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Mercury (Hg) is a toxic element that is emitted to the atmosphere by both human activities and natural processes. Volcanic emissions are considered a natural source of mercury in the environment. In some cases, tree ring records taken close to volcanoes and their relation to volcanic activity over time are contradictory. In 1949, the Hoyo Negro volcano (La Palma-Canary Islands) produced significant pyroclastic flows that damaged the nearby stand of Pinus canariensis. Recently, 60 years after the eruption, we assessed mercury concentrations in the stem of a pine which survived volcano formation, located at a distance of 50 m from the crater. We show that Hg content in a wound caused by pyroclastic impacts (22.3 μg kg?1) is an order of magnitude higher than the Hg concentrations measured in the xylem before and after the eruption (2.3 μg kg?1). Thus, mercury emissions originating from the eruption remained only as a mark—in pyroclastic wounds—and can be considered a sporadic and very high mercury input that did not affect the overall Hg input in the xylem. In addition, mercury contents recorded in the phloem (9.5 μg kg?1) and bark (6.0 μg kg?1) suggest that mercury shifts towards non-living tissues of the pine, an aspect that can be related to detoxification in volcanism-adapted species.  相似文献   

Amines have many atmospheric sources and their clusters play an important role in aerosol nucleation processes. Clusters of a typical amine, dimethylamine (DMA), of different sizes were measured with matrix isolation IR (infrared) and NIR (near infrared) spectroscopy. The NIR vibrations are more separated and therefore it is easier to distinguish different sizes of clusters in this region. The DMA clusters, up to DMA tetramer, have been optimized using density functional methods, and the geometries, binding energies and thermodynamic properties of DMA clusters were obtained. The computed frequencies and intensities of NH-stretching vibrations in the DMA clusters were used to interpret the experimental spectra. We have identified the fundamental transitions of the bonded NH-stretching vibration and the first overtone transitions of the bonded and free NH-stretching vibration in the DMA clusters. Based on the changes in vibrational intensities during the annealing processes, the growth of clusters was clearly observed. The results of annealing processes indicate that DMA molecules tend to form larger clusters with lower energies under matrix temperatures, which is also supported by the calculated reaction energies of cluster formation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen dioxide(NO_2)is an important substance in atmospheric photochemical processes and can also be absorbed by plants.N02 fluxes between the atmosphere and P.nigrc seedlings were investigated by a double dynamic chambers method in Beijing from June 15to September 3,2017.The range of N02 exchange fluxes between P.nigra seedlings and the atmosphere was from-14.6 to 0.8 nmol/(m~2.sec)(the positive data represent N02 emissior from trees,while the negative values indicate absorption).Under ambient concentrations the mean NO_2 flux during the fast-growing stage(Jun.15-Aug.4)was-3.0 nmol/(m2·sec)greater than the flux of-1.5 nmol/(m2-sec)during the later growth stage(Aug.8-Sept.3)The daily exchange fluxes of NO_2 obviously fluctuated.The fluxes were largest in the morning and decreased gradually over time.Additionally,the N02 fluxes were larger undei high light intensities than under low light intensities during the whole growth period.The effects of temperature on N02 fluxes were different under two growth periods.The NO_2exchange fluxes were larger in a range of temperatures close to 44℃in the fast-growing stage,whereas there were no evident differences in N02 exchange fluxes under widel differing temperatures in the later growth stage.Under polluted conditions,the uptake ability of N02 was weakened.Additionally,the compensation point of N02 was 5.6 ppb ir the fast-growing stage,whereas it was 1.4 ppb in the later growth stage.The depositior velocities of NO_2 were between 0.3 and 2.4 mm/sec.  相似文献   

在野外考察的基础上,运用密度变化、相对径级离散度、自疏结局分析等方法对思茅松种群的自疏进行了研究。基于研究结果,认为思茅松纯林的管理应以夫然更新为主、人工抚育间伐为辅。  相似文献   

云南松林资源动态研究   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
利用云南省森林资源监测数据对云南松林资源的动态变化进行了研究,结果表明:在1987-2007 年的20 a 间,云南松林资源总体呈增长趋势,尤其是蓄积量在1997-2002 年得益于天然林保护工程,出现了快速上升,5 a 净增20.57%,与此同时,过熟林资源一直处于较低水平,优质可用云南松林资源的数量持续减少,濒临枯竭。云南松林分单位面积蓄积量20 a 间提高了27.05%,而大径组和特大径组林木蓄积所占比例则呈下降趋势,近、成、过熟林的单株材积从每株0.77 m3降至0.22 m3,表明云南松林质量在总体上提高的同时,可用资源数量仍在快速减少,材种结构低质化倾向加剧。云南松林分林龄结构一直呈现出显著的低龄化特征,林龄结构现状迫切要求加强对云南松林的抚育管理,科学开展森林经营。20 a间,云南松林主导利用方向波动较大,难以实现长期经营目标。监测期间,以保护为主导的森林经营政策使云南松林资源得到了休养生息,但仍然存在着粗放经营、经营目标随意调整和对成过熟林资源过度利用等森林经营管理问题,这些因素相互交织,成为云南松林资源数量、林分质量和林龄结构变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

在野外考察的基础上,运用径级结构、高度结构的方法对思茅松种群的林窗更新进行研究,研究结果表明:思茅松纯林的林窗更新与灌草层盖度,尤其是草本层盖度密切相关。灌木层盖度的大小影响幼苗的存活,灌木层盖度小,幼苗存活率高。草本层盖度的大小影响种子的萌发,草本层盖度小,种子萌发率高。在针阔混交林林窗中,当常绿阔叶树稀少或土层浅薄时,思茅松更新个体年龄差异大,当常绿阔叶树长势好且密度较大时,思茅松更新个体年龄普遍差异较小。  相似文献   

IntroductionItisgenerallyassumedthatacidrain,biosphericozone,metalfalloutorsomeotherpollutantscauseforestdeclinethroughphytotoxemiaswhichshowspecificsymptomsofdisease.Ithasbeenshownexperimentallythatsuchdiseasesymptomsmayreallydevelopintreeswhentheya…  相似文献   

Although prenatal genetic diagnosis can usually provide prospective parents with information as to whether their fetus is affected with certain genetic conditions, the presence of twins and the uncertainty about the phenotype of some chromosome variations pose a major dilemma and make genetic counselling very difficult. Here, a case report of an unusual chromosome aberration (pericentric inversion of chromosome no. 17) in a twin pregnancy which was originally suspected to be monoamniotic but later proved to have two sacs was presented.  相似文献   

Foodborne transmission gastroenteritis (AGE) outbreak occurred during a celebration lunch in July, 2016, Brazil. All stool samples tested were positive for noroviruses (NoV) and phylogenetic analysis revealed that strains were genetically close to GII.17 Kawasaki_2014. These findings indicated circulation of NoV GII.17 Kawasaki_2014 in the Brazilian population, associated with AGE outbreak.  相似文献   

通过对北京市区的白皮松(Pinus.bungeanaZucc.ExEndl)不同年龄针叶中Cr,Zn,Pb,Mn,Fe,Cu等重金属元素及元素S质量分数的分析,探讨了它们与北京大气污染之间的关系。结果表明,各元素含量存在着地区和年际的差异:这些元素在重工业区和交通枢纽区的含量明显高于清洁对照区;近年来空气中SO2浓度有所下降,但重金属的污染情况仍不容乐观。研究结果基本上反映了北京地区大气环境质量近几年的变化。   相似文献   

Non-thermal plasma technology has been regarded as a promising alternative technology for NOx removal. The understanding of NO2 reduction characteristics is extremely important since NO2 reduction could lower the total NO oxidation rate in the plasma atmosphere. In this study, NO2 reduction was experimentally investigated using a non-thermal plasma reactor driven by a pulsed power supply for different simulated gas compositions and operating parameters. The NO2 reduction was promoted by increasing the specific energy density (SED), and the highest conversion rates were 33.7%, 42.1% and 25.7% for Ar, N2/Ar and O2/Ar, respectively. For a given SED, the NO2 conversion rate had the order N2/Ar 〉 Ar 〉 02/Ar. The highest energy yield of 3.31 g/kWh was obtained in N2/Ar plasma and decreased with increasing SED; the same trends were also found in the other two gas compositions. The conversion rate decreased with increasing initial NO2 concentration. Furthermore, the presence of N2 or O2 led to different reaction pathways for NO2 conversion due to the formation of different dominating reactive radicals.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific effects of climate change were assessed for the dominant conifers of Siberia (60–140E and 48–75N): Larix spp. (L. sibirica, L. dahurica, and L. sukaczewii) and Pinus sylvestris . The approach employed a tri-variate (degree-days above 5 C, degree-days below 0 C, and a moisture index) estimate of the climatic envelope within which exists the actual ecological distribution of a species and their constituent climatypes (genotypes physiologically attuned to similar environments). Limits of the actual ecological distribution were approximated by reducing the climatic envelope according to effects of permafrost and interspecific competition. Climatypes were mapped within the climatic envelope according to the climatic interval that must separate populations for reasonable assurance of genetic differentiation. This interval was calculated from response functions that related 13-year growth and survival of a species to the difference in climate between the provenance of a climatype and the climate of numerous test sites distributed across Russia. Mapping species' distributions and their climatypes was done for the contemporary climate and for future climates predicted by the HadCM3GGa1 scenario of Hadley Centre. The results showed that if the forests of the future are to reflect the adaptedness of today, the distribution of species will shift and genotypes within species will be redistributed. Some contemporary climatypes are projected to disappear from Siberia while others common elsewhere would evolve. To mitigate these effects, climatypes should be transferred today to the expected future location of their climatic optima, a distance that is likely to approach 700–1200 km for these species.  相似文献   

云南大宝山铜矿是雪龙山成矿带规模较大的浅成中低温热液型铜矿床。文章通过对该矿区黄铜矿+石英+方解石+菱铁矿矿脉中白云母进行~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年,获得白云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar法年龄为26±2.5 Ma,代表大宝山铜矿的年龄;H、O同位素分析结果表明成矿流体是以大气降水为主并含有部分岩浆水的建造水;S同位素分析结果表明,主要金属矿物的δ34S值为-5.4‰~+1.3‰,表明成矿物质主要来源于深部岩浆;C同位素分析结果表明成矿流体主要来源于岩浆—地幔,并受大气降水影响。根据围岩蚀变及围岩中Cu丰度等特征,推断大宝山铜矿成矿物质主要来源于深部岩浆,成矿流体为岩浆水与大气降水的混合物。  相似文献   

湖南大义山花岗岩南体黑云母40Ar-39Ar定年及地质意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大义山岩体是一个多时代形成的复式岩体,习惯有大义山南体和北体之分.岩体内外接触带产有较多的W、Sn、Cu、Pb、Zn等多金属矿产.长期以来对南体主体形成的时代归属存在较大的差异,一部分人认为是印支期的产物,另一部人认为是燕山期的产物,这种结果对该区成矿作用的研究和指导找矿都带来很大的不利.本次研究通过对岩体的解体以及精确的黑云母氩氩法定年,确切地将大义山南体归属于两个不同的时代,即南体的北部为中侏罗世,南部为晚三叠世.这一成果对该岩体和成矿作用的研究都具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

陈进  徐明  邹晓  杨云礼  严令斌  张健 《中国环境科学》2019,39(12):5264-5272
以黔中地区不同林龄马尾松人工林为研究对象,采用时空替代法,选取农田(对照)、林窗、中林龄、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林6个样地,每月选择代表日分时段测量光照强度、光通量密度、气温、相对湿度、蒸气压亏损和风速等小气候指标,同时对样地内不同垂直高度(0.5,1.0和1.5m)观测指标进行比较.结果表明:(1)除风速随测量高度变化(1.5m > 1.0m > 0.5m)差异极显著外(P<0.01),其余观测指标随测量高度均无显著差异(P>0.05).(2)观测时段内,不同林龄马尾松林小气候均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),其中光照强度、光通量密度、气温、蒸气压亏损和风速变化为农田 > 林窗 > 马尾松林;相对湿度变化为马尾松林 > 林窗 > 农田.(3)与农田相比,马尾松林分别降低了光照强度、光通量密度、气温、蒸气压亏损和风速的917.36%、837.35%、5.33%、30.77%、193.58%,增加了6.39%的相对湿度,具有显著的遮阳降温、增湿保湿、维持林冠下小气候稳定的作用.在演替前期,抵挡阳光和风速的效果明显,而在后期,降温增湿以及保湿效果显著.舒适度评价显示,除冬季外,黔中地区马尾松林可发挥良好的森林康养和游憩生态功能.  相似文献   

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