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The grey corn weevil, Tanymecus (Episomecus) dilaticollis, is an economically important polyphagous pest in Eastern and Central Europe. The present research is the first published electrophysiological study of olfactory sensitivity of adult T. dilaticollis to plant volatiles. The electrophysiological responses of male and female antennae were recorded to 20 synthetic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), previously identified to be released from the preferred host plants, maize and sunflower. Antennae of both sexes responded to a wide range of volatiles from different chemical classes: fatty acid derivatives, aromatic compounds and terpenoids. Two green leaf volatiles, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, and one terpenoid, (±)-linalool, elicited the strongest electrophysiological responses by male and female antennae. Relatively high electrophysiological activity by T. dilaticollis antennae was also recorded to benzaldehyde, eugenol and caryophyllene. In the field, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, when presented individually, caught significantly more male and female T. dilaticollis than unbaited controls. These compounds could be developed into an attractive trap for the detection and monitoring of T. dilaticollis.  相似文献   

Flight responses of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi to tomato volatiles have recently demonstrated that different plant stresses can lead to increases in attractiveness for this parasitoid. For example, infestation of tomato plants by the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae results in the overexpression of defensive genes, as well as the release of volatile compounds that attract aphid parasitoids. Here, we determine which of the induced compounds elicit a significant electrophysiological response from parasitoid antennae. Compounds shown to be detected at the antennal level were then tested at a range of doses in a wind tunnel assay. A significant electroantennogram response was demonstrated for three compounds, (8S,9R)-(E)-caryophyllene, methyl salicylate, and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, over four concentrations. These compounds proved to be significantly attractive in the wind tunnel at a rate not always proportionally dependent upon the dose. The practical implications of these findings are discussed in the framework of sustainable control for pest aphids in agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary. The mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, and the pine engraver, Ips pini (Say), often co-exist in lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelmann. Intra- and interspecific semiochemical communication occurs in both species and their complete semiochemical repertoire and precise dynamics of pheromone production have not been elucidated. Porapak-Q extracts of captured volatiles from beetles of each species aerated at different attack phases (freshly emerged, pioneer sex alone in the log and both sexes paired in new galleries), followed by gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC-mass spectroscopic analyses identified 17 compounds (seven compounds common to both species, six present in D. ponderosae and four present in I. pini) that excited the antennae of either or both species. Seven compounds for D. ponderosae and nine for I. pini had not been assessed for behavioural activity. In field trapping experiments, 2-phenylethanol produced by both species inhibited the response of D. ponderosae to its aggregation pheromones. exo- and endo-Brevicomin produced by D. ponderosae significantly decreased the response of I. pini to its aggregation pheromone ipsdienol. Nonanal, a ubiquitous compound found in the volatiles of lodgepole pine, various nonhosts and in both beetle species deterred the response of I. pini to ipsdienol. The occurrence of cis-verbenol, trans-verbenol and verbenone in emergent I. pini, and verbenone and 2-phenylethanol in emergent D. ponderosae suggests that these compounds may inhibit aggregation and induce dispersal following emergence. Termination of aggregation in D. ponderosae appears to depend on the production of frontalin in combination with changes in the relative ratios of verbenone, exo-brevicomin, trans-verbenol and 2-phenylethanol. In I. pini, the cessation of ipsdienol production by males is probably the main factor in terminating aggregation. Received 16 November 1999; accepted 7 August 2000  相似文献   

Summary. Host selection in tree-killing bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) is mediated by a complex of semiochemical cues. Using gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC-mass spectrometric analyses, we conducted a comparative study of the electrophysiological responses of four species of tree-killing bark beetles, the Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, Hopkins, the mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins, the spruce beetle, D. rufipennis Kirby, and the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus Swaine, to volatiles captured by aeration of 1) bole and foliage of four sympatric species of conifers, Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm., interior spruce, Picea engelmannii x glauca, and interior fir, Abies lasiocarpa x bifolia, and 2) con- and heterospecific beetles at three stages of attack. We identified 13 monoterpenes in the conifers and nine compounds in the volatiles of beetles that elicited antennal responses. There was no qualitative difference in the terpene constitution of the four species of conifers and very little difference across beetle species in their antennal response to compounds from conifers or beetles. The lack of species-specific major or minor components in conifers suggests that beetles would need to detect differences in the ratios of different compounds in conifers to discriminate among them. Attraction to hosts and avoidance of nonhost conifers may be accentuated by perception of compounds emitted by con- and heterospecific beetles, respectively. The 22 compounds identified are candidate semiochemicals with potential behavioural roles in host location and discrimination.  相似文献   

Summary. Stem volatile extracts from ten trees that are sympatric with the western pine beetle, Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were assayed by gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection analysis (GC-EAD). The extracts were from the primary host, ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws. (Pinaceae); two nonhost angiosperms, California black oak, Quercus kelloggii Newb. (Fagaceae), and quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx. (Salicaceae); and seven nonhost conifers, white fir, Abies concolor (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl. ex Hildebr. (Pinaceae), incense cedar, Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin (Cupressaceae), Sierra lodgepole pine, P. contorta murrayana Grev. & Balf. (Pinaceae), Jeffrey pine, P. jeffreyi Grev. & Balf. (Pinaceae), sugar pine, P. lambertiana Dougl. (Pinaceae), Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Pinaceae), and mountain hemlock, Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Carr. (Pinaceae). Sixty-four compounds were identified from the ten trees, 42 of which elicited antennal responses in D. brevicomis, usually in both sexes. In addition, several synthetic compounds, including a number of the antennally-active compounds from the extracted trees and some bark beetle pheromone components, elicited antennal responses in a manner similar to that observed with the extracts. Of the antennally-active compounds known to be present in trees sympatric with D. brevicomis, only geraniol was unique to its host. Four antennally-active compounds were found in the host and in other conifers; five compounds were found only in nonhost conifers; eight compounds were found in either or both of the nonhost angiosperms; eight compounds were found in either or both of the angiosperms and in nonhost conifers, but not in the host; and 19 were found in both the host and in angiosperms and/or nonhost conifers. Several bark beetle pheromone components were found in the stem volatile extracts. Conophthorin was identified from both nonhost angiosperms; exo-brevicomin was identified in A. concolor; verbenone was identified from a number of nonhost conifers; and chalcogran was identified from P. tremuloides. The number of nonhost volatile chemicals that D. brevicomis encounters and is capable of detecting, and the diversity of sources from which they emanate, highlight the complexity of the olfactory environment in which D. brevicomis forages. This provides a basis for further work related to chemically-mediated aspects of foraging in this insect and perhaps other coniferophagous bark beetles, and highlights the need to consider foraging context in the design and implementation of semiochemical-based management tactics for tree protection.  相似文献   

Summary. Using Porapak Q traps, we collected the bark volatiles of six angiosperm trees native to British Columbia: black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray (Salicaceae), trembling aspen, P. tremuloides Michx. (Salicaceae), paper birch, Betula papyrifera Marsh. (Betulaceae), bigleaf maple, Acer macrophyllum Pursh (Aceraceae), red alder, Alnus rubra Bong. (Betulaceae), and Sitka alder, A. viridis ssp. sinuata (Regel) á. L?ve & D. L?ve (Betulaceae). Utilising coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection analysis, the captured volatiles were assayed for antennal responses in five species of coniferophagous bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), sympatric with most or all of the angiosperm trees: the Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins, the mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins, the spruce beetle, D. rufipennis (Kirby), the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus Swaine, and the pine engraver, Ips pini (Say). The identities of 25 antennally-active compounds were determined by coupled gas chromatographic-mass spectroscopic analysis, and co-chromatographic comparisons with authentic chemicals. The compounds identified were: hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 1-hexanol, heptanal, α-pinene, frontalin, benzaldehyde, β-pinene, 2-hydroxycyclohexanone, 3-carene, limonene, β-phellandrene, benzyl alcohol, (E)-ocimene, salicylaldehyde, conophthorin, guaiacol, nonanal, methyl salicylate, 4-allylanisole, decanal, thymol methyl ether, (E)-nerolidol, and dendrolasin. A number of these compounds are known semiochemicals that are active in the behaviour of other organisms, including bark beetles, suggesting a high degree of semiochemical parsimony. Antennally-active compounds ranged from seven in A. viridis to 17 in P. trichocarpa. The fewest number of compounds (9) were detected by I. pini and the largest number (24) were detected by D. pseudotsugae. Six compounds excited the antennae of all five species of bark beetles. The large number of antennally-active compounds detected in common by numerous bark beetles and present in common in numerous nonhost trees supports the hypothesis of olfaction-based recognition and avoidance of nonhost angiosperm trees during the process of host selection by coniferophagous bark beetles. Received 13 December 1999; accepted 14 March 2000  相似文献   

Summary. Coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analysis of the Porapak Q-captured volatiles from the bark of trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx., revealed four compounds that consistently elicited antennal responses by mountain pine beetles (MPBs), Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins. One of these, 1-hexanol, disrupted the capture of MPBs in multiple-funnel traps baited with the aggregation pheromones trans-verbenol and exo-brevicomin and the host kairomone myrcene, a blend of semiochemicals that mediates the secondary attraction response in which beetles mass attack and kill living pines. The other three EAD-active aspen bark volatiles, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde and nonanal, were inactive alone, but in binary and ternary combinations contributed to a disruptive effect in an additive and redundant manner when all four aspen bark volatiles were tested in all possible binary and ternary blends. The best ternary blend and the quarternary blend achieved ≥ 80% disruption. The quarternary blend enhanced the disruptive effect of the antiaggregation pheromone verbenone in traps, raising the disruptive effect to 98%, and also enhanced the inhibition of attack on attractant-baited lodgepole pines. This is the first demonstration of specific compounds from the bark of angiosperm trees that disrupt the secondary attraction response of sympatric coniferophagous bark beetles. The results support the hypothesis that such bark beetles are adapted to recognize and avoid non-host angiosperm trees by responding to a broad spectrum of volatiles that can act in various blends with equal effect. Received 27 October 1997; accepted 20 February 1998.  相似文献   

The curculionid beetle Naupactus bipes (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Brachycerinae) has shown feeding preference for leaves of Piper gaudichaudianum, demonstrating an unexpected specificity for an insect considered to be a generalist. The leaves of P. gaudichaudianum contain the prenylated chromenes gaudichaudianic acid (4, major compound) and its methyl ester (5) in addition to a chromene (3) lacking one prenyl residue. In addition to 4, roots contain the chromone methyl ester (1) and methyl taboganate (2, major compound). Feeding on roots, larvae of N. bipes sequester exclusively the root-specific compounds 1 and 2. Adult beetles sequester the leaf-specific chromenes 3 and 4, but were found to also contain compounds 1 and 2 that are absent in leaves. Therefore, it is suggested that 1 and 2 are sequestered by larvae and can be found in the body of adult insects after long-term storage. In addition, 3 and 4, the major compounds in leaves were found to be associated with the eggs.  相似文献   

Summary. Larvae of the chrysomelid beetles Phaedon cochleariae and Gastrophysa viridula use iridoid monoterpenes for defense. The compounds are synthesized de novo in the glandular tissue and the reservoir. However, larvae feeding on leaves impregnated with thioglycosides of early precursors of iridoid biosynthesis such as the thioglycosides of 8-hydroxygeraniol, 8 and 9, rapidly accumulate in their defensive secretion. Thioglycosides combine a unique structural similarity to natural substrates with an exceptional chemical and biological stability against hydrolytic enzymes and can be, therefore, used to study transport phenomena of glycosides. The successful import suggests that the larvae possess, in addition to the de novo biosynthesis, the capability to sequester appropriate glycoside precursors that are transformed to iridoid monoterpenes in the reservoir. The uptake process displays a remarkable substrate selectivity, since the thioglycoside of geraniol 10 is not imported. From the two isomeric thioglycosides of 8-hydroxygeraniol, 8 and 9, the isomer 8 is preferred by a factor of ten. The data clearly support the existence of a highly selective transport system which enables the larvae to utilize plant derived terpenoid precursors in addition to their own de novo biosynthesis of iridoids.  相似文献   

Body reserves may determine the reproductive output of animals, depending on their resource allocation strategy. In insects, an accumulation of reserves for reproduction is often obtained before dispersal by pre-emergence (or maturation) feeding. This has been assumed to be an important cause of delayed dispersal from the natal nest in scolytine beetles. In the cooperatively breeding ambrosia beetles, this is of special interest because in this group delayed dispersal could serve two alternative purposes: “selfish” maturation feeding or “altruistic” alloparental care. To distinguish between these two possibilities, we have experimentally studied the effect of delayed dispersal on future reproductive output in the xyleborine ambrosia beetle Xyleborus affinis. Females experimentally induced to disperse and delayed dispersing females did not differ in their body condition at dispersal and in their founding success afterwards, which indicates that females disperse independently of condition, and staying adult females are fully mature and would be able to breed. However, induced dispersers produced more offspring than delayed dispersers within a test period of 40 days. This suggests that delayed dispersal comes at a cost to females, which may result primarily from alloparental care and leads to a reduced reproductive output. Alternatively, females might have reproduced prior to dispersal. This is unlikely, however, for the majority of dispersing females because of the small numbers of offspring present in the gallery when females dispersed, suggesting that mainly the foundress had reproduced. In addition, “gallery of origin” was a strong predictor of the reproductive success of females, which may reflect variation in the microbial complex transmitted vertically from the natal nest to the daughter colony, or variation of genetic quality. These results have important implications for the understanding of proximate mechanisms selecting for philopatry and alloparental care in highly social ambrosia beetles and other cooperatively breeding arthropods.  相似文献   

Summary. The myrmecophilous beetles, Zyras comes (Staphylinidae) and Diaritiger fossulatus (Pselaphidae) are guests of the black shining ant Lasius fuliginosus. Host worker ants never attacked these beetles, and often gave regurgitant to Z. comes following tactile communication with the beetle. By contrast, the workers from colonies without the myrmecophiles showed hostile responses towards Z. comes before tactile contact, but were not aware of D. fossulatus until contact. In L. fuliginosus, workers within a colony shared profiles, but the profiles differed among colonies. GC analyses showed that both Z. comes and D. fossulatus beetles had the same hydrocarbons as L. fuliginosus, and the profiles were more similar to those of the host colony workers than the foreign workers. Both Z. comes and D. fossulatus appear to imitate the hydrocarbon profile of their host workers, allowing integrating into the host nest. A Y-maze bioassay indicated that Z. comes can follow the trail pheromone of L. fuliginosus. This suggests that Z. comes may detect other chemical signals of L. fuliginosus to keep closer interactions with the workers. Received 22 June 2001; accepted 12 November 2001.  相似文献   

A time-varying distributed-delay model simulating effects of multifactors was developed. Prediction of the ageing rate and survival distribution of adults of the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae) in various environments found in wheat-filled granaries was conducted as an example to illustrate the application of this developed model. Published adult mortalities, determined at different temperatures, relative humidities, and food sources, were directly used to find the average ageing rate and family of cumulative function of adult mortality. The developed model could predict the adult survival rate at constant or transient temperatures with different relative humidities. This model could also simulate the effect of adult acclimation to their environment when they experience temperature and moisture fluctuations inside granaries. To validate the developed model, the simulation results were compared with available experimental data from the literature. There was no difference between predicted and measured mortalities in two granaries in which the mortalities were determined in a 4-month experiment.  相似文献   

Galerucella placida Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a potential biocontrol agent of the rice-field weed Polygonum orientale L. (Polygonaceae). The volatile organic compound (VOC) profiles from undamaged and mechanically damaged plants, and from plants 12- and 36-h following continuous feeding of female G. placida adults and 2nd instar larvae were identified and quantified by GC–MS and GC-FID analyses. Twenty-four and 21 compounds were identified in volatiles of undamaged and insect feeding plants, respectively; whereas 22 compounds were detected in volatiles of mechanically damaged plants. Decanal and 1-dodecanol were unique to undamaged plants, and linalool was detected in volatiles of undamaged and mechanically damaged plants, but not in volatiles of insect damaged plants. However, the beetles are not attracted by none of these volatile components, when tested individually in Y-shaped glass tube olfactometer bioassays. In all plants, methyl jasmonate was predominant. 1-Undecanol was the least amount in undamaged plants, and plants 12-h after feeding by G. placida adults and larvae; whereas 1-tridecanol was the least abundant in plants 36-h after feeding by G. placida adults and larvae, and mechanically damaged plants. The beetles showed significant preference to the whole volatile blends from plants 12-h after feeding by larvae and plants 36-h after feeding by either larvae or adults compared to those of undamaged plants. Further, G. placida responded to individual synthetic compounds, 3-hexanol, 1-octen-3-ol, nonanal, and geraniol at 7, 1.38, 3.75 and 4.5 µg/25 µL CH2Cl2, respectively, and provide a basis for attraction of the potential biocontrol agent in the field.  相似文献   

Using prawns, Palaemon elegans (Rathke) from intertidal pools on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, and P. serratus (Pennant) from the subtidal at Plymouth, England, some metabolic responses to hypoxia and anoxia have been studied. P. elegans was found to have a greater tolerance of severe hypoxia than P. serratus. Tolerance of totally anoxic conditions, however, was limited to only 4 h in P. elegans and to approximately 1 h in P. serratus. exposure to moderate hypoxia (30 torr) resulted in little change in the concentration of L-lactate in the blood or in the tissues of either P. elegans or P. serratus. When exposed to extreme hypoxia (10 or 5 torr for P. elegans), however, there was a progressive increase in the concentration of L-lactate in the blood and in the tissues of both species. After normoxic conditions had been restored, the concentration of L-lactate in the blood and in the tissues returned to normal resting levels more rapidly in P. elegans than in P. serratus. Under hypoxic conditions, both P. elegans and P. serratus showed an increase in the concentration of blood glucose and a slight reduction in the glycogen content of the tissues. The concentrations of blood glucose and of tissue glycogen returned to normal levels within 6 h of the prawns being returned to normoxic conditions. The results of an in situ study in April and August 1986 to examine the metabolic responses of P. elegans to the hypoxic conditions normally experienced in high-shore rock pools are also presented. The ecological significance of the differing abilities of these species to survive hypoxic exposure is discussed.  相似文献   

Deposit-feeders can respond to seasonal fluctuations in food concentration both functionally (e.g. by adjusting feeding rates) and physiologically (e.g. by changing the concentration of bacteriolytic agents in gut fluids). Laboratory feeding experiments were carried out (11 to 21 July 1997) with the arenicolid polychaete worm Abarenicola pacifica (Healy and Wells). Objectives were to test for separate and interactive effects of sediment food concentration and temperature (6, 11, and 16 °C) on deposit-feeder functional (feeding rates) and physiological (bacteriolytic activity of gut fluids) responses. Food concentration was varied experimentally using sieved (1 mm) natural sediments (Md φ=2.00; 0.6% organic) mixed with combusted (500 °C, 8 h) sediments for final concentrations of 25, 50, and 100% natural sediment. Sediment food quality was measured as: (1) bioavailable amino acids (EHAA), (2) chlorophyll a (chl a), and (3) bacterial abundance. Feeding rates were inferred from egestion rates (ER, g h−1) and analyzed with respect to worm size. Bacteriolytic activity of midgut fluids was assayed turbidimetrically against two bacterial isolates, after worms had fed on experimental sediments for 15 d. Temperature and food concentration both significantly affected feeding rates, with maxima occurring at 50 and 100% natural sediment mixtures, and at high (16 °C) temperature. ER was positively, but not significantly correlated with EHAA and chl a; a positive, significant correlation was detected between ER and sediment bacterial abundance. Overall, functional responses agreed with earlier compensatory intake models for deposit-feeders. However, the size and direction of these responses was temperature-sensitive, suggesting that these models need to be adjusted for changes in absorption rates. No effects of ambient temperature or food concentration on bacteriolytic rates were observed, possibly due to compensatory mechanisms or the presence of multiple bacteriolytic agents in gut fluids. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

In most social insect colonies, workers do not attempt to lay eggs in the presence of a queen. However, in the honey bee (Apis mellifera), a rare phenotype occurs in which workers activate their ovaries and lay large numbers of male eggs despite the presence of a fecund queen. We examined the proximate mechanisms by which this ‘anarchistic’ behaviour is expressed. We tested the effects of brood and queen pheromones on retinue attraction and worker ovary activation using caged worker bees. We found no difference between the anarchistic and wild type queen pheromones in the retinue response elicited in either wild type or anarchistic workers. Further, we found that anarchistic queens produce a pheromone blend that is as effective at inhibiting ovary activation as the wild type queen pheromone. However, anarchistic workers are less inhibited by queen pheromones than their wild type counterparts, in a dose-dependent manner. These results show that the anarchistic phenomenon is not due to changes in the production of queen pheromones, but rather is due in part to a shift in the worker response to these queen-produced signals. In addition, we demonstrate the dose-dependent nature of the effect of queen pheromones on honey bee worker ovary activation.  相似文献   

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