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国内外市场展望植物的红果实开发价值大据现代科技资料和中医理论分析表明,植物的红色果实对人体营养和抗病能力高于其它颜色的植物果实,而且红色果实本身的防腐、防病能力强,保鲜时间长,具有治病功效,特别是VA、VC、VE、VB和胡萝卜素等高于同一季节同一地域...  相似文献   

法国特大灯笼果属蔷薇科小灌木浆果 ,植株高 1 5m~1 8m ,枝干有刺。春季 5月中下旬开花结果 ,自花授粉 ,繁殖方式分有性繁殖和无性繁殖两种 ,无需嫁接。 7月下旬至8月中旬果实成熟 ,分青、红两色 ,单果重 30 g~ 38g。果形似灯笼 ,成串状 ,形态美观、酸甜可口、营养丰富 ,堪称水果之王 ,极具开发价值 ,被联合国定为第三代水果首推项目 ,向全世界推广。果实可鲜食 ,也可加工制成饮料。其肉质富含硒、铜、锌、铁、钙、镁、钴、钼等微量元素及氨基酸、维生素B1、B6、B12、C、E等 ,含糖量 11% ,固形物高达 83% ,可食率 98%。发展灯笼…  相似文献   

果酒原特指新鲜成熟葡萄的发酵产品,现在也适用于许多其它水果、蔬菜汁液发酵生产的饮料。热带水果中诸如香蕉、菠萝、芒果等富含发酵物质,特别适合酿造果酒。其中青绿香蕉果肉含淀粉20%~25%,成熟时含可发酵物质达80%以上。随着市场的发展和人民生活水平的提高,果酒由于度数低、富合营养而独具恁力。海南拥有丰富的热带水果资源,本文就海南发展热带水果果酒酿造业的前景进行了分析。1海南发展果酒前造业的前景分析海南发展果酒酿造业的潜力较大,主要表现在:①热带水果资源丰富。海南日照充足、雨量充沛,水果生产迅速。1994年海…  相似文献   

番茄富含多种营养成分,对不少疾病的辅助治疗均有裨益。其含糖量较高,大部分是易被人体直接吸收的葡萄糖和果糖;其胡萝卜素、维生素 B 族及防治高血压的芦丁等的含量,比苹果、梨、香蕉、葡萄高2~4倍,故在国外享有“金苹果”的称誊;番茄中还含有滋润皮肤、袪除斑痕、抗皮肤老化作用的特殊物质,常吃可达美容效果。在水果蔬菜中,番茄的红素含量最高。番茄红素是一种类似于β胡萝卜素的抗氧化物质,具有抑制癌细胞的作  相似文献   

美国黑莓,俗称黑草莓、草莓树,原产美国,为蔷薇科黑莓属多年生藤本植物。其果实纯黑色,味甜多汁,香气浓郁,果呈卵圆形,富含VC、VE、SOD、R氨基丁酸、钙、锌等抗衰老营养物质,营养价值远高于苹果、桔子、葡萄等水果,堪称世界“水果之王”。由于美国黑莓抗逆性和适?..  相似文献   

随着天气逐渐转暖,市面上的水果种类也是越来越丰富,而且很多美味鲜果都提前上市了。不说别的,大街小巷里,经常能够看到“个头很大”的草莓,饱满丰实的小西红柿,看起来都能吊起你的胃口,但是对于每个人每天都会接触的水果,怎么吃才能将营养“照单全收”?是不是所有的水果都适合自己?别看水果美味,可吃的讲究却不少。选择水果对号入座:颜色深的水果通常维生素C的含量都比较高,颜色浅的水果的维生素C含量略低些,而维生素C含量比较高的水果有鲜枣、酸枣、山楂、橘子,猕猴桃等。维生素C对于抗感冒、增加身体抵抗力起到了很大的作用,很多人通过…  相似文献   

通过对黄山药(Dioscorea Panthaica)在四川德昌县的田间栽培试验,其生物学特性及栽培性状表现为:全生育期290天左右,明显地分为萌动期、营养期、孕蕾开花期、果期、根茎生长期、枯萎期和休眠期;具有根茎分枝多、繁殖系数高的优良栽培性状。栽后8个月的新根茎重是种根茎重的0.65倍,20个月则达3.06倍;单位面积产量随栽培9~18万株/ha 的密度增加,最高达15493.9kg/ha,平植法优于垄植法。皂素含量以盛花期最高,休眠期最低。  相似文献   

我国重金属污染土壤的利用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
检测了重金属污染地区粮食、蔬菜、水果等不同作物的重金属含量。结果表明,这3类作物对高背景值耕地土壤中有害元素吸收能力的顺序为:蔬菜粮食水果。同一地区不同地块采样点土样中重的金属含量有所差异,同一有害元素在不同作物中的积累特性不同,不同作物种类对高背景值元素的吸收差异较大,为合理开发利用被重金属污染的土地资源提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

池州悬钩子的食用价值与茶多酚含量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了池州市悬钩子属植物的食用价值与其中茶多酚(TP)的含量,目的是为了综合利用悬钩子属植物,促进其全面开发,提高经济效益.用正交实验法确定了提取TP的最佳实验条件,用分光光度法测定其含量.从分析结果看,悬钩子属植物中含有一定量的TP.因此,在开发悬钩子属植物果实作为第三代水果资源时,从其茎叶中提取TP具有一定的经济价值,这对促进悬钩子资源的开发与利用是很有意义的.  相似文献   

V890B是英国LDS公司最大推力的风冷振动台,本文就V890B振动台涉及的主要专利技术和特征进行分析叙述,供试验同行参考了解。  相似文献   

The understanding of the processes that control the behavior of radionuclides in crops can support policymakers to take actions to protect the environment and safeguard human health. Data concerning the behavior of radionuclides in fruits are limited. Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne) plants were contaminated on the aboveground part by sprinkling an aqueous solution of 134Cs and 85Sr at three growing stages: predormancy, anthesis, and beginning of ripening. Intercepted activity was more affected by the posture and physical orientation of leaves rather than by leaf area or biomass. Fruit interception ranges from 0.2 to 1.2% of the sprinkled activity. Translocation coefficients from leaf to fruit are on the order of 10(-4) for 134Cs and 10(-5) for 85Sr. Translocation reaches its highest intensity between anthesis and ripening. If deposition occurs when plants are bearing fruits, the fruit activity will be affected by the activity initially deposited on the fruit surfaces. This is important for 85Sr as it is not translocated in the phloem. The loss of the dead leaves at the resumption of growth causes high plant decontamination, but a fraction of both radionuclides remains in the storage organs, roots, and shoots, which is retranslocated to fruits in the following spring. The values of the environmental half-time, t(w), after deposition at predormancy are 114 d for 134Cs and 109 d for 85Sr. Cesium-134 tends to be allocated to fruits, while 85Sr remains in leaves and crowns. Translocation of radionuclides to roots results in soil contamination.  相似文献   

果树树干补钙技术与效果   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对果树树干进行注射补钙技术与效果的研究结果表明:补钙时期、补钙剂量不同,其产生的效果各异。利用树干注射补钙技术可增加果实中的钙含量,延长果品贮藏期,增加单果重,防止柚子、樱桃等果实的裂果病。该技术具有使用安全补钙效果好、易操作、成本低、应用范围广等特点。  相似文献   

锰矿废弃区生态恢复研究结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在废弃的锰矿区经过平整土地、修建梯地、土壤改良,然后选择具有较高经济价值的果树进行科学种植试验,试验结果表明,所种植的9个品种中,有4个品种成活率达到95%-98%,5个品种成活率只有0-11%,种植成活的果树产量与其它种植区差异不明显,果实成份符合食品卫生标准,而土壤中的各种金属成分也明显减少,水土流失减少了352t/hm2,使生态恢复区的生态系统保持稳定,取得显著的生态及经济效益。  相似文献   

“龙山红”是从四川省龙门山南段的野生彩色猕猴桃中筛选出的一个两性花品种,平均单果重65.59g,可溶性固形物含量14.6%、总糖含量10.2%,果实酸甜适口,香气浓厚。果实成熟后中柱外围(即种子外侧)的果肉成淡红色,果实较耐贮运。首次发现雌雄同体且充分发育的两性花猕猴桃品种,在理论上和生产上都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

根据2008~2009年对升钟水库的逐月监测结果,采用综合营养状态指数法,对湖泊富营养化现状进行了评价,并对水库的浮游植物群落种类和密度进行了定性定量分析。结果表明,水库目前处于中营养状态,但在初夏和秋季由于温度和降水等气象条件的影响,可达到轻度富营养,其程度随季节变化明显:初夏和初秋形成高峰,冬、春季为低谷。从生物群落分析,浮游植物种类及密度在不同季节差别较大,初春及夏季的较其他季节多、冬季最低,优势种为蓝绿藻和硅藻。  相似文献   

本文简单评述了果树缺铁失绿症的多种矫治方法及其效果,以供各地在矫治果树失绿症时参考。  相似文献   

本文概述了植物的铁素营养、果材缺铁黄化病的诊断治疗方法,论述了高涌液注射法矫治果树缺铁黄化病的理论、假说、树木微型注射器、克黄灵高渗液、树干穴位注射法、树干穴位插管法及其应用前景。  相似文献   

Knowledge of radionuclide or trace element retention and translocation to plants following an aerial contamination event, for example, sprinkling with contaminated water, is necessary for the evaluation of human exposure through consumption of contaminated vegetables. The fate of 63Ni and 109Cd in all plant parts of three different vegetables after wet deposition on leaves or on fruits was studied. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), radish (Raphanus sativus L.), and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown under controlled conditions in a growth chamber were contaminated with 63Ni and 109Cd either on leaves, by means of two different contamination methods (a single early contamination and a repetitive one), or on bean husks (third contamination method: a single contamination at a late stage). Spiked and nonspiked organs were harvested at maturity and radionuclide contents were measured. The fraction retained was on average 56% of the initially administered doses of 63Ni and 87% of 109Cd. The leaf-to-other organ translocation factor was considerably higher for 63Ni (on average 43% of retained radioactivity) than for 109Cd (8%). Nickel-63 migrated throughout the whole plant following foliar contamination, and mainly toward young leaves, seeds in formation, and sink organs, whereas 109Cd migrated to a much lesser extent and only to the organs that were closest to the spiked one, and not at all into fruit. After a fruit contamination event, both radionuclides were translocated into the seeds of spiked fruits. Radionuclide retention and translocation were not affected by plant species, but principally by the type of organ contaminated.  相似文献   

Honeybee colonies are declining in some parts of the world. This may have important consequences for the pollination of crops and native plant species. In Spain, as in other parts of Europe, land abandonment has led to a decrease in the number of non professional beekeepers, which aggravates the problem of honeybee decline as a result of bee diseases In this study, we investigated the effects of honeybees on the pollination of three native plant species in northern Spain, namely wildcherry Prunus avium L., hawthorn Crataegus monogyna Jacq., and bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus L. We quantified fruit set of individuals from the target species along transects established from an apiary outwards. Half the samples were bagged in a nylon mesh to avoid insect pollination. Mixed-effects models were used to test the effect of distance to the apiary on fruit set in non-bagged samples. The results showed a negative significant effect of distance from the apiary on fruit set for hawthorn and bilberry, but no significant effects were detected for wildcherry. This suggests that the use of honeybees under traditional farming practices might be a good instrument to increase fruit production of some native plants. This may have important consequences for wildlife conservation, since fruits, and bilberries in particular, constitute an important feeding resource for endangered species, such as the brown bear Ursus arctos L. or the capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus L.  相似文献   

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