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Psychological contracts are individual beliefs in reciprocal obligations between employees and employers. In a sample of 224 graduating MBA students who had recently accepted job offers, beliefs regarding employment obligations were investigated. Two types of obligation were demonstrated empirically: transactional obligations of high pay and career advancement in exchange for hard work and relational obligations exchanging job security for loyalty and a minimum length of stay. These types of obligations are connected with two forms of legal contracts: transactional and relational. Relational contract obligations for employers correlated with employee expected length of stay with the firm. Transactional contract obligations were associated with careerist motive on the part of new recruits. The relationship between these and other motives of new hires was also investigated.  相似文献   

化学抑尘剂新进展研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
简要介绍了化学抑尘剂在粉尘控制中的重要性,通过对比国内外最新开发的经济环境效益好的化学抑尘剂的配比和应用领域,总结了化学抑尘剂的发展新方向,对同行能起一定的借鉴引导作用.  相似文献   

To evaluate the explosion hazard of ITER-relevant dusts, a standard method of 20-l-sphere was used to measure the explosion indices of fine graphite and tungsten dusts and their mixtures. The effect of dust particle size was studied on the maximum overpressures, maximum rates of pressure rise, and lower explosive concentrations of graphite dusts in the range 4 μm to 45 μm. The explosion indices of 1 μm tungsten dust and its mixtures with 4 μm graphite dust were measured. The explosibility of these dusts and mixtures were evaluated. The dusts tested were ranked as St1 class. Dust particle size was shown to be very important for explosion properties. The finest graphite dust appeared to have the lowest minimum explosion concentration and be able to explode with 2 kJ ignition energy.  相似文献   

从X射线到生物统计学,从秘密通信到系统集成,德国一直在服务于加强航空安全的技术开发领域处于领先地位.同样,德国的汽车、照相设备和家用电器都已成为优质的同义词.德国的安全制造厂家也是如此,因为提供的优质产品在不断地提高他们的声誉.本文报道德国最新安全产品.  相似文献   

One hundred seventy-seven police officers and their spouses from two metropolitan areas completed separate questionnaires regarding stress and coping. Both the police and spouses reported using four coping activities in response to their own stressors: problem focused, emotion focused, religiosity, and rugged individualism. Three potential police strains previously noted in non-empirical literature were given special attention; divorce potential, drinking behavior, and suicide thoughts.  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between the quality (i.e., job characteristics, role stressors, and interpersonal relationships) and quantity of part-time employment, and work-related attitudes and aspirations among 349 students. Neither the linear nor the quadratic components of employment quantity predicted any of the outcome variables. Motivation to do good work was predicted both by role stressors and by family achievement orientation. Career maturity was predicted by role stressors at work, and cynicism by role stressors and satisfaction with interpersonal relationships. In contrast, job involvement was significantly related to family achievement orientation but not to any perceived job factors. These findings question the assumption that only intensive work during high school exerts negative effects for teenagers, and support the importance of employment quality for teenagers as well as adults. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了对区域性的四大安全生产指标进行宏观预测,建立了一个综合的预测模型.根据对安全生产状况影响的密切程度,应用统计的方法,计算了亿元GDP死亡率和影响因素之间的Spearman相关系数,从而确定了四大安全生产指标的主要影响因素.在对各预测模型比较的基础上,提出了区域性安全生产控制指标的预测模型.通过灰色预测法的GM(1,1)模型和曲线拟合的方法得出各安全生产指标影响因素的预测值,再利用多元回归法可将各种影响因素综合起来,通过曲线估计和转换后的多元线形回归模型对区域性安全生产控制指标的总体发展趋势进行预测.实例验证表明,减小第二产业比重,促进产业优化升级,适度控制城市率的迅速提升,并不断提高人民的文化素质和提升医疗卫生水平,能降低亿元GDP死亡率,提高安全生产水平.预测结果显示该预测方法具有较高的预测精度,且借助SPSS软件也具备较好的操作性.  相似文献   

Studying organisational cultures and their effects on safety   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Andrew Hopkins   《Safety Science》2006,44(10):875-889
How do organisational cultures influence safety? To answer this question requires a strategy for investigating organisational culture. By far the most widely used research strategy is the perception survey. An alternative is for researchers is to immerse themselves in one or more organisations, making detailed observations about activities and drawing inferences about the nature of the organisation’s culture (the ethnographic method). A third technique makes use of the wealth of material that is assembled by inquiries into major accidents. This paper describes how this material can be used to provide insights into organisational cultures. It draws on specific examples from the author’s own work as well as the cultural analysis carried out by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. It concludes with some additional suggestions for carrying out research on safety-relevant aspects of organisational culture.  相似文献   

辽宁中部城市群生态环境问题与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了辽宁中部城市群的发展及生态环境现状,指出了主要的生态环境问题是环境污染,尤其是城市河段水质污染最为严重,其次是水资源缺乏,再次是环境地质灾害表现突出.提出应加大环境综合治理力度、强化生态环境管理,以改善河流水质和城市空气污染,提高固体废物的综合利用率和垃圾无害化处理率,构建生态城市,实现城市群地区的可持续发展.  相似文献   

世界有时候让人觉得太不公平。以大欺小、以强凌弱、以富压贫。小者、弱者、贫者只能瞅机会。“报复”一下,出出气,比如在“世界杯”赛场上。可更多的时候还得忍气吞声。“殖民主义”这个词,我们再熟悉不过了,以前是武力征服,后来是经济掠夺、文化渗透,形式一变再变,骨子里都一样。往别人家门口倒垃圾,就是“殖民主义”心理作祟。印度一年要处理1亿吨(进/出口)货物,由于对危险废弃物的进口控制不够严格,致使这个国家成为垃圾倾倒场,各种各样的垃圾来自49个国家,包括澳大利亚,德国、加拿大、美国、英国、科威特和日本,这些国家从未提供进入港口的危险废弃物的型号和数量信息。  相似文献   

The paper presents a brief summary of contents and implementation of the current Serbian regulations on the prevention and control of major accidents involving dangerous materials. Further, it discusses issues connected with implementation of the regulation, including inspection, review, and approval of safety reports. This regulation comprises legal requirements and methodological guidelines for risk analysis and preparation of emergency plans. Although the roots of the Serbian regulation are basically in the Seveso I Directive, this study revealed significant differences compared with current regulations and practice in Europe.  相似文献   

A key challenge in the shared leadership literature has been a limited understanding of how multiple leadership activities are shared across team members and roles. We address this issue by conceptualizing and operationalizing shared leadership using both its content (i.e., what leadership roles are shared) and distribution (i.e., how leadership is shared across members and roles). In an exploratory study comprised of 129 work teams, we use latent profile analysis (LPA) to identify multiple shared leadership configurations that vary in the extent of sharing. Our second study of 103 MBA teams supports these findings and further (a) considers what shared leadership configurations have the greatest influence on team effectiveness, (b) examines the mediating role of teamwork processes, and (c) investigates the moderating role of temporal dispersion. We advance current research by demonstrating that shared leadership typically manifests in collective (i.e., members share all leadership roles) and distributed configurations (i.e., members hold one leadership role while other members hold other leadership roles), which has implications for team processes and effectiveness. Specifically, we show that collective configurations have higher team effectiveness (compared to distributed configurations) owing to improved teamwork processes and observe that these effects are more pronounced when temporal dispersion is high.  相似文献   

安全氛围要素构成与重要性排序   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
关键要素构成及关联排序是安全氛围研究的基础性内容.通过文献回顾和事故案例分析,提取出由安全思想与理念、领导重视、危险源识别与风险分析控制、管理方式、员工参与、安全机构及方法、安全培训、标准化和其他共9维度构成的安全氛围架构,建立了72个指标要素和要素层级模型.运用层次分析法计算出各要素的权重,实现了要素的重要性排序,指标要素总的排序结果基本反映出企业现状.研究表明, 企业领导层应保持重视安全的持续性和一致性,工作中宜改变以管理和处罚等负面刺激为主的传统模式,设法激励员工主动参与.在具体实践中,宜重点加强关于个体行为改善、安全教育培训、管理科学、交流与沟通等方面工作.  相似文献   

〗安全学科中一些重要名词的含义在我国学术界尚没有取得共识,给安全工作思路及工作效果带来一定的影响。根据事故发生中人的意志的作用,把事故分为人为主动策划、人为非主动策划和自然运动引发三类之后,可以将安全生产、生产安全、公共安全、职业安全四个名词解释为从不同角度涉及不同类别事故及其后果的学科或者工作领域。由于涉及的内容不同,前三者按照行业或事故类别管理其业务,后者则按照组织进行管理。管理思路的不同,使得我国的安全管理和西方国家的职业安全管理中所用的统计指标不同,统计数字也不具有比较意义。  相似文献   

This paper reports an unusual opportunity to explore the range of reactions that a company's technological transformation aroused in its workforce. Based on tape recordings of interviews conducted with 56 of the 141 employees, individuals were categorized on the basis of their perception of proportion of personal gains to losses: 21 were identified as winners, 17 as losers, and 18 as sideliners. Concurrently, researchers independently rated the job fate of each individual as a result of the changes, classifying jobs as protected/enhanced, threatened/diminished or unaffected. Losers were similar to winners in their belief in the need for change, their strong identification with the company, and even the amount of job disruption already experienced. Where they differed significantly, was in their perception of the future; losers feared that they would not have a place in the new company or elsewhere, and from their perspective job content was clearly irrelevant until and unless job security, or at least employment elsewhere, was assured. Losers' fears could not be dismissed simply as ‘resistance to change’ but had some basis in reality in that there was a strong correlation between loser status and threatened diminished job status, as judged by external observers. Based on these findings, the argument is made that research on the human consequences of technological transformation cannot be limited only to positive or negative effects, but should include a consideration of both; the recognition of the complexity and differential impact of technological change constitutes a first step in being able both to foster its progress while, at the same time, seeking means to moderate its negative consequences.  相似文献   

核电厂安全目标及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了核电安全目标的定义,安全目标的分解和应用,提出安全目标是核电站运行的整个核安全管理实践中的一个重要组成部分,阐述了实现核电安全目标的纵深防御原则和基本实践。  相似文献   

燃点、自燃点定义及其相互关系探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文从是否把温度作为引起燃烧的充分条件这一原则出发,考查了目前燃点和自燃点定义存在的问题.结合谢苗诺夫自燃理论,说明目前自燃点定义不够明确之处;尝试给出燃点更为科学严密的新定义及其可操作测量方法.在此基础上,探讨了燃点与自燃点的相互关系.  相似文献   

美国企业的应急预案,根据其所处行业领域监管法律法规的要求不同,预案的名称、形式和主要内容都有较大的差异。美国企业的应急预案主要可分为:应急行动预案(EAP)、应急响应预案(ERP)、设施应急预案(FCP)、综合应急管理预案(CEMP)、应急操作预案(EOP)等不同的类别。简要分析美国法律法规对企业编制应急预案的规定和要求,描述不同预案的特点、主要内容及应用情况,并提出完善我国企业应急预案的几点建议。  相似文献   

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