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A conference was held on October 30-31,1990 to examine discrepancies between the output of vehicle emission factor models (MOBILE and EMFAC), field and laboratory measurements of vehicle emissions, and observed ratios of pollutants in urban atmospheres dominated by vehicle emissions. There was a general consensus that significant discrepancies exist and that these discrepancies must be resolved. A number of research recommendations were made as to how models and model inputs could be improved, and what additional laboratory and field work should be conducted.  相似文献   

The State of California, because of an acute air pollution problem has been forced to move ahead on a pioneer basis to control motor vehicle emissions. The Golden State’s program, as put into operation by the Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board, is discussed in detail. Inspection-installation stations, enforcement and legal requirements relating to crankcase control devices and other facets of the program are presented. Of particular importance is the experience gained by the Board in requiring devices on all new vehicles registered in California and its used vehicle program, affecting vehicles back to the 1950 model year. Recent developments in exhaust control, anticipated installation requirements, and scheduling, as well as an indication of staff long-term planning is also outlined. California’s program is based on the principle that the motor vehicle must be controlled and that sewage no longer can be dumped into the air, if the public health is to be preserved.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gather air quality data for four pollutants inside and outside of three pairs of structures for different seasons of the year. This paper presents results obtained during the summer, fall, and winter seasons of 1969–70. Suspended particulate, soiling particulate, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide were measured at pairs of public buildings, office buildings, and private homes. A brief preliminary program was conducted during the winter of 1969 to verify our procedures and equipment and to assess the effects of heating and cooking systems in private homes on indoor levels of air pollutants. Two self-contained and portable instrument packages were constructed for the measurement program. The major components of each trailer package were a central vacuum pump for drawing air samples through particulate collection niters, four paper-tape soiling samplers, a conductimetric analyzer for sulfur dioxide, an infrared analyzer for carbon monoxide, a master control unit, and supporting apparatus to make the trailer self-contained. Each pair of buildings was sampled simultaneously for a two-week period. Four sampling points were selected at each structure, two outside and two inside. Suspended particulate samples were collected for 12-hr day and night periods, soiling particulate samples for 2-hr periods, and gaseous samples for 5-min periods. The results show the ease of penetration of particulate into private homes and the removal ability of air conditioning systems. Outdoor daily activity greatly influences particulate levels and urban carbon monoxide levels. Internal generation of pollutants was a significant factor in measured interior concentrations in some of the structures sampled.  相似文献   


This work studied the daily variability of mobile sources in rural and urban areas, in and around the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Traffic counter data collected during the 1992 Southern Oxidants Study Atlanta Intensive Study were used to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of traffic volume. A simple method to study the daily variability of mobile emissions from the different types of urban and rural roads is presented. The method is based on hourly traffic volume data and emission factors and it has been generalized to describe the daily variability of mobile emissions for urban and rural areas and for the whole modeling domain. Implications of this study for improving mobile emission inventories are also discussed.  相似文献   

Different ways for modeling the impact of vehicle emission inspection and maintenance programs on fleet hydrocarbon emissions are examined. A dynamic model is developed for forecasting fleet emissions in which individual vehicle performance is modeled as a stochastic process and vehicle emissions are tracked over time. Emissions inspection and repair are incorporated into the model, allowing for the stochastic aspects of both testing and repair. This model is compared to EPA’s model for evaluating the impact of vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance. We find that the way vehicle emission equipment deterioration overtime is modeled is important for forecasting emissions from the fleet and for assessing the success of inspection and maintenance programs. For inspection programs, we find that factors such as the proportion of vehicles tested, and repair effectiveness and duration have the greatest impact on emission reductions. The ability of different emission testing regimes to identify polluting vehicles has less impact on a program’s overall potential for emissions reduction. Policy recommendations for I&M testing and predictions of emission reduction credits from these tests will depend in important ways on the methods used in the underlying emissions models.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the analysis of on-road vehicle speed, emission, and fuel consumption data collected by four instrumented vehicles. Time-, distance-, and fuel-based average fuel consumption, as well as CO, HC, NOx, and soot emission factors, were derived. The influences of instantaneous vehicle speed on emissions and fuel consumption were studied. It was found that the fuel-based emission factors varied much less than the time- and distance-based emission factors as instantaneous speed changed. The trends are similar to the results obtained from laboratory tests. The low driving speed contributed to a significant portion of the total emissions over a trip. Furthermore, the on-road data were analyzed using the modal approach. The four standard driving modes are acceleration, cruising, deceleration, and idling. It was found that the transient driving modes (i.e., acceleration and deceleration) were more polluting than the steady-speed driving modes (i.e., cruising and idling) in terms of g/km and g/ sec. These results indicated that the on-road emission measurement is feasible in deriving vehicle emissions and fuel consumption factors in urban driving conditions.  相似文献   


This paper presents a sensitivity analysis of a microscale emission factor model (MicroFacCO) for predicting realtime site-specific motor vehicle CO emissions to input variables, as well as a limited field study evaluation of the model. The sensitivity analysis has shown that MicroFacCO emission estimates are very sensitive to vehicle fleet composition, speed, and ambient temperature. For the present U.S. traffic fleet, the CO emission rate (g/mi) is increased by more than 500% at 5 mph in comparison with a speed greater than 40 mph and by ~67% at ambient temperatures of 45 °F and ≥95 °F in comparison with an ambient temperature of 75 °F.  相似文献   


A sensitivity analysis was conducted to characterize sources of uncertainty in results of a molecular marker source apportionment model of ambient particulate matter using mobile source emissions profiles obtained as part of the Gasoline/Diesel PM Split Study. A chemical mass balance (CMB) model was used to determine source contributions to samples of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) collected over 3 weeks at two sites in the Los Angeles area in July 2001. The ambient samples were composited for organic compound analysis by the day of the week to investigate weekly trends in source contributions. The sensitivity analysis specifically examined the impact of the uncertainty in mobile source emissions profiles on the CMB model results. The key parameter impacting model sensitivity was the source profile for gasoline smoker vehicles. High-emitting gasoline smoker vehicles with visible plumes were seen to be a significant source of PM in the area, but use of different measured profiles for smoker vehicles in the model gave very different results for apportionment of gasoline, diesel, and smoker vehicle tailpipe emissions. In addition, the contributions of gasoline and diesel emissions to total ambient PM varied as a function of the site and the day of the week.  相似文献   


In April 1999, the Coordinating Research Council sponsored a workshop focusing on our understanding of real-world emissions from motor vehicles. This summary presents the latest information on in-use light- and heavy-duty vehicle tailpipe and evaporative emissions, the effects of fuels on emissions, field programs designed to understand the contribution of mobile sources to emission inventories, efforts to evaluate and improve mobile source emission models, progress of vehicle inspection/ maintenance programs, and topics for future research. While significant progress has been made in understanding in-use vehicle emissions, further improvements are necessary. Moreover, the impact of current and future changes in emission control technologies and control programs will have to be monitored for effectiveness and incorporated into the emission factor models.  相似文献   


The Coordinating Research Council (CRC) held its tenth workshop in March 2000, focusing on results from the most recent real-world vehicle emissions research. In this paper, we summarize the presentations from researchers who are engaged in improving our understanding of the contribution of mobile sources to emission inventories. Participants in the workshop discussed efforts to improve mobile source emission models and emission inventories, results from gas- and particle-phase emissions studies from spark-ignition and diesel-powered vehicles, new methods for measuring mobile source emissions, improvements in vehicle emission control systems (ECSs), and evaluation of motor vehicle inspection/maintenance (I/M) programs, as well as topics for future research.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council (CRC) has conducted a series of workshops on real-world vehicle emissions. This article summarizes findings from the most recent research regarding on-road emissions from mobile sources, presented at the CRC workshop held in March 1996. Among the topics discussed were efforts to improve and update emission models, results from field studies designed to understand the contribution of mobile sources to emission inventories, results from gas-and particle-phase emissions studies from in-use motor vehicles, and areas of future research.

The Sixth Coordinating Research Council (CRC) On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop was held March 18-20, 1996, in San Diego, CA. More than 160 representatives from academia, industry, government, and consulting firms in the United States, Canada, and Europe participated in the three-day meeting. The objective of the Workshop was to present the most recent information from research programs on:

mobile source contributions to the emission inventory

emission factor models and activity data

model comparison and development

emission reduction programs

new developments in remote sensing

studies of on-road vehicle exhaust and non-tailpipe emissions

off-cycle Federal Test Procedure (FTP) studies and revisions to the FTP

particle emissions from the light- and heavy-duty fleets

future research needs

Nine sessions were devoted to vehicle emissions models, improvements to the emission inventory, on-road and tunnel studies, off-cycle emissions, non-tailpipe and diesel emissions, emission reduction programs, and remote sensing. Overall workshop coordination was provided by Timothy Belian and the CRC staff, with Steven Cadle and Robert Gorse serving as cochairmen. Individual session chairmen were Brent Bailey (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), Mark Carlock (California Air Resources Board), Harold Haskew (General Motors), Kenneth Knapp and Philip Lorang (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Douglas Lawson (Colorado State University), Alan Lloyd (Desert Research Institute), Robert Slott (Shell Oil), and Timothy Truex (University of California, Riverside). In addition, during the Workshop, Lesha Hrynchuk of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) presented a hands-on demonstration using the Internet to obtain motor vehicle emissions information from groups throughout the world. The complete Workshop proceedings are available from the Coordinating Research Council, 219 Perimeter Center Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30346; phone: (770) 396-3400; fax: (770) 396-3404. The following summarizes each session and includes a short synopsis of all the papers that were presented.  相似文献   

Emissions from a 1988 GM Corsica with adaptive learning closed loop control were measured with 4 fuels at 40, 75, and 90° F. Evaporative and exhaust emissions were examined from each fuel at each test temperature. Test fuels were unleaded summer grade gasoline; a blend of this gasoline containing 8.1 percent ethanol; a refiner’s blend stock; and the blend stock containing 16.2 percent methyl tertiary butyl ether. The ethanol and MTBE blends contained 3.0 percent oxygen by weight. Regulated emissions (total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen), detailed aldehydes, detailed hydrocarbons, ethanol, MTBE, benzene, and 1, 3-butadiene were determined.

The highest levels of regulated emissions were produced at the lower temperature. Blended fuels produced almost twice the evaporative hydrocarbon emissions at high temperatures as did the base fuels. Benzene emissions varied with fuels and operating temperatures, while 1, 3-butadiene emissions decreased slightly with increasing temperatures. Formaldehyde emissions were not sensitive to fuel or temperature changes. Ethanol fuel blend total aldehyde emissions Increased by 40 percent due to increased acetaldehyde emissions.

Fuel blends had approximately a 3 percent economy decrease. The MTBE fuel blend appeared to offer the most reduction in total hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen for the fuels and temperatures tested.  相似文献   


Zhuhai, a relatively less developed city on the western coast of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China, is planning to undergo major development in coming years. A Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project has been approved by the Central Government of China. The project will have great impact on the driving pattern and vehicular emissions to the city. This baseline study collected speed-time data of two instrumented private cars in morning and evening periods, as well as a daytime nonpeak period of >10 consecutive days in the spring and winter of 2003. The authors used the microwave speed sensor and global positioning system installed in the instrumented cars and used car-chasing technique to perform the data collection. They used the statistical package SPSS to assess the consistency, as well as to evaluate the variability of the data. Nine parameters, namely, average speed, average running speed, average acceleration rate, average deceleration rate, mean length of a driving period, time proportions of driving modes, average number of acceleration-deceleration changes, root mean square acceleration, and positive acceleration kinetic energy are calculated to represent the driving characteristics. A driving cycle for private cars was developed. If emission tests were conducted using the Zhuhai driving cycle, the level of vehicle emissions measured is likely to be in between that of the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) cycle and the Melbourne Peak cycle.  相似文献   


An improved version of the constant volume sampling (CVS) methodology that overcomes a number of obstacles that exist with the current CVS dilution tunnel system used in most diesel and gasoline vehicle emissions test facilities is presented. The key feature of the new sampling system is the introduction of dilution air immediately at the vehicle tailpipe. In the present implementation, this is done concentrically through a cylindrical air filter. Elimination of the transfer hose conventionally used to connect the tailpipe to the dilution tunnel significantly reduces the hydrocarbon and particulate matter (PM) storage release artifacts that can lead to wildly incorrect particle number counts and to erroneous filter-collected PM mass. It provides accurate representations of particle size distributions for diesel vehicles by avoiding the particle coagulation that occurs in the transfer hose. Furthermore, it removes the variable delay time that otherwise exists between the time that emissions exit the tailpipe and when they are detected in the dilution tunnel. The performance of the improved CVS system is examined with respect to diesel, gasoline, and compressed natural gas vehicles.  相似文献   


With the recent focus on fine particle matter (PM2.5),new, self-consistent data are needed to characterize emissions from combustion sources. Such data are necessary for health assessment and air quality modeling. To address this need, emissions data for gas-fired combustors are presented here, using dilution sampling as the reference.The dilution method allows for collection of emitted particles under conditions simulating cooling and dilution during entry from the stack into the air. The sampling and analysis of the collected particles in the presence of precursor gases, SO2, nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compound, and NH3 is discussed; the results include data from eight gas fired units, including a dual-fuel institutional boiler and a diesel engine powered electricity generator. These data are compared with results in the literature for heavy-duty diesel vehicles and stationary sources using coal or wood as fuels. The results show that the gas-fired combustors have very low PM2.5 mass emission rates in the range of ~10-4 lb/million Btu (MMBTU) compared with the diesel backup generator with particle filter, with ~5 × 10-3 lb/MMBTU. Even higher mass emission rates are found in coal-fired systems, with rates of ~0.07 lb/MMBTU for a bag-filter-controlled pilot unit burning eastern bituminous coal. The characterization of PM2.5 chemical composition from the gas-fired units indicates that much of the measured primary particle mass in PM2.5 samples is organic or elemental carbon and, to a much less extent, sulfate. Metal emissions are quite low compared with the diesel engines and the coal- or woodfueled combustors. The metals found in the gas-fired combustor particles are low in concentration, similar in concentration to ambient particles. The interpretation of the particulate carbon emissions is complicated by the fact that an approximately equal amount of particulate carbon (mainly organic carbon) is found on the particle collector and a backup filter. It is likely that measurement artifacts, mostly adsorption of volatile organic compounds on quartz filters, are positively biasing “true” particulate carbon emission results.  相似文献   

This paper is a report of the operating variables and emission characteristics of a 1964 283 cubic inch V-8 Chevrolet automobile. This vehicle was used as a laboratory tool in a project to develop an improved driving cycle to represent Los Angeles peak hour driving. As a result it became necessary to run many exploratory tests to determine the relationships between the primary variables of intake manifold vacuum, engine rpm, and vehicle speeds and acceleration rates. Emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides were also determined for the entire range of operating conditions. The effect of prior operating modes on closed-throttle unburned hydrocarbon concentrations was also determined. The results of these tests are presented in tables and graphs which make a comprehensive picture of one typical automobile as a generator of air pollutants.  相似文献   

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