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Brood guarding and the evolution of male parental care in burying beetles   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Parental behavior that has an impact on the increased survival of offspring, an important factor in the evolution of parental care, can include both guarding and provisioning. The effects of these two components of parental care can be separated and quantified in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis in which both male and female cooperate to rear young. Although in the absence of competition, reproductive success is reduced by the presence of the second parent in the brood chamber, two parents dramatically reduce the probability that conspecifics will usurp the resource, replace either the male or female, kill the newly hatched brood, and produce a replacement clutch. After the establishment of the burial chamber (but not before) beetles appear to assist their mates in driving off intrasexual competitors. Male assistance in burial does not account for very much of the variance in the speed in which the carcass can be concealed nor are two parents essential to guard against insect predators. There were no significant differences in the duration of parental care by males paired with virgin and non-virgin females suggesting that paternity of the brood for which the male provides care is not a factor determining the length of care. Since male and female reproductive success is limited in Nicrophorus by access to suitable carcasses, many of the typical asymmetries in the costs and benefits of parental care are lacking. However since sperm displacement is not complete, paternity of the replacement clutch, for which the male does not provide care, may be a factor encouraging male desertion before female desertion. Other factors important in the evolution of paternal care, especially the probability of additional reproductive opportunities, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. Larvae of Chrysomela leaf beetles release for defence volatile compounds belonging to various chemical families. This study focuses on the defensive strategy based on the esterification of isobutyric acid and 2-methylbutyric acid with a wide variety of alcohols taken up from the host plant. To date, only two species are known to produce these repellents C. interrupta, which is associated with Betulaceae and C. lapponica which occurs either on Betulaceae or Salicaceae.? In order to know if other species have developed this chemical defence and how the food plant influences the secretion of these toxins, we targeted by mass spectrometry the presence of iso- and 2-methylbutyric acids and esters of them in the defensive secretions of Chrysomela larvae exclusively associated with Betulaceae or Salicaceae. ?Screening analyses reveal that the synthesis of these compounds is a common character restricted to all the members belonging to the C. interrupta group sensu Brown (1956) regardless of the host-plant family. These results suggest that the biochemical mechanism leading to the synthesis of these compounds could be considered as a synapomorphy meaning that the group is probably monophyletic. ?Defensive secretions of the members of the interrupta group are quantitatively assayed for iso- and 2-methylbutyric acids and their (Z)-3-hexenyl esters. Results reveal a chemical plasticity developed by Chrysomela species associated with Salicaceae. The amounts of iso- and 2-methylbutyric acids derivatives and of salicylaldehyde in their larval secretions depend on the food plant and on its content in phenolglucosides. Received 5 October 1998; accepted 25 November 1998.  相似文献   

In birds, many aspects of male socio-sexual and parental behavior are influenced by androgens, most notably testosterone (T). We report the effects of subcutaneous T-implants in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) on male and female parental behavior and on seasonal reproductive success. Males were assigned to one of three experimental groups: (i) implanted with a T-filled Silastic tube; (ii) implanted with an empty Silastic tube; and (iii) not implanted. T-implanted males provided a smaller proportion of feedings (number of feedings by the male/total number of feedings by both parents) and fed nestlings less frequently (number of feedings/h) than males of the other two groups. Females paired to T-implanted males fed nestlings significantly more often than females paired with unimplanted males. Females almost fully compensated for their mates' shortfall, and this resulted in similar combined feeding efforts among treatments. Reproductive success in their first broods or during the entire breeding season was unaffected by T- treatment. These results confirm earlier reports of the suppressive effects of T on male parental behavior. However, they are inconsistent with current ESS models that predict partial compensation as the optimal response by one individual to reduction of parental effort by its mate in monogamous, biparental systems.  相似文献   

Early growth conditions, such as exposure to maternally derived androgens in bird eggs, have been shown to shape offspring in ways that may have important long-term consequences for phenotype and behavior. Using an experimental approach, we studied the long-term effects of yolk androgens on several phenotypic traits and parental behavior in adult and female collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). We elevated yolk androgen levels and monitored the experimental recruits the following breeding seasons. Androgen treatment had a sex-dependent effect on adult body condition, yolk androgen-treated males being heavier than control males when controlling for size, a result which may be caused potentially by selective mortality, physiological differences, or different life-history strategies. Androgen treatment did not however affect the expression of sexually selected plumage ornaments (forehead and wing patch size), UV coloration, or parental feeding rate in either sex. Our results suggest that yolk androgens are unlikely to affect sexual selection via plumage characteristics or contribute to breeding success via altered parental care. Yolk androgens do not seem to act as a means for female collared flycatchers to enhance the attractiveness of their sons. The lower return rate previously observed for androgen-treated male offspring compared to controls may therefore not be due to lower mating or breeding success, but may rather reflect lower survival or higher dispersal propensity of yolk androgen-treated males.  相似文献   

Summary Measures of relative gamete contribution were related to degree of parental investment for both males and females from six groups of communally breeding pukeko (Porphyrio porphyrio). If there is a fitness cost to participation in parental duties, then for males parental investment should relate to degree of confidence of paternity while for females investment should relate to the number of eggs laid. Data were analysed in two ways: (1) by looking at individuals of the same sex within the same group to see if males that had a greater probability of paternity and females that had greater number of eggs in a nest subsequently invested relatively more in parental duties and (2) by pooling the data from the six groups and determining if there was a positive correlation between measures of presumed gamete contribution and amount of parental investment. The results from both types of analyses are variable and give no clear support for a positive relationship between presumed gamete contribution and parental investment even though a possible fitness cost is suggested. Factors which might influence investment are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Locomotor activity of the Teleogryllus commodus is under circadian control, with LL=25.3 h and DD=23.4 h. In LD 12:12 h, running occurs either exclusively during darkness (57%), mainly in the dark phase (35%), or with substantial activity peaks in both phases (8%). For oviposition, LL>24 h and DD<24 h; in LD 12:12 h, 80% of the studied deposited their eggs mainly during the light phase and 20% primarily during darkness. In the discussion, a temporal correlation between stridulation, spermatophore formation, and locomotion, and oviposition is established, which serves to make an encounter and mating between the sexes as likely as possible.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. M. Gersch on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Whether sexual selection and species recognition involve distinct preferences and signals is still debated. Earlier work showed that traits under sexual selection can reduce the efficiency of species recognition but remains uncertain on how frequently such a conflict occurs. We can, however, hypothesise that overlapping distributions of sexual signals may enhance the hybridization risk in many species. We tested this hypothesis in a newt, Lissotriton vulgaris, which hybridises with Lissotriton helveticus. The two species also share an ultraviolet (UV) colour trait, which influences male attractiveness in L. vulgaris, though this trait is probably not functional for sexual communication in L. helveticus. We predicted that the shared trait would affect species recognition when UV radiation is present in the environment. We staged binary choice preference tests under UV+ and UV? conditions. In the UV+ treatment, female preference depended on the values of the shared UV trait and total brightness, regardless of male species identity. Thus, species recognition was enhanced or reversed depending on the difference in the male trait. Females preferred no male type in the UV? treatment, likely explained by our design, which alternated different sensory environments, and the limited prior exposure of subjects to the other species’ morph. We conclude that the presence of this shared trait used in sexual communication contributes to the production of hybrids in syntopic ponds. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental evidence of the influence of an UV sexual signal modulating species recognition.  相似文献   

Summary While traditionally viewed as an extension of intermale competition, mechanisms of sperm competition may be used by multiply mating females for mate choice. In the field cricket G. bimaculatus sperm were shown to mix in the spermatheca. The proportion of offspring sired by the second male increased with spermatophore attachment duration and, therefore, the number of sperm transferred. There was no second male advantage for single matings after an initial double mating. However, the proportion ofoffspring sired by the second male increased in proportion to the number of times he mated such that second males mating three times after an initial double mating had the advantage at fertilization. The data suggested that sperm were utilized in proportion to their numerical representation in the spermatheca. The mechanism of sperm precedence may, therefore, be one of sperm dilution. Female G. bimaculatus may control the degree of sperm competition as a mechanism of mate choice. By accepting large quantities of sperm from chosen males they may determine the paternity of their offspring by diluting out the sperm stored from previous matings.  相似文献   

Behavior of male and female groupers, Cephalopholis spiloparaea, observed, between 1990 and 1991 in Sasanhaya Bay, Rota, Northern Mariana Islands, was compared to detect differences in proportional use between sexes, and between daylight and pre-courtship time periods. This species has male-dominated haremic groups. Time partitioning could not be measured exactly. Instead, the numbers of intra-and interspecific interactions, foraging, resting, swimming, and maintenance behaviors of each sex were measured during the observation periods. The proportion of acts in each category out of the total number of acts, termed effort, was used in comparisons. Males were predicted to devote more effort toward intra-and interspecific interactions compared to females and to maximize reproductive success. Females were predicted to devote more effort towards foraging, compared to males. This behavior maximizes reproductive effort. Both were predicted to engage in greater intra-and interspecific interactions during the pre-courtship period, corresponding both to the approaching time of courtship and to increases in the numbers of potential spatial and trophic competitors. Intra-and interspecific interactions of both males and females were greater during the pre-courtship period. Differences in all classes of behavior between sexes were only weakly significant for two, however. Males had greater effort in intra-and interspecific interactions. Females had greater effort only in maintenance behavior. Both differences were evident only during the pre-courtship period. Foraging behavior by both sexes was virtually absent during daylight and pre-courtship periods. Fish sought shelter and were not incidentally observed foraging after dusk, suggesting that this species actively forages later at night or during early morning hours, just prior to and during sunrise.  相似文献   

Within beetles, those species that are adapted to life on plants have developed widened tarsi with specialised hairy attachment structures. The capability to adhere to smooth surfaces is based on a liquid film on the surface of these structures, the composition of which is similar to the cuticular lipids. By means of a cluster analysis based on chemical similarities between samples obtained from tarsi or elytra of 35 species using solid phase microextraction, the present study strongly suggests that this chemical congruence is a principle in beetles. This supports the idea of tarsal liquids being part of the cuticular lipid layer and contributes to the understanding of liquid-mediated attachment systems.  相似文献   

Low dispersal and sexual selection are characteristic of the coastal polychaeteNereis acuminata Ehlers 1868 [also known asNereis arenaceodentata Moore 1903 andNereis (Neanthes) caudata Delle Chiaje 1841]. We assessed levels of premating isolation between populations of this polychaete. Four North American populations were used, two from the Atlantic and two from the Pacific. Worms from all sites (1) were collected in 1987 and 1988 from the same habitat type, (2) were morphologically similar and keyed out asN. acuminata, and (3) reproduced monogamously and exhibited male parental care, an extremely rare reproductive mode in marine invertebrates. There was no evidence from 10-min or 36-h trials of premating isolation between the two Pacific populations. Incomplete premating isolation was found between the two Atlantic populations. High aggression and non-pairing occurred in some 10-min trials between males and females. However, in 36-h trials males and females from the two Atlantic populations always paired to mate. Complete premating isolation was found between Atlantic and Pacific populations. During 10-min trials, males and females from different oceans often attacked and then avoided each other, and they never paired to mate. Nor did they pair to mate in longer, 36-h trials. One Pacific and one Atlantic population were compared for tolerance to cold temperature. Pacific individuals were less able to tolerate cold water than Atlantic individuals. Two Atlantic populations studied had karyotypes with 11 pairs of small acrocentric chromosomes (2n=22), while the two Pacific populations had nine pairs of large metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes (2n=18). Such extreme dissimilarity in karyotype was not expected considering the similarity in morphology, habitat, and reproductive mode. Results suggest strongly that the Atlantic and Pacific populations have been allopatric for a long time, and are different species.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that behavioral flexibility is associated with the ability to adaptively respond to environmental change. Flexibility can be advantageous in some contexts such as exploiting novel resources, but it may come at a cost of accuracy or performance in ecologically relevant tasks, such as foraging. Such trade-offs may, in part, explain why individuals within a species are not equally flexible. Here, we conducted a reversal learning task and predation experiment on a top fish predator, the Northern pike (Esox lucius), to examine individual variation in flexibility and test the hypothesis that an individual’s behavioral flexibility is negatively related with its foraging performance. Pikes were trained to receive a food reward from either a red or blue cup and then the color of the rewarded cup was reversed. We found that pike improved over time in how quickly they oriented to the rewarded cup, but there was a bias toward the color red. Moreover, there was substantial variation among individuals in their ability to overcome this red bias and switch from an unrewarded red cup to the rewarded blue cup, which we interpret as consistent variation among individuals in behavioral flexibility. Furthermore, individual differences in behavioral flexibility were negatively associated with foraging performance on ecologically relevant stickleback prey. Our data indicate that individuals cannot be both behaviorally flexible and efficient predators, suggesting a trade-off between these two traits.  相似文献   

Although traditional sexual selection theories for the evolution of ornamental male traits often assume consistency in female preferences for the traits over time, recent theories predict plasticity in female mate preferences and the contribution of plastic female preferences to the maintenance of polymorphism in male sexual ornaments. However, the plasticity of female preferences and its influences on male ornaments are almost unknown in natural populations. Here we examined both the intensity of female preferences and the exaggeration of a male ornament (relative area of orange spots) in a wild population of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) every few months over a period of 3 years. Results indicated that female preference intensity was negatively correlated with the relative area of orange spots of males. In addition, we found a positive correlation between female preference intensity and the relative area of orange spots of males of their offspring generation. Because the relative area of orange spots of male guppies is a heritable trait, female preferences might have a strong influence on male orange spot size in the next generation. This study provides the first evidence of plastic female preferences depending on the scarcity of males with large ornaments in a natural population. Results of this study imply a possible contribution of female preferences for the maintenance of variation in male ornamentation.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between the parental effort of a male and female should promote stable biparental care. Risk-taking (as assessed by injuries) against infanticidal intruders by Nicrophorus pustulatus females was expected to be low when females had a low probability of successful defense of the young. I tested the hypothesis that when the presence of a male partner increased the probability of successful defense from low to moderate that female risk-taking would increase. Single females and pairs with first instar larvae were confronted by potentially infanticidal male and female conspecific intruders. Male intruders routinely took over nests from unpaired females (30 of 36 trials). Unpaired females and male intruders were injured infrequently, indicating less intense fights despite the high probability of infanticide. A resident female defending against a male intruder was injured more often when paired than unpaired, suggesting greater risk-taking. A male parent that delays desertion, therefore, receives fitness benefits not only from his own defense of the young, but from greater female defense against male intruders as well. It is hypothesized that the threat of infanticidal takeovers by males promotes extended biparental care in burying beetles. When the intruder was female, on the other hand, a female parent on her own had a moderate probability of successfully defending the brood (22 of 36 trials). The presence of a male partner against female intruders almost guaranteed successful defense (35 of 36 trials) and female intruders did not appear to contest pairs vigorously. Against female intruders the presence of a male partner did not significantly change injury rates of the defending female.  相似文献   

近年来,抗生素的大量使用对生态环境和人类健康构成了严重威胁.抗生素去除技术开发引起了人们的广泛关注.本研究制备了4种具有良好水热稳定性的锆基金属骨架有机材料(UiO-66,UiO-66-NH_2,UiO-66-Cl和UiO-66-NO_2),通过比较4种材料对水中痕量磺胺氯哒嗪(SCP)的吸附性能,从中筛选出最佳吸附剂,进而探究了温度、pH、共存阴离子、腐殖酸和可再生性等因素对其吸附性能的影响,探讨了作用机制.研究结果表明,功能基团的引入提升了金属骨架有机材料对SCP的吸附性能,其中氨基的引入效果最为显著(去除率从11.62%提升至71.12%),这主要是由于氢键的作用;UiO-66-NH_2对SCP的吸附符合拟二级动力学,温度的升高抑制了吸附的进行,pH=6时吸附效果最好;Cl-和SO_4~(2-)对UiO-66-NH_2吸附性能起到了抑制作用,而腐殖酸影响较小;CO_3~(2-)的水解导致路易斯酸碱反应,从而极大地干扰了SCP的吸附过程;UiO-66-NH_2经过四次循环使用后,SCP去除率下降不到10%.本研究为采用功能化金属有机骨架材料去除水中污染物提供了新思路.  相似文献   

The role of acoustic cues as reference cues for orientation by amphibians has been demonstrated in anurans, the only amphibian group that engages in acoustic communication, but not in urodeles. Orientation responses of marbled newts, Triturus marmoratus, were studied to determine whether heterospecific calls elicited positive phonotaxis. The orientation tests consisted in presenting either a familiar acoustic stimulus, the advertisement calls of natterjack toads (Bufo calamita), or a control stimulus, the advertisement calls of European green toads (Bufo viridis) that the newts would not be expected to recognize. Marbled newts and natterjack toads occur in simpatry, but T. marmoratus and B. viridis are allopatric species. Thus, T. marmoratus is distributed over the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula, whereas B. viridis occurs in the Balearic Islands, but not over the Iberian Peninsula. Newts were released in a circular arena while a recorded chorus of natterjack toads or European green toads played outside the arena to determine whether they displayed positive phonotactic orientation. Our results show that marbled newts performed positive phonotaxis when exposed to the breeding calls of natterjack toads, but not to those of European green toads. Newts chose a compass course in the direction of the advertisement calls of B. calamita. Acoustic information might improve orientation accuracy. This study is the first to provide evidence of heterospecific call recognition and positive phonotactic response in urodeles.Communicated by W. Wiltschko  相似文献   

The costs of male parental care and its evolution in a neotropical frog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Parental care is practiced exclusively by males of the Puerto Rican frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. Males brood clutches of direct-developing eggs in non-aquatic nest sites and defend eggs against cannibalistic nest intruders. Here, I report on energetic and mating costs incurred by males that provide parental care, and suggest how these proximate costs affect male fitness and the evolution of male parental care in this species. Energetic costs are small for brooding males in comparison to non-brooding, calling males. Brooding males had a higher frequency of empty stomachs and lost small, but significant, fractions of their initial body mass during parental care. Abdominal fat bodies of brooding males during the middle third of parental care were significantly smaller than those of calling males; those of males brooding eggs in earlier or later stages were not different. The mating cost of parental care is greater. Most brooding males cease calling during parental care. However, gravid females are available (i.e., known to mate) on most nights during the principal breeding season; hence non-calling males miss potential opportunities to mate. A mating cost was estimated by calculating nightly mating probabilities for calling males in a plot where nightly calling male densities and daily oviposition schedules were known. On average, a male exhibiting normal calling behavior would be expected to obtain a new mate once every 35.7 days. Hence a brooding male that ceased calling for a 20-day parental care period would miss, on average, 0.56 additional mates. Males that were more successful than average in attracting mates could miss up to 1.63 matings. A marginal value model (Fig. 1) is used to analyze the net effect on male fitness of parental care benefits and costs in E. coqui (Fig. 3). The model indicates that males garner the highest reproductive success by providing care from oviposition through hatching. There is no stage during the pre-hatching period at which a desertion strategy would yield higher reproductive success. In fact, the model suggests that males should provide full parental care even in the face of much higher mating costs than currently obtain in the system.  相似文献   

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