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Second-by-second modal emissions data from a 73-vehicle fleet of 1990 and 1991 light duty cars and trucks driven on the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) driving cycle were examined to determine remote sensing errors of commission in identifying high emissions vehicles. Results are combined with a similar analysis of errors of omission based on modal FTP data from high emissions vehicles. Extremely low errors of commission combined with modest errors of omission indicate that remote sensing should be very effective in isolating high CO and HC emitting vehicles in a fleet of late model vehicles on the road.  相似文献   

洪泽湖水域的环境演变遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统水质监测的定点、定剖面采样分析时间及空间的局限性,为对湖泊水质进行全面系统的分析,在前人研究工作的基础上,建立了一种水域水质状况图像识别的主成分监督分类方法,通过对洪泽湖湖区的1991年12月15日和2000年1月7日,两个时相TM遥感图像数据,分别进行主成分变换,并依据不同类型水体的光学特性,分析各主成分图像的构成及其环境意义。研究表明:洪泽湖湖区的水质分布,具有从西向东,从北向南由清洁水(优)向一般水依次递减、逐年下降的特征。其清洁水体主要分布于洪泽湖西部的溧河洼、临淮头、西北部的安河洼和成子湖的北部。从1991--2000年,洪泽湖入湖的工业废水及生活污水量有所减少,湖水受污染程度明显减轻,相对“八五”期间水质污染日益加重的现象,“九五”以后水质逐渐改善。将其分类结果与所收集的洪泽湖历年水质资料对比分析表明:主成分监督分类结果与环境要素吻合较好,且基本反映了其水质环境的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Measurements of ambient carbon dioxide (CO2), made at the Continuous Air Monitoring Program station in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, and at a rural location near Cincinnati are presented and evaluated to determine the significance of CO2 data in urban air quality monitoring programs. Through analysis of rural CO2 data and evaluation of combustion-sources by means of a diffusion model, it is demonstrated that the variation of urban CO2 concentrations around the prevailing atmosphere background level results from combustion-and noncombustion {natural) sources. The concentration from natural sources can be substantial and in fact override the combustion sources. Because it is not yet practical to predict the contribution of natural sources to urban CO2 concentrations, data obtained for-this gas have only limited utility as an index of air quality. Significant statistical relationships between CO2 data and air quality measurements for summer months are shown to result from similar meteorological effects rather than similar sources. A seasonal and spatial variation of ih-ese relationships is postulated and subsequently demonstrated by analysis of CO2 and air quality measurements from New Orleans, Louisiana, and SU Louis, Missouri.  相似文献   


A remote sensing device was used to obtain on-road and in-use gaseous emission measurements from three fleets of schools buses at two locations in Washington State. This paper reports each fleet’s carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) mean data. The fleets represent current emission retrofit technologies, such as diesel particulate filters and diesel oxidation catalysts, and a control fleet. This study shows that CO and HC emissions decrease with the use of either retrofit technology when compared with control buses of the same initial emission standards. The CO and HC emission reductions are consistent with published U.S. Environmental Protection Agency verified values. The total oxides of nitrogen (NOx), NO, and the NO2/NOx ratio all increase with each retrofit technology when compared with control buses. As was expected, the diesel particulate filters emitted significantly higher levels of NO2 than the control fleet because of the intentional conversion of NO to NO2 by these systems. Most prior research suggests that NOx emissions are unaffected by the retrofits; however, these previous studies have not included measurements from retrofit devices on-road and after nearly 5 yr of use. Two 2006 model-year buses were also measured. These vehicles did not have retrofit devices but were built to more stringent new engine standards. Reductions in HCs and NOx were observed for these 2006 vehicles in comparison to other non-retrofit earlier model-year vehicles.  相似文献   

Zhou Q  Li B  Chen Y 《Ambio》2011,40(7):807-818
This study investigates environmental change over a 30-year period and attempts to gain a better understanding of human impacts on an arid environment and their consequences for regional development. Multi-temporal remotely sensed imagery was acquired and integrated to establish the basis for change detection and process analysis. Land cover changes were investigated in two categories, namely categorical change using image classification and quantitative change using a vegetation index. The results show that human-induced land cover changes have been minor in this remote area. However, the pace of growth of human-induced change has been accelerating since the early 1990s. The analysis of the multi-temporal vegetation index also shows no overall trend of rangeland deterioration, although local change of vegetation cover caused by human activities was noticeable. The results suggest that the current trend of rapid growth may not be sustainable and that the implementation of effective counter-measures for environmentally sound development is a rather urgent matter.  相似文献   


Large-scale studies like the Southeast Michigan Ozone Study (SEMOS) have focused attention on quantifying and spedating inventories for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). One approach for evaluating the accuracy of a VOC emission inventory is the development of a chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model for ambient non-methane organic compound (NMOC) measurements. CMB evaluations of ambient hydrocarbon data provide a sample-specific allocation of emissions to individual source categories. This study summarizes the results of an application of the CMB model to the NMOC data from the SEMOS study. Comparison of CMB results with emission inventory values for the Detroit area show that vehicle emissions are well represented by the inventory, as are architectural coatings and coke ovens. Estimated emissions from petroleum refineries and graphic arts industries are much lower in the inventory than determined from the receptor allocation. Under-reporting of fugitive VOC emissions from petroleum refineries is an ongoing problem. Emissions from graphic arts industries are underestimated in the inventory partly because of the broad characterization of the emission factor (i.e., mass emitted/capita), which may be less useful when specific locations and days are under consideration. This study also demonstrates the effectiveness of the CMB approach when used prospectively to track the implementation of emission control strategies. While vehicle emission concentrations were unchanged from 1988 to 1993, measurement-based CMB results suggest a decrease in evaporative emissions during this time period resulting from Reid vapor pressure (RVP) reductions (from 11.0 psi in 1988 to 8.6 psi in 1993) and fleet turnover. Changes in emissions from coke plants and petroleum refineries were also seen in the CMB allocations for these sources.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been much publicity surrounding the impact of Methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE) on drinking water supplies in the United States. In California, the presence of MTBE in groundwater and drinking water has led to a ban on the future use of MTBE in gasoline. Other states, such as those in the northeast, are also seeking ways to reduce or eliminate the use of MTBE due to perceived threats to the environment and public health. Despite claims about the incidence of MTBE in drinking water, no comprehensive characterization has been conducted on the available drinking water monitoring data. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the MTBE drinking water data compiled by the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) from 1995 to 2000. We find that MTBE was detected in about 1.3% of all drinking water samples, 2.5% of drinking water sources, and 3.7% of drinking water systems in California over this 6-year period. Our analysis reveals that many drinking water sources are not sampled routinely for MTBE, and in those sources that appear to be affected by MTBE, the compound is not consistently detected. The majority of MTBE detections are also concentrated in several geographic areas, which contain about 9-21% of the total California population. Average detected MTBE concentrations have decreased significantly since 1995 and 1996, ranging from 5 to 15 ppb over the last 3 years depending on the outcome of interest. Of the samples in which MTBE was present above the analytical detection limit, the concentrations in approximately 73% of drinking water samples and 86% of drinking water sources and systems were below the State's primary health-based standard of 13 ppb. Our findings suggest that, although some drinking water supplies in California have been affected by MTBE, the majority of drinking water sources and systems either have not been affected at all or contain MTBE at concentrations below levels that are likely to be of health concern.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been much publicity surrounding the impact of Methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE) on drinking water supplies in the United States. In California, the presence of MTBE in groundwater and drinking water has led to a ban on the future use of MTBE in gasoline. Other states, such as those in the northeast, are also seeking ways to reduce or eliminate the use of MTBE due to perceived threats to the environment and public health. Despite claims about the incidence of MTBE in drinking water, no comprehensive characterization has been conducted on the available drinking water monitoring data. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the MTBE drinking water data compiled by the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) from 1995 to 2000. We find that MTBE was detected in about 1.3% of all drinking water samples, 2.5% of drinking water sources, and 3.7% of drinking water systems in California over this 6-year period. Our analysis reveals that many drinking water sources are not sampled routinely for MTBE, and in those sources that appear to be affected by MTBE, the compound is not consistently detected. The majority of MTBE detections are also concentrated in several geographic areas, which contain about 9–21% of the total California population. Average detected MTBE concentrations have decreased significantly since 1995 and 1996, ranging from 5 to 15 ppb over the last 3 years depending on the outcome of interest. Of the samples in which MTBE was present above the analytical detection limit, the concentrations in approximately 73% of drinking water samples and 86% of drinking water sources and systems were below the State's primary health-based standard of 13 ppb. Our findings suggest that, although some drinking water supplies in California have been affected by MTBE, the majority of drinking water sources and systems either have not been affected at all or contain MTBE at concentrations below levels that are likely to be of health concern.  相似文献   

In June 1991, General Motors Research and Development Center (GMR&D) participated in a remote sensing study conducted by the California Air Resources Board and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. During this study, the GMR&D remote sensor was used to measure the carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from approximately 15,000 vehicles. The vehicle type (passenger car, light-duty truck, or medium/heavy-duty truck), manufacturer, and model year were identified for each vehicle by acquiring registration data from the state of California. Analyses were performed separately for each vehicle type and for passenger cars by separate model years. The data indicate that the passenger cars with the highest 10% of CO emissions generated approximately 58% of the total CO from all cars. Similarly, the 10% highest HC-emitting cars generated 65% of the total HC from cars. It was found that for each model year of vehicle, the distribution of emission concentrations followed a logarithmic relationship. The logarithmic functions that describe these relationships can be used to estimate the fraction of vehicles that emitted at or above any given concentration of CO or HC. However, these logarithmic functions only describe measured distributions for vehicles emitting more than 1% CO and 0.015% HC.  相似文献   

遥感技术在水源侦察和水质监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水源侦察是野战给水保障的重要组成部分。利用遥感技术对地下水、地表水的侦察及在水质监测中的应用从原理、相应的常用遥感数据到采用的方法分别进行了阐述,并对今后的发展进行了展望。随着现代战争的信息化发展运用遥感手段对作战区水资源情况预先侦察和监测是必然的趋势。  相似文献   


The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) has initiated several programs to develop and evaluate techniques to characterize emissions from military aircraft to meet increasingly stringent regulatory requirements. This paper describes the results of a recent field study using extractive and optical remote sensing (ORS) techniques to measure emissions from six F-15 fighter aircraft. Testing was performed between November 14 and 16, 2006 on the trim-pad facility at Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama City, FL. Measurements were made on eight different F100 engines, and the engines were tested on-wing of in-use aircraft. A total of 39 test runs were performed at engine power levels that ranged from idle to military power. The approach adopted for these tests involved extractive sampling with collocated ORS measurements at a distance of approximately 20–25 nozzle diameters downstream of the engine exit plane. The emission indices calculated for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, and several volatile organic compounds showed very good agreement when comparing the extractive and ORS sampling methods.  相似文献   


Understanding motor vehicle emissions, near-roadway pollutant dispersion, and their potential impact to near-roadway populations is an area of growing environmental interest. As part of ongoing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research in this area, a field study was conducted near Interstate 440 (I-440) in Raleigh, NC, in July and August of 2006. This paper presents a subset of measurements from the study focusing on nitric oxide (NO) concentrations near the roadway. Measurements of NO in this study were facilitated by the use of a novel path-integrated optical remote sensing technique called deep ultraviolet differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DUV-DOAS). This paper reviews the development and application of this measurement system. Time-resolved near-road NO concentrations are analyzed in conjunction with wind and traffic data to provide a picture of emissions and near-road dispersion for the study. Results show peak NO concentrations in the 150 ppb range during weekday morning rush hours with winds from the road accompanied by significantly lower afternoon and weekend concentrations. Traffic volume and wind direction are shown to be primary determinants of NO concentrations with turbulent diffusion and meandering accounting for significant near-road concentrations in off-wind conditions. The enhanced source capture performance of the open-path configuration allowed for robust comparisons of measured concentrations with a composite variable of traffic intensity coupled with wind transport (R2 = 0.84) as well as investigations on the influence of wind direction on NO dilution near the roadway. The benefits of path-integrated measurements for assessing line source impacts and evaluating models is presented. The advantages of NO as a tracer compound, compared with nitrogen dioxide, for investigations of mobile source emissions and initial dispersion under crosswind conditions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The current trend toward greater instrumentation in analysis of automobile exhaust gases is sure to increase in future years. This will come about as a result of increased activity to find a solution to air pollution problems resulting from automobile exhaust gases. Owing to the complex driving cycle needed to evaluate vehicle emission, considerable time has been required to analyze and interpret the records from any run. To alleviate this analytic problem, an automatic data logger was obtained that records on magnetic tape the signal from a number of analytical instruments each second (in binary coded decimal form). These records are then analyzed on a computer to give integrated and averaged results over the specified driving cycle. There is no longer any need for manual evaluation of the data. In addition to the standard analyses already mentioned, the use of the data logger permits a much more complete analysis of what is happening in a vehicle. For example, the analytical instruments used include an oxygen analyzer in addition to carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. With these measurements the air-fuel ratio of any or all driving conditions can be calculated.  相似文献   


This paper presents a new approach to localize point emissions from ground-level fugitive gaseous air pollution sources. We estimate the crosswind plume's ground-level peak location downwind from the source by combining smooth basis functions minimization (SBFM) with path-integrated optical remote sensing concentration data acquired along the crosswind direction in alternating beam path lengths. Peak location estimates, in conjunction with real-time measured wind direction data, are used to reconstruct the fugitive source location. We conducted a synthetic data study to evaluate the proposed peak location SBFM reconstruction. Furthermore, the methodology was validated with open-path Fourier transform infrared concentration data collected with wind direction data downwind from a controlled point source. This approach was found to provide reasonable estimates of point source location. The field study reconstructed source location was within several meters of the real source location.  相似文献   

High frequency CO2 and wind speed measurements were used to examine the urban baseline eddy covariance CO2 flux and analyse the CO2 rich plume from a local power station. A reliable relationship between high frequency CO2 maxima and the rate of CO2 emission at the power station was established. This relationship was shown to be highly dependant on wind speed. The ensemble mean plume was found to be Gaussian in horizontal profile with a width dependant on wind speed. The relationship between peak CO2 mixing ratio and averaging time was shown to be a simple power law with a time exponent of approximately 0.5. The large, short pulses in CO2 mixing ratio in the power plant plume were found to have an approximately Lorentzian shape. These pulses generated negative vertical eddy flux measurements so data from the plume sector were necessarily excluded from the flux baseline results. The plume-excluded flux had a similar magnitude and variability to those reported in other urban CO2 flux studies despite this site not being ideal due to the proximity of roughness elements to the measurement point.  相似文献   

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