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In an earlier paper, major commercially available incinerator technologies designed to treat dilute waste gas streams containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were described in a qualitative comparison. In addition, a simplified procedure was outlined through which important sizing parameters could be calculated given certain information about the waste gas. This paper describes the use of these parameters in developing a study (±30percent) cost estimate for the total capital investment and the total annual costs incurred in treating a waste stream of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). An illustrative problem used in the former paper is completed here in order to contrast some of the economic differences between thermal and catalytic incinerator systems.  相似文献   

The emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) is attracting increasing concern both from the public and by government agencies. Among the many available control technologies for the treatment of VOC containing waste streams, incineration offers an ultimate disposal strategy rather than a means for collecting or concentrating the offending compounds. This paper describes the major, commercially available thermal and catalytic incinerator systems that are designed to treat dilute, VOC containing gas streams. Qualitative guidelines are presented whereby the technologies can be compared. In addition, an example waste stream is used to illustrate a simplified procedure for calculating the material and energy balances for each of the incinerators. The resulting parameters will be used in a companion paper to estimate the capital and operating costs associated with each design. In this manner, a first estimate can be obtained of the costs of cleaning a waste stream containing low levels of VOCs.  相似文献   

Conventional types of municipal incinerators generate enormous quantities of stack gas because of high excess air and high temperatures. Under these conditions the size and cost of equipment to clean the flue gas to low dust contents are large. By burning the refuse in boiler furnaces at low excess air, and generating steam, the volume of flue gas to be cleaned is reduced to a minimum. Where high efficiency of flue-dust collection is required, steam generation from refuse firing permits a major saving on the cost of dust collection.  相似文献   

Municipal refuse usually contains only 0.10-0.15% sulfur. During combustion a minor fraction of the sulfur is released as SO2, while the major fraction is fixed in the ash, which contains alkaline oxides. Contrasted with coal and heavy fuel oil, municipal refuse is a minor to negligible source of SO2 air pollution.  相似文献   

为考察混合气体中各组分对VOCs降解的影响,以及催化剂在协同低温等离子体降解多组分VOCs气体中的表现,选取甲苯、丙酮及乙酸乙酯组成混合VOCs进行低温等离子体降解,进而研究混合降解方式对混合VOCs气体各组分降解效果的影响。先制备了Mn2O3/γ-Al2O3催化剂,采用催化剂后置方式研究催化剂在协同低温等离子体降解多组分混合VOCs气体过程中的表现。结果表明:多组分混合VOCs降解时,甲苯和乙酸乙酯的降解率相较单独降解时都有所提升,当特定输入能量(SIE)为700 J∙L−1时,提升率分别为69.1%和12.64%,而丙酮的降解率相较单独降解时却发生了明显下降,下降了40.74%;多组分混合VOCs降解时的臭氧产量相较3种VOCs单独降解时均有微弱下降;多组分混合VOCs相较单种VOCs降解时的碳平衡均略有下降;在协同低温等离子体降解多组分VOCs气体过程中,Mn2O3/γ-Al2O3催化剂对混合VOCs中甲苯、乙酸乙酯及丙酮降解率有明显提升,且随VOCs降解难度的上升而更加明显,并使得各条件下VOCs降解的碳平衡均得到了提升。本研究结果可为低温等离子体降解VOCs的实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

This article describes the development of the Ammonia Injection Technology (AIT), a technology for the simultaneous control of the emissions of PCDD/PCDF (polychlorinated p-dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans), HCI, SO2 and NOX from municipal solid waste incinerators. It briefly reviews the theoretical basis of the technology and the bench-scale and pilot-scale experiments. It describes the results of the pilot-scale experiment in detail and reports on the finding that the formation of PCDD and PCOF takes place in different regions of the boiler system. Finally, a concept is introduced for the treatment of emission control residues which could lead to the recovery of chlorine from waste products and its “recycle” to the chlorine manufacturing process (“closed chlorine life cycle“ concept).  相似文献   

A discussion is presented of a newly developed incinerator for the disposal of solid wastes. It is distinguished from conventional types by its open top, and features a system of closely spaced nozzles admitting a screen of high-velocity air over the burning zone. Results, with a variety of solid industrial wastes, show high burning rates, leading to complete combustion and high flame temperature.  相似文献   

This paper discusses monitoring the waste destruction efficiency of hazardous waste incinerators. The particular problem is to ensure that incinerators do not release, without detection, significant quantities of waste as a result of operating fluctuations or equipment degradation. To detect these conditions, continuous, automated, and real-time source monitoring is required. Detection of degraded performance by monitoring and measuring waste compounds directly is not presently possible on a continuous basis. An alternative is to use commercially available continuous monitors to measure combustion intermediates (e.g., CO or hydrocarbons) and thereby infer waste destruction efficiency. Required, however, is a correlation between the emission of intermediates and the emission of waste. In this paper, the response of a number of these continuous monitors is compared with waste destruction efficiency measurements from a laboratory scale, liquid-spray incinerator operated on fuel oil doped with model waste compounds: benzene, chlorobenzene, acrylonitrile, and chloroform. Total hydrocarbon and CH4 measurements are found to vary with waste emission in a nearly linear manner; however, a substantial increase in CO emission occurs before a significant amount of waste is released. These results suggest that CO may serve as an indicator of the approach of waste release, while total hydrocarbons may provide an indicator of immediate waste release.  相似文献   

An activated carbon moving bed system (10 to 100 acf m air flow) was tested for controlling VOC emissions from a commercial aircraft painting facility. The cross-flow moving adsorbent bed showed a VOC collection efficiency in the 77.1 to 99.6 percent range over a superficial gas velocity range of 27 to 185 ft/min (0.14-0.94 m/sec). The collection efficiencies were neither affected by a change in carbon flow rates from 5 to 8 Ib/hr (2.3 to 3.6 kg/hr) nor by a change in the gas superficial velocity from 27 to 185 ft/min. The VOC concentration in the emission stream from the painting hangar was found to vary by at least a factor of 20 (from 0.18 to 15 ppm) both over the five month period (during which the 15 system tests of about three hours each were conducted) and within a single eight hour work shift.  相似文献   

The Semi-Volatile Organic Sampling Train method was investigated to determine its reliability and to determine the bias and precision of the method when used to determine emissions from hazardous waste incinerators. Experiments showed that the matrix and sampling variables usually involved in sampling emissions from a hazardous waste incinerator had no significant effect on the recovery of 11 different organic compounds. Significant losses of the sampled compounds can occur during sample preparation. The degree of loss appears to be directly related to the compounds, vapor pressure. These losses can be corrected for by adding deuterated surrogates to the sample and analyzing the surrogates along with the native compounds.

The bias determination was based on dynamic spiking of the sampling train with five deuterated organic compounds selected from Appendix VIII of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act regulations. The results show biases of from -1 ± 8 percent to -18 ± 27 percent for chlorinated and nonchlorinated compounds. Pyridine, a water-soluble compound, showed a larger bias of-29 ± 13 percent. Particular attention to the recovery of water soluble compounds is necessary to minimize bias in their determinations. Further work is needed to determine the reliability of laboratory-determined retention volumes that are used to determine sampling conditions.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to researchers in stack testing methodology and to those concerned with reduction of emissions through equipment upgrading programs. Extensive testing was done using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Method 5 stack sampling train to obtain emission factors for existing apartment house boilers and incinerators in the City of New York. In addition to calculating emission factors, stack emission data were examined to compare results of simultaneous emission tests and to compare the dry particulate catch of the sampling train with the total particulate catch which included the impinger catch. Conclusions reached as a result of the testing were that published emission factors for boilers burning moderately high-sulfur residual oil are applicable to New York City boilers burning low-sulfur residual oil. In addition, it was found that the back half of the sampling train—the impinger section—collects a relatively constant amount of material when sampling oil-fired boilers. This may be due to absorption of S02 and S03 in the impingers and the subsequent formation of sulfuric acid. Comparison of simultaneous boiler tests indicated that the sampling train may be sensitive to variations in operating personnel, sampling conditions, and boiler operation. From tests of on-site incinerators, it was determined that previously published emission factors may be too high for well maintained and properly operated incinerators. The back half particulate catch was found to be relatively large which may have resulted from condensation of unburned organics from the burning waste material.  相似文献   

A comprehensive incinerator air pollution control testing program was recently completed in New York City, and the results contain valuable particulate and gas sampling data. The information, which was obtained from a large number of test runs, is especially valuable since there is a shortage of reliable, valid test data of this nature. Since the test data now presented involved 1000 ton/day incinerators, which operate 24 hr/day, 6 days/wk, it is significant design criteria for consideration when upgrading a large incinerator or building a new one. The tests also provide information concerning the nature and concentration of gaseous constituents in the incinerator stack effluent.  相似文献   

This article Introduces a technology for the simultaneous control of the emissions of PCDD/ PCDF, hydrochloric acid (HCI) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from municipal solid waste (MSW) Incinerators. The technology uses ammonia as the control medium for all three pollutants. In this paper, the theoretical basis of the technology Is discussed. In addition, a bench-scale experiment proving the theory Is described and the practical application of the theory Is presented. Finally, further steps which are being taken to develop the technology for commercial application are detailed.  相似文献   

Despite this country’s scientific advances, most communities in the United States are still disposing of solid wastes the way they did 50 years ago. The problem is advancing faster than the solution. Less than half the cities in this country with populations over 2500 dispose of their wastes by an approved sanitary and nuisance-free method. Do you realize that every 60 seconds people in the United States drop 251 tons of trash into their garbage cans. At the end of the day, 362,000 tons have accumulated. This means each of the 190 million people in the US disposes of 43½ lb of rubbish daily. By the year 2000 population is expected to double, while the per capita rate of increase in refuse production rises about 2% annually.

As the population booms and spreads to the suburbs, and suburbs expand into further suburbs, we will rapidly use up the land once used for waste disposal. Thus, sanitary landfill sites will disappear because by the year 2000 three-fourths of our population will live in urban areas.

The answer to this enormous problem faced by large and small communities is central incineration. Only this system can provide a maximum reduction in the volume of refuse. It is for this reason that communities are turning to incineration as the best solution. However, a growing public awareness plus changing municipal, state, and federal laws necessitate the need for a modern incineration plant that incorporates the most advanced and proved method of air pollution control. Where efficiencies of 60 to 80% were acceptable in the past, 90 to 95% are sought at present, and soon 96 to 99% will be required.

This paper deals with the effective control of particulate emissions from municipal incinerator exhaust gases.  相似文献   

挥发性有机物低温等离子体降解的影响参数研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作为一类重要的有机污染物,挥发性有机物的危害已引起了世界各国的广泛关注。以挥发性有机物代表物质苯为研究对象,考察了多种实验参数对苯降解特性的影响。在高频电源条件下,对于施加电压、电源频率及反应器参数(包括管径、有效长度、电极材料和电极直径)与苯去除率的关系进行了研究。结果表明,高施加电压、高电源频率有利于苯的降解。管径较小、有效长度较长、内电极直径较大、内电极材料为钨的反应器对于苯的去除效果明显。反应器参数与电源的匹配问题对于提高污染物去除率及节能降耗方面十分重要。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to quantify the production of medical waste from a general hospital and to evaluate the atmospheric pollutant concentrations in gaseous emissions associated with its incineration. A 3.8 kg (bed.day)-1 production of medical waste was estimated for 1998; its incineration is related with an ash production of 0.3-0.4 kg (bed.day)-1. The concentrations of atmospheric pollutants were estimated using emission factors, comparing the effluents with and without control of atmospheric pollutants. The calculated concentrations were compared with the emission limits established by Portuguese legislation. The results indicate that, if there is no control of atmospheric pollutants, their concentrations exceed the established limits. This is observed even if correct operation and maintenance procedures are used. The emission concentrations of dioxins are higher than the Portuguese emission limit, which is particularly worrying due to the high toxicity of some of these compounds. Generally, it is possible to reduce pollutant concentrations if appropriate control equipment is used. The conclusions obtained clearly justify the great concern regarding air pollution associated with medical waste incinerators currently operating in Portugal.  相似文献   

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