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This study addressed some conceptual issues central to understanding human reactions to dangerous settings and empirically explored the meaning of physically dangerous work in three different occupational groups (street patrol officers, n=96; investigators, n=21; and clerical and support service workers, n=60) practicing in the same organizational setting (city police department). Objective hazards, estimated with occupational risk statistics, explained 56 per cent of the variation in experienced physical danger which, in turn, significantly heightened emotional exhaustion, dissatisfaction with pay, and disaffection from the employing organization, in the street patrol officer group only, perceived physical danger significantly correlated with task variety, task significance and feedback. The data are interpreted to mean that for street patrol officers, experienced physical danger adds a modicum of enrichment and significance to the work itself. One theme of the analysis is that potentially stigmatic features of the work can be transformed into socially meaningful illusions that enhance the personal dignity of the performer (cf. Hughes, 1958). However, the dominant theme is that physically dangerous work produces fear and related affective distress. Further research on this topic is recommended because of the affective and behavioral consequences of perceived physical danger and also because definitions and meanings of dangerous work are socially, politically and morally important.  相似文献   

Intense interest in stress had led to a proliferation of coping measures. To aid researchers in choosing or developing coping measures applicable to job stress, this paper provides a conceptual evaluation framework. The framework serves to evaluate the extent to which coping measures are comprehensive (focus and method of coping) and specific (coping behaviors versus coping effectiveness, coping style, or coping resources; and stress management applications). Both theoretical and organizational stress management perspectives are incorporated.  相似文献   

Within the coping literature, researchers have long been interested in identifying ways in which individuals can improve their coping efforts, making them more effective and thereby reducing the harmful effects of stressful encounters. Although Lazarus and Folkman's transactional model has greatly advanced understanding of the coping process, there continues to be methodological and conceptual challenges that have hindered understanding of the mechanisms behind effective coping. Addressing these issues in the use of a novel approach of analyzing variation in coping (i.e., directed coping) at both the coping event and person coping levels, the current study examined the process of coping with work stress and the beneficial coping outcomes associated with using a directed coping strategy. A total of 143 nurses completed up to 12 weekly surveys online, reporting on weekly stressful interpersonal conflicts and how they coped with them. Results from multilevel analyses supported predictions that greater directed coping at both the level of the coping event and person is associated with improvements in occupational health outcomes even after controlling for other coping factors. Implications of these results are discussed in relation to future research on coping effectiveness and workplace applications. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究工作压力对矿工心理社会安全行为的影响机理,探讨安全心理资本的中介作用以及心理社会安全氛围的调节作用,从积极心理学视角出发,对203名一线矿工进行实证分析。研究结果表明:矿工的安全心理资本在其工作压力与心理社会安全行为的负向关系中起中介作用;心理社会安全氛围能调节工作压力与安全心理资本之间的关系;心理社会安全氛围能够调节安全心理资本在工作压力与心理社会安全行为关系间的中介作用。  相似文献   

We introduce the notion that the energy of individuals can manifest as a higher‐level, collective construct. To this end, we conducted four independent studies to investigate the viability and importance of the collective energy construct as assessed by a new survey instrument—the productive energy measure (PEM). Study 1 (n = 2208) included exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to explore the underlying factor structure of PEM. Study 2 (n = 660) cross‐validated the same factor structure in an independent sample. In study 3, we administered the PEM to more than 5000 employees from 145 departments located in five countries. Results from measurement invariance, statistical aggregation, convergent, and discriminant‐validity assessments offered additional support for the construct validity of PEM. In terms of predictive and incremental validity, the PEM was positively associated with three collective attitudes—units' commitment to goals, the organization, and overall satisfaction. In study 4, we explored the relationship between the productive energy of firms and their overall performance. Using data from 92 firms (n = 5939employees), we found a positive relationship between the PEM (aggregated to the firm level) and the performance of those firms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the effects of advanced manufacturing technology on shopfloor operator jobs and work attitudes. A strong line of argument from labour process theory suggests that such technology will simplify and deskill jobs, and reduce the quality or working life. This proposition was explored within a large electronics company which assembles computer boards, where two different applications of information technology have been experienced. These were compared with two traditional manual assembly jobs. Assessment of job content, perceived job characteristics and operator work attitudes, showed no uniform deskilling effects of advanced manufacturing technologies. Much larger differences existed both between the different new technology applications and between the traditional jobs. This demonstrates that choice of technology is important to skill use and employees' attitudes, as are the choices for the organization of work around it. These are not uniform processes even within a single organization. Experience of operating advanced manufacturing technology was also accompanied by more positive views concerning its impact on the shopfloor.  相似文献   

Thriving at work refers to a positive psychological state characterized by a joint sense of vitality and learning. On the basis of Spreitzer and colleagues' model, we present a comprehensive meta‐analysis of antecedents and outcomes of thriving at work (K = 73 independent samples, N = 21,739 employees). Results showed that thriving at work is associated with individual characteristics, such as psychological capital (rc = .47), proactive personality (rc = .58), positive affect (rc = .52), and work engagement (rc = .64). Positive associations were also found between thriving at work and relational characteristics, including supportive coworker behavior (rc = .42), supportive leadership behavior (rc = .44), and perceived organizational support (rc = .63). Moreover, thriving at work is related to important employee outcomes, including health‐related outcomes such as burnout (rc = ?.53), attitudinal outcomes such as commitment (rc = .65), and performance‐related outcomes such as task performance (rc = .35). The results of relative weights analyses suggest that thriving exhibits small, albeit incremental predictive validity above and beyond positive affect and work engagement, for task performance, job satisfaction, subjective health, and burnout. Overall, the findings of this meta‐analysis support Spreitzer and colleagues' model and underscore the importance of thriving in the work context.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possible role of self-efficacy in the stress process by examining relations between stressors (role ambiguity, situational constraints, and hours), strains (job dissatisfaction, anxiety, frustration, and turnover intent), and efficacy beliefs (both individual and collective). Individual efficacy was related to only two of the four strains and had no mediating or moderating effects. Collective efficacy, however, was strongly related to both stressors and strains. Collective efficacy also moderated the effect of work hours and mediated the relation between situational constraints and two of the strain measures. It was concluded that the theory of individual self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977) may not adequately explain collective efficacy. Future research on the self-efficacy construct as well as its role in the stress process was suggested.  相似文献   

Correlational studies have identified worksite coping resources such as social support and perceived control, and have suggested a positive role for such resources in employee stress processes. However, little experimental evidence has demonstrated the causal role of worksite coping resources in improving mental health, nor how worksite coping resources can be enhanced. This paper reports the results of a field experiment intended to provide such evidence. Human service workers participated in a theory-driven training program designed to increase individual and group psychosocial coping resources and individuals' abilities to use those resources when coping with job demands. The inclusion of selection variables in models used to estimate the impact of the intervention controlled for selection biases and also allowed for the assessment of the impact of the training on those workers identified as most prone to turnover and on those most likely to participate in such an intervention. Results indicated that the program enhanced the work team climate and reduced depresssive symptoms and somatization in those most at risk for leaving their jobs. The program was also effective in increasing the amount of supervisor support received on the job and strengthening perceptions of coping abilities in those workers most likely to participate in the program.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship of shiftwork and department-type with employees' job stress, stressors, work attitudes and behavioral intention. Data were collected by means of a structured questionnaire from nurses (N = 1148) working in eight hospitals in a large, metropolitan city in eastern Canada. One-way ANOVA, MANOVA and two-way ANOVA were used to analyze data. Results generally support the prediction that nurses working on fixed shifts were better off than nurses working on rotating shifts in terms of the dependent variables of the present study. The prediction that nurses working in non-intensive care departments were better off than nurses working in intensive care departments received mixed support at best. A few interaction effects of shiftwork × department-type on dependent variables were also noted. The impact of socio-demographic variables — age, marital status, cultural background (English- versus French-speaking) — on the above relationships were also analyzed. Results are discussed in light of the previous empirical evidence on shiftwork and department-type.  相似文献   

Thriving is defined as the psychological state in which individuals experience both a sense of vitality and learning. We developed and validated a measure of the construct of thriving at work. Additionally, we theoretically refined the construct by linking it to key outcomes, such as job performance, and by examining its contextual embeddedness. In Study 1, we conducted second‐order confirmatory factor analyses in two samples, demonstrating initial support for the two‐dimensional structure of thriving. We provided evidence for the convergent and discriminant validity of thriving in relation to theoretically related constructs, such as positive and negative affects, learning and performance goal orientations, proactive personality, and core self‐evaluations. In Study 2, across two different samples, we further assessed construct validity by establishing a relationship between thriving and career development initiative, burnout, health, and individual job performance, explaining significant variance beyond traditional attitudinal predictors, such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Finally, in Study 3, we focused on understanding the contextual embeddedness of thriving. We found differences in reports of thriving across two points in time, when substantial changes are occurring in peoples' work lives and across contexts (i.e., work and non‐work). Implications for theory and practice, as well as directions for future research, are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction: Safety of pedestrians depends, among other factors, on their behavior while crossing the road. This study aims to assess behaviors of pedestrians at signalized crosswalks. Method: Following a literature review and a pilot study, 25 vital pedestrian crossing factors and behaviors were determined. Then data was randomly collected for 708 pedestrians at 10 lighted crossings in Sharjah (UAE), five at road intersections and five mid-block crossings. Results: Results indicated that 17.4% of pedestrians observed crossed partly or fully on red and that crossing speed was 1.22 m/s, on the average, which is slightly faster than most speeds recorded in the literature. Moreover, female pedestrians were more likely to cross while chatting with others, less likely to cross on red, and more likely to walk slower than male pedestrians. Results also showed that pedestrians who crossed at road intersections walked slower than those who crossed at mid-block crossings. It was also found that longer red pedestrian times and narrower roads tended to encourage pedestrians to cross on red and that the majority of pedestrians did not look around before crossing. Practical implications: Use of the Health Belief Model for pedestrian safety are discussed.  相似文献   

In this diary study, we aimed to examine the moderating effects of the following: (i) recovery efforts at work and (ii) detachment from work on the relationship between work‐related flow and energy after work. Specifically, we hypothesized that flow would be beneficial for energy after work when employees failed (versus managed) to recover during work breaks. Additionally, we predicted that when employees experience flow at work, they would be more vigorous (and less exhausted) at the end of the day when they detached from work in the evening compared with days when they failed to detach. The study tracked 83 participants who completed daily surveys over four consecutive days. Results of multilevel analyses indicated that some characteristics of flow, such as absorption and enjoyment, were significantly associated with energy after work. Recovery at work and detachment from work moderated the relationship between flow (specifically the enjoyment component) and after‐work energy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study meta‐analyzed the relationships between locus of control (LOC) and a wide range of work outcomes. We categorized these outcomes according to three theoretical perspectives: LOC and well‐being, LOC and motivation, and LOC and behavioral orientation. Hypotheses reflecting these three perspectives were proposed and tested. It was found that internal locus was positively associated with favorable work outcomes, such as positive task and social experiences, and greater job motivation. Our findings are discussed in relation to research on core self‐evaluation and the Big Five personality traits. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Not surprisingly it has been shown that there are higher accident rates and larger magnitudes in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) if compared with the case of the larger ones. Some studies suggest that SMEs have serious problems aggravated by limited access to human, economic and technological resources. Moreover, it is now acknowledged that methods developed specifically for Large Enterprises (LEs) cannot be simply transferred to smaller enterprises. Although the debate concerning essentially the size of the enterprises and their corresponding accident rates is ongoing, very little attention is paid to the difference between the Micro- (MiEs), the Small- (SEs), and the Medium-sized Enterprises (MEs). Indeed, in most of the cases, SMEs are bundled together and considered as a whole, in opposition to LEs. In some cases SEs and MEs are studied separately, but only the difference in terms of accident rates is highlighted. Instead, important information in terms of performance and organizational, cultural and economic differences between MiEs, SEs and MEs exist. Within the implementation of the E-merging project (financed by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents – INAIL), some differences have been identified on the basis of two existing data sources.  相似文献   

工作中的健康与生命:人人享有的一项基本人权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们正在讨论谁的安全、健康和生命? 是你的……,是我的…… 是每个劳动者的! 当涉及这一切的时候.我们怎么能袖手旁观呢?  相似文献   

This paper reports results of a surveillance study of work injuries caused by power and nonpower hand tools. Analyzing 129,399 case reports of hand tool injury compensation claims from the 1983 Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the authors determined that nonpower hand tool injury rates were highest in agriculture, followed by construction, mining, and retail trades. For power hand tool injury rates, the order was: construction, agriculture, manufacturing, and mining. Among nonpower hand tools, hand knives were prominent, causing large proportions of injuries to workers in the food preparation occupations and farm laborers. Power hand tool injuries were most often associated with saws, which accounted for large proportions of injuries to lumbermen, carpenters, and miscellaneous laborers. Most injuries could be described as acute trauma involving upper extremities, but musculoskeletal injuries were also documented in substantial numbers. The authors provide suggestions for focused investigations to follow the surveillance effort reported here.  相似文献   

A sample of 141 Canadian business school graduates responded to questionnaires at 3, 9 and 14 months after beginning full-time jobs. Their job experiences including challenge, work group fit, supervisor support, and mentorship were measured along with organizational commitment, turnover, and promotion. There was little evidence of treatment discrimination against the female and minority members of the sample. However, dissimilarity to one's work group in terms of age, education, and lifestyle meant lower job challenge and poorer work group fit. In contrast, being dissimilar in terms of gender meant greater challenge, and, if the manager was male, greater likelihood of promotion. Being dissimilar in terms of culture was not associated with any of the job experiences. Relationships between the early experiences and organizational commitment were strongest for those who were most dissimilar in terms of gender, whereas relationships between the experiences and turnover were strongest for those who were most dissimilar in terms of age, education, and lifestyle.  相似文献   

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