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Meeting the growing demand for food in the future will require adaptation of water and land management to future conditions. We studied the extent of different adaptation options to future global change in the Mediterranean region, under scenarios of water use and availability. We focused on the most significant adaptation options for semiarid regions: implementing irrigation, changes to cropland intensity, and diversification of cropland activities. We used Conversion of Land Use on Mondial Scale (CLUMondo), a global land system model, to simulate future change to land use and land cover, and land management. To take into account future global change, we followed global outlooks for future population and climate change, and crop and livestock demand. The results indicate that the level of irrigation efficiency improvement is an important determinant of potential changes in the intensity of rain-fed land systems. No or low irrigation efficiency improvements lead to a reduction in irrigated areas, accompanied with intensification and expansion of rain-fed cropping systems. When reducing water withdrawal, total crop production in intensive rain-fed systems would need to increase significantly: by 130% without improving the irrigation efficiency in irrigated systems and by 53% under conditions of the highest possible efficiency improvement. In all scenarios, traditional Mediterranean multifunctional land systems continue to play a significant role in food production, especially in hosting livestock. Our results indicate that significant improvements to irrigation efficiency with simultaneous increase in cropland productivity are needed to satisfy future demands for food in the region. The approach can be transferred to other similar regions with strong resource limitations in terms of land and water.  相似文献   

中国土地利用程度与生态系统服务强度脱钩分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈万旭  曾杰 《自然资源学报》2021,36(11):2853-2864
科学探索土地利用程度与生态系统服务强度之间的脱钩关系,可以有效揭示土地利用变化对生态系统的干扰程度,为土地利用政策制定和生态系统保护提供科学依据。但是,以往研究缺乏对中国县域尺度土地利用程度和生态系统服务强度之间脱钩关系的具体研究。为了弥补这一不足,结合2000—2015年间中国土地利用现状遥感监测数据以及植被覆盖度指数,采用生态系统服务强度和土地利用程度测度方法,分别测度了2000—2015年间中国县域尺度生态系统服务强度和土地利用程度的时空格局特征,并且借助脱钩分析理论框架探测二者之间的脱钩关系。研究结果表明:(1)研究期间中国生态系统服务强度呈现出显著的空间异质性,东南地区生态系统服务强度显著高于西北地区;平原地区、城市群地区以及大城市周边地区生态系统服务强度显著低于山地丘陵地区。(2)研究期间中国土地利用程度持续增加,东南地区土地利用程度明显高于西北地区,东南地区土地利用程度分布“高中有低”,西北地区土地利用程度分布“低中有高”。(3)脱钩分析结果表明强脱钩和扩张负脱钩是当前中国土地利用程度和生态系统服务强度二者的主要关系类型,前者是两难的窘境,后者是双赢的模式。研究发现土地利用不同阶段对生态系统服务强度的干扰呈现显著差异,结果可以为土地利用与生态系统管理政策的制定提供科学指导。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对三江平原生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:71,自引:0,他引:71       下载免费PDF全文
近年来三江平原土地利用的变化很大,研究其生系统服务价值的变化情况,可以为区域生态环境的保护和恢复提供科学依据.参照中国陆地生态系统单位面积服务价值表,利用三江平原两期土地利用数据,估算了土地利用变化引起的生态系统服务价值的变化.结果表明,1980~2000年三江平原耕地、城镇用地和水域面积有所增加,其余类型面积减少.其中耕地面积增加了30.70%;湿地面积减少了53.37%,该区域人文景观的影响已超过了自然景观.1980~2000年三江平原生态系统服务价值损失了538.87108元,损失幅度为28.62%.大面积湿地转化为农田是生态系统服务价值大幅度下降的主要原因.  相似文献   

作为连接自然过程与社会过程的桥梁与纽带,生态系统服务与人类福祉和可持续发展息息相关。土地利用/覆盖变化(Land Use/Land Cover Change,LUCC)是生态系统服务变化的重要原因之一,对生态系统服务的影响随着空间尺度的变化而变化。尺度问题一直是LUCC和生态系统服务理论研究与实践管理的重点与难点。系统理解LUCC对生态系统服务影响的尺度特征、尺度差异及尺度关联,对深入LUCC和生态系统服务的尺度效应研究、协调多层次管理机构的制度决策、缓解生态系统服务稀缺对社会经济发展的限制等具有重要意义。本文从空间尺度切入,基于国内外不同尺度LUCC对生态系统服务影响的理论研究和实践进展,总结归纳尺度的概念与内涵,整理介绍考虑空间尺度的研究框架,系统梳理LUCC对生态系统服务影响研究中的空间尺度选择、空间尺度特征及空间尺度关联,评析单一尺度和多尺度研究方法的特点。并提出未来研究中应在构建人文因素与自然因素相结合的研究框架、阐释LUCC对生态系统服务影响的尺度效应、完善LUCC对生态系统服务影响的尺度分析方法等方面开展更深入的研究。  相似文献   

基于生态服务价值的上海土地利用变化影响评价   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
基于Costanza的生态系统服务单价和我国国情,评估了上海中心城区1947~2006年土地利用变化对区域生态系统服务功能的影响.研究表明,60年间生态系统服务功能总体下降了87.96%,可分为缓慢减少、剧烈减少、趋缓减少和缓慢上升4个阶段,各阶段生态系统服务价值年均变化分别为-278.90×104,-2451.60×104,-88.89×104,36.66×104元/a.17类生态系统服务功能中,土壤侵蚀控制、栖息地、文化功能和扰动调节功能呈正增长,其中20年来绿地面积和绿化覆盖率持续增加是侵蚀控制功能和栖息地功能显著增加的主要原因.60年来水域面积大量减少使得水分调节和水供应功能的降幅巨大,两者对中心城区生态系统服务功能减少的贡献率为63.74%和24.33%.水域、耕地、绿地、城市住宅和公共建筑用地的生态系统服务功能变化,对中心城区生态系统服务功能减少的贡献率为99.57%,5.09%,-4.09%,-0.34%, -0.22%.除水域和耕地的生态系统服务功能显著下降外,其余均有上升,其中绿地的生态系统服务价值增幅最大,年增长率为19.45%.  相似文献   

收缩情境下城市土地利用及其生态系统服务的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
吴康  李耀川 《自然资源学报》2019,34(5):1121-1134
随着国际国内社会经济环境的变化,城市收缩这一新现象逐渐在我国部分城市区域空间中呈现,成为未来新型城镇化转型的挑战之一。在简要梳理城市收缩相关文献的基础上,以土地利用为主线,重点关注收缩情景下的土地利用模拟及其政策、空置土地与城市生态系统服务等方面的相关研究。研究结果表明:(1)当前对城市收缩问题的研究主要集中于人口变动和经济发展维度,对由此引发的土地利用以及生态系统变化关注较少。(2)土地利用模拟在分析和预测收缩情境下的城市土地利用变化上具有较大价值,但不同模型适用于不同研究情景,复合模型将具有更好的解释力。(3)土地利用政策的制定和实施应充分考虑经济社会各方面诉求,绿色空间存储制度是促进收缩城市可持续发展的有力措施。(4)城市收缩产生的空置土地为发展生态系统服务提供了空间,应发展适用于我国城市收缩的生态系统服务评估方法。在我国城镇化进入“存量模式”甚至“减量模式”的背景下,应加大对城市收缩情景下土地利用和生态系统维度的研究,要积极借鉴并整合资源科学、地理学、生态学、管理科学和城市规划等相关学科的研究方法,并紧密结合我国当前城市发展和空间规划所面临的现实问题,促进城市收缩研究的方法创新和收缩城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

从围填海负面生态影响的货币化评估的必要性和重要性入手,基于国内外相关研究的分析,将海岸带生态系统服务划分为两大类,一类是提供物质性产品和条件的供给服务;另一类是提供其他非物质性的服务,包括调节、文化和支持服务,并对供给、调节、文化和支持四类服务各自包含的具体子服务加以识别.在此基础上,针对海岸带生态系统提供的各类服务自身的特点,运用直接市场法、替代市场法、调查评价法和成果参照法,提出了围填海造成的海岸带生态系统服务损害的货币化评估技术选择的基本框架,并构建了四类服务(子服务)损耗货币化的相应评估模型.  相似文献   

Coastal areas of developed countries have been altered by human activities, especially since the mid-20th century. This has notably affected the flow of ecosystem services that these environments provide. In this context, this paper’s research has focused on the historical evolution of socio-ecological dynamics and ecosystem services in a Mediterranean coastal landscape, characterized by the intense development of recent decades and the high biodiversity value. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and analyzed through different methods (document and spatial analysis, statistical treatment). Results show the long history of many ecosystem services (increase/decrease in food provisioning, stabilization/decline of regulating services and no use/intense use of cultural services) and their decline in recent decades due to industrial and residential development (which expanded from 1.7 to 47.5%). To overcome this situation, this paper discusses the current state of ecosystem services and conservation tasks carried out and how the results of the research can be included in the different elements of the governance of shoreline areas.  相似文献   

生态系统服务价值及空间分布变化与土地利用方式的改变有密切关系,不同生态服务空间上也存在权衡和协同的复杂关系.基于1980年、1990年、2000年和2010年4期土地利用数据,利用InVEST模拟了洞庭湖区域历史5种生态服务功能的变化(碳储量、生境质量、产水量功能、水质净化功能和土壤保持功能),并采用生态系统服务权衡度...  相似文献   

Groundwater in sufficient amounts and of suitable quality is essential for potable water supplies, crop irrigation and healthy habitats for plant and animal biocenoses. The groundwater resource is currently under severe pressure from land use and pollution and there is evidence of dramatic changes in aquifer resources in Europe and elsewhere, despite numerous policy measures on sustainable use and protection of groundwater. Little is known about how such changes affect groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs), which include various aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems above ground and inside the aquifer. Future management must take this uncertainty into account. This paper focuses on multiple aspects of groundwater science, policy and sustainable management. Examples of current management methods and practices are presented for selected aquifers in Europe and an assessment is made of the effectiveness of existing policies such as the European Water Framework Directive and the Habitat Directive in practice and of how groundwaters and GDEs are managed in various conditions. The paper highlights a number of issues that should be considered in an integrated and holistic approach to future management of groundwater and its dependent ecosystems.  相似文献   

环境问题与社会经济发展关系机理错综复杂,研究环境承载力状态对实现区域可持续发展具有重要意义.基于资源环境复合系统原理,构建"经济-资源-环境"系统动力学模型,通过生态系统评估的4种情景时间序列动态仿真,探索经济社会发展的优化方案.结果表明:全球协同和技术家园更适合福州市自身发展需求,为保持福州市经济发展的可持续性,应优先选用全球协同发展模式,后期可逐步向技术家园发展模式转变.福州市作为生态文明思想重要实践地,在提高经济发展水平的同时,需更好地保护生态环境,实现经济-资源-环境协同发展.研究结果在一定程度上可为经济社会发展模式提供科学依据.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲位于"辽宁沿海经济带",拥有重要的自然保护区和保存完好的大面积芦苇沼泽和以盐地碱蓬为主的潮间带盐沼,栖息着多种濒危物种.1980年以来,农业开发、水产养殖、油气开采活动加剧,使得该区域生态环境发生巨变.本研究分析了1980—2010年,辽河三角洲土地利用时空变化轨迹及驱动过程,并应用InVEST模型模拟了碳储存、生境质量、水质净化3种生态系统服务的时空变化,在此基础上进一步分析了土地利用变化与生态系统服务的关系.研究结果表明:辽河三角洲地区土地利用变化以围垦、修复、淤积3种驱动为主,社会经济驱动主导,自然驱动明显.碳储量和生境质量呈下降趋势,而水质净化功能波动变化.土地利用和生态系统服务相关性表明湿地可以提供较高水平的3种生态服务功能,而生态服务功能低的区域则多与建设用地重合.在规划保护区或实施保护性修复措施时,应优先考虑3种生态系统服务的高价值区域,以实现高效、经济的生态环境保护.  相似文献   

为研究喀斯特区域土地利用变化对生态系统服务功能的影响,参照中国陆地生态系统单位服务价值系数,根据土地利用变化对广西环江县的生态系统服务价值进行了估算.结果表明,1988~1999 年,研究区的生态系统服务价值增加了3.58×108 元,增幅为6.45%,大量未利用地转化为生态价值系数较高的耕地、草地是其增加的主要原因.单项服务功能中,食物生产价值增幅最大,原材料价值减少.敏感性分析表明,生态系统服务价值对价值系数缺乏弹性,研究结果可信.由于该区处于生存型经济发展阶段,开发中应采取积极的生态环境保护措施,并提高土地集约利用度,实现区域生态系统持续向健康型发展.  相似文献   

Riparian plant community composition is influenced by moisture, erosion, original native plant communities, and current and past land use. This study compared riparian plant communities under four types of management: woody buffer strip, grassy buffer strip, rotational grazing, and continuous grazing. Study sites were located along spring-fed streams in the unglaciated region of southwestern Wisconsin, USA. At each site, plant community surveys were conducted using a point transect method. Among the treatments, woody buffer strips, rotationally grazed and continuously grazed riparian areas had greater plant species richness than grassy buffer strips, and woody buffer strips had the greatest native plant species richness. Reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) was prevalent in grassy buffer strips (44% of all observations), common in woody buffer strips (15%), and rare in sites that were rotationally or continuously grazed (3 and 5%, respectively). Pasture sites had greater proportions of native grasses and grass relatives and moderate levels of overall native species richness. Considered a water quality best management practice, well-managed rotational grazing may be a reasonable alternative to buffer strips which can contribute to protection and enhancement of native vegetation biodiversity.  相似文献   


Most impacts on ecosystem services (ESs) are related to land use changes that may cause ecosystem fragmentation and loss of ecosystem functions. Spatial planning focused on sustainable landscape development should consider the local potential for providing ESs as well as ecological conservation due to land use changes. To better address the issues that are related to ecological and the ecological and environmental conservation, ecological compensation could coordinate the development of the energy, the economy, and the environment by internalizing environmental externalities and adjusting for the relationships with stakeholders’ benefits. In this study, we developed a framework for analyzing the spatial characteristics of land uses and calculating ecological compensation based on pay for ecosystem services (PESs) from 1995 to 2010 in the upstream of Min River, China. In terms of lacunarity analysis, we firstly explored the spatial patterns of land uses in these two periods that occurred at different spatial characteristic scales. We also observed a strong relationship between lacunarity values and the different distribution patterns of land uses. We then investigated changes in ESs in response to land use change through the assignment of per unit area ecological service value (ESV) method. The total value of ESs dropped from 449.97 billion yuan in 1995 to 441.35 billion yuan in 2010, exhibiting decreasing rate, mainly due to the degradation of woodlands. Soil formation and retention, gas regulation, and biodiversity protection were the three largest ESs, contributing about 50% of the total ESV. Considering the changed relation between social and economic indicators and ESV based on spatial visualization and analysis, we finally constructed a quantitative estimate model for ecological compensation taking a village as study unit and determined standard value so as to evaluate ecological compensation from 1995 to 2010. Spatial differences of the ecological compensation were significant among all the villages and towns. The maximum ecological compensation account (ranged from 1.68 to 8.54 billion yuan) appeared in the villages approximated to Li County, Heishui County, and Songpan County, Sichuan, People’s Republic of China. This proposed framework provides a better understanding of spatial characteristic scales of land uses and enables evaluation of the ecological integrity of landscapes. It also fills up the gap in the field of quantitative evaluation of regional ecological compensation and provides a feasible way to reconcile the conflicts among benefits in the economic, social, and ecological sectors.


In order to assess the impact of policies to encourage extensification in less favoured areas and improve our knowledge of extensive livestock systems, we analyzed relationships between the diversity of grassland vegetation and land use management practices and field characteristics. This study, conducted on a mountainous area in the centre of France, was based on 149 fields, mainly of natural grasslands belonging to 7 farmers. Regression analyses were performed to analyze the relations between the grassland vegetation types (five types established from the list of dominant species), management practices (cutting versus grazing and fertilization) and the topographic (altitude and aspect) and topologic (slope, distance and surface area) characteristics of the fields. The land use management rules used by the farmers were studied by specifying the grazing management rules of the herd (dairy cows), as well as those for conserved forage (mainly hay or silage) and were identified from observations mentioned on the “grazing schedules”, as well as from interviews at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the study period. The statistical analysis showed that neither the topographic characteristics of the fields nor the distance from the cowshed or surface area were correlated with the grassland vegetation types. It was the management practices used, largely determined by the field slope, which determined the grassland vegetation type. On the other hand, farmers’ statements showed that the grazing and cutting management rules were mostly determined by the slope of the fields and the distance from the cowshed and, to a lesser extent, by the altitude and aspect. These results showed that the farmers take into consideration environmental differences when choosing fields to allocate for grazing and cutting at different seasons, particularly when they are constrained by these features. Nevertheless, when the constraints were minimal, a wide diversity of grassland vegetation types was also observed. This diversity was a result of attributing different functions to the fields which led to different management practices (defoliation methods and fertilization) and, thus, to different grassland vegetation types. Consequently, for farms where animal feed requirements vary according to the time of the year and the type of animal, we suggest that diversity in the grassland vegetation types is a sound component of these livestock systems.  相似文献   

Brilli  L.  Lugato  E.  Moriondo  M.  Gioli  B.  Toscano  P.  Zaldei  A.  Leolini  L.  Cantini  C.  Caruso  G.  Gucci  R.  Merante  P.  Dibari  C.  Ferrise  R.  Bindi  M.  Costafreda-Aumedes  S. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2019,24(3):467-491

The need to reduce the expected impact of climate change, finding sustainable ways to maintain or increase the carbon (C) sequestration capacity and productivity of agricultural systems, is one of the most important challenges of the twenty-first century. Olive (Olea europaea L.) groves can play a fundamental role due to their potential to sequester C in soil and woody compartments, associated with widespread cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. The implementation of field experiments to assess olive grove responses under different conditions, complemented by simulation models, can be a powerful approach to explore future land-atmosphere C feedbacks. The DayCent biogeochemical model was calibrated and validated against observed net ecosystem exchange, net primary productivity, aboveground biomass, leaf area index, and yield in two Italian olive groves. In addition, potential changes in C-sequestration capacity and productivity were assessed under two types of management (extensive and intensive), 35 climate change scenarios (ΔT-temperature from +?0 °C to +?3 °C; ΔP-precipitation from 0.0 to ??20%), and six areas across the Mediterranean basin (Brindisi, Coimbra, Crete, Cordoba, Florence, and Montpellier). The results indicated that (i) the DayCent model, properly calibrated, can be used to quantify olive grove daily net ecosystem exchange and net primary production dynamics; (ii) a decrease in net ecosystem exchange and net primary production is predicted under both types of management by approaching the most extreme climate conditions (ΔT?=?+?3 °C; ΔP?=???20%), especially in dry and warm areas; (iii) irrigation can compensate for net ecosystem exchange and net primary production losses in almost all areas, while ecophysiological air temperature thresholds determine the magnitude and sign of C-uptake; (iv) future warming is expected to modify the seasonal net ecosystem exchange and net primary production pattern, with higher photosynthetic activity in winter and a prolonged period of photosynthesis inhibition during summer compared to the baseline; (v) a substantial decrease in mitigation capacity and productivity of extensively managed olive groves is expected to accelerate between +?1.5 and +?2 °C warming compared to the current period, across all Mediterranean areas; (vi) adaptation measures aimed at increasing soil water content or evapotranspiration reduction should be considered the mostly suitable for limiting the decrease of both production and mitigation capacity in the next decades.


生态系统服务功能价值法是土地利用规划环境影响评价中应用较为广泛的方法之一,然而其存在不同研究区域之间可比性较弱的问题,为增强可比性,本次研究引入灰靶理论及熵权理论,构建了熵权灰靶生态系统服务价值模型,并将其应用于山西省晋城市之中.结果表明,在规划目标年,晋城市下辖各区县中,城区、高平市、阳城县、泽州县、陵川县及沁水县的靶心度分别为0.3354、0.3913、0.4962、0.5020、0.5521及1.0000,进而基于上述结果,对晋城市下辖各区县提出了差异化的土地利用意见建议.本次研究成果从理论研究与实际工作方面都对晋城市及其它地区土地利用规划环境影响评价提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

Sub-Saharan Africa is large and diverse with regions of food insecurity and high vulnerability to climate change. This project quantifies carbon stocks and fluxes in the humid forest zone of Ghana, as a part of an assessment in West Africa. The General Ensemble biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) was used to simulate the responses of natural and managed systems to projected scenarios of changes in climate, land use and cover, and nitrogen fertilization in the Assin district of Ghana. Model inputs included historical land use and cover data, historical climate records and projected climate changes, and national management inventories. Our results show that deforestation for crop production led to a loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) by 33% from 1900 to 2000. The results also show that the trend of carbon emissions from cropland in the 20th century will continue through the 21st century and will be increased under the projected warming and drying scenarios. Nitrogen (N) fertilization in agricultural systems could offset SOC loss by 6% with 30 kg N ha−1 year−1 and by 11% with 60 kg N ha−1 year−1. To increase N fertilizer input would be one of the vital adaptive measures to ensure food security and maintain agricultural sustainability through the 21st century.  相似文献   

为解决线状河流生态系统服务价值核算长期停留在均一性核算,难以体现空间差异性的问题,整合高精度遥感数据和常规数据,区分源于河槽、滩地和河流整体3种空间的生态系统服务类型,梳理GIS平台运算的方法和参数,构建了宽滩型河流生态系统服务价值空间核算成套方法,并应用于辽河干流。结果表明:2013年辽河干流生态系统服务总价值为537.39亿元,其中洪水调蓄服务占比最高(46.99%),其次是气候调节服务(29.22%);不同土地利用类型单位面积生态系统服务价值存在差异,河槽和坑塘较高,旱地、灌木林、有林地、草地、滩涂和水田较低且数值接近;2013年辽河干流生态系统服务总价值比2009年增长了101.63亿元;辽河干流流经的铁岭、沈阳、鞍山和盘锦4个市中,单位面积生态系统服务价值和生态系统服务总价值均以辽河口的盘锦市为最高。  相似文献   

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