and nutrients.

In this review, I discuss the influences of the different benthic macrofaunal feeding (functional) groups on mineralisation processes and sediment-water column fluxes of particulate and dissolved nutrients. How these effects influence diagenic processes, the balance between aerobic and anaerobic processes, and the redox status of the surficial sediments. Finally, I discuss some of the limitations of the predominantly laboratory techniques which have been used to study “macrofaunal effects” and how this hinders the inclusion of the effects in quantitative sediment biogeochemical models.  相似文献   

Benthic macrofaunal populations through their feeding, bioturbation, burrow construction and sediment irrigation activities have profound influences on organic matter inputs to marine sediments (biodeposition) and on the vertical distribution of deposited organic matter within the sediment. These effects in turn influence the rates and pathways of organic matter mineralisation, and element cycles. Similarly, bioturbation, burrow construction and burrow irrigation are major determinants of sediment-water column fluxes of oxygen and nutrients.

In this review, I discuss the influences of the different benthic macrofaunal feeding (functional) groups on mineralisation processes and sediment-water column fluxes of particulate and dissolved nutrients. How these effects influence diagenic processes, the balance between aerobic and anaerobic processes, and the redox status of the surficial sediments. Finally, I discuss some of the limitations of the predominantly laboratory techniques which have been used to study “macrofaunal effects” and how this hinders the inclusion of the effects in quantitative sediment biogeochemical models.  相似文献   

农药在环境中的水解机理及其影响因子研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
欧晓明 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1352-1359
农药的水降解与其在环境中的持久性是密切相关的,它是影响农药在环境中的归宿机制的重要依据之一,也是评价农药在水体中残留特性的重要指标。近些年来,国内外不少学者对农药尤其是有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、拟除虫菊酯和磺酰脲类等的水解进行了大量研究,其内容涉及到农药水化学降解机理及其各种因子如pH值、温度和黏土矿物等对农药水解的影响等,并取得了很多新的进展。但是所有这些研究主要集中于实验室内,而对其自然环境中各因子的贡献及其水解机制的了解则相对较少。今后应加强农药在自然条件下的水解动力学与机理以及黏土矿物和腐殖酸对农药在水体中的催化水解研究,以更好地评价农药在环境中的行为与归宿,为农药的合理使用提高科学依据。  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) are a commonly used strategy to confront forest conversion and biodiversity loss. Although determining drivers of forest loss is central to conservation success, understanding of them is limited by conventional modeling assumptions. We used random forest regression to evaluate potential drivers of deforestation in PAs in Mexico, while accounting for nonlinear relationships and higher order interactions underlying deforestation processes. Socioeconomic drivers (e.g., road density, human population density) and underlying biophysical conditions (e.g., precipitation, distance to water, elevation, slope) were stronger predictors of forest loss than PA characteristics, such as age, type, and management effectiveness. Within PA characteristics, variables reflecting collaborative and equitable management and PA size were the strongest predictors of forest loss, albeit with less explanatory power than socioeconomic and biophysical variables. In contrast to previously used methods, which typically have been based on the assumption of linear relationships, we found that the associations between most predictors and forest loss are nonlinear. Our results can inform decisions on the allocation of PA resources by strengthening management in PAs with the highest risk of deforestation and help preemptively protect key biodiversity areas that may be vulnerable to deforestation in the future.  相似文献   

刁桂仪  吴大清  袁鹏 《生态环境》2005,14(5):640-644
应用批量吸附实验法研究了华南地区7个红壤剖面对PCP的吸附最ΓPCP与剖面深度的关系,以及与土壤的理化性质、化学组成、矿物组成和形态的关系。双变量积矩相关分析发现吸附量ΓPCP与土壤pHw值、TOC呈非常显著相关,与AAOFe、AAOAI和DCBAI呈显著相关,但偏相关分析和剔除法逐步线性同归分析清楚显示,控制吸附最ΔPCP的4个最为重要因素是土壤pHw值、TOC、非晶态氧化铝(AAOAI)和砂粒矿物相(主要是石英)含量,其次是粘土矿物(主要是高岭石和水云母)、CaCO3和晶态氧化铁矿物(DCBFe)的含量。随着深度增加,土壤对PCP的吸附量ΓPCP明显下降。不同的剖面,吸附量有较明显差别,其与土壤pHw值和TOC等含量变化明显相关。  相似文献   

Analysis of shoreline change is often based exclusively upon the littoral cell concept and modelling of hydrodynamic processes. The Futurecoast study has considered fresh approaches to assessing shoreline evolution, which have been used to provide an analysis of future long-term evolution for the entire shoreline of England and Wales. This has been based upon an improved understanding of coastal systems and their behavioural characteristics. The study has included a range of supporting studies, focussing upon maximizing use of existing information and experience. A number of additional data sets have also been produced. The integration of leading expertise from different areas of coastal research to collectively consider this information has been the foundation for the study. The key outputs from this research are: (1) Improved understanding of coastal behaviour; (2) Assessment of future shoreline evolution; (3) Supporting information and data; (4) Delivery of results on an interactive CD-ROM.  相似文献   

天津臭氧浓度与气象因素的相关性及其预测方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
气象因素在影响夏季臭氧浓度水平和变化特征方面扮演着重要作用.通过对2008年夏季天津地面臭氧体积浓度和气象因素的相关分析,揭示高浓度臭氧发生时的典型气象特征,并初步建立了预测地面臭氧浓度的气象学方法.结果表明:影响臭氧浓度的主要气象因素是气温、相对湿度和风速、风向,当14时气温大于30℃,相对湿度低于60%,风向为偏西或偏南时,高浓度臭氧的发生概率较高.采用14时气温、相对湿度和风速等气象参数拟合臭氧体积浓度,效果良好.  相似文献   

土壤温室气体产生与排放影响因素研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
土壤是温室气体(如CO2、CH4和N2O)产生的重要源,土壤温室气体主要来自于微生物呼吸,植物根呼吸和土壤动物呼吸。土壤温室气体排放机制及其影响因素是研究全球碳氮循环的重要组成部分。研究表明,影响土壤呼吸的因素很多,土壤理化性质如温度、含水量、有机质含量、pH值、氧化还原电位(Eh)、土壤质地等因素都可以直接影响土壤微生物量及其生理生化过程,从而影响温室气体排放。其中,土壤温度,湿度、有机质含量是关键性因素。此外,地域气候、土地利用以及土地覆盖变化也可以通过改变土壤理化性质及呼吸底物来影响温室气体排放。文章重点论述了土壤温室气体排放机制,排放影响因素以及排放的日变化和季节变化规律。认为今后的研究方向应该是土壤微环境碳氮循环机制,土壤呼吸模型在尺度上的推延,以及注重中国陆地与近海生态系统碳固定及减少碳排放的对策和应用技术研究,特别在人工林碳固定及农业固碳减排方面加大研究力度等。  相似文献   

镉在土壤-植物系统中的迁移转化及其影响因素   总被引:61,自引:15,他引:61  
重金属镉(Cd)被列为环境污染物中最危险的五种物质之一。因其极易通过食物链在人体内积累并危害人体健康的特性,环境Cd污染尤其是土壤系统的Cd污染已成为国内外环境污染研究的热点,Cd在土壤一植物系统中迁移转化规律备受关注。本文概述了国内外土壤Cd污染研究现状;在已有研究的基础上,总结并阐述了影响Cd在土壤一植物系统中迁移转化的几个重要因素:土壤基本理化性质(pH值、有机质等)、Zn元素、P元素、陪伴阴离子Cl^-和SO4^2-,其中包括尚未被普遍认识的P元素和陪伴阴离子Cl^-和SO4^2-;并详细论述了各因子对Cd在土壤一植物系统中迁移转化的影响及其可能机理。  相似文献   

We undertook a quantitative estimation of health risks to residents living in the Slovak Republic and exposed to contaminated groundwater (ingestion by adult population) and/or soils (ingestion by adult and child population). Potential risk areas were mapped to give a visual presentation at basic administrative units of the country (municipalities, districts, regions) for easy discussion with policy and decision-makers. The health risk estimates were calculated by US EPA methods, applying threshold values for chronic risk and non-threshold values for cancer risk. The potential health risk was evaluated for As, Ba, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, NO3 ?, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn for groundwater and As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn for soils. An increased health risk was identified mainly in historical mining areas highly contaminated by geogenic–anthropogenic sources (ore deposit occurrence, mining, metallurgy). Arsenic and antimony were the most significant elements in relation to health risks from groundwater and soil contamination in the Slovak Republic contributing a significant part of total chronic risk levels. Health risk estimation for soil contamination has highlighted the significance of exposure through soil ingestion in children. Increased cancer risks from groundwater and soil contamination by arsenic were noted in several municipalities and districts throughout the country in areas with significantly high arsenic levels in the environment. This approach to health risk estimations and visualization represents a fast, clear and convenient tool for delineation of risk areas at national and local levels.  相似文献   

城市地表汞含量及释放通量影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
测定了长春市不同类型地表汞含量及其释放通量,分析了地表汞释放通量的影响因素。研究结果表明,不同地表土样的汞含量存在很大的差异;煤炭堆放地和沥青地地表汞含量较高,应引起足够的重视。地表汞释放通量受地表汞含量、地表类型、降水、太阳辐射等因素的影响。降水期间或降水后期地表汞释放通量明显增加。可见,地表汞释放是一个动态过程,随时间和空间而变化。  相似文献   

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