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This paper presents a global database of annual NOx and SOx emissions from fossil fuel combustion at a 1° resolution. The annual emissions estimates were based on fuel consumption for individual countries and are distributed according to human population within each country. There is a large spatial variability in the distribution of these emissions with over 90% of each gas being emitted in the Northern Hemisphere. It is expected that the estimates of NOx and SOx emissions will be useful for global and regional chemical transport simulations. The database is available from the author for this purpose.  相似文献   

中国化石能源生命周期清单分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
丁宁  杨建新 《中国环境科学》2015,35(5):1592-1600
利用生命周期评价方法,建立了我国化石能源的生命周期清单模型,详述了模型相关因子的确定方法,计算了原煤、原油、天然气等初级能源及汽油、焦炭等几类主要次级能源的生命周期清单,揭示了我国能源生产的环境负荷,为工业系统分析和材料、产品的生命周期评价提供基础数据.清单分析表明我国化石能源清单的主要特点为能源消耗的97%以上主要来自生产过程,运输占到3%左右的比例;通过与2002年清单相比,我国化石能源生产的总能耗和排放出现不同程度变化;通过与国外能源清单相比,我国能源投入及排放整体处于较高水平.  相似文献   

基于1953~2007年间的统计数据,根据消耗能值相等的原则,计算了中国化石能源能值消耗量及农作物残余物可替代能值量.结果表明,建国初期,化石能源资产消耗的能值量基本可以用农作物残余物来替代;随着化石能源消耗量的与日俱增,化石能源能值消耗与农作物残余物可补偿能值之间的差距越来越大,2007年,我国农作物残余物可替代能值量仅为化石能源能值消耗量的10.35%.对生物质能替代可减少的环境价值损失估算可知:1990~2007年,由于生物质能替代可以减少因煤炭开采造成的环境治理费用773.91亿元;减少因能源消费而造成的环境污染价值损失11311.76亿元,其中由于减少SO2排放而减少的环境经济损失量占环境污染经济损失量的56.93%,减少NOx和灰分排放分别占环境污染经济损失量的33.13%和9.94%.  相似文献   

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was performed to analyze environmental consequences of different pear production chains in terms of fossil energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in China. The assessment identified hotspots that contributed significantly to the environmental impacts of pear production from the cradle to the point of sale. The results showed that GHG emissions and fossil energy use varied in the different production chains because the environmental performance does not associate with the farming systems (i.e. organic vs. conventional), but is co-determined by farm topography and thus machinery use, by market demands to seasonality of products and thus the need for storage, and by local farming practices including manure management. The LCA could be used as a tool to guide selections of agricultural inputs with the aim of reducing environmental impacts. The results of the LCA analysis indicate that a list of choices are available to reduce energy use and GHG emission in the pear production chain, namely substitution of the traditional storage systems by an efficiently controlled atmosphere storage system, using manure for biogas production, conversion from the conventional farming to organic farming, and reduction of mechanical cultivation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with design and performance of energy efficient biomass cookstove suitable for different fuel wood & briquetted fuel. It was tested with babul wood (Prosopis julliflora), goundnut (Arachis hypogaea) shell briquettes, sawdust briquettes and Cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale) shell. The stove was insulated by refractory cement (Insulyte -11U) to minimize heat losses. The stove has exhibited about 35% thermal efficiency. The CO and CO2 emission was in the range of 3–6 ppm and 17–25 ppm respectively. The stove works in the range of 1.53 to 1.76 kW of power rating. The maximum flame temperature was recorded as 763°C when Cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale) shell was used as feed stock.  相似文献   

工业占据我国最大的化石能源终端消耗,评价中国工业化石能源效率对于提高我国工业化石能源效率和实现节能减排目标具有重要意义.本文运用包含非期望产出的超效率SBM模型评价中国30个省(直辖市、自治区)和三大区域(东部、中部、西部)2006—2011年间的工业化石能源效率,运用Tobit回归模型分析工业化石能源效率的影响因素,并给出各区域节能减排潜力.研究结果表明:北京、天津、上海等地区每年的工业化石能源效率指数均远远领先于其他省份;东部区域效率值以明显的优势高于中部和西部区域;西部区域的效率值比较平稳;中部区域内部各地区效率值比东部和西部区域集中.Tobit回归分析结果表明,地区GDP、经济结构、外商直接投资、工业新增固定投资和地理位置位于东部对地区工业化石能源效率有积极影响;产业结构和地理位置位于中部对地区工业化石能源效率有消极影响;地区人均GDP对地区工业化石能源效率没有显著性影响.东部地区油品和天然气节能潜力较大,中部地区煤炭节能潜力较大,西部地区煤炭和天然气节能潜力较大;中部和东部地区是工业CO2减排的重点.基于以上研究本文给出了3点建议提升工业能源效率.  相似文献   

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and help mitigate climate change, urban water systems need to be adapted so that electrical energy use is minimised. In this study, energy data from 2011 was used to quantify energy use in China’s urban water supply sector. The objective was to calculate the energy co-benefits of urban water conservation policies and compare energy use between China and other countries. The study investigated influencing factors with the aim of informing the development of energy efficient urban water infrastructure. The average energy use per cubic metre and per capita for urban water supply in China in 2011 was 0.29 kWh/m3 and 33.2 kWh/cap year, respectively. Total GHG emissions associated with energy use in the urban water supply sector were 7.63 MtCO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent. Calculations using these indicators showed significant energy savings could result from water conservation measures. A comparison between provinces of China showed a direct correlation between energy intensity of urban water supply and the population served per unit length of pipe. This may imply energy and emission intensity can be reduced if more densely populated areas are supplied by a corresponding pipe density, rather than by a low-density network operating at higher flow rates. This study also found that while the percentage of electrical energy used for urban water supply tended to increase with the percentage of population served, this increase was slower where water supply was more energy efficient and where a larger percentage of population was already supplied.  相似文献   

宋宁  张凯山 《环境科学学报》2013,33(12):3391-3398
针对我国城市能源供需矛盾日益恶化、环境污染日益严重的现状,优化城市机动车能源结构,缓解城市机动车对传统能源的使用压力,减少尾气排放,具有十分重要的意义.因此,本文以成都市为例,采用线性优化技术,通过确定各种车用能源生命周期内的能源消耗及排放、各种能源车辆的经济成本等,分析得到成都市整个城区范围内能耗最低、排放最小的各种能源机动车数量比例.结果表明,成都市各种能源机动车的数量比例随所选目标函数的不同而有所变化.为实现总能耗最小,各种能源机动车的比例按汽油、柴油、纯电动、电力/汽油混合动力、CNG单燃料、CNG/汽油双燃料、LPG单燃料、及LPG/汽油双燃料等划分应分别68.6%、11.4%、3.7%、6.1%、5.0%、5.0%、0.1%、0.1%.与机动车数量比例优化前相比,优化后总能源消耗量、石油消耗量分别平均减少了11.5%、13.8%.除PM10及SOx排放量有所增加外,其他气体的排放均有所减少,如CO2、VOC、CO及NOx的平均排放量分别减少了10.6%、13.5%、13.5%及16.5%.这是因为机动车能源结构优化后,纯电动汽车及混合燃油汽车的比例有所增加,由于这两类汽车都需要经常充电从而增加了电网的压力.而我国发电技术主要采用火力发电,发电过程将会产生大量的PM10及SOx.本研究的成果可用于环境决策者制定有效的交通能源政策,达到城市可持续发展的目的.  相似文献   

当前,北京、深圳、武汉等城市纷纷提出多中心的发展思路。作为城市建设的一项重要举措,多中心战略必须符合可持续发展目标,然而多中心结构是否有助于提高能源效率亟待检验。利用2017年我国地级及以上城市数据,分别运用改进的社会网络法和超效率EBM模型测度城市多中心度与城市能源效率,实证检验多中心度对城市能源效率的影响。研究发现:城市多中心度与能源效率之间存在倒“U”形变动特征。然而,仅有约25%的样本城市的多中心度突破了拐点,且这些城市主要为大型城市或受地形约束的山地城市,表明对于大多数中小城市而言,多中心度的提升能够促进城市的能源效率。  相似文献   

Crop derived biofuels such as (bio)ethanol are increasingly applied for automotive purposes. They have, however, a relatively low efficiency in converting solar energy into automotive power. The outcome of life cycle studies concerning ethanol as to fossil fuel inputs and greenhouse gas emissions associated with such inputs depend strongly on the assumptions made regarding e.g. allocation, inclusion of upstream processes and estimates of environmentally relevant in- and outputs. Peer reviewed studies suggest that CO2 emissions linked to life cycle fossil fuel input are typically about 2.1–3.0 kg CO2 kg−1 starch-derived ethanol. When biofuel production involves agricultural practices that are common in Europe there are net losses of carbon from soil and emissions of the greenhouse gas N2O. Dependent on choices regarding allocation, they may, for wheat (starch) be in the order of 0.6–2.5 kg CO2 equivalent kg−1 of ethanol. This makes ethanol derived from starch, or sugar crops, in Europe still less attractive for mitigating climate change. In case of wheat, changes in agricultural practice may reduce or reverse carbon loss from soils. When biofuel production from crops leads to expansion of cropland while reducing forested areas or grassland, added impetus will be given to climate change.  相似文献   

工业园区由于资源能源消耗和污染排放总量大,能量梯级利用水平普遍较低,在我国推进生态文明建设的过程中受到了重点关注.本研究以河南省一个典型的高能耗工业园区(永城经济技术开发区)为研究对象,对能量梯级利用措施带来的节能效果和大气污染物减排效益进行了定量的研究,并且结合CALPUFF模型分析园区能量梯级利用措施对周边城市大气环境质量的影响.结果表明:①通过应用能量梯级利用措施,有效地提高了能源的使用效率,并减少了SO2、NOx以及颗粒物等主要大气污染物的排放量.园区12条能量梯级利用链条的节能总量为10000 TJ, SO2和NOx排放量分别减少为611 t和1407 t, PM10 和PM2.5分别减少为82 t和45 t.②CALPUFF模拟结果显示园区采用能量梯级利用措施在一定程度上改善了城市大气环境的空气质量.永城市2017年4种污染物的最大1 h平均浓度在有能量梯级利用措施情景(S2)下和无能量梯级利用情景(S1)相比均有所降低,其中NOx降幅最为明显,在春秋两季为70 μg·m-3左右.  相似文献   

We have measured the optical and microphysical properties of smoke from burning plastic materials and other components of the urban fuel mix, including hydrocarbons, rubber, and wood, to provide information on the source term for possible aerosol clouds injected into the atmosphere following large scale urban fires. Our measurements included measurements of emission factors; in situ optical measurements of aerosol absorption, scattering, and attenuation; and collection of particles using both filters and cascade impactors for size and mass concentration determinations.These measurements were made under a variety of conditions to investigate the range of variation of these optical parameters and to relate observed differences in smoke properties to differences in fuel composition and fire conditions.The plastic data show average Be values near 10 m2 g−1 at 488 nm and 8 m2 g−1 at 633 nm. Values of Be measured during smoldering combustion are significantly less than in flaming combustion. Flaming combustion Be values for the rubber appear to be somewhat higher, particularly for the tire rubber; petroleum product fuel values are comparable to the plastic fuel values; and oak smoke emissions values are slightly lower than the plastic values. Measured 633 nm Ba values were approximately 6 m2 g−1 for the petroleum products, 7 m2 g−1 for the rubber, 6 m2 g−1 for the wood, and 6 m2 g−1 for the plastic.  相似文献   

基于投入产出分析方法,将城镇居民按照收入水平高低分为7个收入阶层,通过计算Suits指数值分析了我国能源资源税由从量征收向从价征收改革对城镇居民的收入分配效应.研究指出:单独实施煤炭资源税或天然气资源税改革具有累退效应,不利于收入分配公平;单独实施石油资源税改革则具有累进效应,有利于收入分配公平;在当前税率下同时实施3种能源资源税改革对收入分配公平基本没有影响;同时,需要关注能源资源税改革对低收入群体的影响,针对能源资源税改革导致低收入群体消费支出增加的情况,应制定相应补贴政策,降低对其福利水平的负面影响.  相似文献   

随着我国机动车数量的持续增长,交通运输行业已经成为仅次于工业部门的第二大能源消费部门,也是温室气体排放和空气污染物的主要贡献部门.为了支持低碳发展,自2009年起,中国便开始使用新能源汽车取代传统燃油汽车.通过上海市2016年纯电动和插电式混合动力的私家车、出租车和公交车的行驶情况、能源消耗和排放因子等数据,对新能源汽车运行过程以及所需电能生产过程中产生的大气污染物和CO2的排放量进行了测算,利用协同控制坐标系评价和污染物减排量交叉弹性分析方法探讨了新能源汽车的协同减排能力与效果.基于协同效益潜力分析结果,对推广3类新能源汽车的协同效益进行了排序,结果表明纯电动公交车具有最佳的碳减排和大气污染控制协同效益,纯电动以及插电式混合动力私家车和出租车对CO、NOx、NMHC、PM10都具有协同效益,而插电式混合动力公交车不具备协同效益.  相似文献   

中国城市居民生活能源碳排放的时空格局及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着经济社会的发展与人民生活水平的提高,生活用能强度逐年增大,城市居民生活能源碳排放日益成为碳排放的新增长点.本文采用Theil指数、空间自相关分析了我国城市居民生活能源碳排放的时空格局演变特征,并利用STIRPAT模型分析了影响城市居民生活能源碳排放的主要因素.结果表明:12001—2012年我国城市居民生活能源碳排放总量及人均生活能源碳排放量均呈增长趋势,其年增长率分别为9.69%、3.29%;2八大经济区域间城市居民人均生活能源碳排放的差异是构成我国城市居民人均生活能源碳排放总体差异的主要原因,其对总差异的贡献率达到了57.90%;3我国城市居民人均生活能源碳排放具有显著的空间正相关性,2001—2012年间城市居民人均生活能源碳排放的"冷点"区变化较为稳定,主要分布在东部和南部经济区,而"热点"区主要分布在西北、东北和黄河中游经济区;4城市人口规模、城市居民可支配收入、城市居民生活消费支出、城市居民年龄结构均对城市居民生活能源碳排放量具有加剧作用,而城市居民能源消费结构具有减缓作用,且北方城市居民生活能源碳排放量明显高于南方;5现有样本数据支持环境Kuznets曲线假说,即随着经济的发展,城市居民生活能源碳排放量存在转折点.  相似文献   

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