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The current study was designed to replicate findings from previous research regarding the relationships between job stressors, negative affectivity, and counterproductive work behavior (CWB) using peer‐reported data and to assess the effects of workplace incivility on employee satisfaction and CWB. Results indicate that incivility, organizational constraints, and interpersonal conflict were negatively related to job satisfaction and positively related to CWB. Support was also found for the role of negative affectivity as a moderator of the relationship between job stressors and CWB, although only one significant moderator was found using peer‐reported CWB. In general, the relationships between job stressors and CWB were stronger for individuals high in negative affectivity than for individuals low in negative affectivity. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many authors, myself included, have suggested that workplace conflict may be beneficial to the organization. I argue that the support for this conclusion is rather weak. A selective and necessarily limited review of the literature shows that: (1) the positive functions of conflict are found only under an exceedingly narrow set of circumstances, (2) the conclusion that (particular forms of) conflict and conflict management has positive functions can be criticized on methodological grounds, (3) even under favorable circumstances a number of serious negative functions can be identified as well, (4) negative functions easily outweigh positive functions, prohibiting the emergence of ‘positive workplace conflict’ (where conflict has predominantly positive consequences), and (5) organizations need cooperative conflict management not because it brings positive conflict, but because it prevents workplace conflict to hurt too much. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A scenario-based experiment was employed to test seven hypotheses concerning several causes and consequences of cynicism in the workplace. The results of a 2×2×2 MANOVA revealed that high levels of executive compensation, poor organizational performance, and harsh, immediate layoffs generate cynicism in white-collar workers. Furthermore, regression analyses showed that cynicism relates negatively to intentions to perform organizational citizenship behaviors and intentions to comply with requests to engage in unethical behaviors. The study provides a first experimental investigation of an important employee attitude and indicates directions for further research. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the Work Environment Scale, which includes measures of perceived stressful and supportive aspects of the job milieu. This scale is used to examine stressful effects of the work environment on personal functioning and the stress-buffering value of work and family social resources among a representative community group of men and women. Work stressors had a greater impact on men, but supportive social resources provided more attenuation of such effects among men than among women. Although work stressors generally had less effect on men whose wives were employed, high stress in the women's work settings had some indirect negative consequences for their husbands. Reprint requests should be directed to the authors, Social Ecology Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California 94305, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This article proposes a model of coworkers' preferences for and responses to managerial interventions regarding workplace romances (WRs). Specifically, the model examines the antecedents of coworkers' preferences for managerial intervention in WRs and the consequences of whether their preferred intervention is congruent with the actual managerial intervention. According to the model, coworkers' preferences for managerial intervention are influenced by their perceptions of the impact of the WR on the work environment, including perceptions of whether it represents a conflict of interest for the two participants and whether it disrupts the functioning of the work group. These perceptions are affected by factors pertaining to the romance itself, the coworkers themselves, and the organizational context in which the romance occurs. Next, consistent with the organizational justice literature, we propose that coworkers will evaluate the distributive and procedural justice of the managerial intervention according to (a) the congruence between the severity of their preferred managerial action and the severity of the actual managerial action and (b) the congruence between their beliefs about a just process for managerial decision making about WRs and the actual process. Finally, we propose that coworkers who perceive the managerial intervention process and outcomes as unjust will exhibit negative work‐related attitudes (e.g., decreased job satisfaction and organizational commitment) and behavior (e.g., decreased productivity and organizational citizenship behaviors). Implications of the model for future research and organizational practice are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对我国热害分级相关标准进行了简要总结分析,表明我国尚未制定综合考虑温湿度条件和体力劳动强度从而对井下高温作业场所的热害程度实施有效分级的相关标准.由井下现场管理人员、企业劳资(人事)管理人员、研究人员等3类共30名相关专家对井下62类主要工种劳动强度进行主观分级,通过对其结果的统计分析,研究制定了井下高温作业场所不同工种最高体力劳动强度级别建议表.通过定性和定量分析,确定了井下作业场所不同劳动强度级别下 WBGT指数限值,将结果与南非井下热害分级标准限值进行了对比.最终制订了基于井下高温作业场所最高体力劳动强度级别和WBGT指数的井下高温作业场所危害程度分级标准,提出了标准的宣传贯彻建议及分级监管策略.  相似文献   

井下高温作业场所热害评价分级指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对井下高温作业场所作业人员人体热交换过程及影响因素的分析,结合国内外相关指标研究现状,建立了包括4项指标的井下高温作业场所评价指标体系;在此基础上,从制定分级标准的目的出发,对相关指标进行定性和定量筛选分析,最终确定以WBGT指数和最高体力劳动强度级别作为井下高温作业场所热害程度分级指标。  相似文献   

Presenteeism refers to attending work while ill. Although it is a subject of intense interest to scholars in occupational medicine, relatively few organizational scholars are familiar with the concept. This article traces the development of interest in presenteeism, considers its various conceptualizations, and explains how presenteeism is typically measured. Organizational and occupational correlates of attending work when ill are reviewed, as are medical correlates of resulting productivity loss. It is argued that presenteeism has important implications for organizational theory and practice, and a research agenda for organizational scholars is presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Background: Communications plays a central role in promoting the health and wellbeing of workers. Although much literature has shown the positive benefits of safety communication in the workplace, research has yet to explore the nature of these communication practices within supervisor–worker relationships. This study overcomes this gap in the literature through objectively monitoring communication within the daily working lives of work-group supervisors in one organization. Aims: The aims of the research were to: (a) categorize communication in the workplace into three categories, namely task-related communication, relationship-related communication, and safety-related communication; and (b) explore the frequency of these dialogs. Method: We periodically recorded brief snippets of ambient (acoustic) sounds in supervisors' workplace environment by using an Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR). The EAR was run on an Apple iPod, with an application downloaded for free on iTunes (i.e., iEAR). The EAR was programmed to record for 30 s every three minutes for eight working hours a day of a five-day working week. Results: A total of 12.38 h of acoustic sounds from five workgroup supervisors was useable for coding. The results found examples of task-related (productivity, efficiency, workflow, and human resources) communication, as well as relationship-related (greetings, personal life discussions, workplace relations), and safety-related communication. We also found that the majority of the communication recorded was task-related communication compared with relationship-related and safety-related communication. Practical applications: This research provides preliminary insights into communication practices in the workplace and avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Stressful incidents at work were examined using an open‐ended technique for three different occupations: clerical workers, university professors and sales associates. The study revealed both similarities and differences in stressors and coping techniques reported across occupations. Interpersonal conflict, work overload and time wasters were common across all occupations. Lack of control and work overload were reported as major stressors by the clerical group and interpersonal conflict as a major stressor by the academic and sales groups. Gender differences were also found. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Workplace Intergenerational Climate Scale (WICS) is designed to measure employees' attitudes and perceptions about workers of different ages in the workplace. In Study 1, an initial 18‐item measure was developed, reflecting five subscales: Intergenerational Contact, Workplace Intergenerational Retention, Positive Intergenerational Affect, Workplace Generational Inclusiveness, and Lack of Generational Stereotypes. Scores on the five WICS subscales were linked to workplace mentoring, opinions about older workers, and job satisfaction. In Study 2, the WICS items and subscales were further refined, and subscale relationships with similar constructs were explored via structural equation modeling. In Study 3, a more occupationally diverse sample was used to support criterion, incremental, discriminant, and external validity. Evidence supports the use of the WICS as a valid and reliable multidimensional measure of an organization's intergenerational climate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses itself to a long‐neglected topic in organizational behavior: emotions in the workplace. Possible reasons for this neglect are presented, as well as emerging reasons for its consideration. It is proposed that the workplace is a rich arena for the manifestation of human emotions, both positive and negative. An examination of emotions in the workplace has both a theoretical and practical appeal, and may serve to help bridge the scientist–practitioner gap. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research tested a multilevel model examining the influence of work‐family culture and supportive workplace relationships on work interference with family. Web‐based survey data were provided by 792 information technology employees from 10 organizations. Random coefficient modeling was used to test a path model examining the relationships between work‐family culture, leader‐member exchange (LMX), coworker support, and work interference with family. The direct effects of LMX and coworker support on work interference with family were significant. The indirect effect of work‐family culture on work interference with family was also significant. Results demonstrate the value of work‐family culture in understanding supportive supervisory and coworker relationships and work interference with family and highlight the need to employ multilevel models to understand these relationships. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study addresses theoretical issues involving different interaction effects between job demands and job resources, accompanied by a thorough empirical test of interaction terms in the demand–control (DC) model and the effort–reward imbalance (ERI) model in relation to employee health and well‐being (i.e., exhaustion, psychosomatic health complaints, company‐registered sickness absence). Neither the DC model nor the ERI model gives a clear theoretical rationale or preference for a particular interaction term. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted among 405 nursing home employees and cross‐validated in a comparable sample (N = 471). Results including cross‐validation showed that only a multiplicative interaction term yielded consistent results for both the DC model and the ERI model. Theoretical as well as empirical results argue for a multiplicative interaction term to test the DC model and the ERI model. Future job stress research may benefit from the idea that there should be a theoretical preference for any interaction form, either in the DC model or in the ERI model. However, more research on interactions is needed to address this topic adequately. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to determine key factors that may have a significant effect on the verbal abuse, emotional abuse and physical assault of health care workers in north-eastern Turkey. A self-administered survey was completed by 450 health care workers in three well-established hospitals in Erzurum, Turkey. Because of the discrete and ordered nature of the dependent variable of the survey, the data were analysed using four distinctive ordered response models. Results revealed that several key variables were found to be a significant determinant of workplace violence, such as the type of health institution, occupational position, weekly working hours, weekly shift hours, number of daily patient contacts, age group of the respondents, experience in the health sector, training against workplace violence and current policies of the hospitals and the Turkish Ministry of Health.  相似文献   

为预防高温作业环境对作业人员职业安全健康的危害,基于模糊综合评价方法研究了高温环境下人体生理状态.针对高温作业环境下人体生理指标进行测试,选取收缩压、舒张压、脉搏、口腔温度和平均皮肤温度作为生理状态评价指标,采用岭形模糊分布构造评价指标的隶属函数,利用熵权法确定生理状态评价指标的权重,引入生理状态评分(PSS)评价人体生理状态的安全等级,进而建立高温作业环境下人体生理状态模糊综合评价模型.结果表明,轻度劳动强度下男性和女性的生理状态评分比中度劳动强度稍低,女性的生理状态评分总体上比男性稍高,评价结果与主观热感受研究结果一致.  相似文献   

我国职业卫生信息系统应用与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前我国职业卫生监管手段落后、被动,应用信息技术能有效地提高职业卫生监管工作的效率,但由于应用范围较窄,真正连接企业和各级职业卫生监管部门的综合网络化的信息系统尚属空白。笔者在研究和分析我国职业卫生信息系统应用现状的基础上,对我国未来职业卫生信息系统的应用和发展进行了展望。提出将地理信息、自动监测、网络传输和辅助决策等技术应用于职业卫生领域,研究和开发分层次、多架构,具有辅助决策功能的综合网络化职业卫生信息系统,并强调该系统具有重要的发展前景和应用价值。  相似文献   

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