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The aim of the present study is to explore the implications of using different quality guidelines and approaches for marine sediment characterization. As a case study, the sediments of Souda Port, Crete, Greece, were examined in order to assess heavy metal contamination and to estimate anthropogenic contribution and potential adverse effects to aquatic environment, as well as to indicate feasible future management options. The concentration of six heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) was determined and compared with different sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and regional/national criteria established for dredged material characterization and management. In addition, the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) was calculated and the sediments toxicity and heavy metals bioavailability were determined. Based on the experimental data, it is deduced that Souda sediments are characterized as moderately polluted only in terms of Co, Ni, and Pb.  相似文献   

The LINDE® Oxygen Combustion System has been demonstrated successfully at the EPA Denney Farm site as part of the modified EPA mobile incinerator. This paper describes the field testing results and computer modeling of the LINDE system. The oxygen system enables the EPA unit to incinerate dioxin and PCB contaminated soil at a consistent rate of 4000 lb/h—200 percent of the original maximum capacity. The pure oxygen combustion system improved the thermal efficiency of the incinerator by over 60 percent and reduced the flue gas volume dramatically. Therefore, the dust carryover problem was mitigated. The destruction and removal efficiencies of hazardous wastes exceeded EPA requirements.

The design of the proprietary burner allows the use of up to 100 percent oxygen in place of air for incineration with improvements over conventional oxy-fuel burners. As a result, the temperature distributions in the rotary kiln are uniform and NOx emissions are low.

The oxygen combustion system, controlled by a programmable controller, provided much better response and flexibility than conventional air based systems. The system generated a stable flame and responsed well to the transient conditions of the rotary kiln. Kiln puff occurrence was virtually eliminated in the operation of the mobile incinerator.

A computer model of the incinerator was developed and used for the process design of the LINDE system. The model predicted the test results reasonably well. This model can be a useful tool in the design and operation of rotary kiln incineration systems.  相似文献   


The removal capacity of carbon and nitrogen from an artificial leachate was evaluated by using laboratory-scale columns, and a design was proposed to remove nitrogen more efficiently from a semiaerobic landfill. Five columns (i.e., two artificial municipal waste columns under anaerobic and semiaerobic conditions, an artificial construction waste column under semiaerobic conditions, and two crushed stone columns under anaerobic and semiaerobic conditions) were used. The influent load rates of organics [g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/m3 ·day], NH4 +, NO3 ?, and aeration conditions for the columns were varied, and the removal capacities of the columns for COD, NH4 +-N, and NO3 ?-N were measured.

Among the packed column materials, crushed stone was shown to be most effective in removing COD, NH4 +-N, and NO3 ?-N from artificial leachate. Average removal rates of crushed column under the semiaerobic condition (column D) for COD and NH4 +-N were estimated at about 150 g COD/m3·day and 20 g COD/m3 ·day, while those of crushed column under anaerobic condition (column E) for COD and NO3 ?-N at about 400 and 150 g COD/m3 ·day, respectively. It also was found that denitrification and nitrification reactions in column D occurred at the same time, and the ratio of denitrification to nitrification was estimated to be about 80%. Therefore, an anaerobic structure, which could be attached to the bottom of a main pipe in a semiaerobic landfill, is suggested to remove nitrogen and organic substances more effectively.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of fabric filter parameters when filtering an actual industrial effluent stream, it is necessary to vary these parameters in the field. A mobile fabric filter system has been designed, fabricated and operated to provide this information. The design characteristics and some preliminary field data collected with this system are summarized.  相似文献   

The developmental status, projected costs, and environmental effects of 14 flue gas treatment processes are compared on a common basis in two consecutive issues of JAPCA. Part I summarizes the background and study basis and Part II compares environmental impact and relative costs. Each process is assumed to be associated with a grass roots installation that includes a modern 800 MW power plant burning Illinois No. 6 coal. Also considered is the effectiveness of these processes to control particulate matter, NO x , trace inorganics, and polyorganic matter.

The processes are divided into those operating once-through (Limestone, Lime, Limestone and Lime, Dual-Alkali), and with regeneration (Magnesia, Wellman-Lord, Citrate, Aqueous Carbonate, IFP-Catalytic Inc., Copper-Dry Bed, and Carbon-Dry Bed). Also analyzed are NO x control processes that are compatible with scrubbers or dry processes, and include the Exxon Thermal DeNO x , Ozone NO Oxidation, and Copper and Carbon-Dry Bed.  相似文献   


To examine factors influencing long‐term ozone (O3) exposures by children living in urban communities, the authors analyzed longitudinal data on personal, indoor, and outdoor O3 concentrations, as well as related housing and other questionnaire information collected in the one‐year‐long Harvard Southern California Chronic Ozone Exposure Study. Of 224 children contained in the original data set, 160 children were found to have longitudinal measurements of O3 concentrations in at least six months of 12 months of the study period. Data for these children were randomly split into two equal sets: one for model development and the other for model validation. Mixed models with various variance‐covariance structures were developed to evaluate statistically important predictors for chronic personal ozone exposures. Model predictions were then validated against the field measurements using an empirical best‐linear unbiased prediction technique.The results of model fitting showed that the most important predictors for personal ozone exposure include indoor O3 concentration, central ambient O3 concentration, outdoor O3 concentration, season, gender, outdoor time, house fan usage, and the presence of a gas range in the house. Hierarchical models of personal O3 concentrations indicate the following levels of explanatory power for each of the predictive models: indoor and outdoor O3 concentrations plus questionnaire variables, central and indoor O3 concentrations plus questionnaire variables, indoor O3 concentrations plus questionnaire variables, central O3 concentrations plus questionnaire variables, and questionnaire data alone on time activity and housing characteristics. These results provide important information on key predictors of chronic human exposures to ambient O3 for children and offer insights into how to reliably and cost‐effectively predict personal O3 exposures in the future. Furthermore, the techniques and findings derived from this study also have strong implications for selecting the most reliable and cost‐effective exposure study design and modeling approaches for other ambient pollutants, such as fine particulate matter and selected urban air toxics.  相似文献   


Biofilter, dynamic modeling software characterizing contaminant removal via biofiltration, was used in the preliminary design of a biofilter to treat odorous hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Steady-state model simulations were run to generate performance plots for various influent concentrations, loadings, residence times, media sizes, and temperatures. Although elimination capacity and removal efficiency frequently are used to characterize biofilter performance, effluent concentration can be used to characterize performance when treating to a target effluent concentration. Model simulations illustrate that, at a given temperature, a biofilter cannot reduce H2S emissions below a minimum value, no matter how large the biofilter or how long the residence time. However, a higher biofilter temperature results in lower effluent H2S concentrations. Because dynamic model simulations show that shock loading can significantly increase the effluent concentration above values predicted by the steady-state model simulations, it is recommended that, to consistently meet treatment objectives, dynamic feed conditions should be considered. This study illustrates that modeling can serve as a valuable tool in the design and performance optimization of biofilters.  相似文献   

Personal exposure to respirable particulates and sulfates is being measured as a part of a long term prospective epidemiological study of the respiratory health effects of air pollution, the Harvard Six City Study.1 The purpose of this monitoring program is to develop better estimators of actual personal exposure from comparison of the direct measurements of personal exposure with simultaneous measurements of the normally measured outdoor air, the air inside each participant’s home, and records of the daily activities of each participant. Results are reported in a paper by Dockery and Spengler.2  相似文献   


Expected urban air concentrations of the gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) were calculated using volatile emissions estimates and screening transport models, and these predictions were compared with Boston, MA, area urban air measurements. The total volatile flux of MTBE into the Boston primary metropolitan statistical area (PMSA) airshed was calculated based on estimated automobile nontailpipe emissions and the Universal Quasi-Chemical Functional-Group Activity Coefficient computed abundance of MTBE in gasoline vapor. The fate of MTBE in the Boston PMSA was assessed using both the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances, which is a steady-state multimedia box model, and a simple airshed box model. Both models were parameterized based on the meteorological conditions observed during air sampling in the Boston area. Measured average urban air concentrations of 0.1 and 1 [H9262]g/m3 MTBE during February and September of 2000, respectively, were comparable to corresponding model predictions of 0.3 and 1 μg/m3 and could be essentially explained from estimated temperature-dependent volatile emissions rates, observed average wind speed (the airshed flushing rate), and reaction with ambient tropospheric hydroxyl radical (.OH), within model uncertainty. These findings support the proposition that one can estimate gasoline component source fluxes and use simple multimedia models to screen the potential impact of future proposed gasoline additives on urban airsheds.  相似文献   

概述了基于江苏省新版排污申报报表制度的《江苏省排污申报信息管理系统(2001年版)》软件设计和应用情况,重点介绍了该环境信息应用软件的系统设计原则,技术路线,数据录入上报流程。  相似文献   

Contamination of groundwater constrains its uses and poses a serious threat to the environment. Once groundwater is contaminated, the cleanup may be difficult and expensive. Identification of unknown pollution sources is the first step toward adopting any remediation strategy. The proposed methodology exploits the capability of a universal function approximation by a feed-forward multilayer artificial neural network (ANN) to identify the sources in terms of its location, magnitudes, and duration of activity. The back-propagation algorithm is utilized for training the ANN to identify the source characteristics based on simulated concentration data at specified observation locations in the aquifer. Uniform random generation and the Latin hypercube sampling method of random generation are used to generate temporal varying source fluxes. These source fluxes are used in groundwater flow and the transport simulation model to generate necessary data for the ANN model-building processes. Breakthrough curves obtained for the specified pollution scenario are characterized by different methods. The characterized breakthrough curves parameters serve as inputs to ANN model. Unknown pollution source characteristics are outputs for ANN model. Experimentation is also performed with different number of training and testing patterns. In addition, the effects of measurement errors in concentration measurements values are used to show the robustness of ANN based methodology for source identification in case of erroneous data.  相似文献   


Landfills represent a source of distributed emissions source over an irregular and heterogeneous surface. In the method termed “Other Test Method-10” (OTM-10), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a method to quantify emissions from such sources by the use of vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) techniques combined with measurement of wind speed to determine the average emission flux per unit area per time from nonpoint sources. In such application, the VRPM is used as a tool to estimate the mass of the gas of interest crossing a vertical plane. This estimation is done by fitting the field-measured concentration spatial data to a Gaussian or some other distribution to define a plume crossing the vertical plane. When this technique is applied to landfill surfaces, the VRPM plane may be within the emitting source area itself. The objective of this study was to investigate uncertainties associated with using OTM-10 for landfills. The spatial variability of emission in the emitting domain can lead to uncertainties of –34 to 190% in the measured flux value when idealistic scenarios were simulated. The level of uncertainty might be higher when the number and locations of emitting sources are not known (typical field conditions). The level of uncertainty can be reduced by improving the layout of the VRPM plane in the field in accordance with an initial survey of the emission patterns. The change in wind direction during an OTM-10 testing setup can introduce an uncertainty of 20% of the measured flux value. This study also provides estimates of the area contributing to flux (ACF) to be used in conjunction with OTM-10 procedures. The estimate of ACF is a function of the atmospheric stability class and has an uncertainty of 10–30%.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate bound mercury (PBM) in ambient air were measured at the Hung Kuang (traffic) sampling site during September 27 to October 6, 2014. An ambient air mercury collection system (AAMCS) was utilized to measure simultaneously PBM, GEM, and RGM concentrations in ambient air. The results thus obtained demonstrate that the mean concentrations of PBM, GEM, and RGM were 38.57 ± 11.4 (pg/m3), 17.67 ± 5.56 (ng/m3) and 10.78 ± 2.8 (pg/m3), respectively, at this traffic-sampling site. The mean GEM/PBM and GEM/RGM concentration ratios were 458 and 1639, respectively. The results obtained herein demonstrate that AAMCS can be utilized to collect three phases of mercury simultaneously. The mean PBM, GEM, and RGM concentrations herein were compared with others found in Asia, America, Europe and Antarctica. The mean PBM, GEM, and RGM concentrations were found to be lowest in Asia and Antarctica. The mean PBM concentration in Europe was approximately eight times that in this investigation. The mean GEM and RGM concentrations in this study were 1.21 and 170 times those found in the United States.  相似文献   

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