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The U.S. Department of Defense-approved activities conducted at the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) include both operational readiness test firing of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) motors, as well as the destruction of obsolete or otherwise unusable ICBM motors through open burn/open detonation (OB/OD). Within the Utah Division of Air Quality, these activities have been identified as having the potential to generate unacceptable noise levels, as well as significant amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Hill Air Force Base, UT, has completed a series of field tests at the UTTR in which sound-monitoring surveillance of OB/OD activities was conducted to validate the Sound Intensity Prediction System (SIPS) model. Using results generated by the SIPS model to support the decision to detonate, the UTTR successfully disposed of missile motors having an aggregate net explosive weight (NEW) of 81,374 lb without generating adverse noise levels within populated areas. In conjunction with collecting noise-monitoring data, air emissions were collected to support the development of air emission factors for both static missile motor firings and OB/OD activities. Through the installation of 15 ground-based air samplers, the generation of combustion-fixed gases, VOCs, and chlorides was monitored during the 81,374-lb NEW detonation event. Comparison of field measurements to predictions generated from the US Navy energetic combustion pollutant formation model, POLU4WN, indicated that, as the detonation fire ball expanded, organic compounds, as well as CO, continued to oxidize as the combustion gases mixed with ambient air. VOC analysis of air samplers confirmed the presence of chloromethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, toluene, and 2-methyl-1-propene. Qualitative chloride analysis indicated that gaseous HCl was generated at low concentrations, if at all.  相似文献   


The U.S. Department of Defense approved activities conducted at the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) include both operational readiness test firing of intercontinental ballistic missile motors as well as the destruction of obsolete or otherwise unusable intercontinental ballistic missile motors through open burn/open detonation (OB/ OD). Within the Utah Division of Air Quality, these activities have been identified as having the potential to generate unacceptable noise levels, as well as significant amounts of hazardous air pollutants. Hill Air Force Base, UT, has completed a series of field tests at the UTTR in which sound-monitoring surveillance of OB/OD activities was conducted to validate the Sound Intensity Prediction System (SIPS) model. Using results generated by the SIPS model to support the decision to detonate, the UTTR successfully disposed of missile motors having an aggregate net explosive weight (NEW) of 56,500 lbs without generating adverse noise levels within populated areas. These results suggest that, under appropriate conditions, missile motors of even larger NEW may be detonated without exceeding regulatory noise limits. In conjunction with collecting noise monitoring data, air quality data was collected to support the development of air emission factors for both static missile motor firings and OB/OD activities. Through the installation of 15 ground-based air samplers, the generation of combustion fixed gases, hazardous air pollutants, and chlorides were monitored during the 56,500-lb NEW detonation event. Comparison of field measurements to predictions generated from the U.S. Navy’s energetic combustion pollutant formation model, POLU4WN, indicated that, as the detonation fireball expanded from ground zero, organic compounds as well as carbon monoxide continued to oxidize as the hot gases reacted with ambient air. Hazardous air pollutant analysis of air samplers confirmed the presence of chloromethane, benzene, toluene, 1,2-propadiene, and 2-methyl-1-propene, whereas the absence of hydrogen chloride gas suggested that free chlorine is not generated during the combustion process.  相似文献   


The paper provides a summary of accomplished and ongoing activities in the field of motor vehicle emission modeling in Europe. These activities have led to the development of a system of methods and conesponding computer models that address all the issues related to motor vehicle emissions that are of interest to policy-makers, institutions, and the automotive and oil industries. The Coordination of Information on Air Emissions/Computer Program to Calculate Emissions from Road Traffic (CORLNAIR/COPERT) methodology for the estimation of emissions from road vehicles is presented and compared with other models. A COPERT-based approach for microscale traffic emission estimation, with direct application in regional and urban emission inventories, is outlined, and relevant case studies are briefly discussed. The FOREMOVE model, developed for forecasts of motor vehicle emissions, is presented, together with some results from its application in the European Auto/Oil program. Particular attention is given to modeling the deterioration of in-use vehicles. Finally, the major areas of further research in the field of vehicle emissions in Europe are indicated.  相似文献   

Meteorological dispersion modeling and pine trees used as "integrating monitors" were used to consider the probable source of a phytotoxic pollutant producing symptoms previously un-reported in the literature. Two sources, a chemical plant (A) and a fabric finishing plant (B) north of Raleigh, NC, were considered using the Air Quality Display Model (AQDM). Using the ability of this model to accommodate extra receptors corresponding to "monitoring" sites, we found good correlation between observed injury and predicted relative concentrations due to assumed emissions from source A. The poor agreement between predicted and observed injury if source B alone were modeled (or both sources together) suggested that source A alone emitted the causal agent.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine both optimal settings applied to the plume dispersion model, AERMOD, and a scalable emission factor for accurately determining the spatial distribution of hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the vicinity of swine concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). These operations emit hydrogen sulfide from both housing structures and waste lagoons. With ambient measurements made at 4 stations within 1 km of large swine CAFOs in Iowa, an inverse-modeling approach applied to AERMOD was used to determine hydrogen sulfide emission rates. CAFO buildings were treated as volume sources whereas nearby lagoons were modeled as area sources. The robust highest concentration (RHC), calculated for both measured and modeled concentrations, was used as the metric for adjusting the emission rate until the ratio of the two RHC levels was unity. Utilizing this approach, an average emission flux rate of 0.57 μg/m(2)-s was determined for swine CAFO lagoons. Using the average total animal weight (kg) of each CAFO, an average emission factor of 6.06 × 10(-7) μg/yr-m(2)-kg was calculated. From studies that measured either building or lagoon emission flux rates, building fluxes, on a floor area basis, were considered equal to lagoon flux rates. The emission factor was applied to all CAFOs surrounding the original 4 sites and surrounding an additional 6 sites in Iowa, producing an average modeled-to-measured RHC ratio of 1.24. When the emission factor was applied to AERMOD to simulate the spatial distribution of hydrogen sulfide around a hypothetical large swine CAFO (1M kg), concentrations 0.5 km from the CAFO were 35 ppb and dropped to 2 ppb within 6 km of the CAFO. These values compare to a level of 30 ppb that has been determined by the State of Iowa as a threshold level for ambient hydrogen sulfide levels.  相似文献   


The Australian Air Quality Forecasting System (AAQFS) is one of several newly emerging, high-resolution, numerical air quality forecasting systems. The system is briefly described. A public education application of the air quality impact of motor vehicle usage is explored by computing the concentration and dosage of particulate matter less than 10 µm in aerodynamic diameter (PM10) for a commuter traveling to work between Geelong and Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, under “business-as-usual” and “green” scenarios. This application could be routinely incorporated into systems like AAQFS. Two methodologies for calculating the dosage are described: one for operational use and one for more detailed applications. The Clean Air Research Programme-Personal Exposure Study in Melbourne provides support for this operational methodology. The more detailed methodology is illustrated using a system for predicting concentrations due to near-road emissions of PM10 andapplied in Sydney.  相似文献   

固体声在建筑物内的衰减、反射和透射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固体声波在建筑物内传播会产生衰减、反射和透射。文中对居民楼内的固体传声进行了理论分析,认为建筑物内固体声传播过程中存在扩散衰减、结构突变衰减和阻尼损失衰减。同时,固体声波在墙体或楼板内反射使声能密度大大增加;固体声在传播过程中会向空气中透射,使得居民室内产生结构噪声污染。文中对某小区变压器房结构噪声进行理论分析和计算,预测了变压器房上方室内的结构噪声级,计算结果表明,当设备基础上振动级达到90 dB时,二楼居民室内的结构噪声级可达到41.3 dB,这对人们的正常生活会产生十分不利的影响。计算值与实际测量值较为吻合,说明理论分析和预测计算基本是可信的。  相似文献   

目前我国噪声污染的形势比较严峻,不断发生扰民现象,作者从新时期噪声污染的特点出发,提出了防治噪声污染必须遵循五项原则和防治建议。  相似文献   

从苏州20多年对护城河航道噪声的监测,通过数据处理和变化趋势分析,谈其航道噪声治理及对策。  相似文献   


Motor graders are a common type of nonroad vehicle used in many road construction and maintenance applications. In-use activity, fuel use, and emissions were measured for six selected motor graders using a portable emission measurement system. Each motor grader was tested with petroleum diesel and B20 biodiesel. Duty cycles were quantified in terms of the empirical cumulative distribution function of manifold absolute pressure (MAP), which is an indicator of engine load. The motor graders were operated under normal duty cycles for road maintenance and repair at various locations in Wake and Nash Counties in North Carolina. Approximately 3 hr of quality-assured, second-by-second data were obtained during each test. An empirical modal-based model of vehicle fuel use and emissions was developed, based on stratifying the data with respect to ranges of normalized MAP, to enable comparisons between duty cycles, motor graders, and fuels. Time-based emission factors were found to increase monotonically with MAP. Fuel-based emission factors were mainly sensitive to differences between idle and non-idle engine operation. Cycle average emission factors were estimated for road “resurfacing”, “roading,” and “shouldering” activities. On average, the use of B20 instead of petroleum diesel leads to a negligible decrease of 1.6% in nitric oxide emission rate, and decreases of 19– 22% in emission rates of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter. Emission rates decrease significantly when comparing newer engine tier vehicles to older ones. Significant reductions in tailpipe emissions accrue especially from the use of B20 and adoption of newer vehicles.  相似文献   

The State of California, because of an acute air pollution problem has been forced to move ahead on a pioneer basis to control motor vehicle emissions. The Golden State’s program, as put into operation by the Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board, is discussed in detail. Inspection-installation stations, enforcement and legal requirements relating to crankcase control devices and other facets of the program are presented. Of particular importance is the experience gained by the Board in requiring devices on all new vehicles registered in California and its used vehicle program, affecting vehicles back to the 1950 model year. Recent developments in exhaust control, anticipated installation requirements, and scheduling, as well as an indication of staff long-term planning is also outlined. California’s program is based on the principle that the motor vehicle must be controlled and that sewage no longer can be dumped into the air, if the public health is to be preserved.  相似文献   

介绍了兆瓦级发电机房噪声治理方案设计,采用微穿孔双层结构的消声器,阻损小、降噪效果好,充分结合现场环境的巧妙设计,取得了满意的降噪效果。  相似文献   

文中阐述了噪声新标准实施后,在实际监测过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

简要介绍了邳州市城区环境噪声区域划分情况,分析了噪声污染的来源,通过对监测结果的分析统计,提出了控制噪声污染的对策意见。  相似文献   

根据道路交通现状与规划情况,通过分析,简化运用FHWA和灰色GM(1,1)模型,对徐州市2005年的道路交通噪声污染情况进行定量预测,并对两种模型的预测结果进行了分析和比较,为徐州市声环境质量保护目标的制定提供依据,也为其它城镇预测交通噪声提供方法和参考。  相似文献   

The effects of clouds (amount, type and height) on the surface UV-B radiation have been investigated at Qena, Egypt (26°17′, 32°10′, 96 m asl) using 2 years data (2004–2005) carried out by South Valley University (SVU)-meteorological research station. Thus, the characteristics of cloud's statistical property during the study period were employed to evaluate the general feature of the region of this study. However, ≈86% of all the observations were ⩽2 octas and the overcast conditions (8 octas) were very rarely over the study region (only 0.2% of all cases). These observations included 10% low-level clouds, 3.16% mid-level clouds and 7.59% high-level clouds. The dominated types of these clouds are stratocumulus (8.9%) and cirrus (5.8%).The hourly values of cloudless sky UV-B radiation (UV-B0) and consequently the cloud modification factor (CMF) were estimated. An empirical model was developed for CMF as a function of the amount of cloud at low- and mid-level and high-level clouds. The correlation coefficients were equal to 0.985 and 0.987, respectively. In addition, a general expression of the CMF for situations those are considered as the effect of different clouds was found. The efficiency of this model has been tested in combination with a cloudless sky empirical model using independent data set. For this purpose, the hourly values of UV-B at selected cloudless and cloudy days were estimated. A good agreement was observed between the measured and the predicted values of our model. The mean value of the correlation coefficients of these selected days was 0.98.In addition, the attenuation of UV-B radiation could be determined by considering low- and mid-level and high-level clouds. The reduction of UV-B radiation as a function of cloud amount was non-linear for the both cases. At cloud amount of 100%, UV-B radiation was reduced by 83% on average by the high-level clouds.  相似文献   

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