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为提高相变调温防护服的阻燃性能,以保障工作人员的生命安全,系统开展阻燃型相变微胶囊涂层织物的制备与阻燃性能研究。选取2种相变温度的相变微胶囊、2种阻燃基布,利用干法涂层工艺制备相变微胶囊涂层织物;选取2种阻燃剂,以45%和75%的比例涂覆在相变微胶囊涂层的表面,制成16种阻燃型相变微胶囊涂层织物。基于锥形量热仪进行涂层织物阻燃性能测试,分析阻燃剂对涂层织物阻燃性能的影响。结果表明:与未进行阻燃整理的涂层织物相比,有机硅阻燃剂涂层织物的总热释放量平均下降42.22%,磷氮型阻燃剂涂层织物的总热释放量平均下降25.07%,并且随着阻燃剂含量的增加,总热释放量呈下降趋势。另外,有机硅型阻燃剂明显降低了热释放速率与总热释放量,而磷氮型阻燃剂有效地延长了织物开始释放热量的时间和热释放速率达到峰值的时间。因此,2种阻燃剂从不同角度优化了相变微胶囊涂层织物的阻燃性能,提高了相变调温防护服的使用安全性。  相似文献   

最近几年,人们对防水透气织物的研究有了长足的进步,除了在涂层及涂层材料上有所改进外,用于涂层的织物类型也拓宽了,如商品名为Tactel、Supplex的尼龙织物也被用于涂层,它们的使用,使防水透气涂层织物既具有棉织物一样的舒适性,又有棉织物所不具备的美丽外观。  相似文献   

本文阐述了现代软质防弹防刺服缓冲材料种类、使用的作用及目的,研究了缓冲材料的厚度、密度、拉伸强度、顶破强力等性能,比较了其与各种防弹防刺材料搭配后的防护效果性能,最终筛选出合适的缓冲材料。  相似文献   

由山东科亿达集团有限公司研制开发的聚氨脂湿法防水透湿涂层织物日前通过了由山东省组织召开的专家鉴定。 这个公司根据国内外贸易和人民生活提高的需要,1997年从日本引进了聚氨脂湿法防水透湿涂层织物生产线,经过两年多攻关  相似文献   

高分子膜在防护服防水透湿方面的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1 前言 防水性和透湿性是防护服用性能中性质相反而又紧密联系的两个重要指标。单纯对织物进行防水处理是很容易的,例如,对织物进行橡胶或树脂涂层,防水效果极佳,但透湿性很差,穿着有湿闷感。如何既保证织物的防水性又使织物具有透湿性,科研工作者经过长期努力,开发了一系列具有防水透湿性的高分子薄膜,采用涂层或层压的办法复台到织物上,获得了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

1 国内外防水透湿织物现状分析 1.1 防水透湿织物研发概况 防水透湿织物是世界纺织业不断向高档次发展独具特色的功能性面料,具有防风、保暖、防水、透湿、拒水等特殊功能。在过去几十年中,聚乙烯、氯丁橡胶、聚氨脂等涂层织物已得到普遍应用。尽管涂层织物服装具有优越的防雨防风性,获得完全的防水机能,但是由于大量汗液无法以蒸汽形式排出,在服装内部形成冷凝水,使人体有粘湿、发闷等不舒适感,在恶劣条件下甚至会结冰而  相似文献   

刘茜 《劳动保护》1997,(8):45-46
荷兰阿克苏公司的Sympatex产品是防水透湿服装最新技术的结晶。阿克苏公司宣称,它的Sympatex薄膜的高超技术使其在欧洲全天候服装市场上独领风骚。全天候服装的市场日益扩大,竞争日趋激烈。Sympatex和它的主要竞争对手Goretex都是将合成薄膜应用于层压织物中,而且代表了所谓“防水透湿”的最高水平。涂层织物和采用超细纤维特殊织造并整理的高织物也能在一定程度上赋予织物防水透湿功能,而Sympatex所不同的是其薄膜没有微孔,它是通过结构聚合物的亲水性有效地将服装内的汗汽传递出去。最近几年,阿克苏公司在生产和销售方面都取得了…  相似文献   

1镀金属织物 采用新的化学处理法,就可以在任何织造的或未经织造的、合成的或天然的织品上镀镍、钴或金等金属。这种复合的镀金属材料使原有织物加上了明显的金属特性。根据织物的使用情况,涂层厚度可在0.05~1gm之间任意选择:沉积在织物上的金属可能多达涂复织物重量的60%。  相似文献   

与溶剂型涂层相比,水性涂层被普遍认为是安全、环保、可靠的纺织涂层,但水性涂层的烘干过程也会出现人身伤亡、财产损失的爆炸事故。以一起纺织行业水性涂层织物处理过程中发生的爆炸事故为例,从水性涂层的组分、挥发物浓度、点火源、涂层设备、涂层工艺等方面分析,阐述水性涂层在一定的工艺条件下也会挥发并形成爆炸性气体,揭示纺织行业水性涂层在纺织加工过程中发生爆炸事故的原因,并提出相应的防控措施。  相似文献   

1 前言 防水透湿层压复合织物是运用层压技术将普通纺织面料与高新技术微孔薄膜相复合,取长补短,集多种优良性能于一身,可以有效地解决既防水又能透湿的矛盾。它与高密织物和涂层织物相比,具有明显的技术优势,充分表现出差别化和功能化的时代特征,是目前防水透湿织物的主要发展方向。 美国高尔公司的Gore-Tex和荷兰AK-ZO公司的Sympatex是目前公认的“防水透湿”代表产品。Gore-Tex薄膜主要是由聚四  相似文献   

采用水溶液聚合法,以氧化淀粉、丙烯酸(AA)、二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(DMDAAC)为原料,通过接枝共聚制备了一种软膜型抑尘剂(抑尘剂液体干燥后形成具有一定韧性的软膜)。与聚乙烯醇类壳型抑尘剂(干燥后形成很脆的壳层)相比,软膜型抑尘剂提高了煤粉固化层的抗破裂能力。由抗震荡性试验可知,使用膜型抑尘剂后,经过18 h的震荡,煤粉的损失率仅为1.91%,而使用壳型抑尘剂后煤粉的损失率为4.85%。还测定了2种抑尘剂的保湿性和耐破度。利用红外光谱对产物的结构进行了表征,采用SEM观察了该产物在煤粉表面形成的膜层形貌。试验结果表明,散煤运输中膜型抑尘剂在减少煤粉损失和控制扬尘污染方面性能优于壳型抑尘剂。  相似文献   

Extensive use of pressurized steam in the oil and gas sectors has led to incidents where workers were seriously injured. In this study a test device and procedure to measure heat transfer through fabrics during steam exposure were developed and evaluated. Several factors were considered while designing the test device to simulate work site conditions. Fabrics were exposed to steam at 2 distances (50 and 100 mm) and 2 pressures (207 and 69 kPa). Theoretical considerations included heat and mass transfer, and fabric structure and performance properties. The test device and procedure differentiated well among both fabrics and exposure conditions. For all fabrics, maximum heat transfer was observed at highest steam pressure and shortest distance. Laminated and coated fabrics performed better than a fabric without such treatments.  相似文献   

There is a noticeable discrepancy in the ability to control reduced explosion overpressure between flat bursting panels and curved bursting panels with the same static activation overpressure. Flat bursting plates were observed to leak at approximately 80% of the static activation overpressure lower than curved bursting plates. A new experimental technique is proposed in our paper. Three different vent areas of flat and curved bursting panels were tested, there was significant difference in structural stiffness between flat bursting panels and curved bursting panels, which is the reason the discrepancy in the ability to control reduced explosion overpressure. The structural stiffness of the flat bursting panels is poorer than that of the other, and a greater deformation of the flat bursting panels occurs under the same load. The membrane stress caused by the explosion overpressure therefore produces a larger value in the flat bursting panels which causes it to open prematurely. Moreover, the smaller the vent area that is, the more significant discrepancy in controlling the reduced explosion overpressure between both bursting panels is. This experimental and theoretical result in our paper provides some useful experience for the method of explosion venting.  相似文献   

鲁浈浈  何杨  李林杰 《火灾科学》2019,28(2):128-134
对混凝土高温爆裂成因进行总结,综述高温下混凝土内部蒸汽压力的测试手段、降低混凝土内部蒸汽压力方法、提高混凝土在高温中的抗高温爆裂性能的方法,以及总结了升温速率对混凝土高温爆裂的影响,并提出了几种预防混凝土高温爆裂的措施,为混凝土高温爆裂研究提供依据。  相似文献   

为了消除或减少电磁波辐射对人体造成的危害,各种具有电磁防护功能的服装面料应运而生并得到迅速的发展,但是服装面料的电磁防护性能的测试费用一直较为昂贵.本文在研究织物电磁屏蔽原理的基础上,分析了服装面料的电磁防护性能与面料本身的电磁参数及厚度的关系.并且通过专业的电磁仿真软件Ansoft HFSS建立面料电磁屏蔽效能测试的仿真模型.将服装面料的电磁参数以及厚度值代入模型中,可以模拟测试获得服装面料的电磁屏蔽效能.这对于设计开发人员来说不仅可以减少昂贵的测试费用.加快开发的速度.还有利于设计出成本更低、防护性能更好的产品。  相似文献   

为了研究火灾下钢筋混凝土(RC)简支梁的热力学性能,建立火灾高温下RC梁的数值分析模型,与火灾试验对比验证模型的有效性;分别对4根完全相同的RC梁进行不同受火试验,研究受火时间、混凝土高温爆裂及钢筋-混凝土黏结高温退化对RC梁截面温度场分布、钢筋应力与滑移量分布、残余抗弯承载力的影响规律。研究结果表明:截面温度梯度随受火时间增长而扩大,底部角筋比其他纵筋升温均快;混凝土爆裂对直接受火面10 mm厚度范围内温度影响较为显著,角筋升温速率随受火时间增长而增大;底部纵筋应力随受火时间增长而下降,中筋的应力高于角筋;钢混界面滑移量随受火时间增长而增大,底部中筋的滑移量小于角筋;残余抗弯承载力随受火时间增长而线性减小;爆裂深度对残余抗弯承载力的影响程度要高于爆裂面积,跨中1/5跨长位置爆裂对残余抗弯承载力影响最大。  相似文献   

The primary aim of the study was to analyse the non-steady state of filtration for selected electrostatic filter materials designed for use in respiratory protective devices. The obtained results showed that the filtration process in electrostatic filters was dependent in the main on the following factors: type of the filter material, electrostatic field strength of the material, and the charge of the aerosol. To a lesser degree the filtration process depended on the sign of the charge and the relative humidity of the air. A significant correlation was found between the increase in the penetration and the decrease in breathing resistance while the filter was being loaded. The effect of resuspension (tearing off and re-deposition of dust agglomerates inside the filter) on the filtration process very significant. It was also observed that under certain conditions electrostatic filter materials lost their protection properties.  相似文献   

The primary aim of the study was to analyse the non-steady state of filtration for selected electrostatic filter materials designed for use in respiratory protective devices. The obtained results showed that the filtration process in electrostatic filters was dependent in the main on the following factors: type of the filter material, electrostatic field strength of the material, and the charge of the aerosol.

To a lesser degree the filtration process depended on the sign of the charge and the relative humidity of the air. A significant correlation was found between the increase in the penetration and the decrease in breathing resistance while the filter was being loaded.

The effect of resuspension (tearing off and re-deposition of dust agglomerates inside the filter) on the filtration process very significant. It was also observed that under certain conditions electrostatic filter materials lost their protection properties.  相似文献   

本文介绍了以芳纶纤维为主要材料的我国新一代特警战训服面料的技术研发及达到的主要性能指标。通过试验研究,开发了具有高强防撕裂、永久阻燃、耐高温、防静电、防油拒水、防酸碱等具有集成防护功能的特警战训服系列面料。  相似文献   

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