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城市工业企业搬迁与退役遗留大量污染场地,其潜在环境风险受到各国政府的高度重视。在化学品风险/毒性评估的基础上,欧美等发达国家(地区)率先发展和形成了独具特色的环境风险评估框架。我国在借鉴吸纳国外先进经验的基础上,逐步形成符合国情的场地环境风险评估框架。笔者系统梳理了我国和美国、欧盟、荷兰、英国等国家(地区)的污染场地环境风险评估框架形成与发展历程;分析阐释了各框架的首要目标、决策与管理过程、科学定位、关键创新等要素及其内涵;揭示了各个国家(地区)在特定历史时期关键法律法规、政策与技术文件等的推动、支撑及指导作用等。通过对比研究可为我国场地环境风险评估框架的完善与创新发展提供有益参考。  相似文献   

原油储罐火灾环境风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以大港油田东二站原油储罐为例,预测其发生火灾事故对环境的影响范围及程度,并提出可行的预防及应急措施。  相似文献   

石油烃污染场地环境风险评价与风险管理   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
石油烃污染场地是我国最突出环境问题之一,目前该领域的环境风险评价与管理仍十分薄弱.论文较系统地分析了国际上石油烃污染场地环境管理方法的特点和发展趋势,并结合我国的实际情况,提出了在我国建立基于风险的石油烃污染场地环境管理模式的对策建议,同时指出了问题最突出、形势最为紧迫的污染场地类型,即加油站和储油罐的渗漏问题.该类石油烃污染场地分布广,危害严重,需要高度重视这一方面的研究与环境管理.基于风险的石油烃污染场地环境管理中,污染场地的环境风险评价是核心内容.围绕这一中心问题,论文深入阐述了包括基于风险的场地分类方法、场地环境标准的制定、评价指标的选取以及模型方法的应用等内容,指出目前国际上对于石油烃污染场地管理的主流模式主要呈现4大特点:1)基于风险的场地管理取代了通用的、一刀切的环境质量标准;2)分层次的方法(Tiered Approach)得到广泛采用;3)指示污染物和石油馏分相结合的方法逐渐取代了基于总石油烃的评价方法;4)各种预测模型得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

Wanda  M.  A.  Hoskin  戴居峰 《产业与环境》2005,27(2):39-42
出于对人类健康的担忧,加拿大采取手段限制人为汞排放.汞是一种在环境中普遍存在的天然元素.接触途径很复杂.科学文献、政策和法规都涉及到环境中的汞水平,不过所涉及的都是甲基汞(一种神经毒素).把汞颗粒和活性汞甲基化合成有机甲基汞会产生毒性作用.加拿大政府已经颁布了一套政策法规以期最大程度地降低甲基汞和其他有毒化学品对健康和环境的危险性,并与加拿大各省政府和地区政府进行合作,积极参与双边、区域和国际活动.  相似文献   

杭州市城市和郊区表土磷库及环境风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杭州市城市和郊区土壤磷素具有明显的积累特征并有较高的潜在释放能力。可提取态P(包括H2O-P、NaHCO3-P.NaOH-P和HCl-P)平均在80%左右,其中以HCl—P的比例最高,平均约55%。32个研究土样中,26个土样的水可溶性(H20—P)在10mg/kg以上,15个土样的NaHCO3—P在100mg/kg以上。酸性条件下P的释放潜力明显增加。土壤水溶性P含量及在酸性条件下P的释放量与土壤总P呈正相关,与土壤pH负相关。  相似文献   

九龙江流域规模化养殖环境风险评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在GIS支持下采用养分收支平衡法对九龙江流域规模化生猪养殖的环境风险进行评价。规模化养殖污染负荷在不同类型养殖场的分配、空间分布规律以及规模化养殖的环境风险评价结果表明:规模化养猪业年产粪尿量达107万t,以小型规模化养殖场产生的污染负荷最高;整体来看,规模化生猪养殖的环境风险不大,但由于养殖场的地理分布集中,造成近郊区域规模化养殖的环境风险极高;由于过多施用化肥,中远郊规模化养殖粪尿未得到合理利用而流失。位于水系附近的养殖场对水体影响较大,根据“福建省畜禽养殖污染防治管理办法”,为减少规模化生猪养殖对九龙江水质的直接威胁,需搬迁主要支流沿岸1km范围内的规模化养猪场250个。  相似文献   

为评估聚乙烯醇生产中精馏残渣组分及其环境污染风险,为此类危险废物的环境管理提供技术支持,采集华东某聚乙烯醇生产企业的精馏残渣,分析其重金属以及有机污染物含量,并评估其环境风险。研究结果表明聚乙烯醇精馏残渣主要来自生产环节中的醋酸乙烯精制工段,残渣中的有机物组分主要为醋酸及其他有机酸类,其中醋酸的相对含量达到63.47%;残渣中的重金属主要包括Zn、Ni和Cr,其含量分别为404 537 mg·kg-1,8 654 mg·kg-1和5 084 mg·kg-1。环境风险评价的结果表明残渣中有机物污染物引起的环境风险在可接受范围内,而重金属污染严重,同时有很高潜在生态风险。精馏残渣中的主要环境污染风险因子为醋酸、Zn和Ni。  相似文献   

通过对欧洲国家及澳大利亚、新西兰所使用的风险评价与风险管理方法的全面回顾和综合分析,探讨了各种不同方法的异同及利弊,辨识了环境和人类健康风险的有效、通用和综合方法中所遵循的决策清单.根据先进国家的经验,提出了构建中国环境风险管理的标准、结构及流程,以期为我国环境风险管理提供决策支持.  相似文献   

闽江流域畜禽粪便的污染负荷及其环境风险评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从闽江流域畜禽养殖业现状分析入手,根据作物所需畜禽粪尿肥的最大量,估算流域各县市的畜禽污染物产生量和农田畜禽粪便负荷量,对各县市畜禽养殖粪便污染进行潜在的环境风险评价.结果表明:闽江流域大多数集约化养殖场集中分布于中上游,并有向下游扩散的趋势;流域农田畜禽粪便负荷量平均达22.95 t·hm-2·a-1;整个流域的畜禽污染已对环境产生风险,尤其是富屯溪、沙溪流域更为突出.  相似文献   

九龙江流域规模化养殖环境风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在G IS支持下采用养分收支平衡法对九龙江流域规模化生猪养殖的环境风险进行评价。规模化养殖污染负荷在不同类型养殖场的分配、空间分布规律以及规模化养殖的环境风险评价结果表明:规模化养猪业年产粪尿量达107万t,以小型规模化养殖场产生的污染负荷最高;整体来看,规模化生猪养殖的环境风险不大,但由于养殖场的地理分布集中,造成近郊区域规模化养殖的环境风险极高;由于过多施用化肥,中远郊规模化养殖粪尿未得到合理利用而流失。位于水系附近的养殖场对水体影响较大,根据“福建省畜禽养殖污染防治管理办法”,为减少规模化生猪养殖对九龙江水质的直接威胁,需搬迁主要支流沿岸1 km范围内的规模化养猪场250个。  相似文献   

Organizations seeking better methods for conservation have attempted to use participatory processes to fulfill human and ecological/environmental goals. As a result, the academic literature is filled with examples of community-level approaches to conservation. While such case studies are highly valuable, much of this literature has placed a strong emphasis on the institutional conditions surrounding successful participatory practices. Here, we seek to complement the participatory conservation literature with the community participation literature, which has tended to follow an actor-centered (e.g., residents) approach to successful participatory practices. By merging these two literatures, our goal is to offer a holistic framework that accounts for a more comprehensive understanding of the different forms and benefits of participation. We hope this framework will serve as a tool for field practitioners to implement the most effective action plans resulting in greater future successes.  相似文献   

Multimedia environmental modeling is extremely complex due to the intricacy of the systems with the consideration of many related factors. Traditional environmental multimedia models (EMMs) are usually based on one-dimensional and first-order assumptions, which may cause numerical errors in the simulation results. In this study, a new user-friendly fuzzy-set enhanced environmental multimedia modeling system (FEEMMS) is developed, and includes four key modules: an air dispersion module, a polluting source module, an unsaturated zone module, and a groundwater module. Many improvements over previous EMMs have been achieved through dynamically quantifying the intermedia mass flux; incorporating fuzzy-set approach into environmental multimedia modeling system (EMMS); and designing a user-friendly graphic user interface (GUI). The developed FEEMMS can be a useful tool in estimating the time-varying and spatial-varying chemical concentrations in air, soil, and groundwater; characterizing the potential risk to human health presented by contaminants released from a contaminated site; and quantifying the uncertainties associated with modeling systems and subsequently providing robustness and flexibility for the remediation-related decision making.  相似文献   

北京市密云县耕地畜禽粪便负荷估算及风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以北京市密云水库水体环境保护为出发点,以土壤-植物营养学原理和科学施肥理论为指导,根据作物所需畜禽粪尿肥的最大量,估算密云县各乡镇耕地的畜禽粪便最大负荷量,并与当地畜禽粪便实际负荷量进行比较,对各乡镇畜禽养殖规模进行潜在环境风险评价。结果表明:该流域中古北口、石城和番字牌3个乡镇风险最大,北庄较大。  相似文献   


Urban ecological risk (UER) caused by rapid urbanization means potential threat to urban ecosystem structure, pattern and services. The scales of ecological risk assessment (ERA) have been expanded from individual organisms to watersheds and regions. The types of stressor range from chemical to physical, biological and natural events. However, the application of ERA in urban ecosystems is relatively new. Here, we summarize the progress of urban ERA and propose an explicit framework to illumine future ERA based on UER identification, analysis, characterization, modeling, projection and early warning and management. The summary includes six urban ERA-relevant methods: weight-of-evidence (WoE), procedure for ecological tiered assessment of risks (PETAR), relative risk model (RRM), multimedia, multi-pathway, multi-receptor risk assessment (3MRA), landscape analysis and ecological models. Furthermore, we review critical cases of urban ERA in landscape ecology, soil, air, water and solid waste. Based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, an urban ERA management platform integrates various urban ERA methodologies that can be developed to provide better implementation strategies of UER for urban ecosystem managers and stakeholders. We develop a conceptual model of urban ERA based on the urban characteristics in China. The future applications of urban ERA include uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo techniques on the basis of geospatial techniques and comprehensive urban ERA using nonlinear models or process models.  相似文献   

Research in reintroduction biology has provided a greater understanding of the often limited success of species reintroductions and highlighted the need for scientifically rigorous approaches in reintroduction programs. We examined the recent genetic‐based captive‐breeding and reintroduction literature to showcase the underuse of the genetic data gathered. We devised a framework that takes full advantage of the genetic data through assessment of the genetic makeup of populations before (past component of the framework), during (present component), and after (future component) captive‐breeding and reintroduction events to understand their conservation potential and maximize their success. We empirically applied our framework to two small fishes: Yarra pygmy perch (Nannoperca obscura) and southern pygmy perch (Nannoperca australis). Each of these species has a locally adapted and geographically isolated lineage that is endemic to the highly threatened lower Murray–Darling Basin in Australia. These two populations were rescued during Australia's recent decade‐long Millennium Drought, when their persistence became entirely dependent on captive‐breeding and subsequent reintroduction efforts. Using historical demographic analyses, we found differences and similarities between the species in the genetic impacts of past natural and anthropogenic events that occurred in situ, such as European settlement (past component). Subsequently, successful maintenance of genetic diversity in captivity—despite skewed brooder contribution to offspring—was achieved through carefully managed genetic‐based breeding (present component). Finally, genetic monitoring revealed the survival and recruitment of released captive‐bred offspring in the wild (future component). Our holistic framework often requires no additional data collection to that typically gathered in genetic‐based breeding programs, is applicable to a wide range of species, advances the genetic considerations of reintroduction programs, and is expected to improve with the use of next‐generation sequencing technology.  相似文献   

• Framework of indicators was established based on energy efficiency and recovery. • Energy neutrality potential of 970 wastewater treatment plants was evaluated. • Analysis of characteristics and explanatory factors was carried out. • Pathways for improving the energy neutrality potential were proposed. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) consume large amounts of energy and emit greenhouse gases to remove pollutants. This study proposes a framework for evaluating the energy neutrality potential (ENP) of WWTPs from an integrated perspective. Operational data of 970 WWTPs in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) were extracted from the China Urban Drainage Yearbook 2018. The potential chemical and thermal energies were estimated using combined heat and power (CHP) and water source heat pump, respectively. Two key performance indicators (KPIs) were then established: the energy self-sufficiency (ESS) indicator, which reflects the offset degree of energy recovery, and the comprehensive water–energy efficiency (CWEE) indicator, which characterizes the efficiency of water–energy conversion. For the qualitative results, 98 WWTPs became the benchmark (i.e., CWEE= 1.000), while 112 WWTPs were fully self-sufficient (i.e., ESS≥100%). Subsequently, four types of ENP were classified by setting the median values of the two KPIs as the critical value. The WWTPs with high ENP had high net thermal energy values and relatively loose discharge limits. The explanatory factor analysis of water quantity and quality verified the existence of scale economies. Sufficient carbon source and biodegradability condition were also significant factors. As the CWEE indicator was mostly sensitive to the input of CHP, future optimization shall focus on the moisture and organic content of sludge. This study proposes a novel framework for evaluating the ENP of WWTPs. The results can provide guidance for optimizing the energy efficiency and recovery of WWTPs.  相似文献   

In Greece, environmental interpretation is in its infancy as an academic field. In particular, there are no nature guides or specific conservation objectives, and no professional training for non-formal environmental educators and/or interpreters. In view of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, this paper develops and recommends a training model for environmental educator/interpreter guides in protected areas and sensitive ecotourism settings in Greece. An investigation was undertaken into training programmes in developed and less developed ecotourism countries, where environmental interpretation is practiced in the sustainable management of sensitive areas. The proposed model is based mainly on interpretive training programmes of other developed and less developed countries. This model introduces the art of environmental interpretation as a form of non-formal environmental education, integrated in strategic communication in protected areas and sensitive ecotourism areas in Greece. The developed model takes into consideration the special social settings and biophysical environments of Greece. Moreover, a professional environmental interpreter group is recommended to support the role of management authorities in protected areas.  相似文献   

With the rise of environmentalism in China, great efforts have been devoted to environmental protection over the past several decades. Compared with urban environmental protection, rural environmental protection has not been attached enough importance in China due to the dual-track structure of socio-economic development. As a result, rural China is shouldering disproportionally heavy environmental burdens partly because of the differences and biases between urban and rural environmental protection seen in environmental policies, environmental rights and interests, environmental protection investment, and the environmental protection awareness of people. To eliminate the gap between rural and urban environmental protection, and achieve the goal of “balanced urban–rural environmental protection” (BUREP), government should consider mapping out proper policies and strategies. In this paper we put forward an innovative strategy of BUREP against the background of China’s urban-rural environmental protection. First, we review the current status of rural environmental protection status and its challenges compared with urban environmental protection in China. Secondly, we analyzed the main driving factors and reasons deeply, and then we put forward the BUREP strategy base on the unequal status between urban and rural environment. Finally, we proposed the framework of BUREP. This study may serve as a scientific reference regarding decision-making in coordinating urban and rural environmental protection and in constructing the new countryside of China.  相似文献   

Some phenols, including pentachlorophenol, dichlorophenol, alkylphenols (nonylphenol & octylphenol) and bisphenol-A, have been identified as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). These phenolic EDCs are extensively used in a wide range of household products, thus posing potential health risks for humans exposed to them. From the viewpoints of ecotoxicology, human health and regulations, it is urgent to restrict the emissions and releases of these estrogenic chemicals from the industrial processes and commercial products. This review article first focused on the physicochemical properties of phenolic EDCs and their industrial/commercial uses. Furthermore, their environmental distributions and regulatory frameworks for integrated risk management of these chemicals in Taiwan were conducted as a case study. Emphasis was thus put on the cross-ministerial joint venture (i.e., environment, health, agriculture, labor, and industry authorities), and the government policy on the risk management of EDCs. Finally, some recommendations for pollution prevention and toxicity reduction of phenolic EDCs were also addressed and analyzed to progress towards a sustainable society in Taiwan.  相似文献   

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