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ABSTRACT: Historical records of streamflow for an eastward- and a westward-draining stream in the northern Sierra Nevada have been analyzed for evidence of changes in runoff characteristics and patterns of variability. A trend of increasing and more variable winter streamflow began in the mid-1960s. Mean monthly streaniflow during December through March was substantially greater for water years 1965–1990 compared to water years 1939–1964. Increased winter and early-spring streamflow during the later period is attributed to small increases in temperature, which increase the rain-to-snow ratio at lower altitudes and cause the snowpack to melt earlier in the season at higher altitudes. The timing of snowmelt runoff on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada is more sensitive than it is on the eastern slope to changes in temperature, owing to predominantly lower altitudes on the west side. This difference in sensitivity suggests that basins on the east side of the Sierra Nevada have a more reliable water supply (as snow storage) than western-slope basins during warming trends.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A set of procedures for identifying changes in selected streamflow characteristics at sites having long‐term continuous streamflow records is illustrated by using streamflow data from the Waccamaw River at Freeland, North Carolina for the 55‐year period of 1940–1994. Data were evaluated and compared to streamflow in the adjacent Lumber River Basin to determine if changes in streamflow characteristics in the Waccamaw River were localized and possibly the result of some human activity, or consistent with regional variations. Following 1963, droughts in the Waccamaw Basin seem to have been less severe than in the Lumber Basin, and the annual one‐, seven‐, and 30‐day low flows exhibited a slightly increasing trend in the Waccamaw River. Mean daily flows in the Waccamaw River at the 90 percent exceedance level (low flows) during 1985–194, a relatively dry period, were very nearly equal to flows at the same exceedance level for 1970–1979, which represents the 10‐year period between 1940 and 1994 with the highest flows. Prior to the 1980s, flows per unit drainage area in the Waccamaw Basin were generally less than those in the Lumber Basin, but after 1980, the opposite was true. The ratio of base flow to runoff in the Waccamaw River may have changed relative to that in the Lumber River in the late 1970s. There was greater variability in Waccamaw River streamflow than in Lumber River flow, and flow variability in the Waccamaw River may have increased slightly during 1985–1994.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this paper four nonparametric tests for monotonic trend detection are compared with respect to their power and accuracy. The importance of comparing powers at equal empirical significance levels rather than nominal levels is stressed. Therefore, an appropriate graphical method is presented. The effect of the sampling frequency is also assessed using Monte Carlo simulations and a trajectory representation that visualizes the dynamics of the trade-off between the type I and type II errors. These methods are applied to compare four nonparametrical tests (seasonal Mann. Kendall, modified seasonal Mann-Kendall, covariance eigenvalue and covariance inversion) under several conditions. It is concluded with respect to the power that it is not worthwhile for the modified seasonal Mann-Kendall test applied to the AR(1) process considered in this paper to increase the sampling frequency from monthly to biweekly for detecting a monotonic trend of 5 percent, 10 percent, or 15 percent of the process variance. Under these conditions the seasonal Mann-Kendall test is highly liberal, while the covariance inversion and the covariance eigenvalue test are conservative. This research is situated in the development of an efficient sampling design for the Flemish water quality monitoring network.  相似文献   

Nineteen variables, including precipitation, soils and geology, land use, and basin morphologic characteristics, were evaluated to develop Iowa regression models to predict total streamflow (Q), base flow (Qb), storm flow (Qs) and base flow percentage (%Qb) in gauged and ungauged watersheds in the state. Discharge records from a set of 33 watersheds across the state for the 1980 to 2000 period were separated into Qb and Qs. Multiple linear regression found that 75.5 percent of long term average Q was explained by rainfall, sand content, and row crop percentage variables, whereas 88.5 percent of Qb was explained by these three variables plus permeability and floodplain area variables. Qs was explained by average rainfall and %Qb was a function of row crop percentage, permeability, and basin slope variables. Regional regression models developed for long term average Q and Qb were adapted to annual rainfall and showed good correlation between measured and predicted values. Combining the regression model for Q with an estimate of mean annual nitrate concentration, a map of potential nitrate loads in the state was produced. Results from this study have important implications for understanding geomorphic and land use controls on streamflow and base flow in Iowa watersheds and similar agriculture dominated watersheds in the glaciated Midwest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In urban hydrologic studies, it is often necessary to determine the effect of changes in urban land use patterns on such runoff characteristics as flood peaks and flow volumes. Nonparametric statistical methods have certain properties that make them a valuable tool for detecting hydrologic change caused by a treatment, such as urbanization, that changes watershed over a period of time. As many hydrologists do not have a working familiarity with nonparametric methods, a number of them are used for illustrative purposes to analyze the effect of urbanization on 24 years of annual flood peaks for a Louisville, Kentucky, watershed. In the example, urbanization was found to increase the central tendency, but not the dispersion of the peaks. Peak flows modeled by holding watershed parameters constant were also found to be increasing because of an upward trend in precipitation. By following the numerical examples in the paper and looking up test statistics in referenced sources, the reader can easily apply these methods to other situations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: National and state fixed station stream quality monitoring networks have now been in existence for over ten years. The resulting data bases provide opportunities and challenges for statistical trend assessment. Although nonparametric tests have been developed that are well suited to such problems, the interpretation of variations in trend significance between seasons and variables remains a problem. One recently developed test is based on the sum of Mann-Kendall statistics over seasons or variables, with the test statistic variance computed as the sum of the covariances of the individual Mann-Kendall statistics. In this method, up- and downtrends can cancel, giving an overall indication of no trend. A related test which is sensitive to trend regardless of direction has been shown to behave poorly for typical stream quality record lengths. An alternative formulation which is sensitive to up- and downtrends and has power approaching that of the covariance sum method, is described. In addition, a variation of a contrast test for discriminating trend directions and magnitudes among variables or seasons where correlation between seasons or variables is present is described, and tests of its performance reported.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: With the recent increased exploration and mining activity in the Northwest Territories, there has been growing interest in streamflows. However, streamflow monitoring in Canada's north is limited, especially in the central Northwest Territories where the exploration activity is concentrated. To complicate matters, the standard approach of measuring discharge with current meters or weirs is often inadequate or prohibitively expensive, as many streams in the region are shallow, braided and rocky. In response, alternative techniques such as salt dilution can be used. A salt tracer's competence in turbulent and rocky channels makes it ideal for discharge measurements in these situations. This paper summarizes the work performed by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Canamera Geological Ltd. staff in determining the stream discharge of a lake outlet using a potassium chloride (KC1) tracer. A variety of streamflow measurement methods were performed and compared to determine the viability and rigor of the dilution method. Results suggest the dilution method compares favorably to other measurement techniques both in accuracy and operational ease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Trends in streamflow characteristics were analyzed for streams in southwestern Wisconsin's Driftless Area by using data at selected gaging stations. The analyses indicate that annual low flows have increased significantly, whereas annual flood peaks have decreased. The same trends were not observed for forested areas of northern Wisconsin. Streamflow trends for other streams in southeastern Wisconsin draining predominantly agricultural land were similar to trends for Driftless Area streams for annual low flows. The causes for the trends are not well understood nor are the effects. Trends in annual precipitation do not explain the observed trends in streamflow. Other studies have found that erosion rates decreased significantly in the Driftless Area, and have attributed this reduction to a change of agricultural practices, which increase infiltration, decrease flood peaks, and increase low flows.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The interesting developments in non-parainetric testing and estimation methods presented in the upcoming sequence of nine papers are evaluated, compared, and put into proper perspective. Because a deterioration in water quality constitutes a direct threat to human health, it is of utmost importance to have flexible non-parametric methods available for detecting and describing trends in water quality time series. A distinct advantage of nonparametric tests is that they are usually very effective when applied to “messy” environmental data which may, for example, contain many missing observations and not be normally distributed. By applying their enhanced approaches for nonparametric methods to water quality time series, as well as employing well designed simulation experiments, the authors of the papers clearly demonstrate the efficacy of utilizing nonparametric tests in environmental impact assessment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Although the effects of vegetation management on streamflow have been studied in many locations, the effects of augmented streamflow on downstream water users have not been carefully analyzed. This study examines the routing of streamflow increases that could be produced in the Verde River Basin of Arizona. Reservoir management and water routing to users in the Salt River Valley around Phoenix were carefully modeled. Simulation of water routing with and without vegetation modification indicates that, under current institutional conditions, less than one-half of the streamflow increase would reach consumptive users as surface water. Most of the remainder would accumulate in storage until a year of unusually heavy runoff, when it would add to reservoir spills. Under alternative scenarios, from 39 to 58 percent of the streamflow increase was delivered to consumptive users.  相似文献   

Alternative futures are defined to be mutually consistent alternative combinations of assumed sets of future conditions. Alternative futures are employed in conjunction with the Wollman-Bonem model to project future water use. The model solutions under different alternative futures provide an indication of the direction and relative magnitude of changes in water use, both in quantity and quality, that may result from changes in policy-influenced variables, technology, and other data. The Wollman-Bonem model is employed in this paper as a tool to illustrate the alternative futures concept. The model can best be cast as an economic model. The model solutions are not given as a set of formal projections, but as various possible water-use-over-time curves. This should aid in disspelling the erroneous idea that it is possible to make distant projections of water use as a single curve. Multiple curves suggest that water use is really a function of many variables.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Time series models of the ARMAX class were investigated for use in forecasting daily riverflow resulting from combined snowmelt/rainfall. The Snowmelt Runoff Model (Martinec-Rango Model) is shown to have a form similar to the ARMAX model. The advantage of the ARMAX approach is that analytical model identification and parameter estimation techniques are available. In addition, previous forecast errors can be included to improve forecasts and confidence limits can be estimated for the forecasts. Diagnostic checks are available to determine if the model is performing properly. Finally, Kalman filtering can be used to allow the model parameters to vary continuously to reflect changing basin runoff conditions. The above advantages result in improved flow forecasts with fewer model parameters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examined the disposition of streamflow increases that could be created by vegetation management on forest land along the upper reaches of the Colorado River. A network optimization model was used to simulate water flow, storage, consumptive use, and loss within the entire Colorado River Basin with and without the flow increases, according to various scenarios incorporating both current and future consumptive use levels as well as existing and potential institutional constraints. Results indicate that very little of the flow increases would be consumptively used at current use levels, or even at future use levels, if water allocation institutions remain unchanged. Given future use levels and economically based water allocation institutions, up to one-half of the flow increases could be consumptively used. The timing of streamflow increases, and the institutional constraints on water allocation, often limit the potential for consumptive use of flow increases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Environmental decision making involving trace-levels of contaminants can be complicated by censoring, the practice of reporting concentrations either as less than the limit of detection (LOD) or as not detected (ND) when a test result is less than the LOD. Censoring can result in data series that are difficult to meaningfully summarize, graph, and analyze through traditional statistical methods. In spite of the relatively large measurement errors associated with test results below the LOD, simple and meaningful analyses can be carried out that provide valuable information not available if data are censored. For example, an indication of increasing levels of contamination at the fringe of a plume can act as an early warning signal to trigger further study, an increased sampling frequency, or a higher level of remediation at the source. This paper involves the application of nonparametric trend analyses to uncensored trace-level groundwater monitoring data collected between March 1991 and August 1994 on dissolved arsenic and chromium for seven wells at an industrial site in New York.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A review of nonparametric tests for trend leads to the conclusion that Mann-Whitney, Spearman, and Kendall tests are the best choice for trend detection in water quality time series. Recently these tests have been adapted to account for dependence and seasonality in such series (Lettenmaier, 1976; Hirsch, et al., 1972; Hirsch and Slack, 1984). For monotonic trends, a procedure allowing to select the pertinent tests considering the characteristics of time series is proposed and the practical limitations of the tests are also brought out. This procedure has been applied to identify the appropriate trend detection test for the time series of nine water quality parameters at Lake Laflamme (Québec). When a time series can be tested with the Mann-Whitney, Kendall, Spearman, or Lettenmaier (1976) test, the number of observations required to detect trends of a given magnitude, for selected significance and power levels can be calculated with the power function of the t test. When the test proposed by Hirsch, et al. (1984), Hirsch and Slack (1984), or Farrell (1980) need to be used, the number of observations can only be estimated approximately from the results of empirical power studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In Virginia, as in many states, priority to streamflow is held by riparian landowners who are predominantly agricultural users. The streamfiow may also have a high potential value to non-agricultural users who do not have riparian rights. The potential benefits of transferring streamfiow priority rights from agricultural to non-agricultural use were evaluated using simulation for an eastern Virginia watershed. Lowering irrigators' priority to streamflow reduced crop yields and irrigated returns in some years because of inadequate water supplies. However, the transfer of priorities increased the likelihood that the urban reservoir would be able to withdraw water from the stream without interruption. As a result, priority trades reduced the size of reservoir needed to meet a given water requirement by municipal users. The resulting savings in reservoir construction and maintenance costs more than offset the losses to irrigators. Net savings could be achieved even if the reservoir were required to release water periodically to maintain a minimum level of instream flow. The conclusion is that the state should encourage trading of access to streamflow in order to increase the use efficiency of streamfiows. Alternative means by which the state can facilitate water exchanges are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The long-term effect of logging on low summer streamflow was investigated with a data set of 36 years. Hydrologic records were analyzed for the period 1953 and 1988 from Watershed (WS) 1 (clear-cut logged and burned), WS 2 (unlogged control), and WS 3 (25 percent patch-cut logged and burned) in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, western Cascade Range, Oregon. These records spanned 9–10 years before logging, and 21–25 years after logging and burning. Streamfiows in August were the lowest of any month, and were unaffected by occasional heavy rain that occurred at the beginning of summer. August streamfiows increased in WS 1 compared to WS 2 by 159 percent following logging in WS 1, but this increase lasted for only eight years following the start of logging in 1962. Water yield in August for 1970–1988 observed from WS 1 was 25 percent less than predicted from the control (WS 2, ANOVA, p=0.032). Water yield in August increased by 59 percent after 25 percent of the area of WS 3 was patch-cut logged and burned in 1963. In contrast to WS 1, however, water yields from WS 3 in August were consistently greater than predicted for 16 years following the start of logging, through to 1978. For the 10 years, 1979–1988, water yield observed in August from WS 3 was not different than predicted from the control (WS 2, ANOVA, p-0.175). The contrasting responses of WS 1 and 3 to logging are thought to be the result of differences in riparian vegetation caused by different geomorphic conditions. A relatively wide valley floor in WS 1 allowed the development of hardwoods in the riparian zone following logging, but the narrow valley of WS 3 and limited sediment deposits prevented establishment of riparian hardwoods. Low streamflows during summer have implications for salmonid survival. Reduced streamflow reduces the amount of rearing habitat, thus increasing competition. Combined with high water temperatures, reduced streamflow can lead directly to salmonid mortality by driving salmonids from riffles and glides, and trapping them in drying pools. Low streamflow also increases oxygen depletion caused by leaves from riparian red alders.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Experimental cuttings on two small, hardwood-forested watersheds in New England showed that annual streamflow can be increased as much as 41 percent. Most of the increase occurred in summer and early autumn when additional streamflow is most needed. Revegetation caused the annual increases to nearly disappear within 4 years after complete forest clearing.  相似文献   

Harshburger, Brian J., Von P. Walden, Karen S. Humes, Brandon C. Moore, Troy R. Blandford, and Albert Rango, 2012. Generation of Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts Using an Enhanced Version of the Snowmelt Runoff Model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 643‐655. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00642.x Abstract: As water demand increases in the western United States, so does the need for accurate streamflow forecasts. We describe a method for generating ensemble streamflow forecasts (1‐15 days) using an enhanced version of the snowmelt runoff model (SRM). Forecasts are produced for three snowmelt‐dominated basins in Idaho. Model inputs are derived from meteorological forecasts, snow cover imagery, and surface observations from Snowpack Telemetry stations. The model performed well at lead times up to 7 days, but has significant predictability out to 15 days. The timing of peak flow and the streamflow volume are captured well by the model, but the peak‐flow value is typically low. The model performance was assessed by computing the coefficient of determination (R2), percentage of volume difference (Dv%), and a skill score that quantifies the usefulness of the forecasts relative to climatology. The average R2 value for the mean ensemble is >0.8 for all three basins for lead times up to seven days. The Dv% is fairly unbiased (within ±10%) out to seven days in two of the basins, but the model underpredicts Dv% in the third. The average skill scores for all basins are >0.6 for lead times up to seven days, indicating that the ensemble model outperforms climatology. These results validate the usefulness of the ensemble forecasting approach for basins of this type, suggesting that the ensemble version of SRM might be applied successfully to other basins in the Intermountain West.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Downscaling coarse resolution climate data to scales that are useful for impact assessment studies is receiving increased attention. Basin-scale hydrologic processes and other local climate impacts related to water resources such as reservoir management, crop and forest productivity, and ecosystem response require climate information at scales that are much finer than current and future GCM resolutions. The Regional Climate System Model (RCSM) is a dynamic downscaling system that has been used since 1994 for short-term precipitation and streamflow predictions and seasonal hindcast analysis with good skill. During the 1997–1998 winter, experimental seasonal forecasts were made in collaboration with the NOAA Climate Prediction Center and UCLA with promising results. Preliminary studies of a control and 2°CO2 perturbation for the southwestern U.S. have been performed.  相似文献   

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