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Sinking rates of natural copepod fecal pellets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many pure samples of natural fecal pellets have been collected from mixed small copepods and from the pontellid copepod Anomalocera patersoni in the Ligurian Sea, using a specially designed pellet collection device. Sinking rates of fresh pellets and pellets aged up to 33 days have been determined at 14°C, the mean temperature of the essentially isothermal water column in the Ligurian Sea. Sinking rates of pellets collected during calm sea states increased with increasing pellet volume, but sinking rates of pellets collected during rough sea (Beaufort scale 6) showed little correlation with pellet size. Much of the variability in the sinking rate-pellet size relationships was the result of different pellet composition and compaction, but not pellet age. Pellets produced from laboratory diets of phytoplankton and phytoplankton-sediment mixes showed the expected wide variability in sinking rates, with sediment-ballasted pellets sinking much faster than pellets produced from pure algal diets; thus determination of vertical material fluxes in the sea using laboratory-derived fecal pellet sinking rates is unwarranted. Natural pellet sinking data for small copepods and A. patersoni have been combined with similar data for euphausiids, to yield sinking rates of roughly two orders of magnitude over three orders of magnitude in pellet volume. Pellets from small copepods sank at speeds too slow to be of much consequence to rapid material flux to the deep sea, but they undoubtedly help determine upper water distribution of materials. Recalculation of fecal pellet mass flux estimates from the literature, using our sinking rate data for natural small copepod pellets, yielded estimates about half those of previously published values. Earlier studies had concluded that small fecal pellets were of lesser significance to total material flux than fecal matter; our recalculation strengthens that conclusion. Pellets from large copepods and euphausiids, however, have the capability to transport materials to great depths, and probably do not substantially recycle materials near the surface. The fact that the majority of pellets which had previously been collected in deep traps by other workers were of a size comparable to pellets from our large copepods supports the contention that these larger pellets are the main ones involved in vertical flux.  相似文献   

14C-radiolabelling experiments indicate that adult stages of the salt-marsh harpacticoid copepod Nitocra lacustris (Schmankevitsch) receive a large part of their nutrition through the ingestion and assimilation of certain diatoms. An abundance of empty diatom frustules occurs in the gutpellet contents of field-collected individuals. Naupliar stages do not ingest diatoms in the laboratory, and nauplii from the field do not contain frustules in their gut pellets. Ingestion of diatoms in the laboratory first occurs during the second or third copepodite stage. 3H-radiolabel expeiments and grazing experiments using bacterium-sized beads adhering to the diatoms indicated that both adults and nauplii ingest bacteria adhering to the outer mucus coating of the diatoms (and probably ingest the diatom mucus itself). Adults ingest bacteria (and probably mucus exopolymer) coincidently while ingesting diatoms. The nauplii ingest these components by scraping the outer surface of the diatoms. SEM observations indicate that diatoms are not punctured by the nauplii during feeding. While diatom mucus and associated bacteria play an (as yet unquantified) role in the nutrition of the adults, these components may comprise the bulk of food resources for naupliar stages.  相似文献   

The relationship between food ingested and NH + 4 excretion rate was investigated for female Calanus pacificus collected in August, 1982, from the San Juan Archipelago, Washington State, USA. The copepods were preconditioned to 6 densities of the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (0 to 104 cells ml–1) for 30 h before the experiment. The experiment was conducted with nutrients added in excess to maintain equal rates of NH + 4 uptake by the diatoms at all densities. Although ingestion rates of C. pacificus varied from 0 to over 20% of body N d–1 at the different food levels, excretion was a constant 6.6 nM NH + 4 copepod–1 h–1 or about 10% of body N d–1. This ingestion-excretion relationship, which is consistent with previous respiration and fecundity studies, suggests that the ecological dominance of C. pacificus only under conditions of high food abundance may be due to a dramatic increase in its growth efficiency as ingestion increases above the level supporting a constant metabolic rate. The maintenance of a constant level of metabolism during relatively short periods of low food abundance may be advantageous if it allows the copepod to exploit more effectively short-term variability in its food resulting from environmental heterogeneity or vertical migration.Contribution No. 1360 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA  相似文献   

Assessing feeding of a carnivorous copepod using species-specific PCR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) offers a sensitive and selective way to detect trace amounts of biological remnants. Here, we show that this simple molecular technique can be applied to identify prey copepods in the fecal pellets of carnivorous zooplankton. Using variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) sequence, we developed a species-specific oligonucleotide PCR primer (COI-2026) for Calanus helgolandicus. In a touch-down PCR, Calanus DNA was amplified from pellets collected from freshly incubated individuals of the carnivorous copepod Pareuchaeta norvegica. Positive results could easily be detected by agarose gel electrophoresis.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   

Sinking rates of fecal pellets from the marine copepod Pontella meadii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sinking rates of fecal pellets produced by the marine copepod Pontella meadii, grazing on 4 different phytoplankton diets, ranged from 15 to 153 m/day, with a mean of 66 m/day. Sinking rates, in general, were directly related to fecal pellet volumes, but unrelated to the diets used to produce the fecal pellets. There were two-to-threefold variations in sinking rates between fecal pellets of the same volumes, often produced on the same diets. Twenty repetitions of timed sinking of a single fecal pellet revealed sinking rates varying from 33 to 79 m/day, as well as variations in sinking rates within the course of individual descents. It is suggested that copepod fecal pellets are of such small volumes and densities that their sinking rates are subject to microstructural variations in the most carefully controlled water columns. Scanning electron microscope observations revealed lack of structural damage to some of the diatom frustules in the fecal pellets, suggesting that superfluous feeding may have occurred. Thus, the accelerated sinking rates of copepod fecal pellets may provide a mechanism for nutritional enrichment of the deep-sea ecosystem with organic parcels containing incompletely-assimilated plant material.  相似文献   

Clearance rates on different sizes of spherically shaped algae were determined in uni-algal experiments for all developmental stages (NII through adult) of the copepodAcartia tonsa, and used to construct food size spectra. Growth and developmental rates were determined at 7 food levels (0 to 1 500 g C l-1 ofRhodomonas baltica). The lower size limit for particle capture was between 2 and 4 m for all developmental stages. Optimum particle size and upper size limit increased during development from 7 m and 10 to 14 m for NII to NIII to 14 to 70 m and 250 m for adults, respectively. When food size spectra were normalized (percent of maximum clearance in a particular stage versus particle diameter/prosome length) they resembled log-normal distributions with near constant width (variance). Optimum, relative particle sizes corresponded to 2 to 5% of prosome length independent of developmental stage. Since the biomass of particulate matter is approximately constant in equal logarithmic size classes in the sea, food availability may be similar for all developmental stages in the average marine environment. Juvenile specific growth rate was exponential and increased hyperbolically with food concentration. It equaled specific female egg-production rate at all food concentrations. The efficiency by which ingested carbon in excess of maintenance requirements was converted into body carbon was 0.44, very similar to the corresponding efficiency of egg-production in females. On the assumptions that food availability is similar for all developmental stages, and that juvenile and female specific growth/egg-production rates are equal, female egg-production rates are representative of turnover rates (production/biomass) of the entireA. tonsa population and probably in other copepod species as well. Therefore, in situ estimates of female fecundity may be used for a rapid time- and site-specific field estimate of copepod production. This approach is shown to be fairly robust to even large deviations from the assumptions.  相似文献   

High-speed microcinematography was used to examine the effects of prior experience with particular cell types on the feeding efficiency of a calanoid copepod. Female Eucalanus pileatus were fed monocultures of either the 5-m diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana or the 11-m diatom T. weissflogii during a 2-to 3-d preconditioning period. The smaller diatoms are accumulated passively by the second maxillae while the larger diatoms are detected and actively captured as individual cells. Four females from each preconditioning culture were transferred to a monoculture of the large cells and their behavior filmed at five intervals over a 24-h period to determine whether a loss of efficiency occurs when the copepods must shift capture modes. Ingestion rates for females experienced with the larger cells were approximately 2.5 times higher than those of inexperienced females. Six sequential behavioral steps in the feeding process could alter ingestion rates: (1) amount of time spent flapping the feeding appendages. (2) rate of flapping of the feeding appendages, (3) ability to detect individual cells, (4) success rate of capture attempts, (5) capture and handling time per cell and (6) rejection rate of captured cells. An increased ability to detect cells and a decreased rejection rate contributed significantly to the higher ingestion rate of experienced feeders, indicating that copepods have the ability to learn during the feeding process. Grazing rates may be seriously underestimated in experiments which do not include a preconditioning period, especially those which calculate ingestion over short time intervals. Such effects may also influence the feeding of copepods in the field when encountering changes in particle spectra through vertical migration or horizontal displacement.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and zooplankton, collected in November 1984 at the deepest point of Bedford Basin, Canada, were used in a 2 mo experiment in the Dalhousie tower tank to test the validity of estimating potential copepod production from allometric equations based on body size and temperature under food-saturated conditions (maximum instantaneous growth, MIG method). The development of the plankton community in the mesocosm was similar to fall and winter assemblages in a coastal Nova Scotian inlet. Predicted instantaneous rates of potential production were compared with average production of a mixed copepod assemblage measured over weekly intervals in the absence of predators. Predictions exceeded measured production by 1.9 to 136 times, but generally agreed within an order of magnitude. Whereas the MIG method facilitates automated estimation of potential copepod production, this advantage must be offset by the relative loss of accuracy compared to more labour-intensive methods. The method appears to be most useful for mesoscale surveys or neritic regions where the aim is to quickly obtain an order of magnitude estimate of secondary production.  相似文献   

T. Ayukai 《Marine Biology》1987,94(4):579-587
Adult female Acartia clausi were allowed to feed in the laboratory on each of three algae, the small green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta (5.6 m ESD), the diatoms Thalassiosira decipiens (13.4 m ESD) and T. nordenskioldii (17.7 m ESD), singly or in mixtures with polystyrene beads (15.7 m ESD). The ingestion rate on beads was much lower than that on cells, even when the supply of beads was one order of magnitude higher than that of cells. Beads offered singly were not ingested. In the experiments with T. nordenskioldii, the more cells adult females ingested, the higher the ingestion rate on beads. In addition, a linear regression equation describing the relationship between bead concentration and ratio of ingested beads to ingested cells was highly significant. These results suggest that beads are ingested by chance in feeding bouts on T. nordenskioldii. The bead interference on the ingestion rate on cells was observed in the experiments with D. tertiolecta and T. decipiens, but not with T. nordenskioldii. In a mixture of beads and T. decipiens, juvenile A. clausi discriminated beads from cells more successfully than adults. The presence of beads did not affect the ingestion rate of juveniles on cells. Starved adult females tended to ingest more beads than well fed individuals. The possible effects of body size and hunger on the discriminate feeding of copepods are discussed.  相似文献   

Egg production and development rates of Centropages typicus (Krøyer) were studied in the laboratory under carying food and temperature conditions. Egg production rates in the laboratory ranged from 0 to 124 eggs female-1 d-1 and increased with food concentration up to a critical food concentration (Pc) above which egg production was constant. Egg production rates were influenced by temperature, with more eggs being produced at 15°C than at 10°C. Thalassiosira weisflogii and Prorocentrum micans were determined to be equally capable of supporting egg production at concentrations above Pc at 15°C. Rate of egg production was independent of adult female size when food and temperature were constant. Egg production rates of freshly captured females ranged from 0 to 188 eggs female-1 d-1 and were higher in April and May than in June or July. Hatching rates of eggs increased with increased temperature; 95% of the eggs at 15°C hatched within 48 h, while only 8% of the eggs at 10°C hatched within 48 h. Development rates, determined at 10°C in excess concentrations of T. weisflogii, were 23.0 d from egg release to copepodid state I, 27.0 d to stage II, 29.5 d to stage III, 32.2 d to stage IV, 38.5 d to stage V and 49 d to adulthood based on the average time required for 50% of the organisms in an experiment to attain a given stage. Adult males were usually observed 2 to 4 d before adult females, and therefore have a slightly faster rate of development. The effects of temperature, food type and food concentration on egg production and the seasonal appearances of diatoms in the New York Bight may account for the observed seasonal cycles in abundance of C. typicus in these coastal waters.  相似文献   

Four different methods were used in the control conditions of laboratory to estimate the ingestion rate of a female meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod Amonardia normani: (1) reduction of algal biomass, (2) the quantification of total pigments in fecal pellets, (3) the gut fluorescence method, (4) the percentage of assimilation and the total egestion rate. The food used during all experiments was the diatom Nitzschia constricta in an axenic condition at the concentration of 0.13 μg Chl-a mL?1 at stationary growth phase. All experiments were made at 20 °C and 30 salinity. All tested methods excepted the quantification of total pigments in fecal pellets resulted in similar estimatives. The gut fluorescence method indicated that during the day gut contents are smaller than during the night but the gut passage time was faster, resulting in similar ingestion rates during the day and the night. The reduction of algal biomass and the percentage of assimilation and the total egestion rate also indicated similar ingestion rates in the day and in the night. The daily ingestion rate represents 107 % of female carbon weight per day (903 ng C cop?1day?1).  相似文献   

Egg production rate of the copepod Acrocalanus inermis was measured at 3 stations in south Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii in August 1977 and July–October 1979. The egg production rates were significantly variable spatially, but temporal variability over a time scale of weeks was larger than spatial variability. In three experiments, egg production rates were correlated with ambient concentrations of particulate matter, a crude estimate of food concentration. Most values for egg production rates ranged between 5 and 16.9 eggs female-1 d-1.  相似文献   

We present results of simultaneous measurements of turbulent-dissipation rate, zooplankton vertical distribution and copepod gut pigments in the northern North Sea. Analysis shows that some, but not all, copepods (by species, sex and stage) exhibit significant dependence on turbulence in respect to vertical distribution and feeding rate. Oithona similis (female and copepodite stages) exhibits an avoidance of the surface layer when turbulence is strong there. For the range of turbulence (10−7 to 10−3 m2 s−3) and ambient chlorophyll concentration (0.5–0.8 μg l−1) encountered, Calanus spp. and Metridia lucens exhibited a significant negative response in feeding-rate index with increasing turbulence. Centropages typicus and Pseudocalanus spp. also exhibited a negative response but of less significance. Received: 12 October 2000 / Accepted: 11 December 2000  相似文献   

Gut evacuation rates were measured in Calanus hyperboreus and C. glacialis from two stations in Jones Sound, Northwest Territory (NWT) and one station in an Ellesmere Island Fjord during late summer of 1984. Gut content decreased exponentially with a rate constant, that, for Stage V C. glacialis at least, was independent of food type and time of day. Gut filling rates were measured in Stage V C. glacialis in the light and in the dark, at noon and midnight. Nighttime gut filling rates were very similar for both light intensities, and also similar to the daytime rate in the dark, whereas the daytime rate in the light was much lower. Ingestion rates were calculated for these latter experiments, including a rate term for defecation, and these results were compared to the values obtained from the observations of gut filling rates in vivo as reported in Head et al. (1985) and from long-term (2–3 d) bottle incubations as reported in Head et al. (in press). The following points were made: (1) in-vivo and in-vitro ingestion rates were very close if appropriate in-vitro experimental conditions were used with respect to light intensity and time of day; (2) copepods could fill their guts at a rate apparently higher than their normal nocturnal ingestion rate; and (3) the calculated rations were dependent on the shape of the observed diurnal feeding patterns.  相似文献   

Marine phytoplankton have been shown to use chemical feeding deterrents to reduce or inhibit zooplankton grazing. In order to screen phytoplankton species for feeding deterrent production and to isolate and identify feeding deterrent compounds, a new, rapid, and reliable laboratory bioassay was developed. This bioassay used the laboratory-reared harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus californicus and measured inhibition of feeding by measuring the fecal pellet production rate. The bioassay was capable of detecting deterrent compounds: (1) adsorbed onto ground fish food (a normally palatable food); (2) dissolved in a mixture of seawater and live Thalassiosira pseudonana cells (a species of diatom which had no feeding deterrent activity); and (3) present in live cell cultures. Method (2) was recommended for use in bioassay-guided fractionation (isolation of chemical compounds), as it was reliable, rapid, accurate, and easy to perform with large numbers of samples. The total bioassay time was < 48 h, and data collection required only a microscope. Methanolic cell extracts of several phytoplankton species were screened for feeding deterrent activity. Extracts from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax grindleyi gave feeding deterrent responses, while extracts from the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana gave no feeding deterrent responses. Live P. tricornutum cells deterred feeding at densities of 6x105 cells ml-1. This bioassay should provide a valuable tool in screening phytoplankton for feeding deterrent compounds and determining the chemical nature of these compounds.  相似文献   

Herbivores tend to increase feeding rate and fitness when consuming a mixed diet relative to a single diet. According to the detoxification limitation hypothesis (DLH), feeding choices and rates when confronted with chemically rich plants are determined by herbivore physiology, and specifically by the metabolic pathways that herbivores use to manipulate secondary metabolites. We tested two predictions of the DLH using two generalist herbivores, the urchin Arbacia punctulata and amphipod Ampithoe longimana. These herbivores have geographic ranges which overlap with brown seaweeds that produce diterpenes (Dictyota menstrualis, D. ciliolata) and a green seaweed that produces sesquiterpenes and diterpenes (Caulerpa sertularioides). As predicted by the DLH, herbivore consumption rates in no-choice feeding assays were limited by extract intake rates. This suggests an upper limit in the herbivores’ abilities to physiologically manipulate seaweed metabolites. Contrary to a second prediction of the DLH, urchins consumed equal amounts of foods coated with limiting concentrations of two seaweed extracts offered singly, as a mixture, or as a pairwise choice. This result suggests that secondary metabolites of these seaweeds are manipulated by a linked set of detoxification pathways. Improving our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie diet mixing depends on greater attention to the physiology of herbivore resistance to secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

We developed a cost-effective and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic at trace level using a new reagent, leuco malachite green. Here we show that, arsenic reacts with potassium iodate in acidic conditions to liberate iodine, and the liberated iodine selectively oxidizes leuco malachite green to malachite green dye. We studied the Beer’s law at 617 nm, which showed linearity over the concentration range 0.09–0.9 μg ml−1 of arsenic. We show that the molar absorptivity, Sandell’s sensitivity and detection limit of the method are 6.1 × 104 l mol−1 cm−1, 0.0012 μg cm−2 and 0.025 μg ml−1, respectively. We applied the developed method for the determination of arsenic in environmental samples.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating phytoplankton growth rates and carbon biomass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new method is described for the determination of phytoplankton growth rates and carbon biomass. This procedure is easy to apply and utilizes the labeling of chlorophyll a (chl a) with 14C. Pure chl a is isolated using two-way thin-layer chromatography, and the specific activity of chl a carbon is determined. Data from laboratory cultures indicate that the specific activity of chl a carbon becomes nearly equal to that of total phytoplankton carbon in incubations lasting 6 to 12 h and can be used to calculate phytoplankton growth rates and carbon biomass. Application of the method to the phytoplankton community in an eutrophic estuary in Hawaii indicates that the cells are growing with a doubling time of about 2 d and that about 85% of the particulate carbon consists of phytoplankton carbon.  相似文献   

The planktonic copepod Calanus finmarchicus is a dominant member of the zooplankton community in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary in eastern Canada. Blooms of the toxic marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium excavatum which produces high cellular levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins, occur during the period of high C. finmarchicus production in summer in this region. To study the feeding behaviour of C. finmarchicus in the presence of Alexandrium spp., experiments were conducted in which female adult copepods collected from the St. Lawrence Estuary between May and September 1991 were exposed under controlled conditions to two toxic isolates of A. excavatum (Pr18b and Pr11f) from the estuary and to a non-toxic control (PLY 173) of a closely related species, A. tamarense isolated from the Tamar Estuary, Plymouth, U.K. Clearance rates on non-toxic A. tamarense cells averaged 5.5 ml ind-1 h-1 but were nearzero with either toxic isolate. When presented with a mixture of A. excavatum and the non-toxic diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii in varying proportions, C. finmarchicus fed upon the diatom but avoided the toxic dinoflagellate. Although feeding rates on A. excavatum were very low, toxin analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FD) revealed that the PSP toxins were accumulated in copepods exposed to toxigenic dinoflagellates.The toxin composition in copepods was similar to that of the toxic dinoflagellate, but not necessarily identical, particularly after short-term (2-h) exposure, when relatively elevated levels of N-sulfocarbamoyl toxins were detected. The evidence suggests that C. finmarchicus ingests toxic dinoflagellate cells, either mistakenly or during exploratory bouts of feeding, and accumulates PSP toxins in its gut system and perhaps in other tissues.  相似文献   

Kernel-based home range method for data with irregular sampling intervals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of habitat selection and movements often use radio-tracking data for defining animal home ranges. Home ranges (HR) can be approximated by a utilization density distribution (UD) that instead of assuming uniform use of areas within HR boundary provides a probabilistic measure of animal space use. In reality, radio-tracking data contain periods of frequent autocorrelated observations interspersed with temporally more independent observations. Using such temporally irregular data directly may result in biased UD estimates, because areas that have been sampled intensively receive too much weight. The problem of autocorrelation has been tackled by resampling data with an appropriate time interval. However, resampling may cause a large reduction in the data set size along with a loss of information. Evidently, biased UD estimates or reduction in data may prejudice the results on animal habitat selection and movement. We introduce a new method for estimating UDs with temporally irregular data. The proposed method, called the time kernel, accounts for temporal aggregation of observations and gives less weight to temporally autocorrelated observations. A further extension of the method accounts also for spatially aggregated observations with relatively low weights given to observations that are both temporally and spatially aggregated. We test the behaviour of the time kernel method and its spatiotemporal version using simulated data. In addition, the method is applied to a data set of brown bear locations.  相似文献   

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