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Spaceborne sensors allow near-continuous aerosol monitoring throughout the world. This paper illustrates the fusion of Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) and TOMS satellite data with surface observations and topographic data during four extreme aerosol events: (1) the April 1998 Asian dust storm that impacted the west coast of North America, (2) the May 1998 Central American forest fire smoke that impacted eastern North America, (3) the intense fall 1999 northern California fires, and (4) the massive February 2000 Sahara dust storm. During these dust and smoke events, the aerosol was visualized on true color SeaWiFS images as a distinct yellowish dye, the result of the aerosol increasing the reflectance of darker surfaces (ocean and land) and decreasing the reflectance of clouds. TOMS imagery also indicated increased aerosol absorption in the affected areas, while surface monitors measured major reductions in visual range. Fusing these data aids in the determination of the aerosol's spatial, temporal, and optical properties and provides supporting evidence for characterizing what is being visualized as dust or smoke. A 3-dimensional perspective of the events is obtained when incorporating topographic data and provides insight into the vertical properties of the aerosol plumes.  相似文献   

The impact of the Central American fires on PM2.5 mass concentration and composition in the Tennessee Valley region during portions of May, 1998, has been quantified. Elevated concentrations of smoke aerosol tracers—fine potassium, (and to a lesser extent, calcium and silicon) and, where available, organic and elemental carbon—were observed in the region during times in which satellite imagery (TOMS and GOES-8) showed regional transport of hazy, smoky airmasses from southern Mexico and adjacent areas of Central America. Back-trajectories from network sites in the Tennessee Valley network were consistent with this regional transport. The extent of transport of extra-regional fine particle mass during May, 1998, is discussed relative to the new US fine particle mass-based standards for fine particulate matter.  相似文献   

Measurements of size-resolved particle number concentrations during the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) field campaign were made at the Gosan super-site, South Korea. In East Asia, dust and precipitation phenomena play a crucial role in atmospheric environment and climate studies because they are major sources and sinks of atmospheric aerosols, especially in the springtime. Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index and backward trajectories are analyzed to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of dust storms. The size distributions between dust and non-dust periods and times with and without precipitation are compared. In order to understand the temporal evolution of the aerosol size distribution during dust and precipitation events, a simple aerosol dynamics model is employed. The model predicted and observed size distributions are compared with the measured data. The results show that the coarse mode particle number concentrations increase by a factor of 10–16 during dust events. During precipitation, however, particles in the coarse mode are scavenged by impaction mechanism. It is found that the larger particles are more efficiently scavenged. The degree of scavenged particle varies depending on the rainfall rate, raindrop size distribution and aerosol size distribution.  相似文献   

We use a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem) to estimate the impact of transpacific transport of mineral dust on aerosol concentrations in North America during 2001. We have implemented two dust mobilization schemes in the model (GOCART and DEAD) and find that the best simulation of North American surface observations with GEOS-Chem is achieved by combining the topographic source used in GOCART with the entrainment scheme used in DEAD. This combination restricts dust emissions to year-round arid areas but includes a significant wind threshold for dust mobilization. The model captures the magnitude and seasonal cycle of observed surface dust concentrations over the northern Pacific. It simulates the free tropospheric outflow of dust from Asia observed in the TRACE-P and ACE-Asia aircraft campaigns of spring 2001. It reproduces the timing and distribution of Asian dust outbreaks in North America during April–May. Beyond these outbreaks we find persistent Asian fine dust (averaging 1.2 μg m−3) in surface air over the western United States in spring, with much weaker influence (0.25 μg m−3) in summer and fall. Asian influence over the eastern United States is 30–50% lower. We find that transpacific sources accounted for 41% of the worst dust days in the western United States in 2001.  相似文献   

Iceland is a volcanic island in the North Atlantic Ocean with maritime climate. In spite of moist climate, large areas are with limited vegetation cover where >40% of Iceland is classified with considerable to very severe erosion and 21% of Iceland is volcanic sandy deserts. Not only do natural emissions from these sources influenced by strong winds affect regional air quality in Iceland (“Reykjavik haze”), but dust particles are transported over the Atlantic ocean and Arctic Ocean >1000 km at times. The aim of this paper is to place Icelandic dust production area into international perspective, present long-term frequency of dust storm events in northeast Iceland, and estimate dust aerosol concentrations during reported dust events.

Meteorological observations with dust presence codes and related visibility were used to identify the frequency and the long-term changes in dust production in northeast Iceland. There were annually 16.4 days on average with reported dust observations on weather stations within the northeastern erosion area, indicating extreme dust plume activity and erosion within the northeastern deserts, even though the area is covered with snow during the major part of winter. During the 2000s the highest occurrence of dust events in six decades was reported. We have measured saltation and Aeolian transport during dust/volcanic ash storms in Iceland, which give some of the most intense wind erosion events ever measured.

Icelandic dust affects the ecosystems over much of Iceland and causes regional haze. It is likely to affect the ecosystems of the oceans around Iceland, and it brings dust that lowers the albedo of the Icelandic glaciers, increasing melt-off due to global warming. The study indicates that Icelandic dust may contribute to the Arctic air pollution.

Implications: Long-term records of meteorological dust observations from Northeast Iceland indicate the frequency of dust events from Icelandic deserts. The research involves a 60-year period and provides a unique perspective of the dust aerosol production from natural sources in the sub-Arctic Iceland. The amounts are staggering, and with this paper, it is clear that Icelandic dust sources need to be considered among major global dust sources. This paper presents the dust events directly affecting the air quality in the Arctic region.  相似文献   

Over a twelve year period from 1996 to 2007, 76 dust storm related events (as days) in Hong Kong were selected for study, based on Aluminium and Calcium concentrations in PM10. Four of the 76 events reach episodic levels with exceedances of the Hong Kong air quality standards. The purpose of the study is to identify and characterize dust sources impacting Hong Kong.Global distribution of aerosols in NASA’s daily aerosol index images from TOMS and OMI, are compared to plots generated by NRL(US)’s Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System. Possible source areas are assigned by computing air parcel backward trajectories to Hong Kong using the NOAA HYSPLIT model. PM10 and elemental data are analyzed for crustal mass concentrations and element mass ratios.Our analysis reveals that 73 out of the 76 dust events (96%) involve non-East Asian sources-the Thar, Central/West Asian, Arabian and Sahara deserts (Saharan influence is found in 63 events), which are previously not known to affect Hong Kong. The Gobi desert is the most frequent origin of dust, affecting 68 dust events while the Taklamakan desert impacts only 30 of the dust events. The impact of the Gobi desert in March and December is apparently associated with the northeast monsoon in East Asia.Our results also show a seasonal pattern in dust impact from both East Asian and more remote sources, with a maximum in March. Dust event occurrences are conspicuously absent from summer. Dust transport to Hong Kong is commonly associated with the passage of frontal low-pressure systems.The coarse size fraction of PM10 concentrations were, as indicated by Al, Ca and Fe concentrations, about 4–8 times higher during dust events. The mean Ca/Al ratios of sources involving the Taklamakan desert are notably higher than those for non-East Asian sources owing to a higher Ca content of most of the East Asian deserts. The Fe/Al ratios follow a similar trend.Contributions from the desert sources are grossly estimated where possible, by using the average Al abundance of 8% in the upper continental crust to convert the Al mass in the PM10 to dust concentrations. This is done for the six events identified with air mass purely of non-East Asian origin and the two events related only to the Thar/Arabian/Sahara deserts. Results reveal that the average contribution from the non-East Asian sources (including C/W Asia) is approximately 10% and, that from the Thar/Arabian/Sahara deserts is about 8%.  相似文献   

This paper has a dual focus. One is to study the spatial characteristics of dust activities over the Tarim Basin by locating dust active hot spots. The other is to study the temporal characteristics of dust activities over the Tarim Basin by applying the Extreme Value Analysis (EVA).Hot spots (in terms of dust loading) refer to relatively small (compared to the size of the whole source area), consistently active, dust producing areas. In this paper, Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index (AI) is used to identify hot spots in the Tarim Basin. This hot spot study suggests that dust emissions are inhomogeneous in the Tarim Basin area and the formation of the two hot spots is linked to both (1) a large amount of fine sandy sediments accumulated at the hot spot areas and (2) the basin's internal dust transport pathways which are controlled by the extreme bounding topography of the basin.Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) has been widely used in a variety of areas, but has not yet been applied in dust storm research. In this paper, 13 years Tarim Basin regional daily maximum TOMS AI data time series are constructed. By examining the statistics of the time series, a new method (outlier method) is developed to identify extreme values. EVA is applied and 100-year-return values are suggested. The interpretation of the 100-year-return values is discussed by referring to historical meteorological records and also climate change projections.  相似文献   


The revised National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM include fine particulate standards based upon mass measurements of PM25. It is possible in arid and semi-arid regions to observe significant coarse mode intrusion in the PM2.5 measurement. In this work, continuous PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.0 were measured during several windblown dust events in Spokane, WA. PM2 5 constituted ~30% of the PM10 during the dust event days, compared with ~48% on the non-dusty days preceding the dust events. Both PM10 and PM2.5 were enhanced during the dust events. However, PM1.0 was not enhanced during dust storms that originated within the state of Washington. During a dust storm that originated in Asia and impacted Spokane, PM1.0 was also enhanced, although the Asian dust reached Washington during a period of stagnation and poor dispersion, so that local sources were also contributing to high particulate levels. The “intermodal” region of PM, defined as particles ranging in aerodynamic size from 1.0 to 2.5 um, was found to represent a significant fraction of PM25 (~51%) during windblown dust events, compared with 28% during the non-dusty days before the dust events.  相似文献   

Classification of synoptic patterns and their correlation with dust events over East Asia were performed by means of cluster analysis. The average linkage and K-means clustering techniques were used to identify two major weather types during Asian dust events (ADEs; total 26 ADEs with 47 dusty days) of six spring seasons from 1996 to 2001. The first weather type mainly influenced neighboring Asian countries and frequently occurred with ADEs (approximately 23% of ADE cases). It mostly occurred under a surface high (low)-pressure system over the west (east) of the Korean peninsula coupled with an upper-level trough and cutoff low passage over the center of the Korean peninsula. It showed strong advection in the middle/ upper troposphere with both a high aerosol index and enhanced coarse particulate matter (PM) loading over Korea. In contrast, the second weather type was mostly associated with long distance or continental-scale transport and occurred less frequently with ADEs (approximately 15%). It appeared with an upper-level trough and a cutoff low vertically connected with a surface low system that was formed by a strong cyclonic vortex over the north of the Korean peninsula. There were weak advection, low aerosol index, and low coarse PM concentration over the Korean peninsula during the second weather type. In addition, it was found to be mostly associated with the trans-Pacific transport of Asian dust to the western coast of North America.  相似文献   

Recently, a wind-blown-dust-emission module has been built based on a state-of-the-art wind erosion theory and evaluated in a regional air-quality model to simulate a North American dust storm episode in April 2001 (see Park, S.H., Gong, S.L., Zhao, T.L., Vet, R.J., Bouchet, V.S., Gong, W., Makar, P.A., Moran, M.D., Stroud, C., Zhang, J. 2007. Simulation of entrainment and transport of dust particles within North America in April 2001 (“Red Dust episode”). J. Geophys. Res. 112, D20209, doi:10.1029/2007JD008443). A satisfactorily detailed assessment of that module, however, was not possible because of a lack of information on some module inputs, especially soil moisture content. In this paper, the wind-blown-dust emission was evaluated for two additional dust storms using improved soil moisture inputs. The surface characteristics of the wind-blown-dust source areas in southwestern North America were also investigated, focusing on their implications for wind-blown-dust emissions. The improved soil moisture inputs enabled the sensitivity of other important surface characteristics, the soil grain size distribution and the land-cover, to dust emission to be investigated with more confidence. Simulations of the two 2003 dust storm episodes suggested that wind-blown-dust emissions from the desert areas in southwestern North America are dominated by emissions from dry playas covered with accumulated alluvial deposits whose particle size is much smaller than usual desert sands. As well, the source areas in the northwestern Texas region were indicated to be not desert but rather agricultural lands that were “activated” as a wind-blown-dust sources after harvest. This finding calls for revisions to the current wind-blown-dust-emission module, in which “desert” is designated to be the only land-cover category that can emit wind-blown dust.  相似文献   


This study is a part of an ongoing investigation of the types and locations of emission sources that contribute fine particulate air contaminants to Underhill, VT. The air quality monitoring data used for this study are from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments network for the period of 2001–2003 for the Underhill site. The main source-receptor modeling techniques used are the positive matrix factorization (PMF) and potential source contribution function (PSCF). This new study is intended as a comparison to a previous study of the 1988–1995 Underhill data that successfully revealed a total of 11 types of emission sources with significant contributions to this rural site. This new study has identified a total of nine sources: nitrate-rich secondary aerosol, wood smoke, East Coast oil combustion, automobile emission, metal working, soil/dust, sulfur-rich aerosol type I, sulfur-rich aerosol type II, and sea salt/road salt. Furthermore, the mass contributions from the PMF identified sources that correspond with sampling days with either good or poor visibility were analyzed to seek possible correlations. It has been shown that sulfur-rich aerosol type I, nitrate aerosol, and automobile emission are the most important contributors to visibility degradation. Soil/dust and sea salt/road salt also have an added effect.  相似文献   

A Mt. Geladaindong (GL) ice core was recovered from the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) spanning the period 1940–2005 AD. High-resolution major ion (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, SO42?, NO3?) time-series are used to investigate variations in atmospheric dust loading through time. The crustal source ions vary seasonally with peaks in dust concentrations occurring during the winter and spring which are consistent with atmospheric dust observations at local meteorological stations. However, both similarities and dissimilarities are displayed between the decadal variation of atmospheric dust in the GL core and dust observation records from meteorological stations, which can be attributed to local environmental effects at the stations. This paper compares the 1980s and 1970s as case periods for low and high atmospheric dust loading, respectively, two periods reflecting shifts in spring atmospheric circulation (a weakening of zonal and meridional winds) from the 1970s (a period of enhanced dust aerosol transportation to central TP) to the 1980s (a period of diminished dust aerosol transportation to central TP), especially a significant decrease of meridional wind speeds in the 1980s. GL ice core dust proxies (Ca2+ and K+) are correlated with Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index (AI) data in spring over the TP and in the northwestern China (especially for K+). Thus variability of crustal ions in central TP ice core provides a proxy for reconstructing a history of atmospheric dust loading not only on the TP, but also in northwestern China.  相似文献   

A model for the emission of PM10 dust has been constructed using the concept of a threshold friction velocity which is dependent on surface roughness. Surface roughness in turn was correlated with geomorphology or soil properties for Kuwait, Iraq, part of Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman. The PM10 emission algorithm was incorporated into a Lagrangian transport and dispersion model. PM10 air concentrations were computed from August 1990 through August 1991. The model predicted about the right number of dust events over Kuwait (events occur 18% of the time). The model results agreed quantitatively with measurements at four locations in Saudi Arabia and one in Kuwait for one major dust event (>1000 μg/m3). However, for smaller scale dust events (200–1000 μg/m3), especially at the coastal sampling locations, the model substantially over-predicted the air concentrations. Part of the over-prediction was attributed to the entrainment of dust-free air by the sea breeze, a flow feature not represented by the large-scale gridded meteorological data fields used in the model computation. Another part of the over-prediction was the model's strong sensitivity to threshold friction velocity and the surface soil texture coefficient (the soil emission factor), and the difficulty in accurately representing these parameters in the model. A comparison of the model predicted PM10 spatial pattern with the TOMS satellite aerosol index (AI) yielded a spatial pattern covering a major portion of Saudi Arabia that was quite similar to the observed AI pattern.  相似文献   

A chemical mass balance receptor model based on organic compounds has been developed that relates source contributions to airborne fine particle mass concentrations. Source contributions to the concentrations of specific organic compounds are revealed as well. The model is applied to four air quality monitoring sites in southern California using atmospheric organic compound concentration data and source test data collected specifically for the purpose of testing this model. The contributions of up to nine primary particle source types can be separately identified in ambient samples based on this method, and approximately 85% of the organic fine aerosol is assigned to primary sources on an annual average basis. The model provides information on source contributions to fine mass concentrations, fine organic aerosol concentrations and individual organic compound concentrations. The largest primary source contributors to fine particle mass concentrations in Los Angeles are found to include diesel engine exhaust, paved road dust, gasoline-powered vehicle exhaust, plus emissions from food cooking and wood smoke, with smaller contribution from tire dust, plant fragments, natural gas combustion aerosol, and cigarette smoke. Once these primary aerosol source contributions are added to the secondary sulfates, nitrates and organics present, virtually all of the annual average fine particle mass at Los Angeles area monitoring sites can be assigned to its source.  相似文献   

Windblown dust contributes to high PM2.5 concentrations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The revised National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM include fine particulate standards based upon mass measurements of PM2.5. It is possible in arid and semi-arid regions to observe significant coarse mode intrusion in the PM2.5 measurement. In this work, continuous PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.0 were measured during several windblown dust events in Spokane, WA. PM2.5 constituted approximately 30% of the PM10 during the dust event days, compared with approximately 48% on the non-dusty days preceding the dust events. Both PM10 and PM2.5 were enhanced during the dust events. However, PM1.0 was not enhanced during dust storms that originated within the state of Washington. During a dust storm that originated in Asia and impacted Spokane, PM1.0 was also enhanced, although the Asian dust reached Washington during a period of stagnation and poor dispersion, so that local sources were also contributing to high particulate levels. The "intermodal" region of PM, defined as particles ranging in aerodynamic size from 1.0 to 2.5 microns, was found to represent a significant fraction of PM2.5 (approximately 51%) during windblown dust events, compared with 28% during the non-dusty days before the dust events.  相似文献   

Biomass burning is one of many sources of particulate pollution in Southeast Asia, but its irregular spatial and temporal patterns mean that large episodes can cause acute air quality problems in urban areas. Fires in Sumatra and Borneo during September and October 2006 contributed to 24-h mean PM10 concentrations above 150 μg m?3 at multiple locations in Singapore and Malaysia over several days. We use the FLAMBE model of biomass burning emissions and the NAAPS model of aerosol transport and evolution to simulate these events, and compare our simulation results to 24-h average PM10 measurements from 54 stations in Singapore and Malaysia. The model simulation, including the FLAMBE smoke source as well as dust, sulfate, and sea salt aerosol species, was able to explain 50% or more of the variance in 24-h PM10 observations at 29 of 54 sites. Simulation results indicated that biomass burning smoke contributed to nearly all of the extreme PM10 observations during September–November 2006, but the exact contribution of smoke was unclear because the model severely underestimated total smoke emissions. Using regression analysis at each site, the bias in the smoke aerosol flux was determined to be a factor of between 2.5 and 10, and an overall factor of 3.5 was estimated. After application of this factor, the simulated smoke aerosol concentration averaged 20% of observed PM10, and 40% of PM10 for days with 24-h average concentrations above 150 μg m?3. These results suggest that aerosol transport models can aid analysis of severe pollution events in Southeast Asia, but that improvements are needed in models of biomass burning smoke emissions.  相似文献   

The dominant optical characteristics of Southeast Asia (SEA)'s regional aerosols were determined from the cluster analysis of the 26 AERONET aerosol inversion products, including aerosol light scattering/absorption indicators and aerosol size/shape parameters retrieved from 2003 to 2007. The data sets were acquired from four stations: Bac Giang in Vietnam and Mukdahan, Pimai, and Silpakorn University in Thailand. The cluster analysis showed agreement among the aerosol optical characteristics, land cover/uses, season as the surrogate of the prevailing winds, and observations from the literature. The results of this study showed that during the northeast prevailing winds from mid-September to December, the high aerosol exposure events were most frequently observed over the upwind station and less often over the downwind stations. This aerosol exhibited a single scattering albedo (SSA) of approximately 0.95 (440 nm), a relatively low refractive index, and a larger fine-mode size, suggesting it had the characteristics of urban/industrial aerosols reported in the literature. These aerosol sources were upwind from Bac Giang, probably in eastern China. From January to April, the aerosol exhibited a lower SSA of approximately 0.90, a higher refractive index, and a smaller fine-mode size, suggesting biomass burning smoke reported in the literature. The SEA urban aerosol exhibited a mean SSA of approximately 0.90 (440 nm) or lower, and the coarse-mode aerosol, possibly road dust or soil dust, played a role from October to January when seasonal winds are strongest. The results from a canonical discriminant function analysis suggest that the dominant SEA aerosol clusters tended to be separated by a canonical function positively correlated with SSA, the fine-mode asymmetry factor, and the overall fine-mode size and negatively correlated with the refractive index.  相似文献   

Dust storm events and their relation to climate changes in Northern China during the past 1000 years were analyzed by using different paleoclimate archives such as ice cores, tree rings, and historical documents. The results show that in the semiarid region, the temperature and precipitation series were significantly negatively correlated to the dust storm frequency on a decadal timescale. Compared with temperature changes, however, there was a closer correlation between precipitation changes and dust storm events on a centennial timescale. At this timescale, precipitation accounts for 40% of the variance of dust fall variations during the last 1700 years, inferring precipitation control on the formation of dust storms. In the western arid region, both temperature and precipitation changes are important forcing factors for the occurrence of dust storms in the region on a centennial timescale. In the eastern arid region, the relationship between dust storm events and climate changes are similar like in the semiarid region. As a result, the effects of climate change on dust storm events were manifested on decadal and centennial timescales during the last millennium. However, there is a phase shift in the relation between climate change and the dust storm frequency. A 1400 years reconstruction of the strength of the Siberian High reveals that long-term variations of spring Siberian High intensity might provide a background for the dynamic conditions for the frequency of historical dust storm events in Northern China.  相似文献   


As part of a pilot study into the chemical and physical properties of Australian fine particles, a suite of aerosol samples was collected at Ti Tree Bend in Launceston, Tasmania, during June and July 1997. This period represents midwinter in the Southern Hemisphere, a period when aerosol sources in Launceston are dominated by smoke from domestic wood burning. This paper describes the results from this measurement campaign, with the aim of assessing the effect of wood smoke on the chemical and physical characteristics of ambient aerosol. A micro orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) was used to measure the size distributions of the aerosol from 0.05 to 20 n m aerodynamic diameter. Continuous measurements of fine particle mass were made using a PM2.5 tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) and light scattering coefficients at 530 nm were measured with nephelometers.

Mass size distributions tended to be bimodal, with the diameter of the dominant mode tending to smaller sizes with increases in total mass. Non-sea salt potassium and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were used as chemical tracers for wood smoke. Wood smoke was found to increase absolute particle mass (enough to regularly exceed air quality standards), and to concentrate mass in a single mode below 1 μm aerodynamic diameter. The acid-base equilibrium of the aerosol was altered by the wood smoke source, with free acidity hydrogen ion, non-sea salt sulfate, and ammonium concentrations being higher and the concentration of all species, including nitrate (to differing extents), focused in the fine particle size ranges. The wood smoke source also heavily influenced the aerosol scattering efficiency, adding to a strong diurnal cycle in both mass concentration and light scattering.  相似文献   

The Chihuahuan Desert region is an important contributor to atmospheric dust loading and transport in North America; however, specific dust sources in this region are poorly characterized. Major dust events frequently are characterized by multiple dust plumes developing nearly simultaneously over a large region. Remote sensing data were used to identify the source locations and associated land cover for the most extreme dust events in the Chihuahuan Desert since 2002. Analysis of infrared channels utilizing brightness temperature differences was used to analyze data from geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites, from which dust sources were determined and located. This methodology was applied to the five dust events in the region that resulted in “hazardous” PM10 levels in Texas per the USEPA’s Air Quality Index. Source locations determined from satellite images were used in conjunction with LANDSAT data and Google Earth? images to determine the corresponding land-surface features. Agricultural lands, playas, and their edges are pointed out as focus areas for dust emission, at least during the most intense events. The 130 dust plume initiation sites were relatively uniformly spaced over the landscape, not clumped into a few “hotspots,” suggesting the role of spatiotemporally random meteorological factors in determining major points of emission within and between dust storms. These findings provide an initial characterization of Chihuahuan Desert dust source locations and establish a baseline for continued research in determining potential locations for future dust outbreaks in the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico.  相似文献   

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