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开展加管道球形容器内预混气体爆炸实验研究在化工和石化企业中具有重要的科研和实用价值.详细研究了气体燃烧时爆炸波的扩展过程,得出球形容器安装管道后会降低球形容器内的最大爆炸压力,随着爆炸波在管道中传播,爆炸压力会不断升高,且管道末端的压力达到最大.通过实验结果分析,合理指出在连通容器上正确安装泄爆装置的位置.  相似文献   

为研究连通容器内气体爆炸规律,采用Fluent(经典流体动力学软件)对柱形连通容器内预混气体爆炸过程进行模拟,模拟了不同点火位置和火焰传播方向条件下连通容器内火焰传播过程和压力变化,并分析了连通容器内不同时刻的速度场.结果表明:火焰面在传播过程中并非完全对称,当火焰到达传爆容器后,湍流燃烧剧烈,火焰不规则变形显著;端面点火后在传爆容器内产生的压力峰值和压力波动比中心点火时更大;当起爆容器为大容器时,传爆容器内气体预压缩程度更大,压力峰值更高.  相似文献   

利用球型容器与管道组合,开展连通容器气体爆炸与泄爆实验,分析连通条件下,火焰在管道中的传播过程及其对起爆容器和传爆容器的压力影响。实验结果表明:连通容器气体爆炸中,火焰从起爆容器到传爆容器传播经历了一段不断加速,但加速度不断减小的过程;泄爆过程中,火焰传播过程与密闭爆炸时基本一致。管道中火焰加速传播,使得传爆容器的爆炸压力和强度相较于作为起爆容器时均明显增加,危险更大,采用与起爆容器相同的泄爆面积,无法满足对连通容器中传爆容器的泄爆。同时,泄爆是一个快速的能量泄放过程应选择合理的泄爆方式,防止二次危害。  相似文献   

为研究连通容器内气体爆炸规律,采用流体力学软件Fluent对球形连通容器内预混气体爆炸过程进行模拟,分析了不同管道长度和传爆方向条件下连通容器内压力和中心轴线上的速度变化。结果表明:随连接管长增加,连通容器内压力峰值更高,连通容器在压力稳定阶段保持的压力更小;较之小容器中心点火、大容器中心点火连通容器内压力迅速上升期及达到压力峰值的时间更迟,连通容器内的压力峰值更高,不同传爆方向时,传爆容器内的压力都先于起爆容器达到一个极值;火焰进入传爆容器后,轴线速度得到极大提高,最大值出现在管道内靠近传爆容器的接合处,可燃气体基本燃烧完时,连通容器轴线速度随连接管长增加下降更慢。  相似文献   

在实际工业生产中,连通容器内的爆炸事故屡见不鲜,而存在一定阻塞情况的连通容器内爆炸也时有发生.运用数值模拟的方法,建立了内置障碍物体的连接单根管道的容器的爆炸模型,利用甲烷-空气作为爆炸介质,获得了障碍物前后不同时刻的压力场和温度场,为实际生产中可能遇到的此类事故提供一定的理论依据和数据支持.  相似文献   

对甲烷-空气预混气体在球形容器和球形管道连通容器内的泄爆过程进行实验研究,根据实验结果得出在较小的泄压面积时,与密闭容器爆炸实验比较,不能降低容器内的最大压力,反而会增大容器内的最大压力。通过实验结果分析,泄爆口安装在远离点火源的位置,当发生预混气体爆炸时能较好地降低容器内的最大压力,起到保护容器的作用。  相似文献   

连通容器爆炸,连通管道在火焰传播和湍流加速中起着重要作用。通过对球形连通容器中不同连通管径爆炸进行数值模拟,分析不同管径对连通容器爆炸压力和流场的影响。研究表明,连通容器在不同连通管道内径下,最大爆炸压力基本一致,但在一定范围内,管径越小,容器的压力上升速率越高,火焰传播速度越快,连通容器的压力振荡越剧烈;传爆容器爆炸产生的反流对起爆容器压力的增加越明显;当管径增加到一定值时,连通容器间的压力变化趋于一致。  相似文献   

连通器内预混爆炸性混合气体被点燃后,随着气体燃烧火焰的传播,而发展成爆轰,压力急剧上升,故研究连通器安装爆破片后,泄爆过程的数值模拟有其重要价值.采用有限元的方法,对连通器内预混气体的火焰传播和泄爆过程进行数值模拟.通过模拟获得了不同时刻燃爆的速度场、密度场、浓度场、温度场,为工程上防爆、抑爆、泄爆提供了理论基础和数据.  相似文献   

连通器内预混爆炸性混合气体被点燃后,随着气体燃烧火焰的传播,而发展成爆轰,压力急剧上升,故研究连通器安装爆破片后,泄爆过程的数值模拟有其重要价值。采用有限元的方法,对连通器内预混气体的火焰传播和泄爆过程进行数值模拟。通过模拟获得了不同时刻燃爆的速度场、密度场、浓度场、温度场,为工程上防爆、抑爆、泄爆提供了理论基础和数据。  相似文献   

密闭爆炸容器实验研究及数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验研究了三种结构的爆炸容器在爆炸载荷下的响应情况;并通过二维多流体欧拉程序对二维爆炸场进行了数值模拟.在这个基础上用NIKE-2D对壳体的动态响应进行数值模拟。  相似文献   

Gas explosion in connected vessels usually leads to high pressure and high rate of pressure increase which the vessels and pipes can not tolerate. Severe human casualties and property losses may occur due to the variation characteristics of gas explosion pressure in connected vessels. To determine gas explosion strength, an experimental testing system for methane and air mixture explosion in a single vessel, in a single vessel connected a pipe and in connected vessels has been set up. The experiment apparatus consisted of two spherical vessels of 350 mm and 600 mm in diameter, three connecting pipes of 89 mm in diameter and 6 m in length. First, the results of gas explosion pressure in a single vessel and connected vessels were compared and analyzed. And then the development of gas explosion, its changing characteristics and relevant influencing factors were analyzed. When gas explosion occurs in a single vessel, the maximum explosion pressure and pressure growth rate with ignition at the center of a spherical vessel are higher than those with ignition on the inner-wall of the vessel. In conclusion, besides ignition source on the inner wall, the ignition source at the center of the vessels must be avoided to reduce the damage level. When the gas mixture is ignited in the large vessel, the maximum explosion pressure and explosion pressure rising rate in the small vessel raise. And the maximum explosion pressure and pressure rising rate in connected vessels are higher than those in the single containment vessel. So whenever possible, some isolation techniques, such as fast-acting valves, rotary valves, etc., might be applied to reduce explosion strength in the integrated system. However, when the gas mixture is ignited in the small vessel, the maximum explosion pressures in the large vessel and in the small vessel both decrease. Moreover, the explosion pressure is lower than that in the single vessel. When gas explosion happens in a single vessel connected to a pipe, the maximum explosion pressure occurs at the end of the pipe if the gas mixture is ignited in the spherical vessel. Therefore, installing a pipe into the system can reduce the maximum explosion pressure, but it also causes the explosion pressure growth rate to increase.  相似文献   

大型油罐区火灾事故往往伴随着油气爆炸,对应急救援消防官兵生命安全带来威胁.具有可压缩性、流动性和弥散性特征的超细干粉冷气溶胶对泄漏可燃油气爆燃爆轰有抑制作用.采用三路进气20L球试验装置模拟油气-空气与超细干粉冷气溶胶预混点火燃爆过程,实验结果表明:超细干粉冷气溶胶具有物理和化学双重抑爆作用,随着抑爆剂用量的增大其最大爆炸压力和最大爆炸压力上升速率呈下降趋势,且爆炸感应期明显被滞后;抑爆过程油气爆炸指数快速下降后趋于稳定,抑爆效果与超细粉体本身特性、抑爆剂用量及油气点火时刻有关.该研究有助于优化油气环境的最佳抑爆条件,对大型储油罐区油气防火防爆防护和抑爆技术的应用具有积极意义.  相似文献   

路长  李毅  潘荣锟 《火灾科学》2015,24(2):68-74
为研究管道截面对氢气/空气预混火焰形状与传播速度的影响,选用三个长度都为1m而截面尺寸不同的方形管道进行实验。实验结果表明,在截面为80mm×80mm的管道中,四种氢气浓度下预混火焰都发展形成了郁金香火焰。火焰传播速度呈现上升,下降,再上升的波动。在截面为100mm×100mm和150mm×150mm的管道中,只有在氢气浓度20%下形成郁金香火焰,并且传播速度也出现上述的波动。而在氢气浓度25%,30%,40%下,预混火焰都呈指尖形传至管口,未出现郁金香火焰,传播速度都是不断上升。三个管道对比中,截面为100mm×100mm的管道内火焰平均传播速度最快,且压力波第一峰值最大。  相似文献   

An experimental blast program consisting of four tests was conducted in a blast chamber to investigate the effects of cylindrical charges on the peak reflected overpressure and impulse on the wall of the chamber. The charge mass varied from 0.095 kg to 0.2 kg and the standoff distance remained constant at 1.5 m and 1.3 m for the axial and radial directions, respectively. Eight pressure transducers were used in each test to measure the reflected overpressures on confined chamber walls at key locations. A high speed camera was used to record footage of each blast event. The test results indicated that UFC-3-340-02 (Unified Facilities Criteria, 2008) gives a significantly lower prediction for the axially oriented cylindrical charge, and also underestimates the radially oriented cylinder. Another purpose of the blast program was to develop an experimental data set which would validate the AUTODYN model. This would enable the validated AUTODYN model to be used with confidence to generate the overpressure and impulse distribution on a structural element for varying parameters such as the charge shape and charge orientations. Based on the simulated results a new blast model for cylindrical charges has been proposed by considering blast loading on the same level as the charge across the longitudinal direction.  相似文献   

A study of vented explosions in a length over diameter (L/D) of 2 in cylindrical vessel connecting with a vent duct (L/D = 7) is reported. The influence of vent burst pressure and ignition locations on the maximum overpressure and flame speeds at constant vent coefficient, K of 16.4 were investigated to elucidate how these parameters affect the severity of a vented explosion. Propane and methane/air mixtures were studied with equivalence ratio, Φ ranges from 0.8 to 1.6. It is demonstrated that end ignition exhibited higher maximum overpressures and flame speeds in comparison to central ignition, contrary to what is reported in literature. There was a large acceleration of the flame toward the duct due to the development of cellular flames and end ignition demonstrated to have higher flame speeds prior to entry into the vent due to the larger flame distance. The higher vent flow velocities and subsequent flame speeds were responsible for the higher overpressures obtained. Rich mixtures for propane/air mixtures at Φ = 1.35 had the greatest flame acceleration and the highest overpressures. In addition, the results showed that Bartknecht's gas explosion venting correlation is grossly overestimated the overpressure for K = 16.4 and thus, misleading the impact of the vent burst pressure.  相似文献   

It is well known that bifurcation structures have a significant influence on gas explosions in pipelines or roadways. In this work, three different types of bifurcation, namely, bifurcation with two right angles (BTRAs), bifurcation with two obtuse angles (BTOAs), and bifurcation with an obtuse angle and an acute angle (BOAA), were used to study the effect of bifurcation on premixed methane–air explosion overpressure in pipes. The effect of the position of bifurcation on gas explosions was also discussed. Our results suggest that the peak overpressure evolution in pipes exhibits a downtrend before the bifurcation, a sharp increase after the bifurcation until reaching the maximum, and a downward trend when propagating into the pipe end. It was also found that gas-explosion propagation was affected by the joint action of turbulence induced by obstacles and the abrupt increase of the cross-sectional area. In addition, the bifurcation’s position had only a small effect on the maximum peak overpressure in pipes.  相似文献   

An experimental system including pressure transducer, data acquisition card, computer and electric spark ignition device was set up to research methane-coal dust hybrid explosions in closed tubes with different types of obstacles inside. Its dynamic response time was less than a millisecond and the test precision was 0.1%. The experimental results show that the obstacles had great effects on the explosion characteristics in the tube. Hollow obstacles linked with inner wall of the tube induced faster pressure rising than installed center blocked solid obstacles. Obstacles with more sharp corner induce more violent explosions. The most dangerous explosion occurred when spacing between obstacles almost equaled the inner diameter of the tube for the same size obstacle.  相似文献   

An experimental test program has been undertaken on the pressure coupling between gaseous deflagration and detonations and an underlying volume of water. The two forms of gaseous explosions were initiated in an ullage space within of a closed cylindrical metal vessel. The vessel, placed in a vertical orientation, and was 2 m high and 0.247 m diameter. The depth of water used for the experiments was 1.44 m. For the combustion tests the maximum pressure recorded in the ullage was also developed in the water volume. For detonation tests however a distinct pressure wave developed in the water filled region, significantly modifying the time resolved pressure history at the vessel wall.  相似文献   

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