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Bamboo forests, due to their special characteristics and ecological functions, play an important role in sustainable forest management and rural development in China. Over the past two decades, China has successfully established millions of hectares of bamboo forest, which has restored fragile ecosystems, provided benefits to local communities, alleviated rural poverty and eased timber shortages. However, there is potential for further improvements to the bamboo forest estate. This paper analyses the current state of bamboo forest resources and management, and the roles of the bamboo forest industry in social development, economic growth and ecosystem protection in China. We examine the main issues related to governance systems, local economic development and traditional management practices. Finally, we suggest some directions for future development.  相似文献   

There are always conflicts between the need for conservation and economic growth in the developing countries. Planning plays a primary role in balancing these conflicts. This is particularly obvious in Chinese cities since China adopted its open door policy in 1978. Foreign investment has been a major driving force for rapid growth of the Chinese economy. Planners in China have been facing the dilemma of protecting the natural environment on the one hand while, on the other hand, supporting the overall national goal of attracting foreign investment to maintain continuous economic growth. The planning system in China, which has been largely based on a planned economy, soon found itself handicapped in safeguarding the environment from rapid industrialization and urbanization fostered by market forces. This paper takes Guangzhou as an example to study challenges to the planning system in Chinese cities in the past two decades of rapid economic growth and urbanization. By means of a case study on an industrial development within a protected orchard area in Guangzhou, this study illustrates the conflict between the need for rural conservation and the pressure for economic development in the Chinese cities. In particular, it analyzes the pressures on the present urban planning system in China in terms of the following categories: the emergence of private investors in urban development; the goal of pursuing a high economic growth rate; the implications of a transitional economy for urban planning; and the weakness of the present urban planning system. It concludes that the role of urban planning in China should change from simply providing guidelines on board land-use strategy, to a combination of a strategic plan with specific development control laws at the operational level. Finally, some recommendations are suggested as to how to improve the planning system in China.  相似文献   

The ecological footprint (EF) is a method for measuring sustainable development through ecological impact. A methodology is presented for predicting urban ecological footprints. Urban energy use and natural resource consumption were analyzed to calculate an EF based on land type (arable, pasture, forest, fossil energy land, built-up area and water area) and consumption (food, housing, transportation, goods, services and waste). The result was then compared with the local ecological carrying capacity to develop criteria for sustainable ecological footprints. Case studies of four cities in China (Guangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou and Yangzhou) illustrate the urban EF approach. The time series of EF in a case study of Guangzhou for 1991–2001 was analyzed and the consumption–land-use matrix of urban EF was established. The results show that the cities are ecologically unsustainable, with average ecological conflicts per capita of more than 2 ha. The urban EF method is useful to measure urban sustainable development and provides policy proposals for decision-making. However, the EF method still has limitations and weaknesses.  相似文献   

The paper explores the objectives, strategies and barriers to cleaner production (CP) implementation in China. Successful demonstration projects in China have shown that CP is a strategy for reducing pollution and costs, increasing competitiveness and achieving an integrated balance between economic and environmental benefits. As such, it is an inevitable choice and important contribution to sustainable development. However, it has not progressed enough as a strategy for continuous improvement since its effects are limited to industrial sectors or regions. CP implementation can be assisted by further popularization, policy system improvement, perception and awareness raising and technology innovation. These dimensions are the key tasks and incentives for all levels of government, enterprises and social organizations in moving toward sustainability.  相似文献   

Evaluation of sustainability is the core of research on sustainable land use. To a certain extent, traditional social, economic and ecological evaluation for sustainable land use can be regarded as an appraisal on the temporal scale without evaluation of spatial patterns. Landscape ecology can help to realize spatial evaluation for sustainable land use. In this paper, we construct landscape ecological indicators for evaluating sustainable coastal land use from the aspects of landscape productivity, threats and stability, to realize a synthetic temporal-spatial evaluation. These cover the five pillars of sustainable land use, i.e. productivity, security, protection, viability and acceptability. The results of applying landscape ecological evaluation to a case study in Wudi County in China show that land use sustainability is somewhat low and there are great regional differences between its 11 villages. We classified the 11 villages into 5 grades: strong sustainable land use, sustainable land use, weak sustainable land use, weak unsustainable land use, and strong unsustainable land use. Each grade has different land use characteristics and differs in the counter-measures required. But the core countermeasures in all the grades are to improve landscape productivity, to reduce human threats and to optimize landscape patterns.  相似文献   

China has about 20% of the world's population. With rapid economic development and substantial population increase, China is now faced with severe conflicts between limited natural resources and increasing resource requirements. In this study, we used the ecological footprint method to assess the resource demand and supply conditions of each land use in China between 1978 and 2003. In order to provide insight into the spatial heterogeneity of resource demand and supply conditions, we also assessed the ecological footprint at provincial level in 2002. An ecological footprint curve method was introduced to compare differences in natural resource use, economic development and technological progress among different countries and provinces. The results showed that the ecological footprint, biocapacity and ecological deficit per capita for China have all been increasing during 1978–2003. The ecological footprints per person in northern and eastern China were larger than those in southern and western China. The ecological deficits per person in southern and eastern China were more severe than those in northern and western China. Though the resource use efficiency has increased considerably during 1978–2003, it was still much lower than those of the Netherlands, France, South Korea, Mexico, the Philippines and India.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the potentials, problems, policies and progress in modelling sustainable development. After briefly describing ten approaches to modelling sustainable development, some of the methodological problems still to be resolved are addressed. It is then suggested that policies to promote sustainable development should operate at six different spatial levels connecting global, multinational, national, regional, local and individual. Attempting to model sustainable development in such a hierarchical manner is exceedingly difficult. One way of modelling sustainable development is to develop the concept of a sustainable corridor, combining ecological, economic and equity considerations in a hierarchical fashion and through space-time. A preliminary dynamic, hierarchical model is described connecting global and national patterns of development. Using global and national data for Scotland, the calibrated model, running under the business-as-usual scenario, shows that current development paths are unsustainable. It is shown that, by implementing a judicious choice of policies, a sustainable corridor for a global and a national system can be achieved. The ways in which this preliminary model can be developed to connect all six hierarchical levels are discussed.  相似文献   

China has seen rapid economic growth over the past two decades, but severe environmental problems have accompanied this, such as the looming danger of Asian Brown Clouds. This paper analyzes the regional development of China by examining economic performance and environmental factors. Technical efficiency and productivity changes in 31 regions of China are computed for the period 1997–2001. In the case of regional GDP, the fast-developing eastern (coastal) regions experience higher technical efficiency and productivity growth than the inland central and western regions. When environmental factors are incorporated, the eastern regions still perform better than inland regions, both from static and dynamic analysis. This phenomenon is termed the 'double deterioration' of the inland areas in China. Double deterioration is attributed to the lack of economic resources to replace highly-polluting production equipment and technology in those less developed regions.  相似文献   

This study addressed the integrated effect of slope aspect and land use on soil nutrients in a loess hilly catchment in the western Loess Plateau of China. Soil samples were collected from five land-use types: wasteland, cropland, woodland, shrubland and abandoned cropland, at two depths (0–20 and 20–40 cm) in the middle slope position of both north-facing and south-facing slopes. Soil nutrient changes and the relationships between soil nutrients and slope aspect were investigated, based on statistical analysis and expert knowledge. Soil organic matter, total N, total P, nitrate nitrogen and available K of the 0–20 cm soil layer differed significantly between land uses and slope aspects. Soil nutrients in the north-facing slope were better than in the south-facing slope. Revegetation has an enrichment effect, especially on soil organic matter, total N, total P, nitrate nitrogen and available K. Planting of trees, shrubs and grasses could improve soil fertility and favours a policy of revegetation and sustainable land use in the hilly loess area of China. Conversion of slope farmlands into more sustainable land uses, such as shrubland or grassland is a cost-efficient way to achieve soil conservation and ecological restoration. Terracing and the use of agro-techniques for soil conservation, such as furrow-ridging tillage and leaving crop residues on fields, can increase the input of C to soils. Growing crops in rotation with alfalfa and beans could be a promising choice for the sustainability of agriculture and the environment.  相似文献   

李玉芳  宋淑玲 《环境化学》2020,39(1):138-147
多溴联苯醚(polybrominated diphenyl ethers,PBDEs)是一种溴代阻燃剂,稳定性强,并具有生物蓄积性和长距离迁移特性.海洋环境是疏水性PBDEs的全球汇集点,自本世纪初研究者在海洋生物中陆续发现了PBDEs.本文分析了近16年来我国环渤海,东部沿海及南海北部三个沿海地区鱼/贝类中PBDEs的暴露水平现状及分布特征.现有的研究结果表明:环渤海、东部沿海以及南海北部地区鱼类中PBDEs总体暴露含量差异显著,分别为0.56—215.81 ng·g-1lw(脂重)、ND—77.0 ng·g-1lw和ND—167 ng·g-1lw;贝类样品PBDEs含量最高为渤海莱州湾地区230—720 ng·g-1lw,其次是浙江台州地区58.33—78.98 ng·g-1dw(干重);渤海沿岸鱼类中PBDEs浓度呈现上升的趋势,南海北部鱼类中的PBDEs浓度呈下降趋势,东部沿海地区鱼类体内PBDEs浓度没有明显变化;3个沿海区鱼类中PBDEs的同系物暴露特征总体表现为低...  相似文献   

This study reports an overview of the economic, social and environmental performance of the main South American countries (SAC) as measured by the Sustainable Society Index. This is a well-known composite indicator, composed of 21 indicators, grouped in seven categories, covering environmental, social and economic wellbeing dimensions. Thirteen European countries recently incorporated into the European Union (NEUC) are considered as a reference. The study covers the period 2006–2016. The South American Region features significant natural resources and plays an important role in the global economy. However, there is concern about the long-term sustainability of social and economic development, given the high rate of economic growth based on the production of low added-value primary products. Sustainable development requires reasonable balance between economic, social and environmental performance, as well as a sustained and balanced increase in performance associated with those fundamental dimensions. Moreover, it is important to agree on minimum performance levels for all performance indicators, taking into account particular social, economic and environmental realities. SAC feature a clear imbalance in some categories affecting the economic, social and environmental wellbeing dimensions, showing either stagnation or significant decrease in recent years. It can be concluded that in the light of findings reported here, South American countries are far from being on the pathway towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

Past decades have witnessed the rise of sustainable agriculture movements throughout the world. In parallel with this international trend, ecological agriculture (with essential goals of food security, rural employment, poverty alleviation, natural resource management and environmental protection) has been advocated as a workable approach for the realization of sustainable agriculture in China. Two decades of ecological agricultural development have shown that it not only gained legitimacy at the senior policy level but also became a focus of scientific research in fields such as ecological economics, ecology, and agricultural and environmental sciences. However, this endeavour is hardly known in the West and little attention has been paid so far to examining the broader politico-economic and sociocultural contexts within which it has evolved. This paper attempts to provide a general review of the emerging background, development history, policy initiatives and recent tendencies of ecological agriculture. In addition, the extant problems and potential contributions of this alternative practice to China's sustainable agricultural development are discussed. The purpose of this study is to identify the gap between the policy rhetoric and practical implementation of Chinese ecological agriculture and therefore to facilitate its moving towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

• The impact of air pollution on AMI/COPD hospital admissions were examined. • Significant connection was found between air pollutants and AMI/COPD in Qingdao. • Nonlinearity exists between air pollution and AMI/COPD hospital admissions. Air pollution has been widely associated with adverse effects on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. We investigated the relationship between acute myocardial infarction (AMI), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and air pollution exposure in the coastal city of Qingdao, China. Air pollution in this region is characterized by inland and oceanic transportation sources in addition to local emission. We examined the influence of PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO and O3 concentrations on hospital admissions for AMI and COPD from October 1, 2014, to September 30, 2018, in Qingdao using a Poisson generalized additive model (GAM). We found that PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2 and CO exhibited a significant short-term (lag 1 day) association with AMI in the single-pollutant model among older adults (>65 years old) and females, especially during the cold season (October to March). In contrast, only NO2 and SO2 had clear cumulative lag associations with COPD admission for females and those over 65 years old at lag 01 and lag 03, respectively. In the two-pollutant model, the exposure-response relationship fitted by the two-pollutant model did not change significantly. Our findings indicated that there is an inflection point between the concentration of certain air pollutants and the hospital admissions of AMI and COPD even under the linear assumption, indicative of the benefits of reducing air pollution vary with pollution levels. This study has important implications for the development of policy for air pollution control in Qingdao and the public health benefits of reducing air pollution levels.  相似文献   

Dune hummocks (small aeolian dunes formed by sand deposition in and around pioneer plants) are the smallest vegetated dune unit; they occur along the entire South African coastline but are poorly studied. Structural properties and distribution of the two main hummock-forming plants:Arctotheca populifolia (a pioneer species with fast growth rate and rapid turnover) andGazania rigens (a later colonizer with slower growth) were investigated. A marked vegetation succession exists across the floor of the slack as a result of the migration of transverse dune ridges across the slack.Arctotheca hummocks were initiated on the newly exposed eastern margin of the slack, and were replaced about midway across the width of the slack byGazania hummocks. Hummocks increased in size with distance from the eastern side of the slack.Gazania hummocks attain a greater vegetation height, support a greater vegetation complexity and mass, and attain a larger maximum size thanArctotheca hummocks. Succession, defined as both the replacement of plant species as well as site modification within the plants over time, was evident. Since the growth form and dynamics determine (1) the ability of plants to trap wind-borne soil and detritus, (2) the shape of the hummocks, and (3) the habitat complexity available to spiders and insects, the ecology of the hummocks is probably determined largely by the vegetation characteristics of the hummock-forming plants.  相似文献   

Based on the Pressure-State-Response (P-S-R) approach, an index system for landscape ecological security (LES) was suggested using three dimensions, six factors, and three weights. The indicators in the system were divided into two groups: spatial interpolation (acquired by the remote sensing data) and non-spatial interpolation (acquired by consultation with experts). According to data of 2003 and 2006, coupled with current tendencies, the early warning method was classified into four categories: security and degradation, sub-security and slow degradation, sub-security and rapid degradation, and insecurity. Our research with early warning method finds three interesting phenomena: (1) mean value of LES in 2003 was 0.586, indicating medium security; while in 2006 it was 0.650, an upper medium security. The LES level within each districts of Xiamen in 2006 was better than the level in 2003. In terms of LES, the comprehensive condition within each district of Xiamen in 2006 was enhanced compared with 2003. Overall, there was improvement in 80.5% of areas from 2003 to 2006, showing promising signs of positive development. (2) The LES of Xiang’an District and Jimei District were in stages of high early warning given that the percentage of land in these districts that showed symptoms of insecurity and degradation was 41.03 and 34.89%, respectively. (3) On the whole, the areas that showed notable signs of insecurity and rapid landscape, and which can already be identified as early warning areas requiring immediate attention, correspond closely with the distribution of coastal industrial parks in these regions. In conclusion, the consequences of rapid industrialization and urbanization are far reaching and affect local and regional ecological security.  相似文献   

● Diurnal patterns of CH4 and CO2 are clearly extracted using EEMD. ● CH4 and CO2 show mid-morning high and evening low patterns during sea breezes. ● Wind direction significantly modulates the diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2. Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the two most important greenhouse gases (GHGs). To examine the variation characteristics of CH4 and CO2 in the coastal South China Sea, atmospheric CH4 and CO2 measurements were performed in Bohe (BH), Guangdong, China, in summer 2021. By using an adaptive data analysis method, the diurnal patterns of CH4 and CO2 were clearly extracted and analysed in relation to the sea breeze (SB) and land breeze (LB), respectively. The average concentrations of CH4 and CO2 were 1876.91 ± 31.13 ppb and 407.99 ± 4.24 ppm during SB, and 1988.12 ± 109.92 ppb and 421.54 ± 14.89 ppm during LB, respectively. The values of CH4 and CO2 during SB basically coincided with the values and trends of marine background sites, showing that the BH station could serve as an ideal site for background GHG monitoring and dynamic analysis. The extracted diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2 showed sunrise high and sunset low patterns (with peaks at 5:00–7:00) during LB but mid-morning high and evening low patterns (with peaks at 9:00) during SB. The diurnal amplitude changes in both CH4 and CO2 during LB were almost two to three times those during SB. Wind direction significantly modulated the diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2. The results in this study provide a new way to examine the variations in GHGs on different timescales and can also help us gain a better understanding of GHG sources and distributions in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The Ili River is a very important river to the northwest of China and Kazakhstan. The Axi Goldmine is located in the upstream of a branch of the Ili River. The cyanide from the goldmine effluent is a threat to the downstream areas. According to our study, the natural degradation of cyanide conforms to a negative exponential equation in the tailings impoundment, second wastewater pond and even in the receiving streams if the dilution action from other streams were deducted. In the combined action of dilution and natural decomposing, the cyanide from the goldmine effluent does not pose a hazard to the trunk of the Ili River in the normal producing states. The equations of cyanide degradation in the streams and the hydrology parameters could be used to assess the environmental impact on the downstream areas if accidental discharges of cyanide occurred. The available way of decreasing the cyanide impact on the streams is to increase the rate of recycled water so that the lower the wastewater level in the tailing impoundment and the second wastewater pond, the lower is the amount of leakage of wastewater to the streams.  相似文献   

A systematic survey of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) including hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH and ΣHCH) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane metabolites (p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD and ∑DDT) in soils along the north coastal areas of the Bohai Sea, China, has been lacking. In this study, 31 representative surface soil samples were collected along the north coastal and riverine areas of the Bohai Sea to characterise the potential for adverse effects of ∑HCH, ∑DDT and their individual isomers and transformation products. Concentrations of ΣHCH and ΣDDT in soils ranged from less than the limit of detection (1 ng · g?1 dw (mean: 3.5 ng · g?1 dw) and2 ng · g?1 dw (mean: 1.7 × 101 ng · g?1 dw), respectively. Compared with studies of OCPs in soils from other locations, concentrations of HCHs and DDTs observed in this study were moderate. Concentrations of OCPs observed in soils were generally less than proposed reference values. HCH residues were a mixture of historical technical HCH and current lindane sources. The pattern of DDTs was consistent with historical releases of technical DDTs. Selected soil physicochemical properties did not explain the sorption and/or partitioning of HCHs or DDTs.  相似文献   

Human activities and oceanic influences like mixing and/or upwelling define the hydrochemical and biological characteristics of coastal regions. In Sanya Bay, northern South China Sea, the balance between these two influences on spatial and temporal scales is poorly understood. The influence from human activities was due to discharge from Sanya River, whereas the most important marine influence was related to seasonal changes in hydrodynamics. Spatial differences (p<0.05) in total nitrogen (TN) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were observed. Seasonal differences were observed for temperature and nutrients. Human activities are the dominant factor influemcing hydrochemistry in the inner bay. This region exhibited the maximum influence of discharge from Saya River as estimated by higher nutrient levels. Oceanic influences like upwelling and mixing caused by monsoons are the dominant factors influencing hydrochemistry in the central and outer bay. Both human activities and oceanic influences play important roles in coastal ecosystems in Sanya Bay. This study has defined these characteristics so that better management policies can be enacted.  相似文献   

The harvesting of Phragmites australis reeds in the Tembe Elephant Park has to be managed pro-actively. Solutions to potential problems should be sought before they arise. This paper offers a potential solution to the problem of instating a winter-only reed harvest in the Muzi Swamp. The potential for manufacturing finished products such as prefabricated huts from sustainably harvested reeds and forest timber is examined and a cost estimate is presented. A prefabricated reed hut is three-times cheaper than a similarly-sized house made of bricks and cement. The manufacturing of finished products from the harvested material will add secondary value to the resource and also offer an alternative employment to harvesting reeds in the summer. The higher prices obtained for a processed article will also, hopefully, reduce the demand for the resource in its raw form, thereby increasing the perceived value of the resource and reducing wastage from raw materials that are not sold.  相似文献   

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