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Multidimensional scaling of statements that identify when individuals consider an activity in which one is engaged to be working was conducted on representative samples of the employed labor forces in Belgium, Germany, Japan and the U.S.A. at the time period 1982–1983 and again at the time period 1989–1992. Representative samples of the employed labor forces in East Germany, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Beijing, China were studied at the time period 1991–1992 and were subjected to the same MDS analysis. The results provide empirical support that one hypothesized dimension underlying the way in which people define working ranges from burden/control to social contribution. Individuals who define working in burden/control and/or constraint terms emphasize costs to the individual. Individuals who define working largely in responsibility and exchange terms emphasize reciprocal exchange relations between the individual and the organization/society. Individuals who define working largely in social contribution terms emphasize the social benefits of working. The work definition structures in each of the four countries with replication samples are quite stable over time. In total, the work definition responses of over 18,000 individuals were studied.  相似文献   

隐患排查治理是企业安全管理的主线,排查治理对象除人的不安全行为、物的不安全状态和不良的工作环境外,更应侧重于管理缺陷。针对目前管理缺陷排查治理方法论研究较少的问题,将项目管理工具—责任矩阵引入隐患排查体系。结合安全管理的特点,建立了隐患排查治理责任矩阵流程和应用准则,并通过某隐患排查治理责任矩阵的建立和应用对该方法进行了验证。研究表明,责任矩阵便于查找隐患背后的管理缺陷,可推动企业由下向上逐步完善安全生产责任制,对持续提升企业安全生产管理水平具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

During recent years the work environment has undergone significant changes regarding working time, years of employment, work organization, type of employment contracts and working conditions. In this paper, consequences of these changes on occupational and public health and safety are examined. These include the disruption of human biological rhythms, the increase of workers fatigue due to changes in patterns of working hours and years of employment, job insecurity and occupational stress, which have a serious impact on workers’ health and may result in an increase in occupational accidents. Unsafe work practices related to workload and time pressure, the impact of work changes on public safety and the deterioration of workers’ living conditions with respect to income, social-family life, health and insurance benefits, are also described. In this context, difficulties that occur due to the changing work environment in conducting effective occupational risk assessments and implementing OSH measures are discussed (for example, frequent changes between tasks and workplaces, underreporting of occupational accidents and diseases, lack of methodological tools, etc.). A fundamental criterion used while studying consequences on health and safety and the relative preventive measures is that health and safety must be approached as ‘the promotion and maintenance at the highest degree of the physical, mental and social well-being of workers’ and not only as retention of their work ability. Limits in combining “flexibility” at work and overall protection of occupational and public safety and health in a competitive market are put forward for discussion.  相似文献   

This study investigated the job attribute preferences of male and female MBA candidates. Participants were drawn from 27 different MBA programmes in the United States. Factor analysis of the job attributes questionnaire revealed three primary job attribute dimensions: (1) professional growth; (2) work environment; and (3) salary. Contrary to most previous research, females were found to place a greater emphasis on the professional growth dimension than did males. Males, on the other hand, placed greater emphasis on salary considerations. No sex difference was found in participants' ratings of the work environment job attribute dimension. Consistent with earlier research, women were found to place more importance on the calibre of colleagues than did males. In general, both males and females rated job attributes concerning job content as more important than job attributes concerning job context. These results are discussed with respect to earlier research findings. Finally, the generalizability of these findings to other occupational groups is discussed and managerial implications presented.  相似文献   

The construct collective psychological ownership is introduced. Reflecting the psychology of “us” and “ours,” collective psychological ownership emerges through interactive dynamics whereby individuals come to a single and shared mind‐set as it relates to a sense of ownership for a particular object. After providing a conceptual definition for the construct, we turn our attention to a detailed elaboration of the construct, offering comments on its genesis, emergent context, underlying motives, and a discussion of what can and cannot be owned. We also provide a discussion of the dynamics associated with its formation, highlighting the paths down which groups travel that influence the emergence of this psychological state. Next, we turn our attention to the emergence of collective psychological ownership within the organizational and teamwork context paying particular attention to the role of work environment structure. We conclude with a discussion of a set of work‐related attitudinal, motivational, behavioral, and stress‐related outcomes that stem from this psychological state. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Competence and sociability (warmth) are fundamental dimensions of social judgment in organizations. However, these qualities are frequently seen as negatively related, with mixed evidence on which is more important. In three studies (N = 993), we investigated the effects of reward interdependence on the preference for sociability versus competence. We predicted that reward interdependence would elicit a more instrumental, calculative mindset, which in turn, would lead individuals to value competence more. Study 1 surveyed working adults who were in actual work groups and found that those who worked in more (vs. less) reward interdependent environments were more likely to think instrumentally and calculatively when considering potential colleagues. This mindset, in turn, was associated with a greater tendency to value competence over sociability. Studies 2 and 3 used an experimental design and found that when people imagined or anticipated working in a situation in which their economic outcomes depended in part on others, they were more likely to adopt an instrumental focus and choose a “competent jerk” over a “lovable fool.” These results call into question a vast social judgment literature that has made claims about the importance of sociability and related constructs without considering the context, and particularly the reward interdependence, often inherent in organizational contexts.  相似文献   

Continuous production processes on North Sea installations necessitate extended work schedules; 2-week offshore tours (alternating with shore breaks), 12 h shifts and rapid day/night shift changes are inherent features of offshore work. These intensive rosters, worked in a demanding physical and psychosocial environment, are potential sources of fatigue and impaired performance among offshore personnel. This article focuses on offshore working time arrangements, and presents a systematic review of studies which examine offshore day/night shift patterns in relation to operational safety and individual health risks. Of the 53 studies retrieved, 24 met the review criteria.Field study findings are generally consistent in showing that sleep, alertness and performance are relatively stable across day-shift tours; initial night shifts are adversely affected by circadian disruption, but full physiological and psychological adaptation occurs within 5–6 days; re-adaptation to day shifts is slower, and varies widely across individuals; the offshore environment is conducive to night-shift adaptation, but interventions to facilitate re-adaptation have proved only modestly effective. Analyses of survey data and accident/sickness records identify offshore night work as a risk factor for impaired sleep, health problems, and injuries, but little is known about the long-term health effects of different offshore shift rotations.In conclusion, research methodology and findings, and working time issues of current concern to the offshore oil/gas industry, are discussed. Aspects of offshore work schedules that have been not been widely studied (e.g. overtime, irregular work patterns) are also highlighted, and research areas that would merit further attention are noted.  相似文献   

In the assessment of electrostatic hazards in the process industries, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on the determination of energies in spark discharges. There are, however, other electrostatic discharge phenomena where this approach has severe limitations. The purpose of this paper is to describe the state-of-the-art with respect to electrostatic discharges in gases (air). An in depth review of the literature has been made, and the various types of discharges are tabulated and discussed.  相似文献   

In the context of spatial planning the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment asked the Centre for External Safety of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) to advice on safe distances pertaining to hydrogen filling stations. The RIVM made use of failure modeling and parameters for calculating the distance in detail. An imaginary hydrogen filling station for cars is used in the determination of ‘external safety’ or third party distances for the installations and the pipe work for three different sizes of hydrogen filling stations. For several failure scenarios ‘effect’ distances are calculated for car filling at 350 and 700 bar. Safe distances of filling stations from locations where people live and work appear to be similar for compressed hydrogen, gasoline/petrol and compressed natural gas. Safe distances for LPG are greater. A filling unit for hydrogen can be placed at gasoline/petrol-filling stations without increasing safety distances.  相似文献   

为建立健全我国国防工业安全生产法制体系,从构建历程、宏观设计和微观建设要点等方面对英国国防工业安全生产法制体系展开系统研究,并分析当前我国国防工业安全生产法制体系存在的主要问题以及英国国防工业安全生产法制体系建设对我国的启示。结果表明:在宏观设计方面,英国构建以国防安全局为监管主体的高度扁平化监管体系;在微观建设方面,其更加注重国防工业安全生产法律体系的层次性、内容完备性,法律的实操性、更新机制,以及监管职责界定的建设。借鉴英国经验,指出将国防工业安全生产法制体系建设提升至国家战略高度,实现国防工业安全生产专门立法、强化法律可操作性、完善法律制修订机制和科学界定监管职责是我国今后努力的重要方向。  相似文献   

我国民爆行业安全管理存在的主要问题及其对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
今年以来,民爆企业重、特大事故多发,安全生产日趋严峻。随着我国国民经济的快速发展,民爆行业安全问题已日益成为社会关注的热点,也成为安全监管的重点。本文从政府行业监管职责、企业主体责任两个层面存在的突出问题的剖析入手,为进一步强化民爆行业安全监督管理工作,在实施产业技术政策,落实政府监管责任,推进企业技术进步,加强企业基础管理,完善法律法规标准,深化安全专项整治,强化安全许可工作等方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

试验表明,总磷和总氮的工作曲线可以不经消解而直接显色,与国标方法比较无显著性差异,并以标准样品加以验证.建议省略工作曲线的消解步骤,在日常分析中,完全可以以磷酸盐磷和硝酸盐氮的标准曲线替代总磷和总氮的工作曲线,以达到降低工作强度,提高监测效率的目的.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between worker representation and the prevention and control of psycho-social risks at work. It argues that to understand this relationship it is helpful to position it within the labour relations context in which it occurs and which helps explain the strengths and limitations of interventions involving worker representation.The paper opens with some important questions of definition with regard to psycho-social risks and worker representation and consultation on health and safety. It goes on to review the evidence for the success or otherwise of worker representation in health and safety generally and discusses this evidence in relation to the control of psycho-social risks specifically. It discusses the problems that the restructuring of work pose for the sustainability of the preconditions for the effectiveness of the statutory model on which worker representation on psycho-social risk is predicated. In so doing the paper notes that many of the features of current restructuring of work that present problems for traditional model of worker representation are the same ones that lead to the increased prevalence of psycho-social risks at the workplace.The paper identifies both barriers and opportunities presented by the changing world of work for achieving an improved preventive scenario for psycho-social risks and discusses the implications of these for current and future strategies of trade unions. It concludes that in the present political and economic climate the state cannot be relied upon for effective regulatory strategies on the psycho-social risks of work. In the absence, or much reduced presence, of this support, some joined up thinking on the part of organised labour is required. Interventions by health and safety representatives on psycho-social risks at the workplace level need to be fully integrated in such thinking if they are to be effective.  相似文献   

安全生产规划体系框架探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了建立安全生产规划体系的必要性,探讨了安全生产规划的定义、研究对象、目的和内容,指出安全生产规划是为使安全生产与经济社会协调发展而预先对未来一段时间内各项安全生产工作所做的时间和空间的合理安排,具有整体性、综合性、动态性、前瞻性、信息密集和政策性强等特征。同时设计了"四级、三层"的安全生产规划体系,即在行政层级上分为国家级、省级、市级和县级四个层级,在协调作用上分为宏观指导层、项目布局层和方案实施层三个层次。国家安全生产规划从宏观上对全国安全生产工作做出谋划与部署,省级安全生产规划要接受国家安全生产规划宏观指导性的引导和要求,并结合各地实际进行项目布局,同时借助专项规划分解内容,制定市、县级规划实施方案。  相似文献   

The first national target for reducing road accident casualties in Great Britain was set in 1987, the target year being 2000. As the year 2000 approached, preparations were made for setting a subsequent target, the target year being 2010. A major part of the preparation consisted of forecasting the number of casualties that might be expected in 2010, conditional upon predictions about how the volume of road travel by the various transport modes might change and the type of new road safety measures that the Government might introduce. The forecasts provided the numerical context for the casualty reduction target that the Government announced in March 2000.This paper summarises the statistical analyses of accident data from 1983 to 1998 upon which the forecasts were based, and compares the approach with alternatives that have been adopted elsewhere. It also describes how progress towards the target has been monitored annually, allowing the Government to judge whether additional efforts might be needed to achieve the target. This examination of the actual data from 1999 to 2007 shows how far the original forecasts have proved to be successful.The improvement of car secondary safety over the past 15 years has probably been the development that has had the most significant effect on the national casualty total. A statistical model is used to quantify this effect by analysis of accident data, and the results of the most recent analyses are included.  相似文献   

This paper argues for a reconceptualization of careers as repositories of knowledge. Careers are visualized as accumulation of information and knowledge rather than simply progressions of work experiences. This definition is considered in light of theories which characterize organizations as knowledge creators. The paper then applies this perspective to the emerging phenomenon of boundaryless careers and concludes that a knowledge perspective provides significant insight into the implications of such careers for individuals and organizations.  相似文献   

The greatly increased number of women in the U.S. work force calls for greater attention to and emphasis on their safety and health. The author explores the history, demography, employment experiences and occupational safety and health considerations of working women.  相似文献   

安全绩效研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明安全绩效的研究方向,加强对安全绩效基础研究,从而为加强企业安全管理工作提供理论保障。从安全绩效的定义和范畴、安全绩效的评估、安全绩效影响因素的实证研究、安全绩效的提升等方面对国内外安全绩效相关研究进行论述和分析。提出以企业组织安全行为与员工安全行为作为研究的切入点;采用定性与定量相结合的方法;研究的重点应为更加注重过程的控制,注重安全行为的引导和安全文化的建设。  相似文献   

Idiosyncratic deals (i‐deals) research focuses on the emergence of customized work arrangements employees negotiate with their employers. This article provides a critical review and synthesis of i‐deals research, combining a qualitative review of i‐deals theory and research with a supplementary meta‐analysis of 23 empirical studies (k = 27 samples, N = 8110 individuals). The qualitative review examines the conceptualization and measurement of i‐deals and identifies patterns and gaps in i‐deals research, while the quantitative meta‐analysis tests the moderating effect of societal cultures on the predictors and consequences of ideals investigated to date. In each section, attention is given to strengths and weaknesses of current approaches to i‐deals theory and research. Future research directions are identified with particular emphasis on the largely unexamined role of i‐deals from a multilevel perspective. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据内抽外压式集烟尘器专利研制了一个内抽外压式集尘器,并在井下进行实验。经过3种方法测试均收到预期的的效果,司机工作区达到了国家卫生要求,由于采用外筒压风,防止了瓦斯积聚避免瓦斯爆炸。应用离散颗粒模型模拟了内抽外压式集尘器内气相流场和粉尘颗粒的运动,该集尘器不仅把矿井巷道中细微可呼吸粉尘吸收到除尘器中,又能防止了瓦斯积聚。数值模拟与实验结果的一致性表明:把内抽外压式集尘器放置在掘进机前方,由于粉尘在气流的携带下运动使掘进机司机在矿井巷道中的工作环境得到改善,减少矿工患尘肺病的概率,开发了井下集尘的新工艺、新设备。  相似文献   

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