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郑杰 《青海环境》2002,12(1):19-23
文章从青海自然保护区建设与发展的角度,分析就地保护对野生动物资源保护所发挥的作用,并就存在的问题,提出了今后发展的对策。  相似文献   

吉林珲春东北虎自然保护区现状调查及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保护区概况 吉林珲春东北虎自然保护区(以下简称保护区)是中国第一个国际濒危物种、国家一级重点保护野生动物东北虎、豹及其栖息为主要保护对象的自然保护区.具有珍稀性、濒危性和物种代表性等显特征.属野生动物类型。  相似文献   

为消除国道“216”工程对卡拉麦里山自然保护区的野生动物及其生存环境产生的不利影响,本文从实际出发,对保护区的生态以及水环境进行了论述,提出了保护野生动物和合理利用水资源的建设性意见,把工程建设的不利影响转变为有利影响;建立自然保护区良性循环的生态模式。  相似文献   

为了保护和拯救我国珍稀、频危的野生动物,发展和合理利用野生动物资源,维护生态平衡,1988年11月8日,由全国人大常委会四次会议审议并正式通过了我国第一部野生动物保护法。它包括总则、野生动物保护、野生动物管理、法律责任和附则等共五章四十二条,本法将于1989年3月1日起施行。《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》是继《环境保护法》,《森林法》、《草原法》、《矿产资源保护法》等之后公布的又一部保护自然资源和生态环境,制止乱捕滥猎,特别是珍、稀野生动物资源,促进野生动物资源的保护、驯养科学研究及合理开发将是一部重要的法律武器。四川是全国最大的省自然保护区较多,特别是闻名世界的珍、稀频危野生动物国家一级保护的大熊猫、金丝猴、中华鲟等是人类开展科学研究、文化交流、经济开发等重要的物质资源。本刊这期为扩大宣传这一重要法律的目的、意义和内容,全文刊载,希望环保、林业、水利、渔业等行政主管部门积极重视广为宣传,身体力行,并建议四川省人大常委会尽快根据本法精神和我省野生动物资源情况制定完善、有力、可行的具体实施办法,以保证本法律的有效实施。  相似文献   

以卡拉麦里自然保护区为研究区域,利用MODIS遥感影像和GIS空间分析功能,将野生动物的分布位置与遥感数据反演的生态参量结合,以单因子评价参量,快速有效地对卡拉麦里自然保护区生境适宜性的多年变化进行分析评价。结果表明,2000年以来卡拉麦里自然保护区野生动物适宜性生境面积总体呈波动性持续下降态势,保护区整体上受到了不同程度的干扰和影响,保护区自然生态环境处于退化状态。  相似文献   

随着罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区内道路建设、交通运输、旅游探险及各类矿业开发活动日益增多,给珍稀野生动物尤其是主要保护对象野骆驼的生存环境带来较大压力。在这种情况下,保护好保护区荒漠野生动植物物种资源成为亟待解决的问题。在分析现状的基础上,提出了保护对策。  相似文献   

青海湖地区野生动物及其保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
青海湖地区野生动物种类比较丰富,共录得243种。鸟岛自然保护区的成立在促进区域野生动物保护工作、发展旅游方面发挥了重要作用。当前,普氏原羚已成为极濒危物种,仅在青海湖地区分布,且总数不超过300只,普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)、黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)、大天鹅(Gygnus gygnus)和青海湖鲤(G.przwalskii przwalskii)资源的保护迫在眉睫。尤其是它们的主要栖息地已受到无序的经济开发活动的威胁。作者根据实地调查、收集相关资料和利用他人研究成果,分析和探讨了青海湖地区(重点是青海湖国家级自然保护区内)珍稀野生动物的种类、分布特点、保护现状和存在的突出问题,提出了保护对策。  相似文献   

通过论述八岔岛国家级自然保护区野生动物种类及组成,对保护区内鱼类、鸟类、兽类、两栖类、爬行类等物种种类进行了介绍。八岔岛国家级自然保护区在对动植物进行保护的同时,面临着大规模土地开发,非法狩猎及灭绝性捕捞,农药、除草剂、化肥的大量使用等环境问题。针对保护区的环境保护现状,通过开展宣传教育、协调发展与保护的关系、加强管理和执法并完善相关法律、建立珍稀濒危野生动物保护地、加强相关领域研究、开展广泛合作并加强资金投入等措施,可以更有效地改善八岔岛保护区野生动物生存环境。  相似文献   

世界上第五只棕色大熊猫在位于秦岭中段南坡的陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区现身,这是继1985年发现第一只棕色大熊猫后,在佛坪县境内发现的第四只棕色大熊猫。佛坪县位于秦岭南坡,享有"大熊猫之乡"的美誉。迄今为止,世界上有科学记载的五只棕色大熊猫,有四只发现于该县。  相似文献   

全国自然保护区共333个,总面积1933万公顷,占国土面积的2.01%.其中森林和野生动物类型的保护区329个.国家级保护区30个,其中林业系统管理26个,环保系统管理3个,中国科学院管理1个.面积最大的是新疆阿尔金山自然保护区(450万公顷);面积最小的是天津中、上  相似文献   

川西北地区位于青藏高原东南部,现有两栖爬行动物67种(亚种),其中两栖类28种,爬行类39种;珍稀、濒危种约占22.4%,经济意义大、有利用价值的种占29.8%,经济意义一般的种占47.8%。这些动物在科研、工艺、药用、维护生态平衡等方面均有一定意义。本文对这些动物的利用现状作了评价,并对资源保护提出5点建议。  相似文献   

The sustainability of wildlife resources in Africa is threatened by poaching for trophies and meat as well as changes in land use. In order to motivate local people for sustainable wildlife management, efforts to transfer decision-making power as well as benefits from central to local level have been made in several countries. Such efforts have not yet been seen in Kilombero Game Controlled Area, which is the area covered by the present study. The paper documents the importance of wildlife to local people, explores local people's perceptions on wildlife management and identifies constraints to sustainable wildlife management. A total of 177 household interviews in 5 villages and 129 interviews of pupils in schools have been conducted. The majority of pupils reported that their latest meal of meat was from a wild animal, and the most common species was buffalo. Apart from availability of cheap wildlife meat, advantages from living close to wildlife include the use of various parts of animals for, e.g. medical and ritual uses, and various plant products from wildlife habitats. Disadvantages include damages to crops, predation on livestock, and injuries to humans. The estimated loss of yield due to raiding by wildlife amounted to 21.9 and 47.8% of the harvest of rice and maize, respectively. Traditional wildlife management in Kilombero includes few rules to avoid resource depletion, because depletion has traditionally not been a problem due to low hunting technology and low human population. Government management includes strict rules, with hunting quotas as the main instrument, but the government has failed to enforce the rules. Ongoing discussions on new approaches to wildlife management like co-management and community-based management were largely unknown to the villagers in the area. Both poaching and agricultural expansion threaten the sustainability of Kilombero Game Controlled Area. It is suggested that transfers of decision-making power and benefits to local people is necessary in order to achieve sustainable management.  相似文献   

Hawaii possesses abundant geothermal resources and rare native wildlife. Geothermal energy development has not posed a threat to native wildlife in the past, but development potential has recently reached a level at which concern for native wildlife is warranted.Potential geothermal resource areas in Hawaii intersect important native forest and endangered species habitat. The ability of existing laws to constrain development in these areas is in question. State and federal endangered species and environmental reporting laws have little ability to constrain geothermal development on private land. Hawaii's Land Use Law had been viewed by conservationists as protecting natural areas important to native wildlife, but recent decisions of the state Land Board sharply challenge this view.While this dispute was being resolved in the courts, the state legislature passed the Geothermal Subzone Act of 1983. Wildlife value was assessed in the geothermal subzone designation process mandated by this act, but the subzones designated primarily reflected inappropriate developer influence. All areas in which there was developer interest received subzone designation, and no area in which there was no developer interest was subzoned. This overriding emphasis on developer interest violated the intent of the sub-zone act, and trivialized the importance of other assessment criteria, among them native wildlife values.  相似文献   

In developing conservation strategies, it is important to maximize effects of conservation within a specified land tract and to maximize conservation effects on surrounding area (ecological context). The authors proposed two criteria to select biotic entities for conservation foci: (1) the relative occurrence of fauna or flora in a tract is greater than that of an ecological context region; and (2) occurrence of the fauna or flora is relatively limited in the ecological context region. Using extensive spatial data on vegetation and wildlife habitat distribution, the authors identified strategic vegetation and fauna conservation foci for the 400 000 ha Fort Bliss military reservation in New Mexico and Texas relative to a 164 km radius ecological context region intersecting seven ecological zones and the predicted habitat distribution of 616 animal species. The authors set two specific criteria: (1) predicted area of a species' occurrence is <50% of the ecological context region; and (2) percentage of Fort Bliss intersecting the species' or vegetation community predicted areas in the ecological context region is >5% (Fort Bliss is 4.2% of the region). These criteria selected one vegetation class and 40 animal species. Further, these vegetation and animal foci were primarily located in two areas of Fort Bliss. Sensitivity analyses with other analytical radii corroborated the context radius used. Conservation of the two areas and associated taxa will maximize the contribution of Fort Bliss's conservation efforts in its ecological proximity. This relatively simple but information-rich process represents economical and defensible preliminary contextual analysis for detailed conservation planning.  相似文献   

.Fish and wildlife enhancement through water resources development implies fish and wildlife will be enhanced or benefit directly from such development. As a matter of practicality, the opposite may be the case in that wildlife lands of prime value and stream fisheries are often lost or severely altered as a result of reservoir construction or stream channelization. Additionally, estuarine fish and wildlife can also suffer from water resources development due to reductions in volume of fresh waters reaching the estuaries and adjacent marshes. In some instances waterfowl habitat can be created by reservoir construction and with good planning waterfowl habitat and use may be enhanced. To offset losses of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat when a river system is to be totally harnessed, planners could set aside sufficiently large natural areas dedicated for use by wildlife. This, however, would be replacement rather than enhancement. Reservoir fisheries can be enhanced with good planning to include timber clearing, shoreline clearing, boat road clearing, variable level drawoff devices and tailrace escapement channels. To sum up, it is possible for some species offish and wildlife to be enhanced through water resources development but only at the expense of others, and then only through careful and integrated planning.  相似文献   

Informal (visitor-created) trails represent a threat to the natural resources of protected natural areas around the globe. These trails can remove vegetation, displace wildlife, alter hydrology, alter habitat, spread invasive species, and fragment landscapes. This study examines informal and formal trails within Great Falls Park, VA, a sub-unit of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, managed by the U.S. National Park Service. This study sought to answer three specific questions: 1) Are the physical characteristics and topographic alignments of informal trails significantly different from formal trails, 2) Can landscape fragmentation metrics be used to summarize the relative impacts of formal and informal trail networks on a protected natural area? and 3) What can we learn from examining the spatial distribution of the informal trails within protected natural areas?  相似文献   

A unique pastoral community uses the arid rangelands of eastern Ladakh, known as Changthang, northern India. The nomadic people rear a variety of livestock such as sheep, goats, horses and yaks, which provide them with various goods and services. Nevertheless, the needs and aspirations of the people are changing. There is a trend towards increasing the livestock population, especially of a breed of goat that produces one of the finest natural fibres: Pashmina, which is the mainstay of their economy. This increase in goat population, however, is jeopardising the long‐term survival of the wild herbivores in the region, and as such is not sustainable. We present information on the current trends in socio‐economy, Pashmina production, wildlife conservation, and the conflicts of interest between wildlife and nomads in the region. On the basis of this information, we make suggestions for the conservation of natural resources in the region. We recommend preserving the historical societal norms and notions of the people, and capitalising on them to manage natural resources. We also recommend joint management of natural resources by the local people, State and non‐governmental organisations. Our findings provide a platform on which a grazing policy for the region may be formulated.  相似文献   

While the Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) introduced a new and progressive outlook on conservation, the South African government has failed to produce a comprehensive legal body of legislation to give effect to its varied obligations. Inconsistency and incompleteness of regulations governing wildlife conservation in conjunction with the failure to implement objectives to conserve wildlife through restricted exploitation with the political, social and economic motives of community conservation must be seen as major contributions to failed conservation goals. This paper analyses post-apartheid conservation laws and policies and argues that current plans for people-centred approaches to natural resource management programmes have been unsuccessful in operationalizing policy goals of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development into transparent plans for implementation. In fact, legal instruments and implementation plans seem to focus on the benefit-sharing components of community participation and therefore fail to address important issues of resource exploitation. It is suggested that where communities are expected to take part in the management of wildlife resources, the responsibility for sustainable wildlife management must be linked to the benefit-sharing instruments of the programmes. However, these would not deal with 'outsiders' like poachers and poaching driven by commercial interests. The paper proposes a model that allows communities to take control over wildlife resources.  相似文献   

Production possibility modeling has been applied to a variety of wildlife management issues. Although it has seen only limited employment in modeling human-wildlife output decisions, it can be expected that the theory's use in this area will increase as human interactions with and impacts on wildlife become more frequent. At present, most models applying production possibility theory to wildlife production can be characterized in that wildlife output quantities are determined by physically quantifiable functions representing rivalrous resources. When the theory is applied to human-wildlife interactions, it may not be sufficient to model the production tradeoffs using only physical constraints. As wildlife are known to respond to human presence, it could be expected that human activity may appear in wildlife production functions as an externality. Behavioral externalities are revealed by an output's response to the presence of another output and can result in a loss of concavity of the production possibilities frontier. Ignoring the potential of a behavioral externality can result in an unexpected and inefficient output allocation that may compromise a wildlife population's well-being. Behavioral externalities can be included in PPF models in a number of ways, including the use of data or cumulative effects modeling. While identifying that behavioral externalities exist and incorporating them into a model is important, correctly interpreting their implications will be critical to improve the efficiency of natural resource management. Behavioral externalities may cause a loss of concavity anywhere along a PPF that may compel managerial decisions that are inconsistent with multiple use doctrines. Convex PPFs may result when wildlife species are extremely sensitive to any level of human activity. It may be possible to improve the PPF's concavity by reducing the strength of the behavioral effect. Any change in the PPF that increases the convexity of the production set could offer natural resource managers additional opportunities to optimally provide multiple natural resource outputs. Techniques that minimize the effect could focus on either the human or wildlife outputs, or both. Methods could focus on reducing the externality itself through changing the production of the offending output or to reduce the impact of the externality through a change in the production of the affected output. Managers unfamiliar with PPF modeling can employ PPF thinking by recognizing that every decision involves tradeoffs and that sometimes these tradeoffs are unnecessary negative impacts that could be mitigated without compromising the resource.  相似文献   

This paper uses the concept of sustainable development to examine the utilisation of wildlife resources at Moremi Game Reserve (MGR) and Khwai community area (NG 18/19) in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Using both secondary and primary data sources, results show that the establishment of MGR in 1963 led to the displacement of Khwai residents from their land; affected Basarwa's hunting and gathering economy; marked the beginning of resource conflicts between Khwai residents and wildlife managers; and, led to the development of negative attitudes of Khwai residents towards wildlife conservation. Since the late 1980s, a predominantly foreign owned tourism industry developed in and around MGR, however, Khwai residents derive insignificant benefits from it and hence resource conflicts increased. In an attempt to address problems of resource conflicts and promote sustainable wildlife utilisation, the Botswana Government adopted the Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) programme, which started operating at Khwai village in 2000. The CBNRM programme promotes local participation in natural resource management and rural development through tourism. It is beginning to have benefits to Khwai residents such as income generation, employment opportunities and local participation in wildlife management. These benefits from CBNRM are thus having an impact in the development of positive attitudes of Khwai residents towards wildlife conservation and tourism development. This paper argues that if extended to MGR, CBNRM has the potential of minimising wildlife conflicts between Khwai residents and the wildlife-tourism sectors. This approach may in the process promote the sustainable wildlife use in and around MGR.  相似文献   

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