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通过对基于绝对误差最小的传统最小二乘法与在此基础上考虑相对误差的改进最小二乘法的比较,得知改进的最小二乘法预测更为准确。现场应用于鹤壁四矿的相对瓦斯涌出量随深度变化的预测,建立了瓦斯涌出量预测模型,通过预测值与实际值比较,证明改进的最小二乘法预测鹤壁四矿瓦斯涌出量是可行的、有效的,对指导煤矿安全生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据灰色理论及其相关理论,通过对GM(1,1)模型中微分方程使用最小二乘法多项式拟合来求解,提出一种改进GM(1,1)模型。将改进模型的预测精度与原始模型进行了比较得出采用二次多项式拟合的改进模型预测精度高于原始模型,因此采用二次多项式拟合GM(1,1)改进模型。并将该改进模型用于我国非煤矿山事故预测中,对2008-2010年我国非煤矿山伤亡事故死亡率进行预测性计算并且与真实数据进行了比对,进一步验证了模型的可行性。  相似文献   

为准确识别管道系统运行工况,提高对油气管道突发事故的响应速度,综合提升管网安全管理水平,提出1种基于时序片段的油气管道运行工况识别方法。首先,构建基于概率分布的状态变化识别模型,提取油气管道中不同运行状态点;其次,建立基于时间序列片段的工况识别模型,快速识别不同时间长度内油气管道运行工况;最后,以国内某成品油管道为例进行方法验证。研究结果表明:该方法可有效识别成品油管道阀门开关状态、泵异常停机和阀门内漏3种运行工况。对比传统的识别方法,该方法可降低状态变化点的漏报率,提升管道运行工况识别的准确率。研究结果可为油气管道系统运行工况识别提供新的借鉴方法。  相似文献   

为了解决长输管道深凹陷所导致的清管器及内检测器难以通过的工程问题,基于局部提高管道内压可使凹陷回圆、深度减小以达到清管器或检测器可通过深度门槛值的思想,建立了内压作用下管道凹陷回圆过程非线性有限元模型;提出了管道凹陷回圆系数的定义;通过应力应变响应分析对凹陷回圆过程的安全性进行论证;对回圆系数的影响因素进行分析,探讨径厚比、管材、凹陷尺寸、初始内压、回圆压力等参数对回圆系数的影响;基于有限元计算算例,采用非线性回归的方法拟合了凹陷回圆系数工程计算公式。研究结果表明:在极限回圆压力工况下,凹陷回圆过程中管道未发生二次塑性损伤;误差分析显示拟合所得公式预测精度较好,可用于长输管道凹陷的回圆评价。  相似文献   

为提高海洋油气管道外腐蚀速率预测的精度和效率,建立基于因子分析(FA)和天牛须搜索算法(BAS)的极限学习机(ELM)腐蚀速率预测模型。利用FA对影响因素数据集进行降维处理,确定预测模型的输入变量;建立ELM预测模型,并采用BAS对ELM模型的参数进行优化,避免参数取值随机性对模型预测性能的影响;以实海挂片试验为例,通过建模仿真评价模型的预测性能,并与其他模型进行对比分析。结果表明:FA-BAS-ELM预测模型的平均绝对误差(MAPE)仅为1.92%,决定系数R2高达0.994 9,相比于其他模型,该模型具有更优的预测性能。  相似文献   

In order to study a new leak detection and location method for oil and natural gas pipelines based on acoustic waves, the propagation model is established and modified. Firstly, the propagation law in theory is obtained by analyzing the damping impact factors which cause the attenuation. Then, the dominant-energy frequency bands of leakage acoustic waves are obtained through experiments by wavelet transform analysis. Thirdly, the actual propagation model is modified by the correction factor based on the dominant-energy frequency bands. Then a new leak detection and location method is proposed based on the propagation law which is validated by the experiments for oil pipelines. Finally, the conclusions and the method are applied to the gas pipelines in experiments. The results indicate: the modified propagation model can be established by the experimental method; the new leak location method is effective and can be applied to both oil and gas pipelines and it has advantages over the traditional location method based on the velocity and the time difference. Conclusions can be drawn that the new leak detection and location method can effectively and accurately detect and locate the leakages in oil and natural gas pipelines.  相似文献   

为了研究油气管道剩余强度评价方法的适用性,介绍了完整管道失效压力的计算方法以及NG-18,B31G,DNV RP-F101和PCORCC等4种计算含缺陷管道剩余强度的方法。对4种方法中的流变应力和膨胀系数进行了分析,同时采用4种计算方法计算了30组不同钢级管道的剩余强度。结果表明:流变应力的选取对中低强度钢管的影响较大,对中高强度钢管的影响较小,当管道钢级为X80及以上时,流变应力对剩余强度计算结果的影响可以忽略不计;各评价方法中,改进的B31G中的膨胀系数表达形式更加接近实际情况; NG-18和B31G适用于评价中低强度的钢管,其中,改进的B31G结果更为准确;DNV RP-F101和PCORCC适用于评价中高强度的钢管,其中,DNV RP-F101的计算结果优于PCORCC的计算结果;对于高钢级管道的评价方法还需要进一步研究和改进。  相似文献   

With the development of natural gas transportation systems, major accidents can result from internal gas leaks in pipelines that transport high-pressure gases. Leaks in pipelines that carry natural gas result in enormous financial loss to the industry and affect public health. Hence, leak detection and localization is a major concern for researchers studying pipeline systems. To ensure the safety and improve the efficiency of pipeline emergency repair, a high-pressure and long-distance circular pipe leakage simulation platform is designed and established by similarity analysis with a field transmission pipeline, and an integrated leakage detection and localization model for gas pipelines is proposed. Given that the spread velocity of acoustic waves in pipelines is related to the properties of the medium, such as pressure, density, specific heat, and so on, this paper proposes a modified acoustic velocity and location formula. An improved wavelet double-threshold de-noising optimization method is also proposed to address the original acoustic wave signal collected by the test platform. Finally, the least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) method is applied to determine the leakage degree and operation condition. Experimental results show that the integrated model can enhance the accuracy and precision of pipeline leakage detection and localization.  相似文献   

为避免因腐蚀导致油气管道失效,针对因管道特性和腐蚀尺寸的不确定性使得管道剩余强度成为概率模型的特点,建立了腐蚀管道强度损失随机模型;借助可靠性理论,通过分析管道腐蚀进程的时变性特点,将管道系统由损伤积累和抗力衰减导致的剩余强度随机化;提出基于穿越率的腐蚀油气管道失效评定及安全寿命预测方法。研究结果表明:腐蚀速率和运行压力对管道失效概率及安全寿命影响显著,管道尺寸影响适中,而相关系数和拉伸强度影响较小;若腐蚀速率Va=0.2 mm/a,VL=10 mm/a或局部腐蚀缺陷半径达到管道壁厚的0.5倍时,建议作为重点风险段监测并检修。所建方法是对腐蚀油气管道运营监控和风险评估的有益补充。  相似文献   

The leak of gas pipelines can be detected and located by the acoustic method. The technologies of recognizing and extracting wave characteristics are summarized in details in this paper, which is to distinguish leaking and disturbing signals from time and frequency domain. A high-pressure and long distance leak test loop is designed and established by similarity analysis with field transmission pipelines. The acoustic signals collected by sensors are de-noised by wavelet transform to eliminate the background noises, and time-frequency analysis is used to analyze the characteristics of frequency domain. The conclusion can be drawn that most acoustic signals are concentrated on the ranges of 0-100 Hz. The acoustic signal recognition and extraction methods are verified and compared with others and it proves that the disturbing signals can be efficiently removed by the analysis of time and frequency domain, while the new characteristics of the accumulative value difference, mean value difference and peak value difference of signals in adjacent intervals can detect the leak effectively and decrease the false alarm rate significantly. The formula for leak location is modified with consideration of the influences of temperature and pressure. The positioning accuracy can be significantly improved with relative error between 0.01% and 1.37%.  相似文献   

针对当前油气管道运行的现状指出第三方施工损伤风险控制的紧迫性,根据第三方施工损伤风险辨识的内容,以及油气管道第三方施工损伤风险评估中人为因素分析理论,阐述第三方施工损伤风险的影响因素,通过计算各因素的灰色关联度辨识出了第三方损伤风险的主控因素,并提出了第三方施工损伤风险控制方法.  相似文献   

To solve the problems of the difficulty in early leakage monitoring and larger positioning error for urban hazardous chemicals pipelines, the optimized method based on the improved Inverse Transient Analysis (ITA) and Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) was proposed. Firstly, based on the obtained experiment's results of leakage of natural gas in the non-metallic pipeline, the segment classification method was incorporated into the pressure gradient calculation. The modified method can adapt to the multi-node characteristics of urban pipe networks and help to obtain the preliminary positioning calculation results after optimization. Then the calculation results were embedded in the ITA calculation model. The input parameters of the gas pipeline such as boundary conditions, leakage rate and friction coefficient were used to establish the characteristic linear equations. Then the objective function of the least-squares criterion was defined, and the improved ITA model suitable for leakage detection of urban natural gas pipeline networks was constructed. Finally, the ALO was used to optimize the calculation process of the improved ITA model, and iteratively optimize the optimal friction coefficient and its corresponding minimum objective function (OF) value. As a result, a more precise location of the leakage source was calculated. The validation of the modified method is conducted by comparing the calculated values with the experiment's results. The results show that the method can accurately predict the location where the pipeline leakage occurs. The minimum error is 3.17%. Compared with the traditional ITA, this method not only accelerates the convergence speed of the objective function, but also improves the accuracy of location calculation.  相似文献   

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