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Geometric morphometrics has been used to reveal coupled geographic variation in the mandible shape in two sympatric rodent species, the pygmy wood mouse (Sylvaemus uralensis Pall.) and bank vole (Myodes glareolus Pall.), in the Southern Urals. It has been shown that syntopic samples synchronously collected from the local communities of these species usually display similar, parallel, and unidirectional morphological changes as demonstrated by comparison of species pairs from different localities. The degree of concordance in geographic variation of the species makes it possible to estimate their coevolutionary potential within local communities: the wider the range of ecological conditions under which parallel variation of sympatric species is observed, the higher is their coevolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Methods of geometric morphometrics and population phenogenetics have been used to evaluate morphogenetic rearrangements in two sympatric species of Myodes voles (M. glareolus Schreb. 1780 and M. rutilus Pall. 1779) from syntopic populations recovering after exposure to local “ecological vacuum” created as a result of rodent extermination in a natural focus of hemorrhagic fever in the southern taiga subzone of the Udmurt Republic. The model used in the study simulates the situation that arises upon nonselective elimination of rodent populations and communities in spring and their subsequent recovery. Analysis of variation in the size and shape of the mandible and in a complex of 30 nonmetric cranial characters has revealed similar (parallel) and species-specific morphogenetic and epigenetic changes occurring during the recovery of local rodent community. Species-specific differences in the pattern of change in the parameter characterizing within-group morphological disparity in the mandible shape (MNND) have been revealed between the dominant species (M. glareolus) and the subdominant species competing with it for territory (M. rutilus). Different reactions of close Myodes species in the course of filling the ecological vacuum are considered as a result of reduction in the level of competition for the subdominant species and a compensatory increase of morphological disparity in the dominant species under conditions of low density and incomplete composition of the community, in accordance with Chernov’s (2005) ecological compensation principle.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of the frequencies of nonmetric cranial characters, the ratio of interpopulation and interspecific differences has been studied in populations of two genetically identified cryptic species of wood mice, A. uralensis and A. ponticus, living under different ecological conditions in the Northern Caucasus. Hybridization between these species has not been reported previously, but interspecific phenetic distances indicate that differences between them do not exceed the level characteristic of subspecies, with morphological differentiation between A. uralensis populations of the Central and Western Caucasus being weakly expressed. It is hypothesized that the low level of intra- and interspecific differences is explained by the sympatric and symbiotopic origin of both species in the Western Caucasus. This may account for the retention of their similarity in ecological requirements for the environment and, consequently, only slight morphological disparity in similar biotopes.  相似文献   

The genus Oenanthe comprises approximately 22 species, of which 16 species are restricted to the desert belt of the Palaearctic and Afrotropic regions, where they are often the most conspicuous passerines. Although they have been the subjects of some morphological and ecological studies, no complete morphometrical data has been used to verify their taxonomic relationships, and, the species relationships are still debated. Overall morphometrical similarities between Wheatears and their relationships in size and shape were assessed using measurements of 27 biometrical variables on 417 museum specimens. The 22 Wheatear species comprise some morphological groups: long migratory vegetation-tolerant species (O. pleschanka, O. hispanica, O. cypriaca and O. deserti), ground-dwelling migratory (O. isabellina and O. oenanthe), and sedentary (O. bottae, O. heuglini and O. pileata) of steppe-like habitants, relatively heavy and rock-dwelling species (O. leucura and O. monticola), inhabiting the most arid areas (O. monacha, O. leucopyga and O. alboniger), and finally a central core of medium-sized partial migrants, largely overlapping in morphometric space, that do not present any evident specialization (O. lugens, O. chrysopygia, O. xanthoprymna and O. finschii). It seems Wheatear species are well distributed in a morpho-space of size and shape with moderate overlaps and few hiatuses corresponding to a morphological continuum of species. Furthermore, our results largely hiatuses corresponding to a morphological continuum of species. Furthermore, our results largely differ from previous phylogenetic hypotheses (based on ecological, behavioural, and chromatic characters), but, are in congruence with molecular data.  相似文献   

Relationships between morphological characters of the generative organs of larch and ecogeographic and climatic factors in the Russian Far East have been analyzed. It has been shown that local ecological factors have an effect on metric morphological characters of cones such as the length, width, and number of seed scales, which are not usually used as diagnostic characters. On the other hand, a major proportion of variation at the regional level in characters regarded as taxonomically significant is accounted for by geographic and climatic factors of the environment.  相似文献   

可持续发展与我国环境资源法保护对象的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从分析我国环境资源法保护对象发展变化的过程入手,提出了今后环境资源法应紧紧围绕生态环境及其承载能力作为更加明确具体的规定,以利于全社会加强对生态环境的保护,实现我国社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

水温分层对香溪河库湾浮游植物功能群季节演替的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三峡水库水环境问题近年来引起社会广泛关注,以浮游植物功能群为基础,通过对2010年1~12月香溪河库湾水温、浮游植物等进行跟踪监测,探究支流库湾浮游植物群落结构演替趋势及其影响因子。结果表明:香溪河库湾2010年共出现18个浮游植物功能群,其中B、X1、P、Y、X2、D、LO、J、MP、G是代表性功能群;水温分层的季节性发育和消失是浮游植物群落结构演替的主要影响因素;冬季以耐受水温及光照限制的CS/S策略藻种为主;春季弱分层时,CR/R策略藻种适宜生长;夏季汛期时,呈现CR/R/C/CS多种策略藻种混生格局,强分层时,适宜稳定生境的S型策略藻种占据优势;秋季分层被打破,群落结构演替为耐受频繁波动环境的R型群落格局占优势  相似文献   

The methods of identification and scaling of phenes of forest plants are described. The phene identification consists of five stages. Specific features of studies at each stage are shown using identification of the phenes of seed color, cone color, and seed scale structure in Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) as examples. The method of phene scaling is based on the comparison of phene frequencies in a bog and in adjacent upland populations of pine. At the boundary between the bog and dry land, the frequencies of population-level phenes change, whereas those of superpopulation-level phenes remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of an ecological niche, the processes of segregation in the Lower Volga populations of great and little bustards (Otis tarda L. and Tetrax tetrax L). have been studied in the evolutionary and adaptive aspects. The results have shown that segregation of the ecological niches of the two species occurs mainly on a trophic basis, when bird specialization in the use of food resources provides the possibility of changing the nesting biotopes. Some trophic adaptations are temporary and do not modify a species-specific stereotype, whereas other adaptations lead to the development of new forms of behavior and their evolutionary stabilization. Spatial characteristics (biotopic preference, nest location, etc.) complement the identified hierarchical series of parameters characterizing the ecological niches of the species studied. In the Transvolga region of Saratov oblast, the total sizes of great and little bustard populations in the breeding season reach approximately 4100 and 5900 birds, respectively.  相似文献   

Morphological trait variation in populations of rhizomatous (Cypripedium calceolus, Listera ovata) and root-tuber orchid species (Platanthera bifolia, Gymnadenia conopsea) has been studied along a latitudinal gradient in Europe. It has been shown that the structure of shoots changes with transition from the center to the northern or southern periphery of the species range. The reduction in the number of metameres at the range periphery is more distinct in orchids with multimetameric shoots, compared to those with oligometameric shoots. The plasticity of shoot structure observed along the geographic gradient is contingent on climatic factors and can be manifested regionally in cases of long-term temperature deviations. Other morphological parameters, such as shoot height and the sizes of leaves and flowers, can serve as indicators of ecological conditions in habitats.  相似文献   

归纳了我国三峡工程、退田还湖及南水北调等一系列重大工程所引起水位、植被及微生物气候等生态环境要素变化对血吸虫唯一中间宿主钉螺分布的影响,分析了血吸虫病疫区的变化趋势和钉螺北移的可能性。研究表明三大工程实施区存在血吸虫病流行的潜在危险,加之我国新增有螺面积明显增多,血吸虫病疫情呈此消彼涨态势,血防工作形势依然严峻。当前国内有关工程对生态环境及血吸虫病影响的研究,主要为局部的调查报告及在现有基础上预测工程对血吸虫病流行的可能影响,生态环境变化还需要时间来验证。因此,建议应用GIS和RS等技术,监测分析生态环境变化,并进一步研究社会经济变动与血吸虫病传播的关系,同时,工程实施地区应提高疫区群众自我防护意识和能力,并结合林业、水利工程建设对有螺环境进行改造.  相似文献   

Marshes have been proposed as sites for phytoremediation of metals. The fate of metals within plant tissues is a critical issue for effectiveness of this process. In this paper we review studies that investigate the effects of plants on metals in wetlands. While most of these marsh plant species are similar in metal uptake patterns and in concentrating metals primarily in roots, some species retain more of their metal burden in below ground structures than other species, which redistribute a greater proportion of metals into above ground tissues, especially leaves. Storage in roots is most beneficial for phytostabilization of the metal contaminants, which are least available when concentrated below ground. Plants may alter the speciation of metals and may also suffer toxic effects as a result of accumulating them. Metals in leaves may be excreted through salt glands and thereby returned to the marsh environment. Metal concentrations of leaf and stem litter may become enriched in metals over time, due in part to cation adsorption or to incorporation of fine particles with adsorbed metals. Several studies suggest that metals in litter are available to deposit feeders and, thus, can enter estuarine food webs. Marshes, therefore, can be sources and well as sinks for metal contaminants. Phragmites australis, an invasive species in the northeast U.S. sequesters more metals below ground than the native Spartina alterniflora, which also releases more via leaf excretion. This information is important for the siting and use of wetlands for phytoremediation as well as for marsh restoration efforts.  相似文献   

水生植物群落在湖泊生态修复过程中作用显著,但目前人工重建的水生植物群落抗外界干扰能力弱,群落稳定性差,这就需要我们对人工重建的水生植物群落结构及其演替的生态学过程进行研究,从而探索受损群落的修复途径。于2003年在富营养化水体中采用物理生态工程进行了水生植物群落的重建研究,对群落演替动态变化过程进行了持续3年的观测。结果表明:水生植物之间发生生态位重叠时,其结果往往是以一个物种取代另一个物种,随着生态位重叠程度下降,种间关系和群落结构趋于稳定;而当物种空间位置错开时,生长期相近的物种共存则变为可能,因此在群落的构建过程中应当避免同时引入生态位重叠较高的物种,应注意植物间时间序列及空间结构的分离;此外还通过物种间的竞争表现,对几种常见水生植物构建的群落稳定性做了初步探讨.  相似文献   

Using methods of geometric morphometrics, significant differences have been revealed in manifestations of variability and morphological disparity in allochronous samples from the population of model species, the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb. 1780), in the Middle Urals at different levels of rodent community (taxocene) completeness in different years. Two states of the taxocene—oligospecific (two species) and polyspecific (five species)—and the level of relative abundance of bank voles (high or low) have been taken into account. Comparative analysis of variation in the size and shape of the mandible in same-aged (late-summer) young of the year has shown that significant morphogenetic differences exist between the animals sampled from the rodent taxocene at its different states (oligospecific and polyspecific) and, to a lesser extent, at high and low levels of abundance. The level of variation and the parameter of intragroup morphological disparity (MNND) in the mandible shape reach a maximum when the community has a reduced composition and decrease to a minimum when its composition is complete (i.e., in the oligo- and polyspecific taxocene). A parallelism is observed in the manifestation of morphofunctional changes of the mandible in male and female voles under conditions when the taxocene has high abundance and oligospecific composition or low abundance but polyspecific composition. Different morphogenetic responses of the population to oligo- and polyspecific composition of the community are considered as a compensatory increase of morphological disparity in the dominant species (the bank vole) under conditions of incomplete composition of the taxocene and low population density, in accordance with Chernov’s ecological compensation principle.  相似文献   

渝东峡江区全新世环境考古与环境变迁研究,目前的成果主要涉及部分遗址点的古环境复原、个别次流域环境变迁研究及初步建立的古洪水发生序列,在研究思路、方法和手段上仍需考虑区域特殊性并重视:①反映人地关系互动的环境考古研究,包括人类生存环境的生态条件、环境质量及人类对环境的影响能力方面;②遗址“次生堆积”的环境影响因素研究和“事件层”多成因分析;③遗址地层与自然地层的对比研究、区域环境考古及其比较研究;④区域古环境变化序列与全球变化区域响应研究;⑤确保获取高分辨率、满足多指标综合要求的沉积物样品。  相似文献   

The taxonomic diversity of the Hirudinea fauna and its dependence on the ecological conditions in the Bukhtarma Reservoir (Eastern Kazakhstan) have been studied. The morphological analysis has shown that these leeches belong to two orders and three families: Rhynchobdellida (families Glossiphoniidae and Piscicolidae) and Arhynchobdellida (family Erpobdellidae). On the whole, eight leech species from five genera (Alboglossiphonia, Helobdella, Theromyzon, Piscicola, and Erpobdella) have been identified. Among them, there are three glossiphoniid species (A. heteroclite, H. stagnalis, and T. tessulatum), two species of piscicolids (Piscicola geometra and Piscicola sp.), and three species of predatory leeches (E. octoculata, E. vilnensis, and Erpobdella sp.). Possible effects of hydrochemical parameters of the aquatic environment on the species diversity have been analyzed. Correlation has been revealed between the abundance of species and the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment.  相似文献   

The results of phenetic studies on chum salmon populations from the rivers flowing into Taui and Yama bays, Sea of Okhotsk, are discussed. The heterogeneity of samples with respect to the frequency of a certain phene in females is not necessarily revealed when this frequency is analyzed in males. Statistically significant heterogeneity with respect to phene frequencies is observed in all chum salmon populations, whether the corresponding data are analyzed by years or throughout the observation period. This population heterogeneity is accounted for by specific phenetic features of each chum salmon population, although in different years it manifests itself in the frequencies of different phenes. The phenes distinguished on the head of fish contribute most significantly to interpopulation differences.  相似文献   

我国主体功能区生态补偿思路研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主体功能区生态补偿是一种新型生态补偿方式。具有目标多元性、定位战略性、机制科学性、等级层次性、政策配套性。与传统生态补偿相比.不仅生态学、经济学等相关理论是主体功能区生态补偿的科学基础,而且区域分工理论、区域发展空间均衡理论、区域管治理论对其也有重要的指导意义。在实施生态补偿中,应遵循注重科学、政府主导、规范有序、协商一致等原则构建生态补偿模式,为促进这一新型生态补偿的落实。需要注意:树立大局意识,引领生态补偿;完善规章制度.规范生态补偿;科学规划先行.落实生态补偿;改革财政预算,提高补偿效果;完善配套政策。协动生态补偿。  相似文献   

In seven higher plant species of different taxa, structural features of underground organs have been considered, and the levels of intraspecific variation in some characters of these organs have been determined. Different pathways of the structural adaptation of these species to the environment are demonstrated on the morphological and anatomical levels.Translated from Ekologiya, No. 2, 2005, pp. 97–105.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Tarshis.  相似文献   

农村水环境保护与经济可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的生态环境问题 ,如水土流失、草场退化、沙漠化、盐渍化等问题 ,归根到底还是农村水环境问题。本文分析了农村水环境保护、高效利用水资源的紧迫性 ,以及影响农村生态系统可持续性的因素和保护、改善农村水环境的主要措施 ;认为加强农村水环境保护及其持续发展能力的建设是我国整个社会特别是农村经济可持续发展的基本保障  相似文献   

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