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ABSTRACT: Within the flood plain of the lower reach of Peaks Branch, a stream in east Dallas Texas, 500 buildings would be partially inundated by the 100-year flood. The fully-developed watershed and flood plain mainly accommodate low-cost housing. Eight alternative flooding remedies, ranging from no action to stream channelization to complete redevelopment, are considered. The alternates are evaluated in terms of their relative safety, effects on neighborhoods, required relocations of families and businesses, initial costs, and maintenance costs. Creation of a stream-side greenway, offering lakes and parks, is recommended. This plan best balances costs and required relocations with community benefits, including flood protection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An implicit price model relating residential lot value to price determining characteristics of land is developed to measure the benefits of a structural flood control project. Special attention is given to the selection of relevant price determining characteristics of residential lots. An implicit price equation is estimated for both the with and without project conditions. Flood damages are quantified through the use of a dummy variable indicating a flood plain location. The analysis shows that annual flood damages were reduced by $15,275.  相似文献   

Flooding and the susceptibility to flood damage inherent in all land uses constitute the flood hazard. Resolution of the hazard while properly recognizing flood plain environmental attributes within the context of overall community or area needs is the essence of comprehensive flood plain management. The traditional approach–flood control–has effected modification of only the flooding component of the hazard whether it be coastal or inland. Until recently Federal programs have overlooked the possibilities of modifying the susceptibility component, for which the major responsibility lies with non-Federal interests. Beginning with actions in the TVA area, the latter is now being strongly encouraged through Federal programs and actions notably the Flood Plain Management Services and Survey Programs of the Corps of Engineers, those stemming from Executive Order 11296, and those required for eligibility under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. Flood plain management objectives must be stated in planning, e.g., economic efficiency, reduction in threat to life and health, environmental improvement, and regional development, to permit proper evaluation of the optional means and approaches for achieving them.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Components contributing to uncertainty in the location of the flood plain fringe of a mapped flood plain are identified and examined to determine their relative importance. First-order uncertainty analysis is used to provide a procedure for quantifying the magnitude of uncertainty in the location of the flood plain fringe. Application of the procedure indicated that one standard deviation of uncertainty in flood plain inundation width was about one third of the mean computed inundation width for several flood population-flood geometry combinations. Suggested mapping criteria, which directly incorporate uncertainty estimates, are given. While these criteria are more suitable for use in developing areas than in flood plains that have had extensive development, the analysis procedure can be used to accommodate property owners who challenge the validity of estimated flood fringe boundaries. Use of uncertainty analysis in flood plain mapping should enhance the credibility of the final plan.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examines agricultural land use change in the flood plain of the Iowa River as a result of building the Coralville Dam. Estimates of land use change and the benefits realized from the project are compared to the original project study benefits estimated by the Corps of Engineers. An analysis of the factors affecting land use change is carried out through a regression model to determine those variables that explain observed land use change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A flood control reservoir protects valuable developments on the downstream flood plain by storing flood waters and releasing them at a rate that will reduce the downstream damage. The water surface level of the flood pool behind the dam can fluctuate considerably during the occurrence of a large magnitude flood causing the inundation of trees, low vegetation, and water based recreation facilities located in those areas of the flood pool area that are normally well above the water level. The amount of damage that will occur in the upper levels of the flood storage area will depend on the depth and duration of the inundation that occurs. This, in turn, is directly related to the operating policy for the reservoir. A dynamic programming optimization model of flood control reservoir operation is presented. This model determines the reservoir operating schedule that minimizes downstream flood damages. Various constraints are added to the model to account for the environmental impacts of long periods of flood storage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydraulic modification of flood plains by human activity is the primary cause of rising flood damages throughout the world. As flood‐plain hydraulic roughness increases, so does the water level for a fixed flow rate. This raises the flood damage associated with a flood of given return period, and thus, magnifies the flood risk. This article presents an approach that integrates climatic, hydrologic, and hydraulic principles and presents models to discern the probable causes of flood damage in a basin that undergoes flood‐plain development. The article documents key factors that govern flood damage and presents a case study that illustrates the principles of forensic hydrology in an impacted flood plain. The study demonstrates flood level rise caused by hydraulic alteration of a flood plain between 1969 and 1995 and apportioned the increased water level among agricultural and structural factors located in the study area.  相似文献   

Computer simulation of river basin hydrology has rapidly progressed from an interesting academic exercise to a practical engineering procedure of increasing utility. Mathematical models of the many interrelated processes which occur in a basin have been developed along with efficient numerical procedures for their solution. The present paper is concerned with a particular model which has been used to describe the transformation of a temporally and spatially varying rainfall into a time history of stage and discharge on a flood plain. Although developed principally as a model of the physical processes involved, it is envisioned that the model can serve as one component of an information system for flood plain planning and management. The model consists of the following elements: (i) a rainfall simulation which generates stochastic inputs to the model according to specified rainfall statistics, (ii) a catchment-runoff model which converts the rainfall to surface runoff, (iii) a flood stage model which converts the surface runoff to time histories of flood stage and discharge. The model has been used to investigate the effect of various structural flood control measures in a basin and, in particular, to establish frequency-stage information for each of these. Of particular interest in development of the model have been recurring and partially unanswered questions relative to the proper balance among availability of data for use in the model, data requirements of the model and the objectives of the outputs produced by the model.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A flood control reservoir protects valuable developments on the downstream flood plain by storing flood waters and releasing them at a rate that will reduce the downstream damage. The water surface level of the flood pool behind the dam can fluctuate considerably during the occurrence of a large magnitude flood causing severe impacts on shoreline vegetation and water based recreation facilities located in the flood pool. A mathematical simulation model describing shoreline vegetative succession in response to flooding is presented. Plant species are grouped into ecologically similar compartments. Differential equations describing compartment intrinsic growth, intraspecies competition, interspecies competition, and other growth limiting factors are solved numerically. The model is used to evaluate the impacts of various operating policies on plant succession for a new reservoir in Central Iowa.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This work presents a flexible system called GIS‐based Flood Information System (GFIS) for floodplain modeling, flood damages calculation, and flood information support. It includes two major components, namely floodplain modeling and custom designed modules. Model parameters and input data are gathered, reviewed, and compiled using custom designed modules. Through these modules, it is possible for GFIS to control the process of flood‐plain modeling, presentation of simulation results, and calculation of flood damages. Empirical stage‐damage curves are used to calculate the flood damages. These curves were generated from stage‐damage surveys of anthropogenic structures, crops, etc., in the coastal region of a frequently flooded area in Chia‐I County, Taiwan. The average annual flood damages are calculated with exceedance probability and flood damages for the designed rainfalls of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 year recurrence intervals with a duration of 24 hours. The average annual flood depth in this study area can also be calculated using the same method. The primary advantages of GFIS are its ability to accurately predict the locations of flood area, depth, and duration; calculate flood damages in the floodplain; and compare the reduction of flood damages for flood mitigation plans.  相似文献   

Summary The Yellow River is renowned for its life-endangering floods, a problem augmented by the continuous heavy siltation of its lower flood plain. Major dam and reservoir projects have both positive and negative environmental impacts, and their construction requires careful environmental consideration. This paper outlines the key findings of environmental impact assessment reports related to the Xiaolangdi Yellow River dam/reservoir project. The authors conclude that the project, as planned, should provide an optimal mix of both economic and environmental benefits.This paper is modified from a presentation given to the 1993 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) in Shanghai, China.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The persistence of development and settlement in flood plains and continued damages from flooding, raises the question of how property owners respond to flood plain location and whether property values reflect this response. Existing studies disagree on the significance of flood hazard for property values. This study evaluates the effect of flood plain location on assessed valuation and home value in three towns in New Jersey. A t-test on mean assessed value and value of owner-occupied units at block levels showed no statistically significant variation for flood prone and nonflood prone lands. Possible explanations are that homeowners do not know or perceive the risk of living in flood plains, assessors do not incorporate flooding into assessment criteria, and the National Flood Insurance Program subsidies and broadened financial markets may equalize property values.  相似文献   

Flood control failure: San Lorenzo River,California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The San Lorenzo River on the central California coast was the site of a major US Army Corps of Engineers flood control project in 1959. By excavating the channel below its natural grade and constructing levees, the capacity of the river was increased in order to contain approximately the 100 year flood. Production and transport of large volumes of sediment from the river's urbanizing watershed has filled the flood control project with sand and silt. The natural gradient has been re-established, and flood protection has been reduced to containment of perhaps the 30 year flood. In order for the City of Santa Cruz, which is situated on the flood plain, to be protected from future flooding,it must either initiate an expensive annual dredging program, or replan and rebuild the inadequately designed flood control channel. It has become clear, here and elsewhere, that the problem of flooding cannot simply be resolved by engineering. Large flood control projects provide a false sense of security and commonly produce unexpected channel changes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The addition of flood proofing to other (structural and non-structural) flood damage reduction measures broadens the choice among existing alternatives for decision makers and consequently enables the possibility of improved expected net benefits from an overall flood damage reduction scheme. Planners are interested in more than just expected values of net benefits, however. The inherent riskiness of various alternative plans must be considered as well. Therefore, a partial equilibrium framework is specified for purposes of estimating means and variances of a measure of net benefits from flood proofing. The model is applied to selected communities in the Connecticut River Basin and sample computer results are provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Hydrologic Engineering Center, Corps of Engineers, has been engaged in research, training, and project assistance in non-structural flood control planning for Corps offices across the United States since 1975. Lessons learned from this experience deal with the role of nonstructural measures in flood plain management, the role of creativity in analysis, the role of analysis, and tools for analysis. The role of nonstructural measures in flood control planning depends upon the scale of the problem, the nature of the measure, the degree of protection desired, and whether damage is to existing or future property. An earnest seeking for nonstructural opportunities, a field presence for their formulation, and compatbility with local infrastructure plans are prerequisite to creative use of nonstructural measures. Analysis is a necessary complement of creativity. Several tools for nonstructural analysis have been developed and applied to flood problems involving several hundred and several thousand structures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Measuring flood control benefits from estimated property damage in prior floods omits losses in the form of depressed values of land put to less valuable uses because of annual flooding. Covariance analysis of real property values in three urban areas differently situated around Lake Cumberland, Kentucky shows a much larger rate of increase, over a 15-year period, for the area receiving flood protection. This suggests that the economic benefits from a flood protection facility include these additional property value increases as well as the prevented property damage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recognition of the flood hazard that exists on alluvial fans has seriously lagged behind the recognition of other more conventional flood hazards such as those associated with most rivers. This delay in recognition was due, until recently, to a general lack of economic investment and development in these areas and a concomitant lack of historical alluvial fan flood damage. Dramatic recent events, such as Tropical Storm Kathleen, emphasized to the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) the need for developing an appropriate methodology to identify flood hazard areas on alluvial fans. This paper presents the methodology now employed by FIA as well as flood plain management considerations that could reduce future flood related damage to communities developing in these areas.  相似文献   

A study of the piedmont of the Newberry Mountains near Laughlin, Nevada, demonstrates that geologic information can improve the scientific basis of flood‐hazard management on alluvial fans in desert areas. Comparison of geologic information against flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs) reveals flaws in conventional methods for flood hazard delineation in this setting. Geologic evidence indicates that large parts of the Newberry piedmont have been isolated from significant flooding for at least the past 10,000 years. This contrasts with existing FIRMs that include large tracts of nonflood prone land in the 100‐year and 500‐year flood hazard zones and exclude areas of indisputably flood prone land from the regulatory flood plain. From the basis of the geology, flood hazards on at least one‐third of the piedmont are mischaracterized on the regulatory maps. The formal incorporation of geologic data into flood hazard studies on desert piedmonts could significantly reduce this type of discrepancy and substantially reduce the scope, hence cost, of more elaborate engineering studies and hazard mitigation strategies. The results of this study affirm the value of new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommendations for characterizing alluvial fan flood hazards and support an argument for mandating geological studies in the regulatory process.  相似文献   

This article looks at issues of recreancy, environmental justice, and relocation as they relate to a flood control infrastructure project in inner city Houston. The main research questions were “What forms would recreancy take?” and “Can a project be environmentally just if recreancy is present?” Through the structural coding of 53 semi-structured interviews, recreancy was found even in a project where the sponsors used community cohesion as a guideline. This article illuminates the difficulties flood control project engineers face when working in local communities and argues that engineering issues are also social issues. Further, the relocatees within this flood control project voice some of the same concerns experienced by people relocated in other involuntary infrastructure development projects. The case outlined in this article could be used to better help those involuntarily relocated for flood control.  相似文献   

This paper looks into the complexity of managing flood risks in the Hawkesbury–Nepean catchment, Australia. Several aspects are explored: (1) the complexities created by the way different agencies are involved in assessing flood risks; (2) different perceptions on acceptable flood risk level; (3) community engagement in defining acceptable flood risk level; (4) views on a holistic flood risk management plan; and (5) challenges of a centralised information system. This study concludes that the complexity of managing a large catchment is exacerbated by the difference in the way professionals perceive the problem. This has led to (1) different standards for acceptable risks; (2) inconsistent attempt to set up a regional-scale flood management plan beyond the jurisdictional boundaries; (3) absence of a regional-scale agency with licence to share and update information; and (d) lack of forums for dialogue with insurance companies to ensure an integrated approach to flood management.  相似文献   

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