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1998年5月19日上午11时45分,广东省博罗县湖镇池文烟花有限公司发生爆炸事故,造成15人死亡,76人受伤(其中重伤11人,轻伤65人),直接经济损失4544万元;摧毁车间、仓库等建筑面积2015平方米,附近部分农作物和东北方向800米处村庄有...  相似文献   

杨高义 《安全》1997,18(6):24-26

第一章 总则 第一条 为了加强烟花爆竹安全管理,预防爆炸事故发生,保障公共安全和人身、财产的安全,制定本条例。  相似文献   

每年的年末年初,都是烟花爆竹行业生产和销售、使用的高峰季节,也是烟花爆竹爆炸事故多发的时段。如何避免事故重复发生?分析2007年底发生在湖南省一个烟花爆竹生产企业的一起爆炸事故原因,制定控制事故发生的措施,可为同类企业避免事故发生带来借鉴。  相似文献   

一、事故经过1998年5月上旬某日23时左右 ,某化工生产企业的变换岗位 ,一安装在室外的中压变换炉进气管90°的弯头(325×8)突然破裂 ,大量的可燃气流冲出管外 ,爆燃。在岗的4名工人大面积深度烧伤 ,造成近200万元的经济损失。生产原始记录显示 :事故前该生产系统处于最佳工况之中 ,自动记录仪显示 ,事故前一刻系统工作压力为1 36MPa。管内可燃气体的主要成份为 :CO、CO2、N2 、CH4、H2 等。爆炸钢弯头是由325×8无缝钢管加工而成 ,系上年大修时购进并更换的(属于每年大修必更换部件) ,累计…  相似文献   

近日,福州市烟花爆竹燃放“禁改限”终于尘埃落定。今年春节,福州市民就可在限定时间、限定区域燃放烟花爆竹。在城市的夜空,久违的花火终于可以再次闪耀。但是烟花爆竹是易燃易爆品,稍有不慎就会引发火灾、爆炸事故,那么怎样才能让美丽的烟花安全地绽放而不成为节日喜庆的不和谐因素呢?对此本刊特摘选烟花爆竹燃放、运输、保存相关的安全常识,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

某国有大型冶金企业刚退休的一位高级工程师,来到市电石厂仅7天就死在车间里.紧接着死者家属向法院提出诉讼,要求工厂巨额赔偿.法院聘请我担任此案的技术鉴定人.  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure to include into the quantitative risk assessment (and namely in the construction and solution of the Fault Trees) the Safety Management System (SMS) aspects.The parameters used for probabilistic assessment of the Expected Number of Failures (ENF) of a Top Event are parameterised depending on:
  • 1.a weight assigned to each SMS section with reference to the parameter;
  • 2.a judgment about the correct application of the same SMS section.
Each probabilistic parameter (e.g. failure rates, mean time to repair, and so on) is thus modified using a mathematical algorithm, where an overall parameter including all the SMS sections influencing each single parameter is defined.The application of the procedure to a formaldehyde plant allowed the validation of the method and is here entirely reported.  相似文献   

严琳 《安全》2006,27(6):23-24
新学期伊始,一件件食物中毒事件接踵而至,人们不禁要问学校食堂怎成了食物中毒的"高危区"? 10月9日下午,午餐食用过豆角的吉林省吉林市船营区第四小学部分学生陆续出现恶心、呕吐现象,之后共有85名学生在医院进行观察治疗,经过治疗后学生情况稳定.10月10日,四川省绵竹市玉泉学校100多名学生陆续出现恶心、呕吐、腹痛、低烧、腹泻等症状,出现发病症状的学生共143名,其中在医院治疗的73人,在校观察的70人,经医生初步诊断为突发细菌性痢疾.10月11日,广州中山大学附小50名小学生在食用广州市弘毅食品有限公司提供的课间餐之后,疑似食物中毒入院抢救,之后又有大量学生入院治疗,到事故发生次日,累计有237名学生到医院就诊.  相似文献   

高增润 《环境与发展》2020,(2):23-23,25
环境监测技术是通过分析环境中各种相关因素的变化情况来确定环境污染的源头,目前,随着我国工业化的发展,水体污染成了环境治理的头等难题,我们要加强对水污染的环境监测,改善水体质量,为人类提供优质的水资源。  相似文献   

《职业病防治法》的立法宗旨是以预防为主。预防是从污染源头控制危害的最有效方法,是预防职业病的关键。预防措施分两种,一是工程控制措施,是主动的措施,例如采用湿法作业可有效降低粉尘的产生;改善生产工艺,选择无毒或低毒的原材料,可消除危害,或降低有害物毒性,采取密闭、隔离的方法,可避免有害物的散发和蔓延,再配台通风将有害物浓度降低等等。另一种就是个人防护措施,虽然是被动的防护,却是最后一道防线。如何选择预防措施呢? 应首先评价作业现场的危害,了解危害情况,作为采取应对措施的基础。GB/T18664附录A中介绍了评价应考虑的因素,见图一。  相似文献   

介绍研制成功的电梯断电救援系统在保证电梯安全运行中的作用和结构工作原理。  相似文献   

The present studies examine the joint influence of interpersonal fairness from peers and authorities on participants' organizational behaviors (citizenship) and attitudes (commitment). In three experimental studies, we find that mistreatment from peers, in the form of interpersonal unfairness, reduces the benefits that authorities gain from treating the same employee with high interpersonal fairness themselves. We also find that the negative effect of mistreatment from authorities can be offset by high interpersonal fairness from peers. These results come about because the interpersonal fairness shown not only by authorities but also by peers influences people's sense of standing as organization members. We discuss theoretical and practical implications, as well as limitations and suggestions, for future research.  相似文献   

Introduction: Bathing is the most problematic activity of daily living for aging adults, and the ability to perform it is influenced by physical capabilities that decrease with age. Drowning is an under-documented event related to bathing for older adults. This study investigates the circumstances of these tragedies, to prevent them. Methods: Census of 2005–2014 bathtub drownings in the province of Quebec (Canada) involving victims aged 65 +. Coroner's reports were analyzed using a grid based on factors previously associated with bath-related drownings in literature, iteratively modified. Results: Among the 92 bathtub drowning victims inventoried, 42% were aged 65 +. The average age of older victims is 79 (65–97, ± 9 years). Main probable cause of drowning is a cardiac problem, although only 19% of victims had a medical history of heart disease. Most victims were alone in their apartment or residence when drowning occurred. Risky periods appear to be springtime, Sundays, and evenings. Despite expectations, relevant information about the physical environment is very scarce. Conclusions: At least 39 Quebecers, aged 65 +, drowned in their bathtubs over a 10-year period. More older adults than children are victims of bathtub drownings in community-dwellings. It seems that bathing may induce heart distress, leading to an appreciable number of drownings. Practical implications: Since cardiac health problems are present in these deplorable events, promoting access to safety devices in the environment (emergency button, grab bars) and modified personal hygiene habits (bathing chair, showering) might be potential ways to prevent drowning and improve safety in older adults while they perform their personal hygiene, an essential activity for health and human dignity.  相似文献   

Back problems resulting from the compression forces on the intervertebral disks during manual material-handling tasks are an important problem affecting workers in various industries. The quantification of these forces using intradiscal pressure or biomechanical modeling is complex, time consuming, and costly, and these methods cannot be readily used in the workplace to estimate loadings on the lower back. The objective of this study was to develop a predictive model that would allow the estimation of lumbar loadings for lifting and lowering boxes using easily measured anthropometric variables and variables related to the task. A dynamic and planar segmental model and a model of internal forces at L5/S1 were used to determine the compression forces on the lower back. Two predictive models, a field model and a laboratory model, were developed to estimate the compression forces when lifting or lowering 3.3 kg to 22.0 kg boxes between heights of 15 cm and 185 cm. Both models were validated by an examination of the residuals. Their predictive performance was also compared, with the laboratory model offering a slightly better prediction than the field model. Thus, these equations represent a practical tool for a better planning of handling tasks in the working environment with the purpose of reducing the back injuries of workers.  相似文献   

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