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Social insects often serve as model systems for communication and recruitment studies, and yet, it remains controversial whether social vespid wasps can reliably communicate resource information to nestmates. In this study, I present empirical evidence that foraging strategies depend on the initial assessment of resource size and potential competition by foraging yellowjackets. The context dependent foraging behavior of Vespula pensylvanica provides a potential explanation for the inconsistent reports of the existence of recruitment communication in vespid wasps. Furthermore, life history traits may influence yellowjacket foraging behavior; annual V. pensylvanica colonies, whose foragers routinely patrol near the nest, exhibited increased bait visitation in response to the return of successful foragers, whereas perennial colonies did not. These behavioral disparities provide insight into how foraging strategies and search patterns may shift with colony size and longevity. In experiments that investigate the effects of visual cues of conspecifics and bait dispersion, foraging decisions corresponded with expectations of yellowjackets integrating resource quantity and access into a perception of demand. When resource competition could be assessed as high, V. pensylvanica foragers quickly exploited the bait closest to their colony regardless of occupation by other wasps; however, foragers preferred visiting unoccupied baits in situations where competition could be perceived as low. Moreover, a meta-analysis revealed that context-dependent, cue-mediated recruitment was widespread in Vespidae, where such foraging behaviors changed with habitat and the potential for resource competition. Such plastic foraging strategies may contribute to the invasion success of some vespid wasps.  相似文献   

Summary In the laboratory overwintered females of Polistes fuscatus preferentially associated with former nestmates during the founding of a colony. They did not associate with non-nestmates or only with nestmates with whom they had overwintered, but affiliated with all former nestmates, regardless of where the former nestmates overwintered.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies can be expected to forage at rates that maximize colony fitness. Foraging at higher rates would increase the rate of worker production, but decrease adult survival. This trade-off has particular significance during the founding stage, when adults lost are not replaced. Prior work has shown that independent-founding wasps rear the first workers rapidly by foraging at high rates. Foraging rates decrease after those individuals pupate, presumably reducing the risk of foundress death. In the swarm-founding wasps, colony-founding units have many workers, making colony death by forager attrition less likely. Do swarm-founding wasps show similar shifts in foraging rates during the founding stage? We measured foraging rates of the swarm-founding wasp, Polybia occidentalis at four stages of colony development. At each stage, foraging rates correlated with the number of larvae present, which, in the founding stages, correlated with the number of cells in the new nest. Thus, foraging rates appear to be demand-driven, with the level of demand in the founding stage set by the size of nest that is constructed. During the founding stage, foraging rates per larva were high initially, suggesting that colonies minimize the development times of larvae early in the founding stage. Later in the stage, foraging rates decreased, which would reduce worker mortality until new workers eclose. This pattern is similar to that shown for independent-founding wasps and likely results from conflicting pressures to maximize colony growth and minimize the risk of colony death by forager attrition.  相似文献   

Summary Kin selection, acting through high levels of relatedness, may be an important promoter in the evolution of nest sharing. Cerceris antipodes is a sphecid wasp that shares nests in contrast to the majority of sphecids where only one female occupies a nest. Nest sharing results from females remaining in their natal nests and females moving to already occupied nests. Average relatedness among nestmates of C. antipodes was calculated from allele frequencies of phosphoglucomutase to determine whether nests were usually shared by close relatives. Relatedness among nestmates was high (0.5 to 0.6) at one aggregation in two consecutive years. Preferential association of relatives away from the natal nest can be inferred from these high values combined with the frequency of nest switching observed. Estimates of relatedness were lower (about 0.3) and associated with large standard errors at 3 other aggregations. Inbreeding and relatedness between neighbouring nests were only significant at the aggregation with the fewest females. This may be a result of the small effective population size. The levels of relatedness observed are consistent with kin selection through relatedness being an important factor in the evolution of nest sharing.  相似文献   

Summary Werren and Charnov (1978) and Seger (1983) proposed a model to explain a fairly common pattern of alternating sex ratio biases between generations in partially bivoltine insects. When first-generation males overlap and mate with females of the second generation, then females should bias sex ratios in favor of sons for the first generation and daughters for the second generation. In an intensive, 7-year study at four sites in northern Florida, pipe-organ mud-daubing wasps (Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) politum; Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) were found to have strongly male-biased sex ratios in the first or overwintering generation and 1:1 or female-biased sex ratios in the second or summer generation. These differences were not due to differences in mortality of the two sexes but rather resulted from changing female sex-allocation decisions. In some respects the mud dauber results fit Seger's model well: alternating sex ratios in partially bivoltine populations, first-generation males overlapping second-generation females and perhaps most convincingly, northern, univoltine populations do not have a male bias. Despite this qualitative fit, however, our data do not meet the quantitative predictions of the model. This could result from the fact that some assumptions of the model are not met by the life history of T. politum. Alternative explanations for alternating sex ratios include split sex ratios, seasonal differences in cost ratios, facultative maternal investment rules and facultative overwintering decisions by offspring. Despite the position that sex ratios have achieved in the modern study of evolution, it is clear that accurate, quantitative predictions on sex-allocation patterns demand the same detailed understanding of the biology of the organism that is required for the study of other adaptations.  相似文献   

Summary Polybia sericea (Olivier) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) foragers were trained to visit experimental foraging plots and tests were conducted to determine the role of visual, olfactory, and chemotactile cues in prey location. Foragers approached prey from downwind and hovered downwind of visual and olfactory stimuli. Olfactory cues were more likely to elicit landing than were visual cues. Biting of potential prey was most consistently elicited by a combination of visual, tactile, and chemotactile cues. Foragers encountering large prey carried a piece back to the nest and returned for prey remains. These returning foragers used visual cues to direct intensive aerial search; olfactory prey cues elicited landing.  相似文献   

Altruism in the social Hymenoptera is generally considered to be a feature of females rather than males. A popular explanation for this is that in the solitary ancestors of today's social species, males provided little brood care. Males might therefore lack the preadaptations necessary to evolve altruism in social contexts. While anecdotal observations of male contributions to colony life have been reported, there are few reports of male participation in nest defence. In apoid wasps, there have been several reports of male nest-guarding behaviour in solitary species, potentially setting the evolutionary stage for similar behaviours in social lineages. Here, we present evidence of active and effective nest defence in males of the social apoid wasp Microstigmus nigrophthalmus. Males were observed chasing intruders away from the nest, and the presence of males had a significant effect on nest survival when females were removed. Males potentially obtained direct benefits through defence, so that defence may not represent male altruism. However, our results do show that males can perform acts that benefit their colony.  相似文献   

Prior KM  Hellmann JJ 《Ecology》2010,91(11):3284-3293
Phytophagous insects commonly interact through shared host plants. These interactions, however, do not occur in accordance with traditional paradigms of competition, and competition in phytophagous insects is still being defined. It remains unclear, for example, if particular guilds of insects are superior competitors or important players in structuring insect communities. Gall-forming insects are likely candidates for such superior competitors because of their ability to manipulate host plants, but their role as competitors is understudied. We investigate the effect of invasive populations of an oak gall wasp, Neuroterus saltatorius, on a native specialist butterfly, Erynnis propertius, as mediated by their shared host plant, Quercus garryana. This gall wasp occurs at high densities in its introduced range, where we stocked enclosures with caterpillars on trees that varied in gall wasp density. Biomass production of butterflies was lower in enclosures on high-density than on low-density trees because overwintering caterpillars were smaller, and fewer of them eclosed into adults the following spring. To see if the gall wasp induced changes in foliar quality, we measured host plant quality before and after gall induction on 30 trees each at two sites. We found a positive relationship between gall wasp density and the percentage change in foliar C:N, a negative relationship between gall wasp density and the percentage change in foliar water at one site, and no relationship between the percentage change in protein-binding capacity (i.e., phenolics) and gall-wasp density. Additionally, there was a negative relationship between foliar quality and butterfly performance. Our results provide evidence for a plant-mediated impact of an invasive oak gall wasp on a native butterfly and suggest that gall wasps could act as superior competitors, especially when they occur at high densities.  相似文献   

Colonies of social insects are sometimes viewed as superorganisms. The birth, reproduction, and death of colonies can be studied with demographic measures analogous to those normally applied to individuals, but two additional questions arise. First, how do adaptive colony demographies arise from individual behaviors? Second, since these superorganisms are made up of genetically distinct individuals, do conflicts within the colony sometimes modify and upset optima for colonies? The interplay between individual and superindividual or colony interests appears to be particularly complex in neotropical, swarm-founding, epiponine wasps such as Parachartergus colobopterus. In a long-term study of this species, we censused 286 nests to study colony-level reproduction and survivorship and evaluated individual-level factors by assessing genetic relatedness and queen production. Colony survivorship followed a negative exponential curve very closely, indicating type II survivorship. This pattern is defined by constant mortality across ages and is more characteristic of birds and other vertebrates than of insects. Individual colonies are long-lived, lasting an average of 347 days, with a maximum of over 4.5 years. The low and constant levels of colony mortality arise in part from colony initiation by swarming, nesting on protected substrates, and an unusual expandable nest structure. The ability to requeen rapidly was also important; relatedness data suggest that colonies requeen on average once every 9–12 months. We studied whether colony optima with respect to the timing of reproduction could be upset by individual worker interests. In this species, colonies are normally polygynous but new queens are produced only after a colony reaches the monogynous state, a result which is in accord with the genetic interests of workers. Therefore colony worker interests might drive colonies to reproduce whenever queen number happens to cycled down to one rather than at the season that is otherwise optimal. However, we found reproduction to be heavily concentrated in the rainy season. The number of new colonies peaked in this season as did the percentages of males and queens. Relatedness among workers reached a seasonal low of 0.21–0.27, reflecting the higher numbers of laying queens. This seasonality was achieved in part by a modest degree of synchrony in the queen reduction cycle. Worker relatedness reached peaks of around 0.4 in the dry season, reflecting a decrease to a harmonic mean queen number of about 2.5. Thus, a significant number of colonies must be approaching monogyny entering the rainy season. Coupled with polygynous colonies rearing only males (split sex ratios), this makes it possible for a colony cycle driven by selfish worker interests to be consistent with concentrating colony reproduction during a favorable season.  相似文献   

Insect social parasites, like other parasites, may benefit from inhibiting their host from reproducing (complete or partial parasitic castration) because they can then exploit more of the host’s resources for their own reproduction. In particular, social parasites that kill or expel the host queen need to prevent host workers from reproducing; this is a common worker response to the absence of their queen. Indeed, host workers would benefit from detecting the presence of the parasite and investing in direct and indirect fitness. Studying whether and how social parasites control host worker reproduction can provide information about the degree of integration of the parasite in the host colony and help identify factors regulating workers’ reproductive decisions in social insects. We investigated whether the paper wasp social parasite, Polistes sulcifer, suppresses Polistes dominula (host) worker reproduction as efficiently as the dominant host female does in queen-right colonies by comparing worker reproductive efforts in parasitized and non-parasitized (control) colonies. Our results show that 6 weeks after usurpation of their colony by the social parasite, parasitized workers (1) had more developed ovaries than control workers and (2) laid more eggs as soon as the opportunity arose. This reproductive readiness of parasitized workers was not apparent 2 weeks after colony usurpation. This suggests that P. dominula workers have evolved means to react to social parasitism, as occurs in some ants, and that the parasite has only limited control over host reproduction.  相似文献   

The results of recent studies by our group have suggested that in social wasps of the genus Polistes the Dufour’s gland is involved in kin recognition. In fact, the same hydrocarbons occurring on the cuticle are found in the gland secretion, and in P. dominulus the composition of the glandular secretion is more similar in foundresses belonging to the same colonies than in heterocolonial foundresses. In this study, P. dominulus colonies were experimentally presented with previously treated dead conspecific females. These lures had been deprived of their epicuticular lipids and coated with epicuticular or Dufour’s gland secretion extracts from females hetero- or homocolonial with respect to the tested colonies. The behaviour of the colonies towards these lures indicates that, like the epicuticular lipids, the Dufour’s gland secretion is involved in nestmate recognition. Received: 14 August 1995/Accepted after revision: 5 November 1995  相似文献   

Summary The nesting behaviors of many solitary ground-nesting wasps incorporate temporal barriers against would-be cleptoparasites. Nests being excavated are conspicuous but relatively invulnerable to parasites, while nests being provisioned, often several hours to days later, are inconspicuous but highly vulnerable, Argochrysis armilla, a cleptoparasite of solitary ground-nesting wasps, Ammophila spp., bridges the temporal gap between nest excavation and provisioning by (i) visually locating digging hosts, (ii) learning the locations of associated nests, (iii) maintaining surveillance on a series of nests during the hosts' absence, and (iv) ovipositing in nests when the host returns with provisions. Patterns of surveillance and parasitism of Ammophila dysmica nests were generated by the number of cleptoparasites discovering and learning the nest's location during excavation. These results support recent suggestions that learning may play an important role in shaping foraging strategies of insect parasites.  相似文献   

Summary The threespine stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus is a voracious cannibal of both its own eggs and those of conspecific neighbours. Females, but not males, can distinguish their progeny from those of other fish and attacked alien eggs more frequently. In experiments to examine nest raiding, females that initiated raids on nests resulting in cannibalism were the first females to spawn in the reconstructed nest. These results support the hypothesis that cannibalism by females may be adaptive in situations where intense female competition for male guardians occurs.  相似文献   

Larvae and adults of an Hawaiian bivalve, Isognomon californicum, were exposed to sublethal, environmentally realistic concentrations of cadmium (2 and 20 ppb) for 28 d, and the accumulation of cadmium was evaluated. The concentrations of cadmium were expressed in terms of total cadmium (tissue and shell concentrations combined) and tissue cadmium. The accumulation rates of larvae were one to two orders of magnitude greater than adult rates. This study suggests that the faster uptake rates of larvae may explain why larvae are more sensitive than adults. Furthermore, the magnitude of differences between larval and adult accumulation rates may be related to metabolic rate. When larvae and adults were exposed to cadmium for only 14 d, followed by a 14 d depuration period, a substantial loss of cadmium was observed during the depuration period. Possible accumulation mechanisms and their similarity between larvae and adults are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Multiple mating by queens in social Hymenoptera with single locus sex determination may be an adaptation to reduce the effect of genetic load caused by the production of diploid males, if there is a concave relationship between queen fitness and the proportion of diploid male offspring in the colony. In this situation queens should be selected to reduce the variance in the production of diploid male offspring by multiple mating. It has been suggested that this concave relationship occurs in species such as the honey bee, Apis mellifera, in which reproduction occurs near the peak of colony population. This paper suggests that the timing of diploid male removal may influence mating frequency, with early removal of diploid males favoring multiple mating and late removal of diploid males favoring single mating. This idea is explored in two ways. A mathematical model shows that cell use in the brood area of species that rear young in cells will be more efficient with multiple mating. This would favor multiple mating in species, such as the honey bee, in which brood rearing is constrained by the usable area of the brood chamber. Secondly, comparison of polyandrous honey bees (early removal of diploid males as young larvae) with monandrous fire ants, Solenopsis invicta, and Melipona bees (non-removal of immature diploid males) suggests that in the species without diploid male removal, variance reduction may reduce queen fitness. Suggestions are made for testing this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Social parasites exploit the behaviours of other social species. Infiltration of host systems involves a variety of mechanisms depending on the conditions within the host society and the needs of the social parasite. For many species of socially parasitic ants, colony establishment entails the usurpation of colonies of other species. This frequently involves the eviction or death of the host colony queen and the subsequent adoption of the invading queen. The social parasite queen achieves host worker acceptance by either manipulating the nest-mate recognition processes of the host or undergoing chemical modification. Little is known, however, about how host workers respond to social parasite eggs or whether host species defend against brood parasitism during parasite invasions. Host species are believed to adopt social parasite offspring because the recent common ancestry between many social parasites and their hosts may grant the sharing of certain characteristics such as chemical cues. Use of multiple host species, however, suggests other processes are needed for the social bond between host and parasite young to form. This study reports the findings of adoption bioassays in which eggs from a slave-maker ant, Polyergus breviceps, were offered to workers of two of its host species from unparasitised or newly parasitised nests to determine whether P. breviceps eggs generally elicit rearing behaviours from multiple host species. Comparisons of parasite egg survival until adulthood with conspecific egg survival reveal that workers of both host species, free-living or newly enslaved, do not typically accept slave-maker eggs. Both host species thus have sufficient discriminatory power to reject social parasite eggs although our hydrocarbon analysis indicates parasite eggs may be adapted to their local host species. Combined these results suggest that host rearing of P. breviceps eggs may reflect an evolutionary equilibrium that is maintained by probability and cost of recognition errors.Communicated by L. Sundström  相似文献   

Summary Nest construction, a complex social activity requiring the coordination of 3 tasks (Fig.2), was compared in large (<350 adults) and small (<50 adults) colonies of Polybia occidentalis. The 3 tasks—water foraging, pulp foraging, and building—are performed by 3 separate groups of workers (Fig.4). Of the 8 acts comprising the 3 tasks, 5 regularly involve the transfer of water or pulp from one worker to another on the nest.Small colonies required nearly twice as long (35.4 worker-min) as large colonies (20.1 workermin) to complete a unit amount of construction work. Behavioral acts involving material transfer among workers were responsible for most of the increase in small colonies. In other words, the waiting times experienced by material donors and recipients were greater in small colonies. In small colonies workers switched among the three tasks more frequently than in large colonies (Fig. 4). This was the result of more frequent switching by generalists (workers that performed 2 or 3 of the tasks), rather than by a decrease in the proportion of specialists (workers performing only 1 task type) (Fig. 3).The series-parallel system by which Polybia occidentalis organizes nest construction has a major advantage over the series operation of solitary wasps. Pulp foragers collect and carry loads that are 6.1 times as large as builders can work with at the nest, and water foragers bring in loads that appear to be limited only by crop capacity and that provide all the moisture necessary for the complete processing of 0.74 of a foraged pulp load. As a result P. occidentalis can collect and process a given amount of nest material using 2.6 times fewer foraging trips than would be required by the series system. This in turn means that P. occidentalis not only achieves an energy saving that probably more than offsets the increased costs of material handling at the nest, but it reduces the exposure of its foragers to predators in the field.  相似文献   

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