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城市地域空间内部的各类空间盲区是城市犯罪事件构成要件中必不可少的环节,非公共空间作为城市内部最常见的一种空间表现形式,存在其中的盲区是城市犯罪问题中的关键点。非公共空间盲区的形成有赖于微观环境的广泛性和独特性,剖析根植其中不同的致盲因素,对预防犯罪问题的产生和遏制犯罪事件的发展有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着社会经济与文化的不断发展,人类与环境的矛盾日益突出,如何有效控制人类破坏环境与无节制地开采资源已经成为当今社会的重要议题。自我国1997年在刑法中设置环境犯罪专节以来,环境犯罪得到了一定控制。但在环境犯罪追诉时效领域仍然没有形成一套完整而有效的追责机制。其中,模糊的追诉时效起算点、过短的追诉时效、对法人犯罪的规定缺失是其主要不足。应有针对性地制定相关规定,弥补缺失,以完善我国环境犯罪追诉时效制度。  相似文献   

刑法修正案(八)草案降低环境犯罪定罪门槛 十一届全国人大常委会8月25日分组审议刑法修正案(八)草案,刑法修正案(八)草案规定了严重环境污染罪,建议修改刑法第三百三十八条重大环境污染事故罪的法律规定,降低犯罪构成条件,增强可操作性。本次修正案将“危险废物”改为“有害物质”,扩大了犯罪行为类型;不再将财产损失或人身伤亡等作为犯罪要件,只要“严重污染环境”就构成犯罪。  相似文献   

环境犯罪立法的现代化是指环境立法在新形势下发展、完善的过程。科学发展观为环境犯罪立法提供了新的目标,同时,环境犯罪立法在环境犯罪的概念、主观与客观形态上都应体现现代化目标的要求。  相似文献   

环境犯罪立法的现代化是指环境立法在新形势下发展、完善的过程。科学发展观为环境犯罪立法提供了新的目标,同时,环境犯罪立法在环境犯罪的概念、主观与客观形态上都应体现现代化目标的要求。  相似文献   

环境犯罪(破坏环境资源保护罪)是1997年新《刑法》规定的一种新的特殊类型的刑事犯罪,由于环境犯罪自身具有的一些特点,因此《刑法》无论是在定罪还是在量刑方面都作了一些不同于普通形事犯罪的特殊规定,极易造成司法实践中适用的错误,本文对其和普通刑事犯罪从认定和处罚两个大的方面进行了分析、比较,以引起司法适用时的注意。  相似文献   

污染型环境犯罪具有复杂、时间长、举证难的特点,运用传统刑法必然因果关系理论难以确定因果关系。疫学因果关系推定法建立在大量的客观统计数据之上,根据四大推定原则来进行因果关系推理,有利于认定污染型环境犯罪的因果关系,但是又存在“高度盖然性”标准不明和容易被主观干扰等缺陷。结合我国实际情况,建议有原则地在污染型环境犯罪中引入疫学因果关系推定。  相似文献   

污染型环境犯罪具有复杂、时间长、举证难的特点,运用传统刑法必然因果关系理论难以确定因果关系。疫学因果关系推定法建立在大量的客观统计数据之上,根据四大推定原则来进行因果关系推理,有利于认定污染型环境犯罪的因果关系,但是又存在"高度盖然性"标准不明和容易被主观干扰等缺陷。结合我国实际情况,建议有原则地在污染型环境犯罪中引入疫学因果关系推定。  相似文献   

论我国保护森林资源刑事立法的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国破坏森林资源的犯罪仍处于高发阶段,且形式多样.虽然我国刑法确立了非法采伐、毁坏正规林木罪等罪名,但不足以遏制此类犯罪的发展势头,因此,进一步完善此类犯罪的刑罚体系及其相关制度应成为刑事立法的重点.  相似文献   

对环境侵权行为的构成要件进行了探讨,并对我国法学界关于该问题的争议进行了评析,并提出了环境侵权行为应类型化为两种的观点。  相似文献   

People's perception of crime and incivilities vary considerably depending on their attitudes towards environmental conditions. This paper investigated the hypothesised relationships between Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), victimisation and fear of crime. The checklist was administered by using on-site observation to measure the CPTED construct followed by a self-administered questionnaire to explore the residents' perceptions of victimisation and fear of crime in their area of residency. In all, 164 respondents from a selected group of residents were involved in this study. The structural equation modelling technique was employed and the results indicate that CPTED is negatively related to victimisation. The model also shows that there is a significant positive direct influence of victimisation on fear of crime. However, no direct significant relationship was found between CPTED and fear of crime, but a negative indirect relationship between CPTED and fear of crime was observed through victimisation.  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(十一)》修订呈现出刑事立法对于预防与从严惩处犯罪理念的贯彻,在回应风险社会诉求的同时,立法价值观、犯罪观、刑罚观层面客观存在的二律背反现象,引发了学界对于刑罚介入边界的激烈争论。本文基于648份污染环境罪判决书,利用回归分析对污染环境罪包括有期徒刑、拘役、缓刑在内的多个判决结果与影响因素间的内在机理进行实证分析。研究表明,污染环境罪刑罚存在刑罚力度整体轻缓,金钱类环境责任序位混乱,将环境修复作为量刑情节考量指引效果较弱等问题。针对以上问题,一方面通过宽严相济纾解刑罚适用“轻刑化”之困,并重新区分以危险犯和实害犯为基准的刑罚结构;另一方面通过生态修复规范化建立积极的司法导向,并以此重构罚金刑体系。从而达到犯罪控制与生态恢复双重目的,为污染环境罪刑罚研究添砖加瓦,形成具有中国特色的环境犯罪刑罚治理体系。  相似文献   


In 2014 an Australia public servant was killed in a confrontation over illegal land clearing. The perpetrator was a land holder with a history of non-compliance with environmental regulations and had been subject to a series of prosecutions. Political suggestions that the crime was somehow justified drew attention to the growing prevalence of law breaking linked to environmental law and policy in rural Australia. This paper investigated the social construction of both the crime and the community response through a qualitative media content analysis. Utilising the “Recipe for Criminalisation” framework developed by Amnesty International, the analysis identified a contest between media discourses of legitimacy in regards to the actions taken by the perpetrator, the public servant and ultimately, the regulatory framework itself. The analysis revealed that the link between media references to illegitimate legislation, excessive regulation, over-zealous compliance and strong social norms of rural independence and economic survival created a persuasive story of justified resistance to unwelcome environmental legislation in this case. Understanding how affected communities respond to instances of policy failure, civil and criminal law breaking and environmental compliance is a crucial factor in designing more legitimate and effective governance regimes. How media narratives are constructed, by whom and in whose interests remains an important analytic question for the study of resistance to environmental law and policy around the world.  相似文献   

《刑法》第338条以污染环境罪为核心构建起来的现行环境犯罪体系存在环境立法观念偏颇、法益保护范围过窄以及刑罚力度不足三方面的缺陷。在我国环境问题依旧严重的今天,为了适应不断发展变化的社会,刑法环境犯罪体系的重构已经势在必行,应当以刑法的规范观念为指导,以污染环境罪为基础建立我国体系化的环境刑法,同时根据社会危害性配置更加严厉的刑罚。  相似文献   

从一起重大环境污染事故罪案例谈强化环境应急监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析镇江首例重大环境污染事故罪庭审及事故应急监测过程,从监测数据证据效力、应急监测常态化、针对性的监控平台及预警监测科研等方面,探讨如何强化环境应急监测工作。  相似文献   

Practical Minimum Energy requirements comprise a management decision tool designed to assist companies in adopting strategies for more sustainable products through improved energy efficiency. This tool allows managers to gauge the potential for reducing the energy intensity of chemical processes as well as the environmental impacts associated with energy consumption, such as greenhouse gas emissions. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Perceived safety from crime in the urban environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies were conducted to test various aspects of Appleton's Prospect-Refuge Theory. Hypotheses derived from the theory predicted that observers would rate how safe from crime they would feel in specific urban environments on the basis of whether the environments offered visibility (light), prospect (open spaces) and unambiguous refuge (a place where a criminal would not see the intended victim, or where other, non-threatening people were likely to to be present). It was further hypothesized that women in general would feel less safe from crime than men. In Study 1, University students generated lists of environmental features relevant to safety. Light was the most frequently mentioned factor, followed by open space and unambiguous refuge. In Study 2, slides were presented in which these three characteristics were independently varied. The results supported all of the hypotheses.  相似文献   

We assessed environmental and perceptual correlates of walking and walkability for fifth graders from three communities attending two schools: A new urban/LEED-ND pilot community, mixed, and standard suburban community. Irvine-Minnesota Inventory (IMI) walkability audits showed that new urban blocks provided more traffic safety, pleasurability, crime safety, density, and diversity. New urban routes offered greater traffic safety, accessibility, pleasurability, crime safety, and diversity, but suburban routes had greater housing density, net of controls (parental education, rooms in the home, home ownership, parent preference for child to walk to school). Parents and children perceived new urban routes to be more walkable and children walked more when they lived on more walkable routes. The suburban hierarchical street design exposed children to varied traffic safety conditions by funneling their walks from cul-de-sacs to arterials. The new urban routes to a centrally located school passed by pleasant open spaces, suggesting how community organization can create better walking conditions.  相似文献   

Public support for environmental protection in the US as a federal government priority has substantially dropped since 2001. Data for the years 1999?–?2004 show that the least support was from non-Hispanic white, middle-class, college educated and suburban residents. Poorer, black, and residents of large cities have become the strongest supporters. In addition, with the important exception of wanting the federal government to focus on job creation, the public is less interested in many other domestic program priorities, including crime prevention and regulating health care management. The results are not an ominous sign that the public has lost interest in environmental planning and management, but are interpreted here as a notice that there must be aggressive efforts to explain to the public, media and elected representatives that efforts are critically important to public health, job creation and economic development.  相似文献   

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