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Emissions of soil CO2 under different management systems have a significant effect on the carbon balance in the atmosphere. Soil CO2 emissions were measured from an apricot orchard at two different locations: under the crown of trees (CO2-UC) and between tree rows (CO2-BR). For comparison, one other measurement was performed on bare soil (CO2-BS) located next to the orchard field. Analytical data were obtained weekly during 8 years from April 2008 to December 2016. Various environmental parameters such as air temperature, soil temperature at different depths, soil moisture, rainfall, and relative humidity were used for modeling and estimating the long-term seasonal variations in soil CO2 emissions using two different methods: generalized linear model (GLM) and artificial neural network (ANN). Before modeling, data were randomly split into two parts, one for calibration and the second for validation, with a varying number of samples in each part. Performances of the models were compared and evaluated using means absolute of estimations (MAE), square root of mean of prediction (RMSEP), and coefficient of determination (R2) values. CO2-UC, CO2-BR, and CO2-BS values ranged from 11 to 3985, from 9 to 2365, and from 8 to 1722 kg ha?1 week?1, respectively. Soil CO2 emissions were significantly correlated (p?<?0.05) with some environmental variables. The results showed that GLM and ANN models provided similar accuracies in modeling and estimating soil CO2 emissions, as the number of samples in the validation data set increased. The ANN was more advantageous than GLM models by providing a better fit between actual observations and predictions and lower RMSEP and MAE values. The results suggested that the success of environmental variables for estimations of CO2 emissions using the two methods was moderate.  相似文献   

Regression and correlation analyses were used to predict responses of phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll) (μg L−1) to nitrate (NO3) (mg L−1), phosphate (PO4) (mg L−1) and ammonium (NH4) (mg L−1) dynamics in the shallow hypertrophic Lake Manyas, Turkey. Nutrient concentrations showed a descending gradient with distance, while chlorophyll concentrations showed an ascending gradient with the distance from the Sığırcı Inlet to the Karadere Outlet. Higher nutrient concentrations did always not coincide with higher chlorophyll concentrations. The results showed that regression models developed using seasonal data were more accurate in predicting chlorophyll concentrations than those developed using the pooled data from whole year (based on R 2 and the difference between the measured and predicted values). The findings also revealed that within a single large shallow lake, chlorophyll-nutrient relationships might show significant variations spatially. The objective of this study was to determine the seasonal and spatial variations in the relationships between chlorophyll, nitrate, phosphate and ammonium in the shallow hypertrophic Lake Manyas, Turkey.  相似文献   

Various natural hazards such as landslides, avalanches, floods and debris flows can result in enormous property damages and human casualties in Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Mountainous topographic character and high frequency of heavy rain are the main factors for landslide occurrence in Ardesen, Rize. For this reason, the main target of the present study is to evaluate the landslide hazards using a sequence of historical aerial photographs in Ardesen (Rize), Turkey, by Photogrammetry and Geographical Information System (GIS). Landslide locations in the study area were identified by interpretation of aerial photographs dated in 1973 and 2002, and by field surveys. In the study, the selected factors conditioning landslides are lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, vegetation cover, land class, climate, rainfall and proximity to roads. These factors were considered as effective on the occurrence of landslides. The areas under landslide threat were analyzed and mapped considering the landslide conditioning factors. Some of the conditioning factors were investigated and estimated by employing visual interpretation of aerial photos and topographic data. The results showed that the slope, lithology, terrain roughness, proximity to roads, and the cover type played important roles on landslide occurrence. The results also showed that degree of landslides was affected by the number of houses constructed in the region. As a consequence, the method employed in the study provides important benefits for landslide hazard mitigation efforts, because a combination of both photogrammetric techniques and GIS is presented.  相似文献   

Monitoring drinking water quality is an important public health issue. Two objectives from the 4 years, six nations, EU Project μAqua were to develop hierarchically specific probes to detect and quantify pathogens in drinking water using a PCR-free microarray platform and to design a standardised water sampling program from different sources in Europe to obtain sufficient material for downstream analysis. Our phylochip contains barcodes (probes) that specifically identify freshwater pathogens that are human health risks in a taxonomic hierarchical fashion such that if species is present, the entire taxonomic hierarchy (genus, family, order, phylum, kingdom) leading to it must also be present, which avoids false positives. Molecular tools are more rapid, accurate and reliable than traditional methods, which means faster mitigation strategies with less harm to humans and the community. We present microarray results for the presence of freshwater pathogens from a Turkish lake used drinking water and inferred cyanobacterial cell equivalents from samples concentrated from 40 into 1 L in 45 min using hollow fibre filters. In two companion studies from the same samples, cyanobacterial toxins were analysed using chemical methods and those dates with highest toxin values also had highest cell equivalents as inferred from this microarray study.  相似文献   

Omerli Reservoir is one of the major drinking water reservoirs of Greater Metropolis Istanbul, providing 40% of the overall water demand. Istanbul where is one of the greatest metropolitan areas of the world with a population over 10 million and a rate of population increase about twice that of Turkey. As a result of population growth and industrial development, Omerli watershed is highly affected by the wastewater discharges from the residential areas and industrial plants. The main objective of this study is to investigate the temporal assessment of the land-use/cover of the Omerli Watershed and the water quality changes in the Reservoir. It is not possible to adequately control urbanization and other pollution sources affecting the water quality. Responses of these detrimental effects are due to rapidly increasing population, unplanned and illegal housing, and irrelevant industries at the protection zones of the watershed, together with insufficient infrastructure. The study is focused on the assessment of urbanization in relation to land use and water quality using Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques for all the four protection zones of the Reservoir and a time variant analyzing model is obtained. IRS-1C LISS and IRS-1C PAN, LANDSAT-5 TM satellite data of 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 and 2006 are analyzed by confirmation through the ground truth data. RS data have been transferred into UTM coordinate system and image enhancement and classification techniques were used. Raster data were converted to vector data that belongs to study area to analyze in GIS for the purpose of planning and decision-making on protected watersheds.  相似文献   

This paper was conducted in order to determine the groundwater and soil pollution within and around the landfill of Eskisehir, Turkey. In this paper, mud, leachate and groundwater samples were collected seasonally a year from near Eskisehir landfill-site to investigate the possible impact of leachate which affects soil and groundwater quality. Concentrations of various heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Pb, Cr, Ni and Mo) were determined in mud, leachate and groundwater samples. In addition, the heavy metal transportation infiltrated from landfill through a porous medium into the groundwater was modelled in order to determine the potential groundwater pollution caused by the leachate of the landfill. The modelling of the contaminant transportation was carried out by using a multiflow computer programme which simulates the distribution of heavy metal concentrations. As a result of this study, the distribution of the contaminant concentration was modelled and determined with respect to time and distance. Hence, the contaminant concentrations were determined at any time interval according to distance. The heavy metal contamination in groundwater does not affect the wells found at far points from the source in a short time, e.g. 10, 20 and 30 days according to the obtained experimental results. When the time intervals extended more than 1 year, heavy metal concentrations decrease with distance but the concentration of the contamination increases when it gets closer to the pollution source. In this study, the potential contamination of groundwater was effectively estimated.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe and compare the interannual changes in the diversity and population structure of herbaceous plants in an anthropogenic area that has been regenerating for 15 years and to identify the similarities and differences in the biological attributes of the community compared with the characteristics of a regenerating conserved area. In total, 105 plots measuring 1 m2 were established. In each plot, the herbaceous plants were identified, and their height and stem diameter were measured for two consecutive years. The herbaceous flora of the anthropogenic area was represented by 86 species in 70 genera and 27 families, and there were no significant differences in the average richness between years. The conserved area was represented by 71 species in 63 genera and 35 families, and there was a significant difference in the total richness between areas and between years, except when comparing the richness between the conserved area and the anthropogenic area during the second year. Considering both the anthropogenic and conserved areas, 123 herbaceous species were listed, and the similarity between areas was 60 %. For the anthropogenic area, the floristic similarity between years was 95 %, and in the fragment of the conserved area, the similarity was 74 %. The diversity and density were significantly different between years and between areas. Given these results, this study suggests that 15 years of natural regeneration for the caatinga is not sufficient to reestablish its native flora with respect to its herbaceous component.  相似文献   

Data from continuous measurements of SO2 NO x , suspended particulate matter (SPM) and meteorological parameters at seven sites around a highly industrialized region in the Aegean coast of Turkey, between July 15, 1991 to July 31, 1992 were used to evaluate spatial and temporal variations of air quality parameters. Low annual averages and insignificant differences between day and night concentrations were observed at stations far from sources. At stations close to sources, annual average concentrations were high and diurnal patterns were significant. Annual average SO2 and SPM concentrations in all stations used the Krigging technique to assess the impact of industries on air quality in the surrounding airshed. Results have demonstrated that Turkish air quality standards for SO2 were exceeded in a circle with a radius of 4 km and which was centered on the petrochemical complex and refinery. Similarly, standards for SPM were exceeded in a circle with a radius of 1.2 km and which was centered on the ironwork plants. Both SO2 and SPM showed well defined diurnal variations, particularly in stations close to sources. The SO2 concentrations showed a maximum during day-time, while SPM concentrations peaked after midnight. Although annual average SO2 and SPM concentrations were highly variable depending on distances between stations and sources, background concentrations of the same pollutants, calculated by stripping episodes from data, did not change significantly from one station to another. Long range transport and resuspension of local soil were suggested as sources of background SO2 and SPM, respectively. The difference between observed and background concentrations of SO2 and SPM in each station was related to the impact of industries on air quality at that particular site.  相似文献   

Wastewater discharge from shrimp farming is one of the main causes of eutrophication in mangrove ecosystems. We investigated the phosphorus (P) geochemistry in mangrove soils affected by shrimp farming effluents by carrying out a seasonal study of two mangrove forests (a control site (CS); a site affected by shrimp farm effluents (SF)). We determined the soil pH, redox potential (Eh), total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved P. We also carried out sequential extraction of the P-solid phases. In SF, the effluents affected the soil physicochemical conditions, resulting in lower Eh and higher pH, as well as lower TOC and higher TP than in CS. Organic P forms were dominant in both sites and seasons, although to a lesser extent in SF. The lower TOC in SF was related to the increased microbial activity and organic matter decomposition caused by fertilization. The higher amounts of P oxides in SF suggest that the effluents alter the dominance of iron and sulfate reduction in mangrove soils, generating more reactive Fe that is available for bonding to phosphates. Strong TP losses were recorded in both sites during the dry season, in association with increased amounts of exchangeable and dissolved P. The higher bioavailability of P during the dry season may be attributed to increased mineralization of organic matter and dissolution of Ca-P in response to more oxidizing and acidic conditions. The P loss has significant environmental implications regarding eutrophication and marine productivity.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical techniques such as cluster analysis and principal component analysis were performed on 28 groundwater wells in Bafra Plain. Cluster analysis results show that the groundwater in the study area is classified into three groups (A, B, and C), and factor analysis indicates that groundwater is composed of 89.64 % of total variance of 12 variables and is mainly affected by three factors. Factor 1 (seawater salinization) includes concentrations of electrical conductivity, TDS, Cl?, Na+, and sodium adsorption ratio, factor 2 (mixing water) includes δ18O, δD, and T, and factor 3 (fresh) includes Ca2+. For determination of the source of water, Ca/Cl, Cl/HCO3, Mg/Cl, and Ca/Na as initials and Mg/Ca and SO4/Cl as molar rates which were identified, the rates had been found to be very useful. Cluster analysis was made by using these rates and the waters were classified in two groups (group 1 and group 2). First group waters were affected by seawater, and the second group were very less affected by freshwater or seawater. According to the comparison of two different parameters, group 1 comprised group A and group B-2, -3, and -4 from the same wells, and group 2 comprised group B-1 and group C from the same well. As a result of this study, it could be said that multivariate statistical methods gave very useful results for the determination of the source.  相似文献   

In a monsoon-affected tropical estuary, oscillations in freshwater discharge during monsoon shifted the phytoplankton blooms from those adapted to low salinities to high salinities and vice versa. Salinity stratification during monsoon (onset and restart after an intermittent break) favored diatom (Skeletonema) bloom in low-saline surface waters. In high-saline, nutrient-rich bottom waters, Fragilariopsis (diatom) bloom was observed during onset of monsoon and persisted till the end of monsoon. The break period in monsoon altered the phytoplankton community leading to mixed species bloom of large-sized diatoms and harmful dinoflagellates (Gymnodinium catenatum and Cochlodinium polykrikoides) under high-saline, nutrient-poor, non-stratified, and transparent water column. Such variations in community should be considered for better understanding the biogeochemistry of monsoon-influenced tropical estuaries. The dominance of Skeletonema is determined positively by the extent of low-saline stratified condition whereas most of the observed taxa were favored by high-saline, nutrient-poor, and transparent waters.  相似文献   

Unprecedented rates of human-induced changes in land use and land cover (LULC) at local and regional scales lead to alterations of global biogeochemical cycles. Driving forces behind LULC changes mainly include rapid growth rates of population and consumption, lack of valuation of ecological services, poverty, ignorance of biophysical limitations, and use of ecologically incompatible technologies. One of the major ecological tragedies of the commons in a Mediterranean region of Turkey is the loss of Lake Amik at the expense of increasing the area of croplands, which used to provide vital ecosystem goods and services for the region. In this study, we aimed at quantifying the effects of past land-use transitions on soil organic carbon (SOC) pools (0–20 cm) in a Mediterranean region of 3930 km2, between 1972 and 2000. LULC changes were quantified from a time series of satellite images of Landsat-MSS in 1972, Landsat-5 TM in 1987, and Landsat-7 ETM+ in 2000 using geographic information systems. The study showed that the increase in croplands between 1972 and 1987 took place at the expense of the irreversible losses of Lake Amik and its related wetlands of over 53 km2. In the period of 1972 to 2000, croplands, settlements, and evergreen forests increased by 174%, 106%, and 14%, respectively. The increase in settlements occurred mostly to the detriment of croplands. Given the average rates of all the land-use transitions, and associated changes in SOC density for the study region of 3930 km2, total SOC pool was estimated to decrease by 14.1% from 130.1 Mt in 1972 to 111.7 Mt in 2000.  相似文献   

Determination of O3, NO2, SO2, CO and PM10 measured in Belgrade urban area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
O(3), NO(2), SO(2), CO and PM(10) concentrations, simultaneously determined for the first time in Belgrade urban area in the autumnal period of 2005, are presented. The obtained results display similar behaviour of SO(2), NO(2), CO, PM(10) opposite from that of O(3). The weekend effect was also investigated showing diminution of average daily concentrations of SO(2), NO(2), PM(10) and CO for 72, 40, 37 and 42% respectively, and increase of the average daily concentration of O(3) for 56%. Influence of meteorological conditions on observed concentration levels was studied, too. The observed influence of wind speed on the O(3) nightly concentration levels was analyzed pointing to the phenomena of O(3) transport during episodic measurements. To make an identification of possible pollution sources and analyse the influence of meteorological parameters on pollution levels, air back trajectories for high level concentrations episodes were calculated and analysed. A multivariate receptor modelling (Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis) has been applied to a set of data in order to determine the contribution of different sources. It was found that the main principal components, extracted from the air pollution data, were related to gasoline combustion, oil combustion and ozone transport.  相似文献   

The paper presents new studies about the removal efficiencies and characterization of the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (MWWTP) in Kayseri, Turkey, which is serving for 800,000 population equivalents with the capacity of 110,000 m(3)/day, between 2006 and 2009. Kayseri discharges its effluents to Karasu Creek that downstream joins the Kizilirmak river, the longest river in Turkey discharging into the Black Sea. Four years of operation data between 2006 and 2009 calendar years were obtained from KASKI General Directorate. Influent and effluent samples were collected daily and suspended solids (SS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days (BOD(5)), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) were measured, aiming to study the evolution of the removal efficiencies for each year. The following yearly mean removal efficiencies were performed in the treatment plant: 94%, 97%, 97%, 95% for SS; 94%, 96%, 95%, 95% for COD; 98%, 98%, 98%, 98% for BOD(5); 84%, 87%, 89%, 82% for TN; and 71%, 86%, 80%, 86% for TP, in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009, respectively. The performance of Kayseri MWWTP was given both in terms of influent and effluent quality and in comparison with the current legislation on discharge limits to the receiving body. During the studied period, mean concentrations in the effluent did not exceed the imposed limits, but sometimes, higher values were noticed for SS, TN, and TP. In conclusion, the plant performances concerning these parameters were excellent and Kayseri MWWTP was operating efficiently according to the conventional control parameters.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deposition has doubled the natural N inputs received by ecosystems through biological N fixation and is currently a global problem that is affecting the Mediterranean regions. We evaluated the existing relationships between increased atmospheric N deposition and biogeochemical indicators related to soil chemical factors and cryptogam species across semiarid central, southern, and eastern Spain. The cryptogam species studied were the biocrust-forming species Pleurochaete squarrosa (moss) and Cladonia foliacea (lichen). Sampling sites were chosen in Quercus coccifera (kermes oak) shrublands and Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) forests to cover a range of inorganic N deposition representative of the levels found in the Iberian Peninsula (between 4.4 and 8.1 kg N ha?1 year?1). We extended the ambient N deposition gradient by including experimental plots to which N had been added for 3 years at rates of 10, 20, and 50 kg N ha?1 year?1. Overall, N deposition (extant plus simulated) increased soil inorganic N availability and caused soil acidification. Nitrogen deposition increased phosphomonoesterase (PME) enzyme activity and PME/nitrate reductase (NR) ratio in both species, whereas the NR activity was reduced only in the moss. Responses of PME and NR activities were attributed to an induced N to phosphorus imbalance and to N saturation, respectively. When only considering the ambient N deposition, soil organic C and N contents were positively related to N deposition, a response driven by pine forests. The PME/NR ratios of the moss were better predictors of N deposition rates than PME or NR activities alone in shrublands, whereas no correlation between N deposition and the lichen physiology was observed. We conclude that integrative physiological measurements, such as PME/NR ratios, measured on sensitive species such as P. squarrosa, can provide useful data for national-scale biomonitoring programs, whereas soil acidification and soil C and N storage could be useful as additional corroborating ecosystem indicators of chronic N pollution.  相似文献   

The provision of energy for households is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the domestic sector. There is significant scope for energy savings and thus emission reduction in this sector. This paper constructs a bridge between thermal analysis and environmental assessment in the occupancy stage of the dwelling life cycle, approaching both methods as being on a common system Environment–Dwelling–Inhabitant. The importance of the local level in the thermal analysis and assessment of either a dwelling or an inhabitant's behaviour is demonstrated. It is shown that the researcher can choose between natural experiment, computer experiment and mathematical modelling to analyze the system. Such a choice is discussed for two particular methods of thermal analysis. Thermal Nomograms are the result of mathematical modelling, and the Energy Score Sheet is the result of a computer experiment in energy rating. Despite being developed for the purpose of thermal analysis, these methods can also be utilized for environmental assessment at the local level. The discussion centres on Australian conditions where the majority of the population resides in a relatively benign climate wherein behavioural alterations have significant potential for energy savings and environmental impact. The purpose of the paper is to emphasise benefits apart from energy minimisation to promote the use of energy efficient housing strategies.  相似文献   

In the present study the spatial and the vertical distributions of 210Pb were investigated in the soils around a uranifereous coal fired power plant (CPP) in Yatagan Basin, in Western Turkey. The variation of 226Ra activity along the soil profiles was studied to assess the unsupported 210Pb distribution in the same samples. 226Ra was measured by gamma spectroscopy and 210Pb activities were determined from 210Po activities using radiochemical deposition and alpha spectroscopy. The total 210Pb activity concentrations in bulk core samples varied in the range of 38-250 Bq kg(-1) in the study sites and of 22-78 Bq kg(-1) in reference site. In the sectioned cores sampled from the study areas the ranges for activity concentrations of 226Ra, total 210Pb and unsupported 210Pb are 24-77; 39-344 and 4-313 Bq kg(-1), respectively. Corresponding ranges for reference site are 37-39; 39-122 and 1-83 Bq kg(-1).  相似文献   

Spatial variability of salinity and alkalinity is important for site-specific management since they are the most important factors influencing soil quality and agricultural production. The objectives of this study were to analyze spatial variability in salinity and alkalinity and some soil properties affecting salinity and alkalinity, using classical statistics and geostatistical methods, in an irrigated field with low-quality irrigation water diverted from drainage canals. A field of 5 da was divided into 10 m x 10 m grids (5 lines in the east-west direction and 10 lines in the north-south direction). The soil samples were collected from three depths (0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm) at each grid corner. The variation coefficients of OM and sand contents were higher than other soil properties. OM had the maximum variability, with a mean of 1.63% at 0-30 cm depth and 0.71% at 30-60 cm depth. Significant correlations occurred between ESP, EC and each of Ca, Mg, K and CaCO(3) contents of the soils (p<0.01). Experimental semivariograms were fitted to spherical and gaussian models. All geostatistical range values were greater than 36 m. The soil properties had spatial variability at small distances at 60-90 cm depth. EC was variable within short distances at 30-60 cm depth. The nugget effect of ESP increased with soil depth. Kriged contour maps revealed that soils had a salinisation and alkalisation tendency at 60-90 cm depth based on spatial variance structure of the EC and ESP values. Spatial variability in EC and ESP can depend on ground water level, quality of irrigation water, and textural differences.  相似文献   

National data from the hydrological network for 38 rivers out of 25 watersheds were used to detect spatial and temporal trends in water quality and quantity characteristics between 1995 and 2002. Assessment of water quality and quantity included flow rate, water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption rate, Na, K, Ca+Mg, CO3, HCO3, Cl, SO4, and boron. Among the major ions assessed on a watershed basis, Turkish river waters are relatively high in Ca+Mg, Na and HCO3, and low in K and CO3. The watersheds in Turkey experienced a general trend of 16% decrease in flow rates between 1995 and 2002 at a mean annual rate of about 4 m3 s?1, with a considerable spatial variation. Similarly, there appeared to be an increasing trend in river water temperature, at a mean annual rate of about 0.2°C. A substantial proportion of watersheds experienced an increase in pH, in particular, after 1997, with a maximum increase from 8.1 to 8.4 observed in Euphrates (P?R 2 values in accounting for variations of pH and water temperature only. The findings of the study can provide a useful assessment of controls over water quality and quantity and assist in devising integrated and sustainable management practices for watersheds at the regional scale in Turkey.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems have an important role in carbon cycle at both regional and global scales as an important carbon sink. Forest degradation and land cover changes, caused by deforestation and conversion to non-forest area, have a strong impact on carbon storage. The carbon storage of forest biomass and its changes over time in the Hartlap planning unit of the southeastern part of Turkey have been estimated using the biomass expansion factor method based on field measurements of forests plots with forest inventory data between 1991 and 2002. The amount of carbon storage associated with land use and land cover changes were also analyzed. The results showed that the total forested area of the Hartlap planning unit slightly increased by 2.1 %, from 27,978.7 ha to 28,282.6 ha during the 11-year period, and carbon storage increased by 9.6 %, from 390,367.6 to 427,826.9 tons. Carbon storage of conifer and mixed forests accounted for about 70.6 % of carbon storage in 1991, and 67.8 % in 2002 which increased by 14,274.6 tons. Land use change and increasing forest area have a strong influence on increasing biomass and carbon storage.  相似文献   

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