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Summary The suckling behaviour of 130 freeranging elephant calves aged between birth and 4.5 years old was examined in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Analyses of frequencies of suckling and durations of suckling bouts showed that males attempted to suckle more often, were more successful at their attempts, and as a result were estimated to have a higher milk intake than did female calves. Mothers were equally tolerant of their sons' and daughters' demands to suckle at young ages, but were less tolerant of their older sons' demands. The growth rates of males based on hind footprint length were faster than those of females from birth onwards. During drought years with low food availability, male calf survivorship in the first year was lower than that of female calves. During wet years, there was little difference between sexes in survivorship. It appeared that during dry years mothers were unable to sustain milk production at a level that met the metabolic requirements of their sons, and as result male calves were more likely to die. Females with a surviving son tended to have a longer interbirth interval than did females with a surviving daughter. We suggest that greater early maternal investment in male calves occurs because, in the highly-competitive polygynous mating system of elephants, size in adult male elephants is an important factor in mating success.  相似文献   

Maternal investment in offspring is expected to vary according to offspring sex when the reproductive success of the progeny is a function of differential levels of parental expenditure. We conducted a longitudinal investigation of rhesus macaques to determine whether variation in male progeny production, measured with both DNA fingerprinting and short tandem repeat marker typing, could be traced back to patterns of maternal investment. Males weigh significantly more than females at birth, despite an absence of sex differences in gestation length. Size dimorphism increases during infancy, with maternal rank associated with son’s, but not daughter’s, weight at the end of the period of maternal investment. Son’s, but not daughter’s, weight at 1 year of age is significantly correlated with adult weight, and male, but not female, weight accounts for a portion of the variance in reproductive success. Variance in annual offspring output was three- to fourfold higher in males than in females. We suggest that energetic costs of rearing sons could be buffered by fetal delivery of testosterone to the mother, which is aromatized to estrogen and fosters fat accumulation during gestation. We conclude that maternal investment is only slightly greater in sons than in daughters, with mothers endowing sons with extra resources because son, but not daughter, mass has ramifications for offspring sirehood. However, male reproductive tactics supersede maternal investment patterns as fundamental regulators of male fitness. Received: 23 July 1999 / Received in revised form: 23 February 2000 / Accepted: 13 March 2000  相似文献   

In polygynous mammals, high-quality females may increase their fitness by providing superior care to their offspring. Based on the agonistic interactions of female reindeer in an experimental herd during two consecutive years (1997 and 1998), we tested whether maternal social rank influenced: (1) winter body-mass change of females, (2) preparturition reproductive effort (measured as fecundity, the birth mass and the birth date of their calves), (3) preweaning maternal effort (measured as calves preweaning mortality, early preweaning and late preweaning growth rate and September body mass of calves), and (4) postweaning maternal effort (measured as calves body-mass change during their first winter). In the models, we included September females body mass as a covariate to separate the effects of maternal rank and body mass. We also tested whether the effect of social rank on maternal efforts was dependent on offspring sex. High-ranked females gained body mass whereas low-ranked females lost weight during the winter. Fecundity was higher and date of birth was earlier in high-ranked females than in subordinates, whereas no effect of females rank on birth mass of calves was found. Early preweaning growth rate and September body mass of calves increased with increasing females social rank, whereas late preweaning daily growth rate of calves was not influenced by females rank. Calves preweaning mortality was only influenced by year, which also explained most of the variance in the winter body-mass change of calves. The effects of females rank on the reproductive-efforts parameters studied were not specific to offspring sex. These findings suggest that females rank influences reproductive effort during the preparturition, as well as the preweaning, period, the effect being sex independent.Communicated by R. Gibson  相似文献   

Proximal mechanisms underlying a faster growth rate in male compared to female California sea lion pups were investigated. Males are significantly larger at birth than females. Specifically, we asked if differential maternal investment contributed to enhanced male growth via: (1) larger mothers having disproportionately more male pups, (2) more time and energy put into foraging by mothers of male pups, and (3) greater milk production in mothers of male pups. We also considered four aspects of differential energy utilization and acquisition by male and female pups: (1) male pups attempting to save energy for growth by changes in behavior, (2) longer suckling bouts with mother and more sneak suckling of non-filial females by male pups, (3) lower maintenance costs in males via a lowered resting metabolic rate, and (4) increased assimilation efficiency in males. Our study showed that there are no differences in the size of females or length of foraging trips for mothers of male and female pups. Male pups received more milk from their mothers, but the difference was no longer significant when the larger body size of males was considered. There were no differences in either the activity budgets or suckling behavior of male and female pups. Male pups, however, did have lower resting metabolic rates than females. We conclude that enhanced male perinatal growth is a consequence of a larger size at birth, proportionally more milk from mothers to support the greater demands of larger body size, and lower maintenance costs due to a lower resting metabolic rate. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 25 July 1995  相似文献   

Sex bias or equal opportunity? Patterns of maternal investment in bison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In polygynous mammals, it may be adaptive for mothers to invest more in sons and/or to adjust the sex ratio of offspring in relation to body condition. Calving patterns were examined over an 8-year period (1982–1989) for a population of Bison bison in which barren females are not selectively culled. From these data, we tested predictions of the sex ratio adjustment hypothesis as well as two assumptions: (1) that offspring weight at the end of the period of parental investment (PI) is correlated with later condition, and (2) that maternal and offspring condition during the period of PI are correlated. In contrast to predictions, there was little evidence that mothers in better condition bear more sons. Short- and long-term measures of maternal condition (previous reproductive status, age, dominance status, pre-pubertal body weight, age at first reproduction, birth date, and the duration of the mother's own suckling period) were little related to offspring sex ratio, although the last calves of old females were nearly always female. Similarly, there was little evidence for sex-biased PI. Weights at about 7 months of age were greater for males than females; males also had somewhat later birth dates, suggesting either longer gestation or later conception. However, maternal reproductive costs, as measured by subsequent fecundity, weight loss, and interbirth intervals, did not vary with calf sex. Both assumptions of the model received some support. However, while maternal condition was correlated with offspring condition, there may be sex differences in investment patterns. Mothers appear better able to influence the condition of daughters than of sons. This sex difference may negate any benefit from male-biased investment.  相似文献   

Summary Female red-necked wallabies settle within their mothers' home ranges, apparently for life, while males disperse at about two years of age. However, sons spend much more time with their mothers before dispersing than do daughters of similar ages. Females who associate regularly with their subadult offspring are less likely to reproduce successfully at their next breeding attempt than are females who spend little time with their subadults, and sons therefore impose greater short-term reproductive costs on their mothers than do daughters. Females who are generally gregarious also suffer reduced reproductive success, even though reproductive success is independent of local density. It is suggested that the reproductive costs to females of associating with their subadult offspring, and other relatives, are incurred through tolerance of ecological competition from those kin, and therefore reflect a form of prolonged maternal investment, which is initially heaviest in sons but is sustained for longer periods in daughters. Females produce equal numbers of male and female offspring, and spend equal amounts of time suckling them in infancy.  相似文献   

In polygynous and sexually dimorphic mammals, parents may be expected to bias their investment towards sons because variation in reproductive success is usually higher among males than among females. Moreover, male reproductive success often depends on adult body size, which, in turn, may depend on the level of parental investment. We therefore predicted that in the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), a polygynous and sexually dimorphic phocid seal, females should invest more in individual sons than in individual daughters. We found that male pups were born heavier than female pups, but that the growth rates and suckling behaviour were similar for the two sexes. The growth rates and the birth weights were not correlated for the pups of either sex. Mothers did not behave differentially towards offspring of the two sexes, except that mothers of male pups spent more time in visual contact with their pups. Male and female pups had similar activity levels and begged at similar rates. We argue that reports of equal expenditure on the two sexes can be accepted as evidence of equal investment, provided that three assumptions are fulfilled. First, parental care must be costly to the parent. Second, energy expenditure must be the most important component of parental investment. Third, there must be no negative correlation between maternal body condition and the ratio of sons to daughters produced. We argue that these assumptions are met in our study, and that our results provide evidence of equal maternal investment in the sexes in grey seals.  相似文献   

Summary In the new colony of rhesus macaques at Madingley, no overall difference was found in the length of the inter-birth intervals following the birth of male and female infants. The lack of overall differences in the reproductive costs of raising sons and daughters, was associated with an absence of differences in suckling patterns between male and female infants. It is argued that similar pre-weaning investment in sons and daughters may be related to the presence of similar growth rates for male and female infants during the first year of life. Most high ranking mothers reproduced in consecutive years, while low ranking mothers were more likely to experience two year long inter-birth intervals. Further analyses revealed that this difference was mainly due to the fact that low ranking mothers always failed to reproduce the year after raising a daughter. Thus, no difference was found in the length of inter-birth intervals between high ranking mothers with infants of either sex and low ranking mothers with sons. The daughters of low ranking females suckled more frequently and making more nipple contacts per bout, and such high nipple stimulation was responsible for the reproductive inhibition experienced by their mothers. It is suggested that the high degrees of nipple stimulation may have been a consequence of the high levels of aggression that low ranking females with daughters have been shown to receive, since their mothers could have allowed frequent ventro-ventral contact in order to protect them. Given that low ranking mothers find daughters reproductively costly to raise, it is possible that such high reproductive costs have played a significant role in the evolution of sex ratio biases at birth. As in other primate populations, in this colony low ranking females produced a greater proportion of sons than daughters, and high ranking mothers showed the opposite trend.  相似文献   

Several theories predict a sex-biased investment either through unbalanced sex ratios in offspring or through differences in provisioning. According to them, one would expect an optimisation in indirect fitness, or else a compensation for increased mortality of one sex. In addition, biases in provisioning may also arise as a consequence of weight-dependent non-adaptive nutrient demands by offspring. This study examines milk provisioning and sex biases in offspring sex ratio together with maternal quality variables. Mothers of higher quality (weight and age) showed greater milk provisioning ability (in terms of production) resulting in greater calf weight gain. Mothers of sons produced greater yields of milk, milk protein, fat and lactose than mothers of daughters, and increased percentage of protein after controlling for higher male birth weight. In contrast, mothers of males did not differ from mothers of females in age or any body weight variables related to maternal quality. These results suggest that differences in milk production and composition for sons and daughters are rather a mechanism to optimise indirect fitness than a mechanism to compensate for increased mortality in male calves, or a consequence of greater weight-dependent nutrient demands by heavier male calves. Results also suggest that biases in milk provisioning may occur without biases in offspring sex ratio, and furthermore, in contrast to the prediction that biases should be relative to the mean investment of the population, that milk provisioning biases might not be relative.Communicated by F. Trillmich  相似文献   

Summary Prediction that mothers will invest more in individual sons than daughters in polygynous mammals has been confirmed in several species. However, among polygynous ungulates, differential investment occurs in some species, but not in others. Because ungulates have postnatal growth rates among the highest in mammals, we hypothesized that level of maternal investment limits the ability of offspring of one sex to evolve faster growth rates, even when intrasexual selection might favor faster growth. We predicted that comparative rate of maternal investment would explain the distribution of differential investment among ungulates, and examined our data on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), which show the highest-known rate of maternal investment among ungulates. Data on birth weights, suckling rates, ages-pecific frequency of maternal termination of suckling bouts, age at weaning, and rate of rejected suckle attempts showed either no sex differences or else a slight excess investment in daughters. In concordance with these data, female fawns spent more energy in activity than did male fawns. Among ungulates for which data are available, the best predictor of differential investment is not degree of adult sexual dimorphism; it is comparative rate of maternal investment.  相似文献   

We investigated the possibility that male harassment of lactating females differed in relation to time of birth in the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. This was done by comparing the frequency of male disturbances, maternal performance and pup growth for females that either gave birth during the peak of the pupping season or after the peak. Of the females, 58% gave birth in a 7-day period near the beginning of the pupping period, when the operational sex ratio was 2–4 females per male. Late in the pupping period the operational sex ratio reversed to about 1 female for every 2 males. The relative frequency of disturbances by males was significantly greater for late-pupping mothers than for peak-pupping ones (1.9 vs. 1.4 encounters/h). Females that gave birth late also were disturbed by males 3 times more often than females that gave birth during the peak (3.4 vs. 1.1 % of observation time). Late-pupping mothers spent 22% less time suckling (4.0 vs. 5.1 % of observation time), had 30% slower growing pups (1.7 vs. 2.4 kg/d), and weaned pups that were 16% lighter (45.6 vs. 54.0 kg). The effect of birth time on pup mass gain and weaning mass was not attributable to factors such as maternal mass, pup birth mass or pup sex. We conclude that the reduced maternal performance is likely the result of the increased male harassment. As reduced weaning mass can lead to reduced juvenile survival, male harassment may have contributed to the enhanced reproductive synchrony in this species.  相似文献   

We quantified the extent of communal suckling in the cavy Galea musteloides. Six groups of animals were held in large indoor enclosures and suckling behavior was recorded over 113 h of observation. The groups contained 2–6 lactating females and 3–14 sucking pups. Due to the relative synchronization of births, 73% of the pups present in each group during lactation were non-offspring. Each of the 22 lactating females in the six groups suckled non-offspring in addition to her own offspring. On average, females suckled 86% of non-offspring present in their groups. Thus, 98% of all pups (n = 47) received milk from non-mothers. Although suckling frequencies were significantly higher for mothers with their own individual offspring than with non-offspring individuals, females invested more total time suckling all non-offspring than did suckling just their own; this was possible because for each mother many more non-offspring than offspring pups were present during lactation. Suckling bouts were significantly longer for mothers with their own individual offspring than with non-offspring individuals. The proportion of non-offspring suckling of mothers correlated negatively with the proportion of own young among the pups of a group. Non-offspring suckling did not affect future reproduction of females. Our observations demonstrate extensive practice of communal suckling in G. musteloides under laboratory conditions. Probably because all mothers of a group participated more or less equally in communal suckling behavior, the obvious cost of giving energetically expensive milk to non-offspring did not result in reduced (future) reproductive success. Potential benefits directly involved with communal suckling are unclear. More indirectly, communal suckling as well as birth synchrony might contribute to the formation of advantageous multi-litter kindergardens.  相似文献   

Age at maturity is a particularly important life history trait, but maturational data are rare for males in natural populations of mammals. Here we provide information on three maturational milestones and their social and demographic correlates among 43 wild male baboons, Papio cynocephalus, in a natural population in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. We examined (1) age at testicular enlargement, which signals puberty and the onset of subadulthood, (2) age at attainment of adult dominance rank, which we consider to be the beginning of adulthood, and (3) age at first sexual consortship, which is the best measure available for age at first reproduction in male baboons. Testicular enlargement (median age = 5.69 years) occurred earlier among sons of high ranking mothers, and was not influenced by rainfall or seasonality. Attainment of adult dominance rank (median age = 7.41 years) was also accelerated among sons of high-ranking mothers, and among males whose mothers had died while the males were juveniles. First sexual consortship (median age = 7.92 years) was not influenced directly by maternal characteristics, but attainment of adult dominance rank always preceded first consortship. The lag time between attainment of adult rank and first consortship (median = 2.5 months; range = 5–526 days), was predicted by the number of sexually cycling females in the group when the male attained rank, and by how high ranking the male became in his first months as an adult. We suggest that the age at which a male baboon is ready to begin reproducing is influenced by a relatively stable maternal characteristic that exerts its influence early in development, but the timing with which this potential is realized depends on activation by more proximate, often stochastic triggers such as female availability. This two-level organization of influences is likely to contribute to the variance both in age at first reproduction and in lifetime fitness. Differences in the relative magnitude of the two levels will lead to both intra- and interspecific variability in the opportunity for maternal selection and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Signature whistles of 42 free-ranging bottle-nose dophin calves were compared to those of their mothers. Humans judged their similarity by inspection of spectrograms. There was a sex difference in the tendency of calves to produce whistles similar to or different from those of their mothers; most female calves produced whistles that were different from those of their mothers, whereas male calves were more likely to produce whistles that were similar to those of their mothers. Because matrilineally related females associate together and use signature whistles to establish and/or maintain contact with their calves, there may be a selective pressure for females to produce whistles that are distinct from those of their mothers. There may be fewer constraints governing whistle development in males, with the result that some males produce whistles similar to those of their mothers and others do not.  相似文献   

Summary New data on the secondary sex ratio in semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques at Salem confirm the observation that the offspring of high-ranking females in this colony are biased towards sons while the offspring of low-ranking females are biased towards daughters. Analysis of interbirth intervals yielded no consistent differences in the relative costs of rearing male and female offspring for either high- or low-ranking females. Survivorship to adulthood of male and female offspring born to mothers of all rank classes was remarkably high, and there was no indication that juvenile females of low-ranking mothers face any greater risk. Daughters of high- and low-ranking mothers showed no substantial differences in reproductive success, while mating and probably reproductive success of sons seemed to be dependent on maternal rank, at least at the beginning of their reproductive career. The results suggest that variation in sex ratio does increase parental fitness. Offprint requests to: A. Paul  相似文献   

Sex ratio and maternal rank in wild spider monkeys: when daughters disperse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Data from a long-term field study of the spider monkey, Ateles paniscus, in Peru indicate that a strongly female-biased sex ratio exists from birth in this population. Of 46 infants born between July 1981 and June 1986, 12 were male, 32 were female and 2 were of undetermined sex. This effect is consistent between years as well, with more females than males born in each year of the study (Table 1). This bias is driven by the fact that low-ranking females produce daughters almost exclusively, while high-ranking females bias their investment somewhat less strongly towards sons (Table 2). The unusual pattern of female-biased maternal investment observed in this population of Ateles probably occurs for a combination of the following reasons: (1) maternal investment in individual male offspring is somewhat greater than in individual female offspring; (2) males remain with their natal groups, and the sons of high-ranking females are likely to be competitively superior to the sons of low-ranking females; (3) males compete for mates, and only the one or two most dominant males within a community are likely to achieve significant reproductive success. Two possible mechanisms of sex-ratio adjustment and the evidence for each are discussed.  相似文献   

Parental investment and the secondary sex ratio in northern elephant seals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Data on northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris, bearing on sex ratio theory were collected at Año Nuevo, California, and other Californian and Mexican Islands, during the period 1967 to 1988. The mass of males exceeded that of females by 7–8% at birth and at weaning. The sex ratio was biased to males at birth (51.2%) and was near unity at weaning (49.6% males). The sex ratio did not vary as a function of maternal age or maternal mass except in 6-year-old females, who produced significantly more males. Although sons cost more to rear in energetic terms than daughters, and mothers were more successful weaning the latter, the sex of the pup reared exerted no significant effect on the mother's reproductive performance the following year or on her subsequent survival. These data suggest that parents invest equally in sons and daughters when investment is measured in terms of future reproduction (Fisher 1930) and provide no support for the theory of adaptive shifts in sex ratio (Trivers and Willard 1973). The small sex difference in mass due to maternal effort reflects the fact that females fast during lactation and all energy transferred is from limited body stores. Because of these circumstances, selection for superior condition at the end of the period of parental investment may act more strongly on pups, who have the opportunity to steal milk, than on their mothers.  相似文献   

Sociality has positive effects on female fitness in many mammalian species. Among female baboons, those who are most socially integrated reproduce most successfully. Here we test a number of predictions derived from kin selection theory about the strength of social bonds among adult female baboons. Our analyses are based on systematic observations of grooming and association patterns among 118 females living in seven different social groups in the Amboseli Basin of Kenya over a 16-year period. Females in these groups formed the strongest bonds with close kin, including their mothers, daughters, and maternal and paternal sisters. Females were also strongly attracted toward females who were close to their own age, perhaps because peers were often paternal sisters. Females’ bonds with their maternal sisters were strengthened after their mother’s deaths, whereas their relationships with their maternal aunts were weakened after their mother’s death. In addition, females formed stronger bonds with their paternal sisters when no close maternal kin were available, and they compensated for the absence of any close kin by forming strong bonds with nonrelatives. Taken together, these data suggest that social bonds play a vital role in females’ lives, and the ability to establish and maintain strong social bonds may have important fitness consequences for females.Joan B. Silk is on sabbatical at Cambridge University from September 2005 to August 2006. Tel.: +44-7929759697; Fax: +44-1223-335460.  相似文献   

Mammalian life histories suggest that maternal body condition and social dominance (a measure of resource-holding potential) influence the physical and social development of offspring, and thereby their reproductive success. Predictably, a mother should produce that sex of offspring which contributes most to her fitness (as measured by the number of her grandchildren) and that she is best able to raise within the constraints imposed by her condition, social rank, and environment. Such combined effects were investigated by monitoring variations in body condition (weight) and behavior of female toque macaques, Macaca sinica of Sri Lanka, in a changing forest environment over 18 years. Maternal rank, by itself, had no influence on offspring sex, but did affect maternal body condition. The combined effects of rank and condition indicated the following: mothers in robust condition bore more sons, whereas those in moderate condition bore more daughters, but both effects were expressed most strongly among mothers of high rank. Where the consequences of low rank were felt most acutely, as shown by poor condition, mothers underproduced daughters. Environmental quality directly influenced rank and condition interactions, and thus sex ratios. These relationships, and data from other mammals suggest an empirically and theoretically consistent pattern of sex allocation in mammals. New predictions integrate effects, proposed by Trivers and Willard, that are rooted in male mate competition, which is universal among polygynous mammals, with those of local resource competition (and/or female reproductive competition), which are not universal and differ in intensity between the socioecologies and local environments of different species. Received: 30 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 29 August 1998  相似文献   

The manipulation of the sex ratio and age structure in many managed ungulate populations calls for a better understanding of their potential consequences on females’ condition and behavior during rut. During 1996–2002, we manipulated the male age structure and male percentage (nine treatments during 7 years) within an experimental herd of semidomestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and investigated their influence on both the body mass change and the behavior of females during rut. On average, the females lost body mass (−0.95±SE 0.18 kg) during rut, which we contend to reflect somatic costs. The females’ losses increased as the percentage of male decreased, but this was certainly ascribed to one treatment with high male percentage (27.7%) as compared to the others (ranging from 3.9 to 12.2%). Female losses were highest for treatments including both young and adult males as compared to only adult or only young males, and higher for treatments including only young compared to only adult males. This is supported by (1) the higher female harassment frequency when females are exposed to only young or a mixture of young and adult males as compared to only adults, (2) the higher female harassment frequency by young males as compared to adults in the mixed treatments, and (3) the reduced females’ feeding activity in treatments including both young and adult males. We conclude that the male age structure during rut will influence the females’ behavior and mass change and may have implications for females’ life history and for population dynamics.  相似文献   

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