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建立流域生态补偿机制是解决长江流域生态环境问题、促进流域水生态环境资源资产增值、实施流域综合治理的长效政策手段。在借鉴全国跨界流域生态补偿机制实践经验的基础上,加快推进建立长江流域生态补偿机制是长江经济带实施生态优先战略的重要途径。本文分析了长江流域生态补偿机制建设面临的主要问题与挑战,提出了长江流域生态补偿机制建设的总体思路和框架,建议长江流域生态补偿机制建设重点处理好八大关系,本文可为长江流域可持续管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

本文基于流域生态补偿的经济学原理,以成本效益分析(CBA)为基本框架,通过对新安江流域生态补偿政策实施的成本和效益进行定性定量的分析,对黄山市实施新安江流域生态补偿政策的成效比E1以及外部效应内部化程度指数E2进行计算,进而科学合理地衡量新安江流域生态补偿政策的实施效果。2010—2013年,黄山市在新安江流域生态补偿工作中的成本总计189.06亿元,黄山市环境效益增加33.52亿元,黄山市新安江流域生态补偿工作成效比E1为0.24,外部效应内部化程度指数E2为0.81,说明新安江流域生态补偿起到了一定的效果,黄山市环境效益预测结果表明,流域生态补偿的效果会随着时间的推移更加明显。由此提出建议,现阶段黄山市应继续以解决经济发展与环境保护的矛盾为重心,同时注重流域生态补偿工作的落实。  相似文献   

流域生态补偿是实现资源环境与经济发展可持续性的重要手段,而补偿标准的核算是建立流域生态补偿机制的重要内容,直接影响着补偿的顺利展开以及实施效果。阐述了国内外流域生态补偿标准及补偿模式,介绍了岷江、沱江和嘉陵江流域("三江"流域)的基本情况。并以"三江"流域为例,对其生态补偿核算标准进行探讨,为其他流域制定相关生态补偿机制提供经验。  相似文献   

河长制在促进完善流域生态补偿机制中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
河长制平台在促进完善流域生态补偿机制方面具有非常重要的作用,是实现流域水环境可持续管理的关键突破口。本研究梳理了完善流域生态补偿机制的必要性,分析了利用河长制平台完善流域生态补偿机制的可行性,并以跨界断面监测为技术衔接点,以完善跨界断面的设置、考核指标和考核目标作为突破点,利用河长制的高位推动、组织体系和部门联动,从技术方法、监测体系和补偿方式三个方面提出了完善流域生态补偿机制的建议:一是发挥河长制科技支撑作用,完善流域生态补偿技术方法;二是发挥河长制部门协同作用,完善流域生态补偿监测体系;三是发挥河长制统筹兼顾作用,完善流域生态补偿方式。  相似文献   

基于成本分析的西部生态补偿法律机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和实施西部生态补偿机制,是加强西部生态建设和强化西部生态功能专业化服务的必由之路。生态系统服务补偿理论和自然资本理论为我们分析西部生态补偿提供了新的分析范式,西部生态补偿包括国家补偿、区域和流域补偿、自力补偿三个层次。其内部的成本关系包括生态服务利用成本关系、跨区域资源调配成本关系、生态工程实施成本关系、内部补偿成本关系等,基于成本分析基础上的三层次补偿关系协同发展是完善西部生态补偿法律机制的基本内容。  相似文献   

目前多数生态补偿项目采用"一刀切"的补偿标准,以此来确保操作的便捷性和公平性。补偿区内农户真实受偿意愿直接影响到个体参与的积极性与主动性,间接影响到生态补偿项目的绩效。通过分析,影响农户参与生态补偿与否和受偿意愿的主要因素均为农业收入。身处生态脆弱地区石羊河流域的居民,对流域生态保护与恢复有着较好的认知,并且对实施生态补偿有着较高的期望。流域生态补偿的关键问题是在项目实施过程中如何对农户进行适宜的补偿,平衡农户因参加生态补偿项目收入减少的损失,维持或提高当前的生计水平。  相似文献   

建立流域生态补偿机制是协调流域保护和发展的重要途径,自2012年全国首个跨省界流域新安江生态补偿机制试点实施以来,截至目前已有10个跨省界流域建立了生态补偿机制,区域生态环境质量明显改善,但是在机制建立和实践过程中还存在概念泛化、动能不足、效益不明显以及方法指导少等问题,针对上述问题,本文提出优先考虑在水源地上游,探索市场化、多元化的补偿方式,加快形成一套技术方法体系等建议,以期为我国流域生态补偿制度的推进和完善提供参考。  相似文献   

横向生态补偿作为生态补偿的一种重要方式,在补偿方式上更多地引入市场机制,更加灵活和有效。在流域横向生态补偿方面,2016年3月广东分别与广西、福建签订了关于九洲江、汀江-韩江的流域上下游横向生态补偿协议,首次构建了跨省水环境保护的合作机制。本文通过分析广东省与邻省(区)的流域横向生态补偿案例,重点探讨粤桂和粤闽开展流域横向生态补偿的形式、特点、绩效及存在的问题,认为存在流域生态补偿的法律基础薄弱,补偿资金的设定缺乏定量的科学依据,政策之间缺乏协调等问题,提出因地制宜地创设多种补偿模式,科学制定流域横向生态补偿的量化标准,鼓励采用多元化的补偿方式等建议。  相似文献   

云南省洱海流域农业生态补偿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕洱海流域种植业产业结构调整、畜禽废弃物资源化利用问题,依托项目示范对农业生态补偿机制进行研究。以大理州政府为补偿主体,示范区内农户为补偿对象,结合资金补贴、技物补偿、智力扶持等补偿途径,开展测土配方施肥、发酵床生态养猪、稻田养鱼、牛粪秸秆混种双孢菇等典型农业生态补偿模式研究,提出了1套农业生态补偿办法。针对补贴力度不足、补贴涵盖领域窄、缺少科学评估方法等问题,分别从政策立法、项目实施、理论研究、试点示范4个层面提出逐步构建洱海流域农业生态补偿机制的建议。  相似文献   

通过实施流域生态补偿机制,能够有效地规范和管理流域内的各种行为,清晰地界定出不同地区之间的权利和义务,从而促进流域的可持续发展。自2019年漓江流域上下游横向生态补偿机制建立以来,尽管已取得一些成效,但仍存在立法滞后、资金供给不足、上下游政府协调不足等问题。针对相关问题,提出应当加快立法进程,科学制定横向生态补偿标准,拓宽横向生态补偿的资金来源渠道,加强上下游政府间的协作,推动漓江流域横向生态补偿机制的发展和完善,促进漓江流域上下游经济协同发展。  相似文献   

环境污染和自然生态恶化,是成都市经济发展和腾飞所面临的严峻挑战。因此,对成都及其卫星城的环境质量超前工作,对成都建设的总体布局和环境综合治理、资源的保护和合理开发,具有重要的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

壬基酚在活性污泥系统中的去除研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘伟  李咏梅 《四川环境》2008,27(6):86-92
壬基酚是一种持久性有毒的内分泌干扰物,它会对生物系统产生有害影响。本文介绍了壬基酚的来源、物化性质、化学结构、城市污水处理厂和实验系统中的迁移转化及去除,以及壬基酚在活性污泥分离的菌种中的降解。最后分析了目前研究中存在的问题并提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible toxicity of the leachate produced by the residues generated in the process of recycling lead from waste batteries. These residues are slag, which once formed, is characterised by its content in ferrous sulphide, sodium carbonate as well as residual coke from the process. It also contains, as minor components, lead and other heavy metals. The slag was stored and watered periodically over a period of 6 months, its composition changing until finally becoming inert, with no exothermal activity. The slag was leached, and its ecotoxicity was determined by means of the bioluminescence test, along with its content in heavy metals. The results obtained indicate a greater degree of toxicity in the residues with a shorter storage period than the established one, and which were therefore still in the phase of decomposition. However, in the samples taken on completing 6 months of storage, the EC50 value of the leachate was found to be higher than 3000 mg/l. Hence, a storage period under suitable environmental conditions which leads to inactivity of the residue as well as a decrease in its ecotoxicity, is considered absolutely essential. At the same time, a direct relationship was observed between the lead content and the ecotoxicity value.  相似文献   

大西南的旅游资源丰富而独特,但开发程度低、经营粗放、发展整体性差、组合效益低.本文根据近年来的研究,从大西南的整体对其旅游资源进行分区及评价、并分析其开发的市场条件,提出了开发途径。  相似文献   

/ The case of "Environment and Development" at Leiden University, the Netherlands, offers an example of developing a new environmental science curriculum in a conservative, disciplines-oriented university context. The core of this history is the long-term struggle of environmental science to evolve from the level of doing applied interdisciplinary studies and establish itself as a distinct body of knowledge with its own theory level, i.e., a discipline of its own. The struggle itself as well as its final outcome, a "bidisciplinary" curriculum in which both environmental science and one social science are expressed as disciplines (hence not environmental science as a mere "field of application") may be of value in other "classical" universities, too. KEY WORDS: Environmental science; Curriculum; Interdisciplinarity; Universities  相似文献   

A notable feature of development aid since the 1960s has been a paradigm shift from centralised project planning and management to decentralised approaches. The transition from top-down to bottom-up elevates the concept of localism in project management for vulnerable groups. This change resonates well in community-based resource management schemes in privileging the locale in terms of generation of knowledge and how problems and remedies are enunciated. Localism conceptualised as devolving central-level government functions to non-state actors in social service delivery is contradictory and seems to negate state powers. This paper explores this trajectory to explicate the forms of localism and the contradictions from its multiple conceptualisations that influence energy access. Using qualitative methodology and interviews, it analyses renewable energy projects directed at poverty alleviation in rural communities in Nigeria while deploying a political ecology framework of power relations to highlight the dynamics of localism. While localism is touted as a constraint in the development process due to localism of action, the paper demonstrates its prospects and how scaling-up of operations may augur well for altering its conceptualisation and with far-reaching consequences for community sustainable energy projects.  相似文献   

膜的改性及其在环境领域应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许云杰  吴俊杰 《四川环境》2009,28(4):108-112,127
膜改性由于具有清洁、廉价、节能等特点,近年来得到快速发展,是解决膜污染的有效方法之一。本文综合介绍了膜的基体改性、表面改性这两种改性类型和目前常用的改性方法包括表面涂覆、表面活性剂改性、化学修饰改性、仿生改性等等,并简单介绍了膜改性在环境领域的应用,探讨了膜改性今后的发展。  相似文献   

藻类在水体污染监测中的运用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
邓义祥  张爱军 《资源开发与市场》1998,14(5):197-197,198,205
利用藻类进行水体污染监测在水生生物监测中占有重要的地位。各种不同的水体污染对藻类的种类,数量,结构等产生相应的影响,在一定程度上表明了水质的某种变化。  相似文献   

中国盾叶薯蓣资源现状及保护对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
论述了我国盾叶薯蓣的野生资源现状、人工种植生产现状、资源濒危原因及应采取的保护对策.指出:我国现有盾叶薯蓣野生资源蕴藏量估计在200万kg左右,资源数量已大为下降,然而年需求量却高达2亿kg以上,供需矛盾十分突出.造成资源濒危的主要原因是利用过度、生境及种质资源被破坏、家种者皂素含量低且质量差而不能大批量用于皂素生产.建议在采取有效保护野生资源的同时,尽快建立全国性良种繁育基地,按GAP要求建立我国现代化、规模化、规范化的高产优质药材原料生产基地,从根本上解决当前盾叶薯蓣资源保护与利用的矛盾.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was developed and introduced in the 1960s during a time that was dominated by three key societal influences. These were the growth of modern environmental concern, the drive for more rational, scientific and objective environmental decision making and a desire for more public involvement in environmental decision making. The legitimacy of EIA, as a tool to aid decision making, lies in its ability to meet the requirements of all three demands, the chief among these being its ability to be a systematic scientific and rational approach to decision making. Yet today we live in a society that no longer accepts the rationalist model as either possible or desirable. The deference to ‘the expert’ and our trust in science and technology has steadily declined during the period of EIAs development and widespread use. Today, EIA still depends for its legitimacy on its claim to provide a systematic and scientific approach to assessments, while society has moved on. This paper examines this growing divergence and argues that it is time for a major re‐evaluation of the role of EIA in environmental decision making.  相似文献   

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