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了解医院护理人员针刺及其他锐器损伤流行现状,为进一步开展干预研究提供线索,并为干预措施效果评价提供基线数据.采用自填式调查问卷对某大型综合医院787名临床一线护理人员在2009年1月1日至2009年12月31日期间所发生的针刺及其他锐器损伤状况进行回顾性调查.护理人员在过去一年中发生针刺及其他锐器损伤共3258人次,针刺及其他锐器损伤年人均发生次数为4.14人次/人,接触发生率(%,人/100人)为88.31.发生针刺及其他锐器损伤的高风险人群为妇产科、重症监护室、外科、急诊科护理人员,其接触发生率(%,人/100人)和年人均发生次数(人次/人)分别为95.56和5.04、95.18和3.64、92.95和4.37、84.13和5.32;引起护理人员针刺及其他锐器损伤的主要医疗操作是掰安瓿、输液结束拔针、整理用毕的锐器、静脉穿刺(采血、加药、输液)和回套针帽,其接触发生率(%,人/100人)分别为67.85、46.89、37.99、14.61和9.28.护理人员针刺及其他锐器损伤主要是由安瓿瓶、头皮针、皮下注射针、缝合针和手术刀片,其损伤接触发生率(%,人/100人)分别为67.98、56.42、37.74、6.73和2.92.护理人员仍然面临较大的针刺及其他锐器损伤风险,不同科室护理人员在不同医疗操作及医疗操作的不同阶段、使用不同医疗锐器、使用锐器的用途不同发生针刺及其他锐器损伤的风险不同,应积极采取有针对性的综合性预防控制措施,全面贯彻落实《血源性病原体职业接触防护导则》(GBZ/T 213-2008).  相似文献   

通过对持续贯彻国家职业卫生标准GBZ/T 213—2008《血源性病原体职业接触防护导则》的多项产出进行归纳总结,研究我国医护人员职业卫生防护体系发展对策。概述我国医护人员职业卫生防护体系建设的形成过程及其进展,选择国际权威的相关技术指南、公约和技术工具,与中国医护人员的职业卫生防护现状进行比较研究。结果表明:我国医护人员职业卫生防护需求涵盖了物理性、化学性、生物性的有害因素和工效学因素等方面;我国医护人员职业卫生防护发展可分为3个阶段;随着GBZ/T 213—2008《血源性病原体职业接触防护导则》的发布施行,我国医护人员职业卫生防护工作取得阶段性成效,但后续工作的优先项目与国际比较,仍存在不足。最后,从国际、国家和医疗卫生机构3个层面提出加强我国医护人员职业卫生防护发展策略。  相似文献   

血液传染病是指血液性的致病微生物如细菌和病毒,包括乙肝病毒HBV、爱滋病毒HIV等。人们在接触血液或其他潜在感染物品时可能在血液传染性病毒中暴露,从而感染眼睛、嘴和其他粘膜或受创皮肤。由于职业暴露(由于职业原因眼睛、嘴、破损皮肤或黏液接触血液或其他感染性物品)可能引起感染和疾病,给员工带来生命和健康危害,所以我们要通过防护来消除或减少该危害。  相似文献   

制革工人的职业病预防制革工人易患的职业病主要是在氏杆菌病和炭疽病。布氏杆菌病简称布氏病,是一种人畜共患的传染病,主要是由于接触患病的动物和绵羊、山羊、猪、牛等的皮肤、粘膜及消化道分泌物而感染。病原体是布氏杆菌,感染后一般1~3周发病。急性期主要表现为...  相似文献   

医院作为病患人员聚集最多的场所,是空气中菌落群和带有病原微生物的微粒子浓度较高,极易出现病毒、细菌及病原体的感染及交叉感染的地方。而洁净手术部作为医护人员工作和患者疾病治疗的重要医疗场所,有效预防、  相似文献   

纳米材料规模化生产和纳米产品的普及,增加了纳米材料的研究者、生产者、消费者职业接触和环境暴露的机会.大量的毒理学研究显示,纳米颗粒对呼吸系统、神经系统、泌尿生殖系统以及心脑血管系统等均有损伤风险.综述了国内外对纳米颗粒心血管损伤的研究进展,分别总结了纳米碳基物、纳米金属和纳米氧化物等常见纳米材料对心血管损伤的毒理学研究,分析了纳米颗粒对心血管损伤的可能机制,提出进一步开展纳米颗粒对心血管损伤的流行病学调查的建议.  相似文献   

1 噪声引起的危害 由工作场所的噪声导致的听力损伤,在我国是最普遍的一类职业危害。据报道,我国约有1000万工人在高噪声环境下工作。噪声是那些人们不愿意听的、惹人烦恼的、对人有害的声音。入耳是靠听觉系统感觉声音的,而听觉神经神经受到损伤后不能再生和恢复。除了先天因素外,一些后天的影响,如药物、外伤和接触噪声都会影响听力。对人体有害的声音,除高强度外,  相似文献   

No.1新型冠状病毒目前的证据发现,冠状病毒的自然宿主是禽类、哺乳动物等野生脊椎动物,而不是人类,但可能会在特定环境、特定时期通过人与动物接触传播给人类,并引起人和人之间的传播。卫生防疫专家指出,可以确定的新冠肺炎传播途径主要为直接传播、气溶胶传播和接触传播。直接传播指患者打喷嚏、咳嗽、说话的飞沫和呼出的气体近距离直接被他人吸入导致的感染。气溶胶传播指飞沫混合在空气中,形成气溶胶,人吸入后导致感染。接触传播指飞沫沉积在物品表面,通过接触污染手后,再接触到口腔、鼻腔、眼睛等黏膜,导致感染。  相似文献   

<正>新兴风险及影响文献参考和调查问卷答复确定的主要新兴风险包括:1.预计更多地接触相对新的化学制剂,如纳米粒子,这对医护人员的影响是未知的。要求接触纳米粒子的医护人员加倍小心,需要进一步研究这些物质的影响。2.病人出行和流动增加导致可能更多地接触生物制剂。此外,预计医护人员的人数增加,有可能增加在病人家中接触制剂(动物和其他的粒子)的几率。3.使用新的医学技术(例如核磁共振成像)受噪声和物理风险(例如辐射)可能随着开发新设备时增  相似文献   

<正>一、医护人员妇女的卵巢对放射线十分敏感。医护人员中,凡是从事放射线作业的已婚待孕妇女,怀孕前半年应停止接触放射线的工作,在怀孕后最好暂时调离此类岗位,以避免自然流产、新生儿死亡、先天性畸形及遗传性疾病的发生。接触抗癌药的护士中,自然流产或子代先天缺陷的发生率较高。手术室的医护人员,如果在怀孕头3个月接触过麻醉剂,自然流产发生率也增高。用化学药品消毒器械的医护人员,自然流产的发生有增高趋势,在工作中应戴橡皮手套,加强个人防护。  相似文献   

We investigated all reported percutaneous exposure incidents (PEI) among staff from a large Australian hospital in the 3-year period, 2001-2003. There were a total of 373 PEI, of which 38.9% were needlestick injuries, 32.7% were cutaneous exposures and 28.4% sharps-related injuries. Nurses were the most commonly affected staff members, accounting for 63.5% of the total, followed by doctors (18.8%) and other staff ( 17.7%). Needlestick injuries were responsible for the majority of nurses’ PEI (44.7%). Sharps injuries constituted the major category for doctors (44.3%). Most needlestick injuries (67.6%) were caused by hollow-bore needles, while the majority of cutaneous exposures involved blood or serum (55.8%). Most sharps injures were caused by unknown devices (35.9%) or suture needles (34.9%). Overall, our investigation suggests that PEI is a considerable burden for health care workers in Australia. Further research is now required to determine the relationships, if any, between workers who suffer PEI and those who do not.  相似文献   

We investigated all reported Percutaneous exposure incidents (PEI) among staff from a large Australian hospital in the 3-year period, 2001-2003. There were a total of 373 PEI, of which 38.9% were needlestick injuries, 32.7% were cutaneous exposures and 28.4% sharps-related injuries. Nurses were the most commonly affected staff members, accounting for 63.5% of the total, followed by doctors (18.8%) and other staff (17.7%). Needlestick injuries were responsible for the majority of nurses' PEI (44.7%). Sharps injuries constituted the major category for doctors (44.3%). Most needlestick injuries (67.6%) were caused by hollow-bore needles, while the majority of cutaneous exposures involved blood or serum (55.8%). Most sharps injures were caused by unknown devices (35.9%) or suture needles (34.9%). Overall, our investigation suggests that PEI is a considerable burden for health care workers in Australia. Further research is now required to determine the relationships, if any, between workers who suffer PEI and those who do not.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Safety in the construction industry is a major issue in Hong Kong, representing about 46% of all occupational injuries in 1998. This study explored linear and curvilinear relations between age and safety performance (accident rates and occupational injuries), as well as safety attitudes, in construction workers in Hong Kong. METHOD: A Chinese version of the Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ by Donald & Canter) was developed and administered to a sample of Chinese construction workers (N=374, 366 males, 8 females) from 27 construction sites. RESULTS: Accident rates were not related to age. Occupational injuries were related to age in a curvilinear manner, with injuries at first increasing with age, then decreasing. Two safety attitude scales were related to age with older workers exhibiting more positive attitudes to safety. If age and tenure are controlled, some attitude scales are predictors of safety performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Management/supervisors, team leaders, and workers are all responsible for safety, and any negative bias toward older construction workers is unfounded.  相似文献   



With baby boomers reaching retirement age, Western countries may need more immigrant workers to ensure productivity. Many studies have suggested a higher occupational injury frequency among immigrant workers, which could considerably reduce their contribution to society. The aim of this study was to examine whether immigrant workers have a higher injury frequency compared to Finnish workers when performing the exact same tasks under the same working conditions.


A total of 176 Finnish and 130 immigrant bus drivers were asked about their occupational injuries during the past 12 months via a questionnaire. In addition, the data contained 134 injuries reported by the transport firm to an insurance company.


There was no significant difference in reporting occupational injuries by self-reporting or by company-records. Because there were more accident-repeaters among Finnish drivers, their injury frequency (114) was higher than that of immigrant drivers (78).


This study showed that immigrant workers did not have a higher injury frequency than other workers when they worked in the exact same conditions. Immigrant workers can work as safely as native-Finnish workers, when their working conditions and job contracts are at the same level as those of the original population. Immigrant workers can compensate for the shortage of workforce caused by an aging population.  相似文献   

Case-study research was carried out with a view to find the attributes of occupational injury among workers in the chemical industry and to enhance safety issues. Injury data were collected and processed in terms of different variables, such as age, gender, skills, type of hazard, etc. Pareto analysis was then applied to find a pattern of occupational injury among the workers. The study revealed that 79.52% of the injured workers were in the 40–59 age group; 57.14% of accidents occurred during the 1st shift; 73.26% of accidents caused injury to hands, feet, chest to thigh, arms and eyes; and 70.93% of injuries were caused by pumps, carrying and lifting, vehicles, pipelines, valves, and grinding. Surprisingly, no one was injured in the group of temporary workers. The paper also provides specific suggestions followed by some action plans.  相似文献   

Case-study research was carried out with a view to find the attributes of occupational injury among workers in the chemical industry and to enhance safety issues. Injury data were collected and processed in terms of different variables, such as age, gender, skills, type of hazard, etc. Pareto analysis was then applied to find a pattern of occupational injury among the workers. The study revealed that 79.52% of the injured workers were in the 40-59 age group; 57.14% of accidents occurred during the 1st shift; 73.26% of accidents caused injury to hands, feet, chest to thigh, arms and eyes; and 70.93% of injuries were caused by pumps, carrying and lifting, vehicles, pipelines, valves, and grinding. Surprisingly, no one was injured in the group of temporary workers. The paper also provides specific suggestions followed by some action plans.  相似文献   

Increased use of farm machinery along with other agricultural inputs has enhanced the production and productivity of Indian farms. Simultaneously, it has also increased occupational health hazards on the farms. Major occupational health hazards are farm related injuries. Very little information is available about the type and nature of agricultural injuries on Indian farms. In the present study, agriculture injuries data were collected for the period 1996–2000 for the Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh in India. It has a total population of 1.4 million while 0.75 million were associated with agricultural activities. The agricultural injuries incidence rate was 0.8 per thousand workers per year in the study area. Out of all agricultural injuries, 9% injuries were fatal. The highest number of injury victims were in the age group of 30–44 years. The highest percentages of injured victims were literate but non-matric. The monetary loss due to agricultural injuries in the study area was estimated to be about US $730,000 per year. To minimize agricultural injuries, development of interventions and trainings needs to be organized at block levels for proper and safe operation of agricultural equipment.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: National occupational injury prevention goals often prioritize the reduction of serious injuries. This study analyzed whether this prioritization is credible in respect to lost-time injuries and short and long term work absence, and the implications this has for injury severity-based versus injury absence-based prevention approaches. METHOD: The data consisted of national and work-site specific injury and absence data from construction workers in Denmark, including workers from the Copenhagen Metro construction sites, during the period 2000-2001. RESULTS AND IMPACT ON INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT: Absence length was significantly dependent on the type of injury. Sprains and strains were most prevalent and accounted for approximately one third of injuries and absence. Fractures accounted for one sixth of injuries and the greatest proportion of long-term absence. The results give credibility to the need for targeting sprains and strains in injury and absence prevention initiatives.  相似文献   



All employees in health care settings handling needles or other sharps are at risk for needle stick and sharps injuries (NSSIs). Health care workers in under developed countries are at greater risk of infection from blood borne pathogens because of the lack of safety devices and the high prevalence of these pathogens.


The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of NSSIs and associated factors among health care workers in government health institutions in Gondar city, Ethiopia.


Institution based cross sectional study was conducted from May-December, 2010. The study included 344 health care workers who were selected from the source population using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through interviews using structured and pre-tested questionnaire and the collected data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 16.0.


The prevalence of NSSIs among health care workers in the preceding 12 months was 106 (30.8%), of which 58 (54.7%) was reported by females. Lack of training on occupational health and safety, working more than 48 h/week, dissatisfaction with work environment and work culture, greater than 10 years of work experience and having low and moderate perception of risk were found to be significantly associated with NSSIs.


The study found high prevalence of NSSIs among health care workers. Effective training, ongoing awareness on the risk of hazards, preventive measures such as engineering control, and post-exposure prophylaxis following NSSIs are essential to reduce the risk of such injuries.  相似文献   

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