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基于某大型石化项目的环境监理实践,从环境监理方案及实施细则的编制、设计阶段环境监理、施工阶段环境监理3个方面阐述此类项目环境监理的要点及工作方法。设计阶段的主要工作是对环保设计文件、设计图纸及基础设计资料等材料的审查,审查的重点是项目的平面布置、生产规模、工艺路线、污染物特征及各污染物控制节点、环保治理设施的处理工艺及规模等与环评报告及批复的相符性。施工阶段环境监理的工作重点是施工单位环境管理、施工期环保达标监理、隐蔽工程监理、环境风险防范措施监理、环保设施符合性核查、批建相符性核查等几方面。并简要分析了环境监理成果的体现方式。  相似文献   

建设项目环境影响回顾性评价探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了建设项目环境影响回顾性评价的目的、意义、项目类型的确定及评价时机的选择,重点明确了回顾性评价的程序和内容,以及如何提高回顾性环评针对性的方法,并得出回顾性环境影响评价是对环评质量控制的有效手段,可以有效监督建设单位落实环评中规定及环保主管部门批复的环保措施的结论。  相似文献   

将29个煤电项目验收监测核算的二氧化硫排放总量与环保行政主管部门批复的总量控制指标作对比,从运行负荷、脱硫效率、燃煤煤质等方面分析了二者数值存在较大差异的原因。建议在验收监测期间要求企业按环评设计值控制各项参数,并将验收监测总量核算结果作为排污许可或日常监管的参照,进一步强化总量核查与总量控制,推行排污许可证制度。  相似文献   

简述了环境风险防范现场检查与验收的主要内容,对在环境影响评价及批复、环境监理、事故应急水池、报警和监控设备、环境与安全风险之间的关系、竣工环境保护验收技术规范等方面存在的问题进行了分析,提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

环评报告是建设项目开展环保验收工作的重要依据。环保验收工作中必须对照环评报告的内容及要求进行调查和监测。由于环评报告中工程内容、环保措施、评价因子等内容不够完善,使得工程建设中措施无法完全落实,造成环保验收工作不能顺利进行。本文通过对环保验收监测中遇到的实例进行分析,为更好的开展环评及验收监测工作提供建议。  相似文献   

基于环保竣工验收对建设项目环评的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
结合建设项目环境保护竣工验收实际案例,指出了在依据环评文件进行环保竣工验收经常遇到的问题。提出环境影响评价单位应基于经济技术可行性、实际可操作性提出环保措施,合理识别预测污染因子等反馈意见;环保审批部门应在环评单位与环保验收单位之间建立起交流、沟通的渠道,以更好地把好环评审批和环保验收审批两个关。  相似文献   

简述汞污染和控制问题成为环境问题的新热点和前沿研究领域,介绍中国燃煤电厂烟气汞监测试点的基本情况。分析江苏省7家燃煤电厂煤中汞及烟气中汞排放水平,提出利用现有的除尘、脱硫、脱硝设施,能满足《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》中汞的排放限值要求。  相似文献   

<正>环境保护部2017年1月5日向媒体通报,全国环保系统环评机构按期全部完成脱钩,彻底退出建设项目环评技术服务市场。环境保护部环境影响评价司负责人介绍,全国环保系统环评机构脱钩是环境保护部坚决落实中央巡视组专项反馈意见要求的一项重大政策举措,是贯彻国务院深化行政审批改革和政府职能转变的重要体现。2015年3月以来,全国环保系统全力推动环评机构脱钩工作,截至2016年12月底,358家环评机构分三批全部完成脱钩,其中179家通过取消或者注销资质形式完成脱钩,  相似文献   

为探究燃煤电厂周边大气环境中重金属的污染特征与来源,对广东某山区燃煤电厂周边地区环境和污染源的重金属进行测定,分析其污染特征,采用因子分析法和Pb同位素示踪法对环境中的重金属进行来源解析。结果表明,研究区域室内积尘中重金属浓度水平明显高于土壤重金属,污染空间分布与当地气象条件相关。环境空气TSP中重金属主要来自2个污染源,Cd、Pb、As主要来自电厂燃煤,Ca、Mn、Al、Mg主要来自土壤扬尘。TSP、降尘、积尘样品所含的Pb均与电厂采集的煤、炉渣、粉煤灰样品所含的Pb具有同源性,与其他污染源同源性不明显,说明研究区域大气中Pb污染主要来自电厂燃烧所排放的烟尘,其他污染源影响不大。  相似文献   

对上海市8台燃煤机组开展了石膏雨和相关污染物排放监测,考察部分燃煤电厂石膏雨排放对周边居民生活和电厂生产造成的影响。结果表明,采用GGH并加热到一定温度,同时对除雾器进行优化的机组烟尘和可凝结颗粒物浓度均较低,石膏雨沉降和液滴均未检出,无冷凝回流液;虽然装有湿式电除尘器和GGH的机组石膏雨沉降未检出,但液滴浓度较高;仅装有湿式电除尘器的2台机组中1台检出石膏雨沉降;对照机组石膏雨沉降和液滴浓度均较高。建议电厂提升排烟温度,同时采取措施消除烟气中石膏夹带,彻底消除石膏雨,在标准制定时应充分考虑目前燃煤电厂多种污染物排放情况及其对环境的影响,尤其是石膏雨和可凝结颗粒物,制定相应的监测方法和评价体系,将其纳入火电厂排放标准中。  相似文献   

火力发电行业开展排污单位自行监测关键问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自行监测是排污许可制度的重要技术支撑。针对火力发电行业自行监测质量参差不齐的现实情况,笔者依据国家颁布的技术指南和行业检测机构实践经验,在调查研究全国有代表性的21家火力发电厂自行监测开展情况的基础上,对制度、方案、机制、管理等方面的关键问题进行了探讨,提出了加强企业自行监测制度建设、借助专业机构支撑、创新监测监督联合机制、发挥集团管控作用等方面的措施建议。  相似文献   

Photovoltaic (PV) power is expected to play an important role in reducing global warming and improving energy security. China promotes PV power development by implementing feed-in tariff policies. However, the economic and environmental impacts of substituting coal-fired electricity with PV power, particularly as the subsidy rate declines, are not well-known. This study estimates the economic and environmental impacts in different cases and scenarios by combining life-cycle assessment with input-output analysis. Results indicate that substituting PV power for coal-fired electricity has negative impacts on employment, household income, and tax revenue. Although this substitution can promote economic growth when PV power generation is subsidised, the impact of the substitution on GDP will gradually decline as the subsidy rate is reduced and finally becomes negative. Assuming that the levelized cost of PV power declines following the learning curve, the same results will hold even if PV power generation becomes profitable in the future. Despite its negative impacts on employment, household income and tax revenue, the substitution has huge external values. Therefore, policies are needed to internalise the external value and address the economic impacts of the substitution.  相似文献   

Fractions and leaching characteristics of mercury in coal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A huge amount of coal is always stored in open spaces in coal-fired power plants before combustion. Mercury released from coal by rain or flowing water is an environmental risk and can cause contamination of the soil around the storage area. To better understand mercury pollution and to control mercury emission before combustion, it is necessary to determine the mobility and leaching characteristics of mercury from coal. In this study, we collected ten coal samples from one coal-fired power plant and proposed a sequential extraction procedure to get five fractions of mercury for evaluation. Elemental Hg was found as the most dominant fraction, and sulfate Hg was shown to be the second largest fraction. The mercury in the organic and the soluble fractions were not the major fractions, but they should still be considered because of their high mobility.  相似文献   

对江苏省9家燃煤电厂入炉煤中ω(汞)及烟气中ρ(汞)进行了测试,结果表明,9家燃煤电厂入炉煤中ω(汞)为54.5~297 ng/g,平均值为139 ng/g,低于我国煤中ω(汞)的平均值(220 ng/g)。燃煤电厂排放烟气中ρ(汞)为0.08~16.97μg/m^3,远低于《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223-2011)汞及其化合物标准限值(30μg/m^3)。通过对燃煤电厂入炉煤中ω(汞)与最终排放的烟气中ρ(汞)进行分析,两者之间有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether survivorship and growth of Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea [Müller]) differed significantly between two types of field enclosures. Enclosures were either flexible mesh bags or rigid cages (hereto after referred as bioboxes) designed to homogenize substrate among study sites and accommodate Asian clam feeding mechanisms. For 96d, cages remained at 12 Clinch River (CR), Hurricane Fork (HF), and Dump's Creek (DC) sites upstream and downstream of a coal-fired power plant discharge, coal mining effluent, and coal combustion-related disposal facilities in Carbo, Virginia. Although survivorship was not significantly different between cage types, mean growth of clams in bioboxes was significantly greater overall (p = 0.0157). Despite the difference in growth between the two cage types, both confirmed significant reductions of survivorship and growth directly below the power plant discharge. Additionally, coefficient of variance values for biobox growth data were reduced at most study sites (averages of 16% for bioboxes versus 19% for mesh bags). Our results have implications toward strengthening weight-of-evidence approaches used to link impairment of transplanted bivalves to environmental contaminants. More importantly, these results suggest that ecotoxicological impairment of bivalves transplanted downstream of the coal-fired power plant discharge functioned independently of site-specific substrate provisions.  相似文献   

An assessment study of the environmental pathways of arsenic released from a coal-fired power plant (CFPP) or introduced into soil as a contaminant by phosphatic fertilizers has been carried out using a time-dependent forecasting model.The long-term predictions indicate that arsenic can be taken up by plants and that it can migrate into the groundwater system through soil layers. However, arsenic exhibits such a high degree of mobility that its retention and accumulation in biota should remain low. This fact may explain the relatively low concentrations of arsenic in environmental media as well as in groundwater systems.  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂超低排放气态污染物监测系统的采样系统和分析单元,分析了其各自的优缺点。对稀释抽取式、冷干抽取式和热湿抽取式3种采样方法,以及非分散红外吸收法(NDIR)、非分散紫外吸收法(NDUV)、紫外差分吸收法(DOAS)、紫外荧光法(UVF)和化学发光法(CL)5种分析方法进行对比。结果表明,冷干抽取式+紫外差分法以及稀释抽取式+紫外荧光法+化学发光法可以较好地符合燃煤电厂超低排放监测的要求。  相似文献   

环境监测监控系统在福州市的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了福州市环境监测监控系统的建设目标,介绍了环境监测监控系统的结构,以及环境质量监测监控子系统、重点污染企业在线自动监测监控子系统、城市烟尘视频监控子系统和GIS环境监控子系统的功能。指出应用环境监测监控系统,提高了环境监测工作的科学化和规范化水平。  相似文献   

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