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ABSTRACT: The Kirkwood‐Cohansey aquifer has been identified as a critical source for meeting existing and expected water supply needs for southern New Jersey. Several contaminated sites exist in the region; their impact on the aquifer has to be evaluated using ground water flow and transport models. Ground water modeling depends on availability of measured hydrogeologic data (e.g., hydraulic conductivity, for parameterization of the modeling runs). However, field measurements of such critical data have inadequate spatial density, and their locations are often clustered. The goal of this study was to research, compile, and geocode existing data, then use geostatistics and advanced mapping methods to develop a map of horizontal hydraulic conductivity for the Kirkwood‐Cohansey aquifer. Spatial interpolation of horizontal hydraulic conductivity measurements was performed using the Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) Method implemented in the BMELib code library. This involved the integration of actual measurements with soft information on likely ranges of hydraulic conductivity at a given location to obtain estimate maps. The estimation error variance maps provide an insight into the uncertainty associated with the estimates, and indicate areas where more information on hydraulic conductivity is required.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the sensitivity of drawdown to four hydraulic parameters in unconfined aquifers: horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity Kr and Kz, storage coefficient S, and specific yield Sy. Sensitivity coefficients indicate that the sensitivity vanes with time for each aquifer parameter, and Kr, Kz, S, and Sy are identifiable from recovery test data. An inverse method was used to calculate the four parameters from residual drawdowns. Results of application examples demonstrate that residual data provide valid information in the determination of unconfined aquifer hydraulic parameters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Considerable advancements have been made in the development of analytical solutions for predicting the effects of pumping wells on adjacent streams and rivers. However, these solutions have not been sufficiently evaluated against field data. The objective of this research is to evaluate the predictive performance of recently proposed analytical solutions for unsteady stream depletion using field data collected during a stream/aquifer analysis test at the Tamarack State Wildlife Area in eastern Colorado. Two primary stream/aquifer interactions exist at the Tamarack site: (1) between the South Platte River and the alluvial aquifer and (2) between a backwater stream and the alluvial aquifer. A pumping test is performed next to the backwater stream channel. Drawdown measured in observation wells is matched to predictions by recently proposed analytical solutions to derive estimates of aquifer and streambed parameters. These estimates are compared to documented aquifer properties and field measured streambed conductivity. The analytical solutions are capable of estimating reasonable values of both aquifer and streambed parameters with one solution capable of simultaneously estimating delayed aquifer yield and stream flow recharge. However, for long term water management, it is reasonable to use simplified analytical solutions not concerned with early‐time delayed yield effects. For this site, changes in the water level in the stream during the test and a varying water level profile at the beginning of the pumping test influence the application of the analytical solutions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents hydraulic conductivities of streambeds measured in three rivers in south‐central Nebraska: the Platte, Republican, and Little Blue Rivers. Unlike traditional permeameter tests in streams that determine only the vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv), the extended permeameter methods used in this study can measure K in both vertical and horizontal as well as oblique directions. As a result, the anisotropy of channel sediments can be determined from streambed tests of similar sediment volumes. Sandy streambeds with occasional silt/clay layers exist in the Republican and Platte Rivers. The average Kv values range from about 15 to 47 m/day for the sandy streambed and about 1.6 m/day for the silt/clay layers. Statistical analyses indicated that the Kv values of sand and gravel in the Platte and Republican Rivers essentially have the same mean; but the Kv values from the Little Blue River have a statistically different mean. Kv is about four times smaller than the horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kh) for the top 40 cm of sandy streambed. Measured Kh values of the sandy streambed are in the same magnitude as the Kh of the alluvial aquifer determined using pumping tests. The smaller Kv value in the whole aquifer is the result of interbedded layers of silt and clay within the sand and gravel sediments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The geographical distribution of well water specific electrical conductivity and nitrate levels in a 932 km2 ground water quality study area in the Fresno-Clovis, California, indicated that frequently areas of lower ground water salinity were also areas of relatively greater soil and aquifer permeability. From these observations and certain assumptions we hypothesized that the quality of the well water should be better in areas with permeable soils and geological formations. Correlation and multiple linear regression analysis supported this hypothesis for well water salinity. However, well water nitrate levels were significantly negatively correlated with only the estimated equivalent specific yield of the aquifer system. The multiple R2 values of the most significant multiple linear regression models showed that only a fourth to a third of the variability in well water specific electric conductivity and nitrate levels could be ascribed to the effects of the hydrogeological parameters considered with more than 90 percent confidence. This indicates that three-fourths to two-thirds of the variability in ground water salinity and nitrate levels may be related to land use. Thus, there is considerable room for land use management techniques to improve ground water quality and reduce its variability.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To quantify and model the natural ground water recharge process, six sites located in the midwest and eastern United States where previous water balance observations had been made were compared to computerized techniques to estimate: (1) base flow and (2) ground water recharge. Results from an existing automated digital filter technique for separating baseflow from daily streamflow records were compared to baseflow estimates made in the six water balance studies. Previous validation of automated baseflow separation techniques consisted only of comparisons with manual techniques. In this study, the automated digital filter technique was found to compare well with measured field estimates yielding a monthly coefficient of determination of 0.86. The recharge algorithm developed in this study is an automated derivation of the Rorabaugh hydrograph recession curve displacement method that utilizes daily streamflow. Comparison of annual recharge from field water balance measurements to those computed with the automated recession curve displacement method had coefficients of determination of 0.76 and predictive efficiencies of 71 percent. Monthly estimates showed more variation and are not advocated for use with this method. These techniques appear to be fast, reproducible methods for estimating baseflow and annual recharge and should be useful in regional modeling efforts and as a quick check on mass balance techniques for shallow water table aquifers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A pumping test on a phreatic glacial till aquifer was performed near Ames, Iowa, in November 1990. The head in a horizontal well was pumped down rapidly and then held constant for the duration of the 30-hour test. Throughout the test, the flow rate at the pumped well and the head at an adjacent vertical observation well were recorded. The pumping test data were used to determine the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of the aquifer. The results indicate a hydraulic conductivity of 2.23 × 10?5 cm/s and a representative specific yield of 0.03. Hydraulic conductivity was calculated by a simple integration of Darcy's Law after extrapolating the data to steady state. Specific yield was determined by use of several methods from the literature and a new method proposed by the author. The results show that specific yield increases with time, and that each method is within an order of magnitude of the others.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Transmissivity and storativity of an aquifer are usually determined by analysis of steady or nonsteady pumping test data. The classical methods of nonsteady pumping test analysis are mostly graphical in nature and are, therefore, subject to errors of judgment in curve fitting, interpolating, and reading graphs and charts. A method is described here which does not require construction of graphs or use of charts and tables. The transmissivity and the storativity are calculated using regression analysis of the nonsteady time drawdown field data. The calculations can readily be performed on a hand held calculator. The procedure is described using four examples, and the results are compared with those obtained from graphical techniques. It is shown that the method is a viable alternative to the type curve solution of Theis or Straight line solution of Jacob for nonleaky artesian aquifers. However, the regression method poses problem in the cases of leaky artesian and water table aquifers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The deep aquifers of the Portland Basin are used as a regional water supply by at least six municipalities in Oregon and Washington. Maximum continuous use of the aquifers in 1998 was 13 mgd and peak emergency use was 55 mgd. Continuous use of the deep aquifers at a rate of 55 mgd has been proposed and inchoate water rights have been reserved for expansion of pumping to 121 mgd. A study was completed, using a calibrated ground water flow model, to evaluate the role of induced recharge from the Columbia River in mitigating aquifer drawdown from continuous‐use and expanded pumping scenarios in the center and eastern areas of the basin. The absolute average residual was less than 3.6 feet for steady‐state model calibrations, and less than 8.0 feet for transient calibration to a 42 mgd pumping event in 1987 with 170 feet of drawdown. Continuous use of the aquifers at a rate of 55 mgd is predicted to increase drawdown to 210 feet. Expansion of pumping to 121 mgd in the center basin is predicted to cause 400 feet of drawdown. However, expansion of pumping in the east basin is predicted to result in only 220 feet of drawdown because of induced recharge from the Columbia River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The infiltration of atrazine, deethylatrazine, and deisopropylatrazine from Walnut Creek, a tributary stream, to the alluvial valley aquifer along the South Skunk River in central Iowa occurred where the stream transects the river's flood plain. A preliminary estimate indicated that the infiltration was significant and warrants further investigation. Infiltration was estimated by measuring the loss of stream discharge in Walnut Creek and the concentrations of atrazine and its metabolites deethylatrazine and deisopropylatrazine, in ground water 1 m beneath the streambed. Infiltration was estimated before application of agrichemicals to the fields during a dry period on April 7, 1994, and after application of agrichemicals during a period of small runoff on June 8, 1994. On April 7, the flux of atrazine, deethylatrazine, and deisopropylatrazine from Walnut Creek into the alluvial valley aquifer ranged from less than 10 to 60 (μg/d)/m2, whereas on June 8 an increased flux ranged from 270 to 3060 (μg/d)/m2. By way of comparison, the calculated fluxes of atrazine beneath Walnut Creek, for these two dates, were two to five orders of magnitude greater than an estimated flux of atrazine to ground water caused by leaching from a field on a per-unit-area basis. Furthermore, the unit-area flux rates of water from Walnut Creek to the alluvial valley aquifer were about three orders of magnitude greater than estimated recharge to the alluvial aquifer from precipitation. The large flux of chemicals from Walnut Creek to the alluvial valley aquifer was due in part to the conductive streambed and rather fast ground water velocities; average vertical hydraulic conductivity through the streambed was calculated as 35 and 90 m/d for the two sampling dates, and estimated ground water velocities ranged from 1 to 5 m/d.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water nitrate contamination and water level decline are common concern in Nebraska. Effects of artificial recharge on ground water quality and aquifer storage recovery (ASR) were studied with spreading basins constructed in the highly agricultural region of the Central Platte, Nebraska. A total of 1.10 million m3 of Platte River water recharged the aquifer through 5000 m2 of the recharge basins during 1992, 1993, and 1994. This is equivalent to the quantity needed to completely displace the ground water beneath 34 ha of the local primary aquifer with 13 m thickness and 0.25 porosity. Successful NO3-N remediation was documented beneath and downgradient of the recharge basins, where NO3-N declined from 20 to 2 mg L-1. Ground water atrazine concentrations at the site decreased from 2 to 0.2 mg L-1 due to recharge. Both NO3-N and atrazine contamination dramatically improved from concentrations exceeding the maximum contaminant levels to those of drinking water quality. The water table at the site rose rapidly in response to recharge during the early stage then leveled off as infiltration rates declined. At the end of the 1992 recharge season, the water table 12 m downgradient from the basins was elevated 1.36 m above the preproject level; however, at the end of the 1993 recharge season, any increase in the water table from artificial recharge was masked by extremely slow infiltration rates and heavy recharge from precipitation from the wettest growing season in over 100 years. The water table rose 1.37 m during the 1994 recharge season. Resultant ground water quality and ASR improvement from the artificial recharge were measured at 1000 m downgradient and 600 m upgradient from the recharge basins. Constant infiltration rates were not sustained in any of the three years, and rates always decreased with time presumably because of clogging. Scraping the basin floor increased infiltration rates. Using a pulsed recharge to create dry and wet cycles and maintaining low standing water heads in the basins appeared to reduce microbial growth, and therefore enhanced infiltration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Biscayne Aquifer is the sole source of drinking water for approximately three million residents of southeast Florida. Nine hazardous waste sites on the EPA National Priority List overlie this aquifer. Extensive investigation of an 80 square-mile area in metropolitan Miami detected low to moderate levels of toxic contaminants in the ground water, with volatile organic chemicals the most prevalent. The Centers for Disease Control concluded that contamination of the aquifer within the study area poses a serious potential threat to public health. Recommendations for source control and cleanup have been partially carried out. The top few feet of soil at the Miami Drum site have been excavated and relocated; ground water encountered during excavation has been withdrawn and treated, and the Northwest 58th Street Landfill has been closed. Recovery and treatment of ground water from the contaminated area was the recommended cleanup measure and has been approved by EPA and state and local agencies. A preventive action program for the Biscayne Aquifer region was also recommended for implementation by local agencies. This program consists of regulations, waste management practices, construction and treatment guidelines, and public information activities and materials. Implementing this program will help keep the Biscayne Aquifer water drinkable far into the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A method is presented to analyze time-drawdown data from one or more observation wells for the calculation of four hydraulic parameters for unconfined aquifers: vertical hydraulic conductivity, horizontal hydraulic conductivity, storage coefficient, and specific yield. The hydraulic parameter results are further analyzed for reliability and the possible ranges of the actual parameter values. After verification using a theoretical example, the method was used to analyze pumping test data from 22 observation wells in an unconfined alluvial aquifer near Grand Island, Nebraska. Results indicate that this method can be used to efficiently calculate the four hydraulic parameters in this type of aquifer. The method can also identify the impact of measurement errors on the parameter estimates, and provide ranges of the actual parameter values. The parameter values calculated using this method were compared to those determined using other theories. It is found that this method is very useful for calculating the hydraulic properties from pumping test data and for analyzing the parameter reliability.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Edwards Aquifer is one of the most studied and most prolific aquifers in the United States. The aquifer is a heavily fractured and faulted carbonate aquifer with transmissivities in excess of 100 ft2/s. The City of San Antonio relies upon the Edwards Aquifer as its sole source for water. Much work has been done on quantifying recharge to the aquifer and discharge from wells and acquiring aquifer characteristics from pumping tests, specific capacity tests, and geophysical logs. Although the aquifer has been well studied in Bexar County, much less is known about the Edwards Aquifer in Kinney County. This is partly due to the lower population within the county (approximately 3,500 people) relative to the eastern counties (Uvalde, Medina, Bexar, Comal, and Hays) and the great distance of Kinney County from high profile discharge areas such as the City of San Antonio and Comal and San Marcos Springs. Three key products resulted from this study: (1) exploratory well drilling and the largest aquifer test in the county that were conducted to evaluate the well yields within a 10,000 acre study area in which a drawdown of 2.5 ft approximately 1.2 miles away was observed while pumping at approximately 4,600 gpm; (2) a recharge estimate for the Edwards Aquifer within Kinney County of approximately 71,382 ac‐ft/yr; and (3) locating the Brackettville Groundwater Divide from an evaluation of ground water flow direction and hydrograph analysis. These results help evaluate the complex hydraulics occurring within Kinney County and aid in development of ground water modeling that will be used in managing the Edwards Aquifer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The U.S. Geological Survey collected ground-water samples from the upper and middle aquifers of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system in a 400-square-mile area of New Jersey from 1984 through 1986. Concentrations of lead were greater than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 50 micrograms per liter in water from 16 of 239 wells. The cencentrations of cadmium were greater than the MCL of 10 micrograms per liter in water from 10 to 241 wells. One-half of the wells that exceeded the lead MCL were in known areas of saltwater intrusion, as were all 10 wells that exceeded the cadmium MCL. The association of elevated concentrations of these metals with elevated concentrations of chloride indicates a mochanism related to saltwater intrusion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is assessing the ground-water resources of the carbonate bedrock aquifers in Indiana and Ohio as part of their Regional Aquifer Systems Analysis program. Part of this assessment includes the determination of unknown aspects of the hydraulic characteristics, boundaries, and flow paths of the carbonate aquifer. To accomplish this, the USGS drilled three wells through the carbonate aquifer near the Kankakee River in northwestern Indiana. Geophysical logs were used to help determine depths and thicknesses for testing and to help describe geology at the three wells. Packer tests were used to determine direction of ground-water flow and to provide data for an analysis of the distribution of transmissivity in the carbonate aquifer. Transmissivity of the carbonates is associated with two physical characteristics of the rocks: fractures and interconnected porosity. Almost all of the transmissivity is derived from horizontal fracturing; however, only a few of the fractures present in the carbonate are transmissive. Some transmissivity is associated with a zone of fossiliferous, vuggy dolomite, which yields water from the rock matrix. Most of the transmissivity is associated with large fractures and solution crevices in the upper 30 feet of the bedrock; less transmissivity is associated with the deeper vuggy reef material, even where extensively fractured. Transmissivity of individual fractures and fossiliferous zones ranges from 300 to 27,000 feet squared per day. The aquifer bottom is defined by a lack of transmissive fractures and an increased shale content near the contact of the Silurian and Ordovician sections. Water-level data from the three wells indicate that flow is horizontal at well site 1 north of the Kankakee River, upward at well site 2 near the river, and downward at well site 3 south of the river. Most of the flow occurs in the upper part of the carbonate bedrock where fracturing and solution-enlarged crevices are most developed. Water levels indicate the the Kankakee River is a hydrologic boundary for the regional carbonate bedrock aquifer.  相似文献   

Two wellfields have been developed to provide water for a coal fired electric generating station in Arizona. Wellfield No. 1 penetrates the unconfined Coconino Sandstone aquifer, and wellfield No. 2 penetrates the composite Kaibab Limestone-Coconino Sandstone aquifer where ground water occurs under confined conditions. A well in each wellfield was pumped and water level drawdown data were collected before and after acidizing. The drawdown data at the various pumping rates were analyzed to determine the potential benefits of acidizing production water wells in both wellfields. After acidizing, the specific capacity of the well in wellfield No. 1 was improved about 50 percent at water production rates ranging from about 200 to 500 gallons per minute (gpm) (13 to 32 liters per second (lps)). After acidizing, the specific capacity of the well completed in wellfield No. 2 was improved about 100 percent at pumping rates ranging from about 1,250 to 2,200 gpm (79 to 139 lps). An annual saving of approximately 11 percent in pumping costs can be realized in wellfield No. 2, and savings are approximately four percent in wellfield No. 1. Acidization is beneficial for wells that can produce more than 500 gpm (32 lps), and is of marginal value for those that produce less than that amount.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Declining ground-water levels and spring discharges have heightened water user concerns about the sustainability of the Snake River Plain aquifer in southern Idaho. Diminished recharge from surface water irrigation and increased irrigation pumping have been depleting the aquifer at a rate of about 350,000 acre-feet/year. Previously, aquifer conditions were treated as an uncontrollable consequence of weather and development activities. With increasing competition for available water, the State appears to be progressing through a three-stage process of recharge management. The first stage is that which has occurred historically, where recharge is largely an incidental effect of surface water irrigation. The second stage is the implementation of intentional recharge with little regard to identifying or maximizing benefits. Idaho has been at this stage for the past few years. The State is entering a third stage in which recharge sites will be located and designed to meet specific water user and environmental objectives. Preliminary estimates using numerical and analytical models demonstrate that managed recharge within a few miles of the river will result in short-term increases in spring discharge. More distant recharge sites are needed to provide longer-term benefits. The primary challenge facing implementation of the managed recharge program will be the balancing of economic and environmental costs and benefits and to whom they accrue.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Current data collection technologies such as light detection and ranging (LIDAR) produce dense digital terrain data that result in more accurate digital terrain models (DTMs) for engineering applications. However, such data are redundant and often cumbersome for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling purposes. Data filtering provides a means of eliminating redundant points and facilitates model preparation. This paper demonstrates the impact of varied data resolution on a case study completed for a 2.3 mi2 area with mild slopes (about 001 ft/ft) along Leith Creek near Laurinburg, North Carolina. For the original data set and seven filtered data sets, filtering induced changes in elevation, area, and hydraulic radius were determined for 10 water depths at 23 cross sections. Water surface elevations resulting from HEC‐RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center‐River Analysis System) models for each data set were then compared. A hydraulic model sensitivity analysis was also conducted to compare filtering error to error introduced by variation in flow rates and roughness values. Finally, automated floodplain delineation was performed for each filter level based on the computed hydraulic model results and the filtered LIDAR elevations. Data filtering results indicate that significant time savings are achieved throughout the modeling process and that filtering to four degrees can be performed without compromising cross‐sectional geometry, hydraulic model results, or floodplain delineation results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to develop an automated procedure for identifying the primary aquifers supplying ground water to individual wells in eastern Arkansas. As mandated by state law, water-use data are reported by ground-water withdrawers annually to the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission, and stored in the Arkansas Site-Specific Water-Use Data System provided and supported by the U.S. Geological Survey. Although most withdrawers are able to provide the amount of water withdrawn and the depth of their wells, very few are able to provide the name of the aquifer from which they withdraw water. GIS software was used to develop an automated procedure for identifying the primary aquifers supplying ground water to individual wells in eastern Arkansas. The software was used to generate a spatial representation of the bottom boundary for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (the shallowest aquifer) in eastern Arkansas from well log-data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey. The software was then used to determine the depth of the aquifer bottom at reported well locations to ascertain whether the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer or a deeper aquifer was the primary aquifer providing water to each well. The alluvial aquifer was identified as the primary aquifer for about 23,500 wells.  相似文献   

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