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分析了目前青海省光伏发电发展现状,探讨青海省大规模发展光伏电站面临的主要问题,并就问题的解决方案从技术措施和政策支持等角度予以阐述。为保证规模化光伏电站接入青海电网后电网的安全、稳定、经济运行提供了重要的理论支持和实践指导,对青海省光伏产业的发展乃至节能减排目标的实现起到重要作用。  相似文献   

在阐述了宁夏地区光伏发电发展的优势及发展现状的基础上,分析了光伏发电开发利用对宁夏生态环境产生的积极和消极的影响,并为降低消极影响提出了相应的对策;为了定量直观的评估光伏发电积极影响和消极影响所产生的环境效益,分别建立了节能减排、防风固沙和土地增值、景观效应、植被恢复费用、噪声污染超标罚款、光污染费用等价值模型及光伏发电总的生态环境效益价值模型;最后以中电投宁夏能源铝中卫香山光伏电站为例进行计算验证,结果表明模型的合理性和准确性,同时光伏电站的节能减排效益显著。相对于传统的火力发电,表现了优越的环境效益。  相似文献   

目前山东省年CO2排放量超过10亿t,电力行业的排放量占40%,因此,电力产业低碳化对山东省发展低碳经济具有举足轻重的作用.山东具有丰富的风能、生物质能等清洁能源,据规划,到2020年,清洁能源发电实现年减排CO210%;国内首座整体煤气化联合循环项目于山东投产,与相同装机容量燃煤电厂相比,其CO2排放量降低13.73%,若与碳捕捉和封存(CCS)技术联用,可实现CO2近零排放;山东省超临界/超超临界机组装机容量达932万kW,关停小机组600万kW,年减排CO22100万t.山东电力产业应因地制宜发展清洁能源发电,大力发展IGCC、超临界/超超临界等高效发电技术.同时,鼓励电力产业积极借助清洁发展机制(CDM),完善低碳路线.  相似文献   

干除灰技术现状及发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年我国发电装机容量已突破一亿千瓦,其中7300多万千瓦是以燃煤为主的火电厂,每年约排出5000万吨灰渣。预计到本世纪末,发电装机容量将达到2.4亿千瓦,其中火电装机占1.6~1.8亿千瓦,年排灰渣达1.6  相似文献   

1前言内蒙古达拉特电厂位于内蒙西部伊克昭盟达拉特旗树林台镇黄河岸边。第一期工程2X330MW发电机组于1996年建成并投产发电。由于烧的是东胜高热值、低灰分精煤,灰分仅10%左右,年排放粉煤灰、炉渣约20万吨。截至1997年9月底,累计灰渣排量已达22万吨。二明工程2×330MW发电机组正在建设,预计1998年底建成并投产发电。届时,粉煤灰、炉渣年排放量可达45万吨年右。根据电力建设规划,达拉特电厂本世纪末可建成总装机容量为200MW,灰渣排放总量将达到每年78万吨之多。根据国家计委批复的长远建设计划,达拉特电厂的总装机容量是5000MW…  相似文献   

国外光伏发电并入智能电网发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智能电网是未来电网发展的主要趋势。随着人们对环境保护的重视,如何将风能、太阳能等可再生能源大规模接入电网已经成为智能电网下一阶段的研究方向。介绍了国外光伏发电技术发展,概述了国外对光伏发电并入智能电网的最新研究,提出了光伏并网发电面临的问题以及相关建议,为我国未来光伏并网发电的实施提供参考。  相似文献   

预期日本近15年发电容量的增长速度很高。电厂总装机容量将增长0.5倍(由1985年的154200MW到2000年的232000MW)如表1。同时,重油机组数量减少,而燃煤火电厂的装机容量却增大2倍.有机燃料电厂的总容量由94200Mw增加到12050OMW.要增加以有机燃料为基础的发电量  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《固体废物污染环境防治法》,推进废旧光伏组件等新兴固废综合利用,2022年5月12日,工业和信息化部节能与综合利用司召开线上工作交流会。来自光伏组件生产企业、光伏电站运营企业、废旧光伏组件回收利用企业、有关行业协会、研究机构的代表参加会议。会上,有关专家介绍了我国光伏装机情况及增长趋势,分析了废旧光伏组件产生规模和来源渠道。相关企业分享了废旧光伏组件回收拆解技术研发、产业化应用等方面的进展。  相似文献   

为了进一步推广和发展光伏发电项目,将新兴学科的可拓理论引入光伏发电项目质量评价之中,在物元理论和可拓分析的基础上,构建了光伏发电项目可拓评价指标体系和模型,通过计算各项指标相对于各评价等级的关联度,对待评价项目进行了优劣排序。以3个陕西省2012年光伏发电项目为例,论证了该模型合理可靠,实证结果很好的反映了光伏发电项目的质量,为项目决策提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

河南省电力工业局直属管辖的火力发电厂现有11座,1992年总装机容量为5120兆瓦,年发电量30323.82吉瓦时,年供热量12714.89太焦耳,火电厂年用水总量6227665万吨,其中重复用水量5786934万  相似文献   

We discuss the current status of waste to power generation (WPG) in Japan and various scenarios involving indirect reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by WPG. The number of WPG facilities domestically as of 2005 was 286. Power generation capacity attained 1,515 MW and power generation 7,050 GWh/year. This amount substitutes energy otherwise acquired from natural resources such as fossil fuels in thermal power plants. If the basic unit of carbon dioxide is 0.555 kg-CO2/kWh, then the corresponding carbon dioxide emission reduction is calculated to be 3.9 million tons, equivalent to 26.7% of the 14.6 million tons emitted by municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWI) in 2005. Using various existing technological options, the power generation efficiency could reach more than 20% in MSWI facilities with capacity of 300 tons/day, although present efficiency is only 12.0%. If about 85% of MSW were incinerated in MSWI with power generation efficiency of 20% as a feasible assumption, the total power generation and the corresponding carbon dioxide reduction would be 16,540 GWh/year and 9.18 million tons, respectively, equivalent to 62.7% of the carbon dioxide emitted by MSWI. Also, the ratio of the additional reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by WPG to the total additional reduction (20,000 ktons/year) in Japan during the first commitment period would be 26.3%, suggesting that promotion of WPG in MSWI is an effective option for prevention of global warming.  相似文献   

何北奇 《化工环保》2012,40(5):555-559
针对IGCC电站烟气排放ρ(NOx)不达标的问题,分别采用燃气轮机注氮脱硝和余热锅炉(余热蒸汽发生器,HRSG )SCR脱硝技术降低烟气的NOx排放量。介绍了两种技术的原理,比较了两种技术的脱硝效果、运行成本及技术特点。实际运行结果表明:安装了注氮设备的燃气轮机可以控制排气的ρ(NOx)小于90 mg/m3,但每年的运行成本较高(达2 250万元);在余热锅炉中安装SCR脱硝设备,性能测试数据符合设计要求,SCR出口ρ(NOx)小于50 mg/m3,且每年的运行成本较低,仅为422万元。  相似文献   

失效动力锂离子电池再利用和有用金属回收技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动力锂离子电池以其贮电能力大、充放电速度快等优点被广泛应用在电动汽车上,近年来失效电动汽车动力锂离子电池报废量不断增加,但未得到有效处理回收,造成了巨大的资源浪费和环境污染.失效电池还有80%左右的容量可以使用,可以在场地车或者储能电站进行再利用,以达到材料和电池的最大利用率;同时电池中含有多种有用金属(如Co,Al,Ni,Li等)且相对含量较高,极具回收价值.针对失效动力锂离子电池的再利用和有用金属的各种回收方法进行了评述.  相似文献   

中国2015年SO2排放总量宏观控制目标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1980年中国SO2排放量为1160万吨,2005年为2549万吨,伴随节能减排政策的实施和s02治理投资的增加,到2010年我国SO2排放量将降至2300万吨(削减10%),仍位居世界第一位。在“十二五”期间,伴随人口、经济、能源的增长和发展模式的重大转变,我国2015年SO2排放总量面临微增长、不增长或减排的趋势。应用我国SO2减排宏观控制指标和模式预测了我国2015年SO2排放总量的4种图像或目标。提出了实现SO2排放总量削减10%目标的10条建议。  相似文献   

An initial operation in Paris has made it possible to gauge the effectiveness of a selective pick-up of non-returnable bottles according to the following criteria: willingness of the people of Paris, the danger of breakage when collecting in special containers and the technical and economic aspects of the implementation of an industrial-scale sorting machine. In view of the positive results of this experiment, the following system has been installed:
  • •• Containers have been placed on the public walkway, the drop of bottles being at the most 1 m.
  • •• The bottles are transported to a plant with an annual capacity of 35,000 tons of glass or 20 million bottles.
  • •• Following a first hand-sorting process, the bottles are washed and sorted in an automatic sorter.
Currently two sizes of each of three categories of wine bottles are recovered. Rejected bottles are sent to the scrap pile and shipped as cullett to glass factories to be melted down.This design constitute a complete system which enables us to recover not only glass but bottles which are intact and thus represent a higher level of energy savings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential of integrated waste and utility power management over the mid-term planning horizon in Japan. Energy recovery and CO2 emission reduction were estimated under two situations: (1) energy recovery efforts within the current waste management/power generation framework and (2) integrated waste management with sewage treatment systems and electric power industries. Scenario simulation results showed that under the current policy framework it is not feasible to achieve large energy recovery and CO2 emission reduction, while the integrated waste management scenarios show the potential of large energy recovery which is equivalent to about an 18 million t-CO2 emission reduction. The utilization of dry wastes for power generation at existing fossil power stations is significant in achieving the result. We also consider the effects of the ‘CO2 emission per GW generated’ for electric power generation on the total CO2 emission reduction because it varies by country and assumptions selected. Although this research did not include an economic analysis, based on estimated CO2 emissions and energy recovery, the integrated scenarios indicate a large potential in countries that have high dependence of fossil power generation and relatively low power generation efficiency.  相似文献   

在回顾2000年-2010年中国能源消费的基础上,对中国2030年能源发展及耗煤量进行了预测,预测结果表明,2030年中国能耗总量将控制在55~60亿t标煤,耗煤量控制在40~45亿t标煤。建议中国2011年-2015年、2015年-2020年、2020年-2025年和2025年-2030年能源弹性系数分别为0.5、0.5、0.4和0.3。开展煤炭休养生息战略,多进口煤炭。  相似文献   

介绍了上海雾霾的成分和火电的贡献率。火电厂通过提高除尘效率和烟气脱硫、脱硝建设,在装机容量成倍增长的情况下烟气污染物排放量持续下降,PM2,从2005年占上海的25%降至8.8%。针对新的环保标准,探讨了解决问题的措施,提出了烟气多污染物协同控制技术建议。  相似文献   

Solid waste collection and hauling account for the greater part of the total cost in modern solid waste management systems. In a recent initiative, 3300 Swedish recycling containers have been fitted with level sensors and wireless communication equipment, thereby giving waste collection operators access to real-time information on the status of each container. In this study, analytical modeling and discrete-event simulation have been used to evaluate different scheduling and routing policies utilizing the real-time data. In addition to the general models developed, an empirical simulation study has been performed on the downtown recycling station system in Malmoe, Sweden. From the study, it can be concluded that dynamic scheduling and routing policies exist that have lower operating costs, shorter collection and hauling distances, and reduced labor hours compared to the static policy with fixed routes and pre-determined pick-up frequencies employed by many waste collection operators today. The results of the analytical model and the simulation models are coherent, and consistent with experiences of the waste collection operators.  相似文献   

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