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通过对我国水资源状况及石化行业水消耗情况分析,找出我国石化企业新鲜水用量,污水排放在绝对量,吨原油、万元产值的单耗,单排等方面与国外相比较存在的差距。指出存在的主要问题是:清污分流不彻底;污污分流不健全;汽提后的净化水回用量小;新鲜水冲洗地面及作为机泵冷却水直排,导致新鲜水的浪费。同时针对以上问题提出相应的建议参考指标及对应措施。  相似文献   

水量平衡是火电厂开展节水工作、制定科学节水方案的基础。针对目前火电厂节水工作中存在的粗放型管理和经济技术指标不合理等问题,对新疆典型火电厂新疆神火电厂进行水量平衡测试,绘制水量平衡图,挖掘节水潜力,并结合火电厂实际情况,提出切实可行的节水对策和优化方案,提高该厂水资源利用率,为火电厂的水务管理工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

番茄酱生产废水处理DAT-IAT工艺的应用与研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
番茄酱生产周期较短,废水排放集中于两个月且水量较大,废水中含固体杂质多,增加了废水处理难度。对新疆屯河昌通分公司番茄酱生产废水采用DAT-IAT工艺处理,并配套设置适应工艺要求及新疆气候特点的配套设备,水质水量适应性好,工艺组成具有显著的优势。项目通过验收后运行两年以来,运行效果稳定,处理水质稳定达标,可供同类企业借鉴和推广。  相似文献   

本文采用万元产值取水量和水重复利用率作为节水指标,通过对山东省主要工业行业用水节水现状进行调查研究,阐述了各行业节水水平和节水经验,分析并预测了节水潜力,总结提出了各行业应采取的主要节水措施和建议。  相似文献   

新疆石河子市位于天山北麓,准噶尔盆地西南边缘的荒漠干旱地区。市区空间结构和功能小区布局反映了生态环境的特点,被称之为绿洲生态新城。由石河子建市过程,可见干旱区城市发展与水资源的关系应考虑:1.总体上正确处理生态系统与城市经济发展的对立协调、相互依存的关系。2.以高度的“节水意识”保护水资源,防止对水的过度开采:如规定井距,诱导渗透,适度截取地下水,使地下水提取与补充取得平衡;对  相似文献   

通过分析加拿大阿尔伯塔省农用水资源的利用现状,从旱灾和水事件引发公众对水资源管理重要性认识的视角导入,从政策法规制定、水市场建立、节水技术应用和公众参与等层面归纳了阿尔伯塔省农用水资源管理的主要经验和做法,藉以对我国干旱半干旱地区的水资源管理提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

做好节水和水资源综合利用工作实现公司的可持续性发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,我国一些地方发生水荒和水资源污染问题,我国可利用的水资源日益紧缺,因此造成了日渐严重的沙漠化和水土流失问题,水已经成为制约国民经济发展和影响人民群众生活的重要问题。因此党和国家把水作为国家安全的重要战略资源。水越来越成为全民关注的焦点。 前不久,国家经贸委等六部委联合下发了在工业企业开展节水工作的通知。最近,国家经贸委专门召开了全国节水和节油工作会议,对全国工业企业开展节水工作进行了部署,对各工业企业提出了具体的耗水限额指标,明确了今后的节水目标。中国石油天然气股份有限公司化工与销售分公…  相似文献   

基于2010年我国30个省(自治区、直辖市)区域间投入—产出表,计算分析了新疆的虚拟水量及流向的空间格局。结果表明:1新疆的工农业产品贸易中共蕴含虚拟水量497.8亿m3,其中新疆本地使用212.3亿m3(42.7%)、出口71.9亿m3(14.4%),其余部分调往国内其他省份;2新疆虚拟水流向的空间特征明显,主要集中在山东、上海、江苏等沿海经济发达省市;3虚拟水调出的产业部门主要是农林牧渔业、石油和天然气开采业,符合新疆"一黑一白"的经济贸易特征,且农产品的输出决定了新疆虚拟水输出的基本格局。  相似文献   

我国多年平均水资源总量为2.8万亿m3,人均占有量约2700m3.仅为世界人均占有量的1/4,居世界第84位。特别是水资源潜力贫乏的京津唐地区人均水资源量仅430m3,为世界平均水平的1/26,因此,合理开发利用该区域的水资源尤为重要。1水资源现状1.1高耗水企业分布集中,地下水枯竭随着经济发展,京津唐地区集中建立的冶金、化工、电力、造纸、印染等工业行业都属高耗水类型。按目前工业化国家耗水水平,采煤需水l~l·st/t、炼钢需水20~40t/t、造纸需水200~500t’t,因此工业用水缺口较大。此外,该地区降雨分布不均,全年降雨的25%集…  相似文献   

南疆属极端干旱区,以绿洲灌溉农业为主,随着水资源短缺,过度开采地下水造成水位下降、土壤盐渍化加剧等问题日益严峻,如何最大限度地提高灌溉用水效率是目前亟待考虑的问题。对叶尔羌河流域四大用水结构和农田灌溉用水效率进行分析,选取典型灌区2009—2013年的微观面板调研数据,运用随机前沿生产函数对1000农户小麦生产技术效率与用水效率进行测算。研究发现:1不同作物单方灌溉水产出具有差异,平均为2.25元/m3;典型区农田灌溉用水量差异明显,介于13035—20325m3/hm2之间。2农户的平均灌溉用水效率仅为0.483,生产技术效率为0.6608。3源流区水资源的相对丰裕造成普遍节水意识缺乏,灌溉方式相对单一,农户对节水技术采纳与接受的意愿较低,这些是造成当前农业用水效率不高的主要原因。通过提高农户的节水行为,进一步推广节水灌溉技术,优化种植结构,提高农户对关键种植技术的掌握与管理水平,是实现技术效率与水资源产出效率有效提高的主要途径。  相似文献   

发制品行业是以人发、人造纤维等为原材料进行假发加工的行业。许昌市发制品的生产过程大致可分为两个阶段:漂染和前后处理。漂染过程用水量大,产生的废水难以处理。其中过酸、氧化、染色配置的溶液使用一次后直接排放,不符合清洁生产要求,且所排放的溶液可考虑中和多次利用。漂染过程水资源消耗量大,废水产生量大,没有考虑废水综合利用。按清洁生产的要求在以上环节可通过技术革新和设备改造得以改进。  相似文献   

A potentially-economic three-fold strategy, to use solid olive wastes in water purification, is presented. Firstly, oil remaining in solid waste (higher than 5% of waste) was recovered by the Soxhlet extraction technique, which can be useful for the soap industry. Secondly, the remaining solid was processed to yield relatively high-surface area active carbon (AC). Thirdly, the resulting carbon was employed to reversibly adsorb chromate ions from water, aiming to establish a water purification process with reusable AC. The technique used here enabled oil recovery together with the production of a clean solid, suitable for making AC. This process also has the advantage of low production cost.  相似文献   

The Wanjiazhai Water Transfer Project, now under development by the Shanxi Province of China with World Bank assistance, is a pioneering undertaking providing massive integrated water transfer, to enable the 'parched' regions of northern China to be able to survive. The Wanjiazhai project will deliver some 1.76 million m3/day of fresh water from the Wanjiazhai Reservoir on the Yellow River, by means of a series of pumping stations tunnels, and other components, over a distance of some 285 km to the City of Taiyuan, which is the hub of one of China's major industrial zones. Due to the continuing growth of population and of associated industry and agriculture, the local water resources have become totally overutilised, although extensive recycling for industry and irrigation occurs. The current sustainability of the groundwater resources is seriously threatened, for the present water shortage is 0.43 million m3/day. In addition, because of the large production of pollutant discharges with insufficient attention to waste management, the local river has become grossly polluted. The only answer is a massive importation of water, which is the first step in the project now underway.The focus of the present paper is to examine how the overall project will incorporate essential components to ensure that the expensive imported water will be wisely utilized. To manage this problem the overall project includes a number of special components including: (i) a critical assessment of the new total water resources availability and its allocation between various users, including a pricing structure which assigns equal value to both local and imported water supplies, (ii) an optimization of use of clean technologies and of recycling by industries, as well as improved waste treatment, including the establishment of a financial revolving fund to assist in achieving these goals, (iii) a substantial strengthening of the community/regional water pollution control management operations, with adequate funding, so as to upgrade the municipal wastewater treatment system to restore the river to acceptable water quality levels and, (iv) the recharging of the groundwater basins with treated sewage effluents, plus recharging using floodwater runoff during the rainy seasons.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The growing problem of nonpoint source ground water contamination from agricultural chemicals is conceptualized as an historical outcome of the production environment of capitalist agriculture in the Corn Belt. Chronic overproduction and ground water contamination reveal different aspects of the same technological treadmill. The debate over Iowa's 1987 Ground Water Protection Act symbolizes the contradiction between popular demand for clean water and structural limits on policymaking. Although the Act does provide for expanded research, education, and monitoring, a coalition of commercial farmers, local chemical dealers, and the national chemical industry defeated a tax on pesticide use. Analysis of alternate policy responses - Best Management Practices (BMPs), cross compliance, site-specific regulation of chemical use, and taxation of synthetic chemicals - reveals that all tend to founder on the same structural constraints. Without practical, profitable, low-input technologies that farmers, over time, would choose to adopt, both voluntary and regulatory approaches encounter major political or implementation difficulties. The public agricultural research agenda, therefore, emerges as a central control variable for ground water quality management and a central focus for political struggle.  相似文献   

简论油田企业现行清洁生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了油田企业在开展清洁生产过程中存在的主要问题。针对行业特点,结合企业自身情况,对存在的问题进行了全面分析,提出了解决这些问题的初步对策,为高效地开展清洁生产工作提供科学的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Water Quality in Drinking Water Reservoirs of a Megacity, Istanbul   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Providing clean water at relevant quality and quantity is a challenge that regulatory authorities have to face in metropolitan cities that seem to develop at their limits of sustainability. Istanbul strives to face such a challenge for its population of over 10 million, through six surface water resources. Two approaches of classification for the reservoirs are presented, one based on current regulations and an alternative based on a more detailed classification. The results have shown that nutrient control is the primary issue, and one of the reservoirs has already exceeded the limits of being eutrophic, one is at mesotrophic conditions, and the remaining four are at the limit of being eutrophic, indicating the significance of making the correct decision and taking pertinent measures for management and control. It has been observed that the only mesotrophic resource, which also has the best general quality class, has no industry and a very low population density, whereas the one that is already eutrophic is also the one with the lowest quality class, has the highest population density, and has the greatest percentage of urban land use within its watershed.  相似文献   

清洁生产是解决节能灯推广过程中汞污染问题的最佳途径,然而节能灯行业在清洁生产开展过程中存在一系列的问题.通过文献研究和实地调研,对目前节能灯行业推行清洁生产存在的问题进行了分析和总结,并针对这些问题,从国家、社会和企业不同层面提出了相应的建议与措施.  相似文献   

自有大气层以来就有温室效应。工业革命以来,大量人为温室气体的排放使温室效应增强,全球海平面上升和气温上升。人类对这一过程的认识还有很大的不确定性。本文综述了到目前为止对这一问题进行科学研究的结论,指出在控制温室效应和全球变化的问题上,最困难也是最基本的难题是减少二氧化碳的排放。  相似文献   

钻井是石油天然气勘探开发过程中的重要环节,钻井过程中污染物的排放管理也受到各国普遍的重视。对钻井污染物的特点进行了分析,在此基础上概括地介绍了美国的相关环境管理法规体系。重点论述了与钻井排污有关的资源保护与补偿法、安全饮用水法、清洁水法等,总结了可供我国借鉴的若干法规、标准制定的理念和方法。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Access to clean and sufficient amounts of water is a critical problem in many countries. A watershed approach is vital in understanding pollution pathways affecting water resources and in developing participatory solutions. Such integration of information with participatory approaches can lead to more sustainable solutions than traditional “crisis‐to‐crisis” management approaches. This study aims at applying a watershed based joint action approach to manage water resources. Since most watersheds have urban and rural sources of pollution and a wide disparity in access to and use of water, alternative solutions need to take an integrated approach through cooperative actions. An institutional model was applied to seven subwatersheds in Honduras to evaluate various sources and effects of water contamination and water shortages. Two specific pathways of water resources degradation were studied (contamination from coffee pulp manufacturing and urban nonpoint sources) to develop alternative solutions that mitigate downstream impacts of access to clean water. A locally driven joint mechanism to reuse coffee pulp in farming systems is proposed. Such an institutional solution can maximize benefits to both farms and the coffee pulp industry. A combination of education and investment in sanitary facilities in urbanizing areas is proposed to minimize urban sources of water contamination.  相似文献   

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