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有色金属作为国际上流通量较大的大宗产品,近年来其价格的频繁剧烈波动受到学界和业界的高度关注。从有色金属国际贸易的交易量数据看,中国、美国、巴西等20个国家是有色金属国际贸易的主体,贸易量较大的是铜、铝、铅、锌四种有色金属。本文选取了国际贸易中铜、铝、铅、锌四种有色金属的主要进口国和出口国,在已有研究的基础上,从供需、实体经济和货币金融三个维度选取变量,运用国家之间构成的面板数据,建立PVAR模型,分析四种有色金属价格的波动及其影响因素;通过铜、铝、铅、锌四种有色金属价格的脉冲响应函数,比较分析铜、铝、铅、锌四种有色金属价格波动影响因素的不同。研究发现:(1)铜、铝、铅、锌四种有色金属价格波动均受国内生产总值和货币供应量的影响,供需因素对有色金属价格产生长期的影响,货币供给量对有色金属价格的影响短暂而剧烈;(2)国内生产总值和贸易量与铜价的波动密切相关,货币供应量和消费者价格指数与铝、铅、锌价格的波动密切相关;(3)有色金属主要贸易国的各个变量对铜、铝、铅、锌价格波动的贡献程度不同。铜贸易国的贸易量对铜价波动的贡献度要高于其他有色金属贸易国家;铝、铅、锌贸易国家的金融因素对铝、铅、锌价格的影响要强于铜贸易国家。最后,本文从进口国角度对中国有色金属进口提出了建议:中国是铜、铝、铅、锌四种有色金属的最大进口国,应密切关注有色金属价格走势,建立健全有色金属价格的实时监测和预警机制,加快对有色金属价格波动的反应速度,利用金融手段避险趋利。  相似文献   

矿业是经济社会发展的基础产业。在当前中国经济进入新常态和矿业长期低迷的形势下,要合理推进矿业供给侧改革,必须理清经济增长、城镇化与矿产资源消费之间的长期关系,需要依次回答:是否存在长期关系,这些关系有什么作用特征,这些作用的变化趋势如何,不同矿产资源是否存在显著的区别,针对这些区别如何提出应对策略。基于上述问题的判断,本文选取9种矿产资源,利用多种方法进行了组合分析。应用脱钩指数刻画了1978—2015年中国经济增长与矿产资源消费的脱钩关系,发现呈现一种周期性的脱钩和复钩过程;选取经济增长、城镇化和任意一种矿产资源消费为变量,建立了VAR模型,揭示各变量间的因果关系,将显著的因果关系分为三种类型,包括循环因果链(三种变量之间存在显著的接替性循环变化的关系,包括煤炭、锌、原铝和钾盐等)、两两互为因果(某两种变量之间存在一种或两种显著的双向交替变化关系,包括原铝、锌、钾盐、石油、精炼铅、精炼镍等)和单向因果(某两种变量之间仅存在一种显著的先后变化关系,包括铁矿石、精炼铜、精炼镍)等;运用脉冲响应函数刻画了上述关系的长期变化趋势,发现矿产资源消费的长期效应的大小及其波动频率有显著差异,大多数矿产可以持续效应10年以上(如煤炭、石油、锌、原铝等消费变动对GDP变动的影响),少数响应仅在5—6年内显著(如铁矿石、钾盐、精炼铅等消费变动对GDP变动的影响),之后效应会逐渐消失。基于此,结合当前实际情况,提出了中国矿业供给侧改革发展战略选择,包括以去产能为抓手、提高资源效率、坚持底线思维、建立政府适当干预下的资源价格形成机制、促进矿业经济创新等政策建议。  相似文献   

中美两国经济发展与铜消费量对比研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发达国家的发展过程表明,经济增长与铜消费量密切相关。本文由IPAT方程推导了铜消费指标与GDP间的关系式,得出GDP的年增长率(g)的单位GDP铜消费量的年下降率(t)是影响铜消费量变化的两个重要参数。给出了中、美两国铜消费指标与GDP间的关系曲线;中国1960-2004年间单位GDP的铜消费量并未形成明显的上升或下降趋势;美国1941-2004年间单位GDP铜消费量的变化总体上逐年降低,1941年为17.80kg/10^4USD,2003年为2.56kg/10^4USD,单位GDP的铜消费量降低近7倍。对应不同的单位GDP铜消费量年下降率的假设,估计了未来25年内中国经济增长与铜消费指标间的关系以及单位GDP铜消费量降低的倍数。  相似文献   

贵阳市循环经济发展度量的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
循环经济指标体系旨在度量区域循环经济发展的系统目标和工作进展。该文在“驱动力-压力-状态-响应”(DPSR)框架下设计度量区域循环经济发展的指标体系,含有状态指标、压力指标、驱动力指标、响应指标以及分离指标共5类指标集合。其中,分离指标集合作为循环经济的特征指标来表征经济发展与资源投入和污染产出分离的效果和趋势。考察贵阳循环经济规划案例表明:贵阳如果走循环经济的发展道路,可以转变经济增长方式,实现经济增长与资源投入和污染产出的分离。  相似文献   


This paper aims to estimate the effects of changing life style and consumption demands driven by income growth and urbanization on increase of energy requirements in China, and estimate the impacts of improvement in household consumption on mitigating energy requirements towards 2020, based on input-output analysis and scenarios simulation approach. The result shows that energy requirement per capita has increased by 159% for urban residents and 147% for rural residents from 1995 to 2004. Growth in household consumption driven by income growth and urbanization may induce a successive increase in energy requirements in future. Per capita energy requirements of urban residents will increase by 240% during 2002–2015 and 330% during 2002–2020. Urbanization might lead to 0.75 billion ton of increment of energy requirements in 2020. About 45%–48% of total energy requirements in China might be a consequence of residents’ life styles and the economic activities to support consumption demands in 2020. Under low-carbon life style scenario, per capita energy requirements of urban residents may decline to 97% in 2015 and 92% in 2020 in contrast with baseline scenario. That implies that China needs to pay a great attention to developing green low-carbon life style in order to realize mitigation target towards 2020.  相似文献   

作为我国循环经济测度的生态效率指标及其实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
尝试借鉴德国环境经济账户中的生态效率指标,并根据我国实际情况,构建适合度量我国循环经济发展的生态效率指标。这套指标是基于GDP与建设用地、能源消耗、用水总量、原材料消耗等4个资源投入性指标和二氧化硫排放量、废水排放量、国内生产排放量等3个污染排放类指标生成的,包括土地产出率、能源产出率、用水产出率、原材料消耗产出率、二氧化硫排放产出率、废水排放产出率、国内生产排放产出率等7个指标。应用这套生态效率指标分析我国1990~2005年生态效率的发展趋势,发现1990~2005年各种自然输入要素的生态效率均呈现增长态势,但增长速度仅使自然输入要素与经济产出呈现出不同程度的弱脱钩。其中,用水产出率增长最快,能源产出率增长最慢;用水产出率、国内生产排放产出率和土地产出率的增长速度高于就业人员劳动生产率的增长速度,而二氧化硫排放产出率、废水排放产出率、原材料消耗产出率和能源消耗产出率的增长速度低于就业人员劳动生产率的增长速度。  相似文献   

This paper aims to estimate the effects of changing life style and consumption demands driven by income growth and urbanization on increase of energy requirements in China, and es-timate the impacts of improvement in household consumption on mitigating energy requirements towards 2020, based on input-out-put analysis and scenarios simulation approach. The result shows that energy requirement per capita has increased by 159% for urban residents and 147% for rural residents from 1995 to 2004. Growth in household consumption driven by income growth and urbanization may induce a successive increase in energy require-ments in future. Per capita energy requirements of urban residents will increase by 240% during 2002-2015 and 330% during 2002-2020. Urbanization might lead to 0.75 billion ton of increment of energy requirements in 2020. About 45%-48% of total energy requirements in China might be a consequence of residents’ life styles and the economic activities to support consumption demands in 2020. Under low-carbon life style scenario, per capita energy requirements of urban residents may decline to 97% in 2015 and 92% in 2020 in contrast with baseline scenario. That implies that China needs to pay a great attention to developing green low-carbon life style in order to realize mitigation target towards 2020.  相似文献   

经济增长对资源消耗存在很大的依赖性,研究能源消费、碳排放与经济增长关系,可为经济增长方式转变和低碳城市建设提供重要科学依据。基于IPCC国家温室气体排放清单指南中的方法估算了无锡市能源消费碳排放,并建立“脱钩”模型探讨能源消费、碳排放与经济增长之间的关系。结果表明:(1)2000~2010年,无锡市碳排放从84335万t增加到2 52804万t,总量不断增加,但趋势有所减缓,且各县市碳排放特征差异显著;(2)无锡市碳排放与经济增长整体处于弱脱钩状态,且脱钩状态有不断增强的趋势,市区经济发展已不依赖于能源消费,朝着环境友好方向发展,江阴和宜兴节能减排压力仍然很大;(3)优化产业结构、调整工业结构和提高能源利用效率是改善无锡市能源消费、碳排放和经济增长关系的有效途径,各县市根据具体情况,侧重点有所不同  相似文献   

《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》将能源消耗强度和CO2排放强度作为约束性指标。实现2020年单位GDP碳排放强度下降40-45%的自主减排目标是中国今后发展的战略性任务。"十一五"期间,中国以能源消费年均6.6%的增速支撑了国民经济年均11.2%的增长,累计节能量达到6.3亿t标煤,CO2减排量达到14.6亿t,为全球应对气候变化做出了积极贡献。但单位GDP的能耗强度和碳强度下降与温室气体排放总量的上升还将是中国当前和未来很长时期温室气体排放的主要特征。根据历史数据分析,GDP增长、经济结构、产业结构、能源结构等都会对中国的碳减排产生重要影响。GDP增速高必然呈现高能耗、高排放的特征。经济结构方面,影响能耗和碳排放的是GDP(最终需求)的组成变化,即消费、投资和净出口的变化。由于第二产业在国民经济中所占的较大比重以及重化工产业长期存在,除了继续依靠技术进步提高能源使用效率外,必须重视产业结构调整对降低碳排放强度的贡献。能源结构对节能和碳减排的影响集中体现在资源禀赋不平衡、供需分布不平衡、消费种类不平衡。文章提出实现碳减排目标,必须控制和达到以下关键指标:控制GDP增速在6-8%之间;调整出口结构,提升服务贸易比重至30%左右;提高第三产业比例至47%以上,控制高能耗工业比重在22%以下;提高非化石能源比重至15%。此外,实现碳减排目标还必须:充分认识碳减排对转方式、调结构的重要意义;切实加强对不同区域碳减排工作的分类指导;提前部署重大低碳技术和重点领域技术研发;大力倡导绿色低碳消费和生活方式等。研究表明,中国实现2020年CO2自主减排目标还需付出更大的努力。  相似文献   

北京环境库兹涅茨曲线假设的验证   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
城市在我国国民经济和社会发展中的地位举足轻重,其高速的经济增长带来了巨大的资源消耗与环境压力。2005年北京人均GDP突破5000美元,处于工业化中期和重化工阶段。在这一特定发展阶段和北京举办奥运会的背景下,如何通过综合决策。推动北京的资源消耗和污染排放同经济增长尽快达到解耦具有重要的现实意义。针对上述问题,本文利用环境库兹涅茨曲线(Envirommental Kunznets Curve。EKC)假设,以北京为例验证EKC假设及其条件。本文采用北京市1990—2004年闾的序列数据建立计量模型。解析十类环境指标的EKC演变轨迹和阶段特征。验证表明:除工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物产生量呈N形外。其它环境指标虽下降或倒U形。即已跨越了EKC顶点正逐步实现解耦。本文引入了“强度EKC曲线簇”,通过确定不同城市在该坐标系中的相对位置来比较城市间的耦合状态。在此基础上,本文利用PSR(Press-State-Response)政策分析框架。从环境政策、产业结构和技术进步探讨了北京EKC演变的驱动因子。  相似文献   

This article analyzes China's coal consumption changes since 1991 and proportion change of coal consumption to total energy consumption. It is argued that power, iron and steel, construction material, and chemical industries are the four major coal consumption industries, which account for 85% of total coal consumption in 2005. Considering energy consumption composition characteristics of these four industries, major coal demand determinants, potentials of future energy efficiency improvement, and structural changes, etc., this article makes a forecast of 2010s and 2020s domestic coal demand in these four industries. In addition, considering such relevant factors as our country's future economic growth rate and energy saving target, it forecasts future energy demands, using per unit GDP energy consumption method and energy elasticity coefficient method as well. Then it uses other institution's results about future primary energy demand, excluding primary coal demand, for reference, and forecasts coal demands in 2010 and 2020 indirectly. After results comparison between these two methods, it is believed that coal demands in 2010 might be 2620-2850 million tons and in 2020 might be 3090-3490 million tons, in which, coal used in power generation is still the driven force of coal demand growth.  相似文献   

从中国金属资源安全的角度来看,优化战略性金属矿产的供应结构,降低一次矿产的对外依存度,通过合理的政策导向有效地增加中国城市矿产开发效率,挖掘废旧金属的回收和利用潜力,是实现矿产资源安全保障的重要前提。本文以铁、铜、铝等三种金属矿产为例,采用美国、英国、法国、德国、日本等五个工业化国家及中国1949—2015年的面板数据,通过构建消费强度、回收密度和寿命分布函数分析了工业化五国金属消费和报废金属回收的历史规律,预测了2016—2030年中国三种金属消费和报废回收的变化趋势。结果显示:(1)五个工业化国家铁、铜、铝金属的消费强度经历了快速上升、平台缓降和较快下降的过程,而回收密度则经历了缓慢上升、较快增长和快速增长的三个阶段,在消费强度与回收密度的第三阶段呈现"脱钩"特征;(2)中国铁、铜、铝三种金属的消费强度大幅增加主要是集中在2000年以后,2015年我国铁、铜、铝的消费强度分别为540 kg/人、8 kg/人和23 kg/人,回收密度分别只有100kg/人、0.5 kg/人和3 kg/人,除铁、铝的消费强度进入平台下降期外,铜消费强度和三种金属回收密度仍处于增长的第一阶段;(3)预计2030年,中国铁、铜、铝的消费强度将分别为450 kg/人、9 kg/人和20 kg/人,仍处在平台缓慢下降阶段,回收密度将分别增加到220kg/人、3 kg/人和5 kg/人,回收密度与消费强度比例分别达到49%、33%和25%。通过对比可知,中国未来社会报废金属回收潜力巨大,如果能加以有效政策引导,加快回收利用,可大大缓解中国战略性金属的安全保障压力。  相似文献   

选取2007年中国各省市自治区单位GDP能耗、单位工业增加值能耗和相关的经济指标数据,从经济发展、能源工业产值占相应省区GDP的比重等方面分析了2007年中国各省市区能耗现状,结果发现:我国经济较发达的省区单位GDP能耗和单位工业增加值能耗较低,经济较落后的省区这两种能耗指标较高;能源工业产值占相应省区GDP的比重越大,这两种能耗指标值越大。由此建立单位GDP能耗或单位IAV能耗与经济发展水平、能源工业产值占相应省区GDP的比重三者之间的结构模型,同时基于单位GDP能耗和单位IAV能耗,分别将中国各省区分为4种类型,并构建了二维矩阵表,据此对其产生的原因进行了分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

Due to its rapid industrialization and urbanization, China faces the daunting challenge of sharply growing energy and resource consumption. It is now indispensable for the nation to alter its course of development into more sustainable paths in terms of energy and resource efficiency. In this paper, we discuss the energy intensity of the industrial sectors of the Yangtze River Delta, consisting of Shanghai City and the neighboring province of Jiangsu—the fastest economically developing region of the country—and argue possible strategies for energy efficient industrial activities there. We first examine the historical trends of energy intensity associated with industrial sectors and study the factors affecting the evolution of these trends by applying decomposition analysis. We then argue that if “business as usual” (BAU) development patterns are continued, energy intensity level in both regions may surpass China’s policy targets in 2010, and GDP growth as well as energy consumption will exceed possible pathways under current policy targets by 2020. Thus, appropriate measures are urgently needed to lower energy intensity and consumption. Based upon these analyses as well as the Chinese government’s policy orientation, we propose two options as alternative scenarios for improving practices in energy-intensive industries, particularly targeting the cement and steel production sectors. These options are: (1) diffusion of highly energy efficient technologies into these industries, and (2) promotion of a circular economy and industrial symbiosis. We highlight that these options can potentially lead to energy savings and reductions in resource consumption associated with industrial activities and can serve as a regional model for more sustainable industrial activities in China.  相似文献   

After the Aznalcóllar mining spill (25th April 1998), considerable social concern arose amongst the inhabitants of the SW Iberian Peninsula concerning the consumption of local seafood. Squilla mantis was collected in four regions of the Gulf of Cádiz with a dual objective: to analyze the heavy metal levels for human consumption and as part of biomonitoring program. Heavy metal concentrations (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb) were analyzed in soft tissues and cuticle. The highest values were found in the soft tissues for zinc, copper and cadmium and in the cuticle for iron, manganese and lead. The mean copper concentration in the soft tissue, corresponding to the edible part, was 27.1 microg x g(-1) wet weight. Approximately 80% of stations showed values higher than 20 microg x g(-1) wet weight of copper, the Spanish legal limit for the concentration of this metal in the crustacean for human consumption. For Zn and Cu no significant differences were found between regions, probably related with the capacity for regulation of S. mantis. The highest values found for copper in the Gulf of Cádiz compared to other areas is likely to be related with contamination from terrestrial mining activities (copper and pyrites) in the region, dating back to the times of Tartessians and Romans, rather than the effects of mining spill which was shown not to create any significant increases in heavy metal concentrations of organisms of the Guadalquivir River or the adjacent coastal area.  相似文献   

工业时代的经济增长是以大量消耗能源为代价的,直接导致环境污染和资源枯竭。将经济增速与环境压力脱钩的同时,实现将人类福祉与资源消耗的脱钩,是实现绿色可持续发展的焦点问题。采用Tapio基本模型构建中国能源消耗与经济增长的脱钩模型,将1979-2014年的脱钩指数划分为8种脱钩类型。结果说明,绝对而稳态的脱钩是不存在的。虽然大部分年份的中国处于弱脱钩状态,但长时间尺度上,经济增长与能源消耗存在"连接-脱钩-复钩-再脱钩"的动态反复过程。以中国东部地区10省份为例,研究脱钩指数变化的趋势和时间分异情况。结果显示,进入21世纪后该地区复钩的可能性不断增加,特别在经济增速趋缓的背景下,需要警惕以能源消耗驱动经济发展的模式重现。计算并比较脱钩指数的5年均值,研究中国东部地区脱钩的空间分异情况。结果表明,经济增长与能源消耗是否脱钩与宏观政策的调整密切相关。不断提高利用效率以减少能源消耗总量,保持弱脱钩是中国经济发展与能源消耗关系的常态。  相似文献   

从十一五节能目标出发,利用2006~2010年全国30个省区的统计数据,分析了各省区节能效率及绿色距离的变化。结论如下:(1)依据各省区单位GDP能耗、单位IAV能耗和单位GDP电耗数据计算它们的节能量与节能效率,结果发现各省区节能量与节能效率差异较大;(2)利用单位GDP能耗与单位IAV能耗、单位GDP电耗的面板数据,确定了生态省建设的单位IAV能耗、单位GDP电耗标准分别为1.513 7tce和95547度;(3)依据能耗绿色距离和生态化实现度公式,分析了各省区能耗绿色距离和生态化实现度的变化。既是对过去5 a各省区节能效率的回顾性评价,同时也为未来5 a各省区节能降耗提供了参考依据  相似文献   

The Severonickel Smelter Complex as well as other big nickel-copper smelter plants are the source of metallurgical dust emissions, enriched with toxic elements Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn and As. The phase composition of typical metallurgy dust is described as pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9S8, pyrrhotite Fe7S8(Ni(x)), chalcopyrite CuFeS2, chalcosite Cu2S, covellite CuS, cuprite Cu2O, tenorite CuO, and metal copper and nickel. The fine dust fractions are enriched by lead, zinc and arsenic oxides. The obtained data can be turned to account when conducting the investigations of heavy metal behaviour in nature media, in particular soils.  相似文献   

This paper describes the partitioning of iron, manganese, zinc, copper, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and lead between the soft tissues and the shells of the gastropod mollusc Patella aspera. Specimens of the limpet P. aspera were collected from a clean coastal marine site (CMS) and from an estuarine contaminated site (ECS) on the south coast of Portugal. Fe and Zn concentrations were significantly lower on both populations and less variable in the shells than in the soft tissues. In contrast Mn concentrations were higher in the shells than in the soft tissues at ECS. The partitioning factor (PF), defined as the ratio between the mean metal concentrations in soft tissues and in the shells, was maximum for iron and minimum for manganese. Between the soft tissues and the shells, only manganese at ECS recorded a significant relationship between metal concentrations, suggesting that the mechanism that controls the accumulation of this essential metal in both tissues was different from the others. From the obtained data, in biomonitoring sewage contamination studies, shells of P. aspera can be considered as a good indicator for Mn while the soft tissues for Zn. As copper, cadmium, nickel and cobalt concentrations were much higher in the soft tissues than in the shells (< 0.1 microg g(-1)), this indicates that the shells were not a good indicator for these metals because they do not reflect the environmental bioavailability as do the soft tissues.  相似文献   

The levels of the heavy elements cadmium, copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc in the major streams and man-made lakes in and around Ibadan City were determined at roughly two monthly intervals between August 1977 and February 1979. They were found to be in the ppb and sub-ppb level except for iron and manganese which were in the ppm range. To assess the quality of these waters with respect to heavy metal contamination, a comparison is made between our results, world averages for both freshwater and seawater, and international water quality standards for drinking water. All elements, except iron manganese, were well within the safety limits. The low level of industrialization in Ibadan has kept its streams and lakes relatively free from heavy metal contamination.  相似文献   

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