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模拟控制性分根交替滴灌对玉米的节水效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘贤赵  刘德林 《生态环境》2005,14(2):257-259
以盆栽玉米为试材,模拟田间控制性分根交替滴灌(Controlled Root-divided alternative Drip Irrigation,简称CRDADI)供水方式对夏玉米净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率及其根冠比的影响。结果表明,控制1/2根区交替滴灌(ADL)比常规滴灌(CK)节水25%而生物量仅下降9%,水分利用效率和根冠比均明显增加,气孔导度和蒸腾速率下降明显而净光合速率变化很小,蒸腾效率明显提高;控制:1/2根区固定滴灌(FDI2)水分利用效率虽然是CK的1.2倍,但生物量仅为CK的60.1%,ADI1的66.0%,严重影响了玉米的正常生长;控制1/2根区交替滴灌(ADI)比控制1/2根区固定滴灌(FDI)的根冠比、根干质量和根条数增加且根系分布均匀,地上部分生物量增加。表明控制性分根交替滴灌(ADI)能在不牺牲作物光合产物积累的前提下提高玉米的水分利用效率。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,研究了伤根对谷子水分利用效率的影响.结果表明,苗期适度伤根能够提高谷子叶片水分利用效率(WUE),而苗期伤根量较严重或拔节期和孕穗期伤根则会降低谷子叶片WUE.在谷子收获期,除TM(高水分条件下,孕穗期中度伤根)和sl(低水分条件下,拔节期轻度伤根)处理外,其余伤根处理的生物量WUE均高于对照.在高水条件下,伤根处理对谷子籽粒产量WUE影响不显著;而在低水分条件下,前期适度伤根能使谷子籽粒产量WUE显著提高,而后期伤根处理的籽粒产量WUE提高不显著.图3表1参11  相似文献   

宁南黄土高原不同土地利用模式对土壤的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
马琨  何宪平  马斌  罗登科  马远远 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1231-1236
宁南黄土高原采取退耕、还林、还草措施5年后,区域局部生态环境发生了较大变化。文章针对退耕后的典型土地利用方式,阐述了自然撂荒坡地、柠条(CaraganakorshinskiiKom.)灌木林地、坡耕地产生的土壤水热、养分效应,其结果对减少宁南黄土高原土壤养分流失、提高土地生产力和合理农业布局具有重要的意义。利用径流小区试验方法,研究结果表明:不同土地利用方式下土壤储水量的变化为单峰型,与雨量峰值相比,对应储水量略有滞后现象。土壤储水量整体表现为农耕地>自然荒坡>柠条林地。受植被类型影响,坡面土层温度为荒坡草地>柠条林地>农地。随坡度增加,自然荒坡土壤有机质有降低的趋势,相同坡度下(25°)自然荒坡土壤有机质平均为12.76g/kg,是农耕地、柠条林地的1.2倍和1.94倍。在3种土地利用方式下,全磷含量没有明显差异,坡耕地土壤速效磷、速效钾含量较高,柠条林地和自然荒坡速效磷、速效钾含量没有明显差异。不同土地利用方式下,Ca-P(钙结合态的磷酸盐)占无机磷总量的比例,达29.6%~59.07%,O-P(闭蓄态磷酸盐)最少,仅占4.73%~22.45%。土壤过氧化氢酶、与土壤全氮、有机质、碱解氮呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

黄土高原小流域水土保持决策系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以陕西省米脂县泉家沟流域为例,在黄土高原小流域水土保持实用技术的基础上,应用USLE修正式对梁峁边线以上梁峁坡地进行了水土保持技术决策;并在PCARCINFO系统支持下,设计了决策系统。  相似文献   

保水剂对番茄生长及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在砂与木屑复合基质中加入不同用量的保水剂,测定基质物理性状,并进行不同水分处理条件下番茄盆栽试验,以研究保水剂对番茄生长及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:在每1 L基质分别加入1、2、4、8 g保水剂时,与对照(未加保水剂)相比,基质持水量分别增加16.35%、34.00%、61.29%和135.16%,容重分别降低3.61%、5.37%、9.42%和14.64%;在水分耗竭试验中,番茄萎蔫天数分别延长13.92%、22.79%、31.65%和45.5%,干物质量分别增加7.90%、21.60%、57.08%、179.50%,株高、叶片数、茎粗、鲜质量也都随保水剂用量的增加而明显增加;在基质相对水分质量分数分别为55%、70%、85%及100%4种处理下的番茄水分胁迫试验中,每1 L基质施用2 g保水剂时,与对照(未加保水剂)相比,水分利用效率分别提高29.93%、28.06%、14.36%、7.42%,株高、生物量也随水分胁迫程度加重而明显提高。  相似文献   

阐述了森林保持水土的条件 ,即良好的林分结构、必要的面积比例和一定的林龄 ,揭示了成林过程中水土保持功能的动态变化 ,为研究防护林体系水土保持功能持续提高技术提供了理论基础  相似文献   

阐明了能使防护林体系水土保持功能达到持续和稳定提高的造林和经营配套技术  相似文献   

2008年在北京林业大学对9个毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)杂种无性系苗木生长不同时期的叶片、小枝、根的碳同位素δ~(13)C和瞬时水分利用效率WUEi的差异进行研究,分析不同无性系间δ~(13)C与瞬时水分利用效率WUEi的相互关系,目的在于探求δ~(13)C在筛选高水分利用效率毛白杨杂种无性系中的应用价值.结果表明:不同生长时期叶片δ~(13)C值表现为7月<8月<10月<9月,小枝δ~(13)C值表现为8月<9月<10月,叶片δ~(13)C值、小枝δ~(13)C值在不同时期和不同无性系间的差异均达显著水平,无性系间的差异是引起δ~(13)C值变化的主要因素.不同部位碳同位素比值表现为叶片<小枝<根,毛白杨杂种无性系δ~(13)C值在不同部位和无性系间差异均达显著水平,部位间的差异是引起δ~(13)C值变化的主要因素.δ~(13)C值较高的无性系30、83、BL5的WUEi也较高,δ~(13)C值较低的无性系42、26、BT17的WUEi也较低,且不同时期δ~(13)C和WUEi呈较强的正相关,相关系数分别为0.766、0.872、0.675,高δ~(13)C可以作为筛选高WUEi毛白杨的有效指标,且在苗木生长旺盛时期选育能得到更为可靠的结果.  相似文献   

人工湿地系统对含沼液畜禽废水净化效果试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考察人工湿地处理含沼液畜禽废水的可行性,采用水平潜流人工湿地对含沼液畜禽废水进行处理实验。试验结果表明:在进水流量1.5 m3.d-1,水平潜流人工湿地系统对含沼液畜禽废水具有较好的处理效果。废水中COD、TP、TN和NH4+-N浊度平均去除率分别为59.21%、53.80%、55.09%和55.57%.另外,通过对人工湿地沿程的污染物变化试验分析表明,人工湿地系统对污染物的降解是沿人工湿地水流方向逐渐降低的。  相似文献   

Vegetation management in shallow groundwater table environments requires an understanding of the interactions between the physical and biological factors that determine root-zone soil salinization and moisture. In this study, the effects of groundwater depth and flood irrigation strategies on water and salt dynamics and reed water use were analyzed in the shallow groundwater region of the Yellow River Delta in China using the HYDRUS-1D model. The results indicated that there is a conflict between water, salt stress, and reed water use with variations in groundwater depth. A water table depth of 3.5 m is the minimum limit to maintain a safe level of soil salinity, but at this depth, the environmental stress on reeds is worsened by the decrease in soil water storage. Maintaining the flood pulses on the wetland, especially during May, may be critical for restoring the reed wetland in the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

Riparian land use remains one of the most significant impacts on stream ecosystems. This study focuses on the relationship between stream ecosystems and riparian land use in headwater regions. Four riparian land types including forest, grassland, farmland, and residential land were examined to reveal the correlation between stream water and fish communities in headwater streams of the Taizi River in north-eastern China. Four land types along riparian of 3 km in length were evaluated at 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 m widths, respectively. Generally, the results found a significant relationship between riparian land uses and stream water quality. Grassland was positively correlated with water quality parameters (conductivity and total dissolved solids) at scales from 100 to 500 m riparian width. Farmland and residential land was negatively correlated with water quality parameters at scales from 25 to 500 m and from 50 to 200 m riparian widths, respectively. Although the riparian forest is important for maintaining habitat diversity and fish communities, the results found that only fish communities were significantly correlated with the proportion of riparian farmland. Farmland had a positive correlation with individual fish abundance within a riparian corridor of 25 to 50 m, but a negative correlation with fish diversity metrics from 25 to 100 m. This study indicates that effective riparian management can improve water quality and fish communities in headwater streams.  相似文献   

Water use efficiency (WUE) is an important variable used in climate change and hydrological studies in relation to how it links ecosystem carbon cycles and hydrological cycles together. However, obtaining reliable WUE results based on site-level flux data remains a great challenge when scaling up to larger regional zones. Biophysical, process-based ecosystem models are powerful tools to study WUE at large spatial and temporal scales. The Integrated BIosphere Simulator (IBIS) was used to evaluate the effects of climate change and elevated CO2 concentrations on ecosystem-level WUE (defined as the ratio of gross primary production (GPP) to evapotranspiration (ET)) in relation to terrestrial ecosystems in China for 2009-2099. Climate scenario data (IPCC SRES A2 and SRES B1) generated from the Third Generation Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM3) was used in the simulations. Seven simulations were implemented according to the assemblage of different elevated CO2 concentrations scenarios and different climate change scenarios. Analysis suggests that (1) further elevated CO2 concentrations will significantly enhance the WUE over China by the end of the twenty-first century, especially in forest areas; (2) effects of climate change on WUE will vary for different geographical regions in China with negative effects occurring primarily in southern regions and positive effects occurring primarily in high latitude and altitude regions (Tibetan Plateau); (3) WUE will maintain the current levels for 2009-2099 under the constant climate scenario (i.e. using mean climate condition of 1951-2006 and CO2 concentrations of the 2008 level); and (4) WUE will decrease with the increase of water resource restriction (expressed as evaporation ratio) among different ecosystems.  相似文献   

Restoration of waterbird diversity and abundance is a key objective of river system management in Australia. Therefore, understanding the effects of climatic and hydrological variables on waterbird population dynamics is fundamental for successful river restoration programs. We investigated the population dynamics of waterbirds (total abundance) and seven functional waterbird groups in the floodplains of lower Murrumbidgee River. We found a general declining abundance trend from 1983 to 2007, except for the deep water foragers. We modelled the relative contribution of the climatic and hydrological factors to waterbird population decrease using the generalized additive model (GAM) framework after identifying the negative binomial distribution. Most of the seven functional groups were positively related to both annual rainfall and water usage, defined as the total water volume intercepted by the river reach, and the models indicated that rainfall was slightly more important. Temperature also played a role in waterbird abundance: the maximum summer temperature negatively influenced the abundance of dabbling ducks, shoreline foragers and fish eaters, while the minimum winter temperature positively affected the abundance of dabbling ducks and shoreline foragers. Overall, our results support the practice of providing environmental water for sustaining waterbird populations. However, environmental water provision is likely to be most effective when timed to coincide with antecedent rainfall.  相似文献   

In this study two types of biological contact oxidation processes (BCOP), a step-feed (SBCOP) unit and an inter-recycle (IBCOP) unit, were designed to investigate the treatment of heavily polluted river water. The Daqing River, which is the largest pollutant contributor to the Dianchi Lake, one of the most eutrophic freshwater lakes in China, was taken for the case study. It was found that the SBCOP had higher adaptability and better performance in the reduction of COD, TN, and TP, which made it applicable for the treatment of polluted river water entering the Dianchi Lake. Nitrification rate was observed to be greatly affected by the influent temperature. During each season, the nitrification in the SBCOP was higher than that in the IBCOP. TN removal efficiency in the SBCOP was higher than that in the IBCOP during the winter and spring but poorer during the summer, possibly due to the inhibition of denitrification by higher dissolved oxygen level in the summer. Moreover, symbiotic algaebacteria growth may be conducive to the removal of pollutants.  相似文献   

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