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本文在阐述3S技术特点的基础上,以四川省木里县梭罗沟金矿改扩建工程所在地的梭罗沟和如米沟为研究区,介绍了3S技术在景观格局信息提取的技术要求、数据收集和工作流程,并对研究区景观格局的提取结果进行了动态变化预测与分析。实例研究证明,3S技术是景观生态学研究的重要技术工具,应用3S技术开展矿产资源开发景观格局动态评价,可以准确、快速地提取景观格局的主要特征指标,掌握景观格局现状、预测其动态变化特征、揭示其变化规律,满足区域景观格局研究的要求。本研究方法适用于生态类建设项目或区域开发规划的景观格局中短期动态预测研究,不宜用于景观格局长期的动态预测。  相似文献   

以1987年和2000年TM影像为数据源,在ENVI 4.4平台下提取淮北市(相山建成区)1987-2000年土地利用/覆盖动态变化信息,利用FRAGSTATS 3.3软件提取研究区的斑块指数、多样性指数、优势度、破碎度、分维度及形状指数等景观格局指标,并进行分析.  相似文献   

在GIS技术和卫星遥感资料的支持下,利用景观格局分析软件FRAGSFATS3.3分析了揭阳市惠来县1994-2001年的土地景观格局的动态变化,并分别在类型水平上和景观水平上选择了部分景观指数。计算结果表明,破碎度趋向加深,景观结构和斑块形状复杂性增加(尤以林地和其它用地严重);景观稳定性增加,优势度减少;景观多样性有所提高,受人类干扰程度加深,说明惠来县城市化速度快,处于城市发展的初期;各景观要素又有不同的景观动态特征。  相似文献   

为了探讨生态移民安置区土地利用的景观格局特征,以及研究区不同土地利用的变化,以宁夏回族自治区红寺堡区为研究区,选取1995年、2005年和2015年三期遥感影像数据,运用RS和GIS技术分析了该区域的土地利用的景观格局变化特征,定量分析了几种常用景观格局指数随尺度的变化规律。结果表明:红寺堡区土地景观要素占绝对主导地位的是草地,其次为耕地;各类土地景观变化较为复杂,总体而言,红寺堡区土地景观正朝着破碎度、异质性程度增加的趋势发展。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖流域平原区景观土壤属性特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆艾比湖流域平原区为对象,在对研究区进行景观生态分类及野外调查验证的基础上,利用"3S"技术将1∶100×104的新疆土壤类型图与研究区景观类型图叠加,从土壤属性层次上对研究区各类景观的生态土壤类型进行确认,并分析其在研究区内分布的特征。结果表明:研究区主要土壤类型为26类,以石膏灰棕漠土所占比例最大,占研究区总面积的19.03%,棕钙土、荒漠风沙土、草甸盐土、盐化草甸土、和灌耕灰漠土等面积也较大。  相似文献   

以IKONOS卫星遥感影像为基础数据源,在GIS技术的支持下,获取了泸州市区的土地利用类型。借鉴景观生态学的基本原理和方法,基于Fragstats 3.3软件,用景观格局指数定量分析了泸州市区土地利用景观格局的特征。分析结果表明,泸州市区土地利用景观类型丰富,景观多样性程渡高,景观类型均匀程度也较高,但优势景观类型不明显;由于人类干扰程度较大,土地利用景观破碎,稳定性较差。  相似文献   

选取内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗满都胡宝拉格草甸草原为研究区,在遥感和GIS技术的支撑下,以景观生态学理论为指导,通过分析该地区近15年来四个时期景观类型的空间格局、演化态势和变化规律,从景观视角挖掘出格局信息与生态环境变化之间的内在关联性,运用马尔科夫链模型对未来草原景观格局变化的趋势进行了模拟和预测,并分析了该地区生态环境变化的驱动机制,为科学利用和保护草地资源、保证区域可持续发展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

矿产资源的开采虽然使资源型城市的社会经济迅猛发展,但也造成了环境污染和景观安全格局破坏。以资源型城市武安市为研究区,基于"源—汇"理论和最小阻力模型,确定武安市的"生态源"和"干扰源",构建综合阻力面,提取重要生态廊道,分析其景观安全格局状况。研究结果表明:(1)"生态源"集中分布在武安市西部自然保护区,中东部分布较少且连通性差;(2)矿产资源开采区的生态阻力值较大,交通建设对生态过程扩展起阻碍作用;(3)生态廊道网络布局特征明显,南、北氵名河连贯东西,南北方向因生产建设干扰强烈出现断层;(4)矿区周围生态用地破碎严重,应将生态规划与城市规划、矿区规划相结合,整体上保护资源型城市的景观生态安全格局。  相似文献   

乡村聚落是乡村人口空间分布的载体。以横断山区南涧县为实证研究对象,运用GIS空间分析和景观格局分析方法对研究区的乡村聚落空间分布和景观格局特征进行了研究。结果表明:1以中小型聚落为主,斑块面积相差悬殊。2聚落分布与气候因素关系最为密切。3东北—西南走向的"热点区"至"冷点区"形成高值、次高值、次低值、低值的逐渐过渡特征,总体为集群分布。4中部与北部地区乡村聚落规模大,空间分布稀疏,形状破碎不规则;西南部地区聚落规模小,空间分布密集,破碎度小。  相似文献   

开展新疆荒漠区的景观生态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,景观生态的研究和应用愈来愈广泛和深入,可以预料,在新疆荒漠区资源开发和经济发展中,将起重要作用。新疆荒漠区景观生态研究的内容应包括景观生态类型(区)的划分,景观生态空间格局及其动态分析、生态环境变化的趋势分析和预测预报、景观生态建设的若干对策以及生态环境监测信息系统的建立。  相似文献   

Landscape Trends in Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States Ecoregions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Landscape pattern and composition metrics are potential indicators for broad-scale monitoring of change and for relating change to human and ecological processes. We used a probability sample of 20-km × 20-km sampling blocks to characterize landscape composition and pattern in five US ecoregions: the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain, Southeastern Plains, Northern Piedmont, Piedmont, and Blue Ridge Mountains. Land use/land cover (LULC) data for five dates between 1972 and 2000 were obtained for each sample block. Analyses focused on quantifying trends in selected landscape pattern metrics by ecoregion and comparing trends in land cover proportions and pattern metrics among ecoregions. Repeated measures analysis of the landscape pattern documented a statistically significant trend in all five ecoregions towards a more fine-grained landscape from the early 1970s through 2000. The ecologically important forest cover class also became more fine-grained with time (i.e., more numerous and smaller forest patches). Trends in LULC, forest edge, and forest percent like adjacencies differed among ecoregions. These results suggest that ecoregions provide a geographically coherent way to regionalize the story of national land use and land cover change in the United States. This study provides new information on LULC change in the southeast United States. Previous studies of the region from the 1930s to the 1980s showed a decrease in landscape fragmentation and an increase in percent forest, while this study showed an increase in forest fragmentation and a loss of forest cover.  相似文献   

Scientists have aimed at exploring land use and land cover change (LUCC) and modeling future landscape pattern in order to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of these phenomena. This study addresses LUCC in the upper reaches of Minjiang River, China, from 1974 to 2000. Based on remotely sensed images, LUCC and landscape pattern change were assessed using cross-tabulation and landscape metrics. Then, using the CLUE-S model, changes in area of four types of land cover were predicted for two scenarios considering forest polices over the next 20 years. Results showed that forestland decreased from 1974 to 2000 due to continuous deforestation, while grassland and shrubland increased correspondingly. At the same time, the farmland and settlement land increased dramatically. Landscape fragmentation in the study area accompanied these changes. Forestland, grassland, and farmland take opposite trajectories in the two scenarios, as does landscape fragmentation. LUCC has led to ecological consequences, such as biodiversity loss and lowering of ecological carrying capacity.  相似文献   

Landscape Metrics for Assessment of Landscape Destruction and Rehabilitation   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
This investigation tested the usefulness of geometry-based landscape metrics for monitoring landscapes in a heavily disturbed environment. Research was carried out in a 75 sq km study area in Saxony, eastern Germany, where the landscape has been affected by surface mining and agricultural intensification. Landscape metrics were calculated from digital maps (1912, 1944, 1973, 1989) for the entire study area and for subregions (river valleys, plains), which were defined using the original geology and topography of the region. Correlation and factor analyses were used to select a set of landscape metrics suitable for landscape monitoring. Little land-use change occurred in the first half of the century, but political decisions and technological developments led to considerable change later. Metrics showed a similar pattern with almost no change between 1912 and 1944, but dramatic changes after 1944. Nonparametric statistical methods were used to test whether metrics differed between river valleys and plains. Significant differences in the metrics for these regions were found in the early maps (1912, 1944), but these differences were not significant in 1973 or 1989. These findings indicate that anthropogenic influences created a more homogeneous landscape.  相似文献   

The farm pond system for irrigation is the most prominent feature in the Taoyuan area, Taiwan, giving the region a unique landscape and hydrological character. Although this area had more than 3,290 ponds in the 1970s, fewer than 1,800 now remain. This study analyzes changes in irrigation farm ponds and the canal network landscape in the Taoyuan area. The spatial and temporal changes to ponds and the canal network on the Taoyuan plain were examined graphically for each spatial unit (2,765 m × 2,525 m) using aerial photographs for 1979 and 2005. Landscape metrics were calculated to analyze landscape change associated with increased urbanization. Landscape indices of connectivity and circuitry were utilized to describe changes in the configuration of ponds and canal networks. The total length of canals and total number of ponds in the study area decreased significantly during 1979-2005. The average values of connectivity indices (γ- and α-index) also decreased during 1979-2005, reflecting degradation of canal networks due to urban sprawl. A multivariate technique was applied to portion the study area into three zones according to changes to land cover, ponds, and canal networks. The effects of urban sprawl on the spatial pattern of ponds and canal networks are discussed.  相似文献   

Academics and policy makers seeking to deconstruct landscape face major challenges conceptually, methodologically and institutionally. The meaning(s), identity(ies) and management of landscape are controversial and contested. The European Landscape Convention provides an opportunity for action and change set within new governance agendas addressing interdisciplinarity and spatial planning. This paper critically reviews the complex web of conceptual and methodological frameworks that characterise landscape planning and management and then focuses on emerging landscape governance in Scotland within a mixed method approach involving policy analyses, semi-structured interviews and best practice case studies. Using Dower's (2008) criteria from the Articles of the European Landscape Convention, the results show that whilst some progress has been made in landscape policy and practice, largely through the actions of key individuals and champions, there are significant institutional hurdles and resource limitations to overcome. The need to mainstream positive landscape outcomes requires a significant culture change where a one-size-fits-all approach does not work.  相似文献   

The county of Bedfordshire is typical of landscape in lowland England with land cover dominant over land form and agriculture forming the major land use. Landscape change can be influenced by planning policies through their control of land use. A number of designated areas such as Areas of Great Landscape Value, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Green Belt have been defined where particular planning priorities for the conservation of the countryside apply. This paper reports work where an attempt has been made to measure the influence of these designations on landscape change using the tools of aerial photograph interpretation and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Aerial photographs were available for the study area for 1968, 1981 and 1991. These were interpreted to a landscape classification scheme in terms of point, linear and area features such as trees, hedgerows and cultivated land, respectively. Field work was carried out to assess the accuracy of the interpretation. The resulting data were input to a GIS for each date of photography. Digital maps were created for the land cover features and tables were generated of lengths of linear features or counts of point features for each kilometre square in the study area. Spatial analysis tools provided by the GIS were used to describe the landscape character of each of the designated areas and then to measure the change that had taken place within them over the time period defined by the photography. Areas which were not designated for conservation of scenic beauty were shown to be poorer in traditional landscape features.  相似文献   

招远市现有黄金尾矿库不仅占用大量土地资源,对周围的空气、土壤、水体造成污染,破坏周围的生态环境,而且存在安全隐患,严重制约了当地经济社会的可持续发展.针对不同类型黄金尾矿库的特点,建立了漫溢型生态景观园、高台型生态休闲园、坝坡型风景防护林地、沟夼型生产园地等4种黄金尾矿库生态工程模式.通过生态工程示范区建设,将尾矿库改造成城镇景观绿地、生产园地,解决了黄金尾矿库的生态环境问题.  相似文献   

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