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California's Pacific Gas and Electric Company has many power plant operations situated in complex terrain, prominent examples being the Geysers geothermal plant in Lake and Sonoma Counties, and the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in San Luis Obispo County. Procedures ranging from plant licensing to emergency response require a dispersion modeling capability in a complex terrain environment. This paper describes the performance evaluation of such a capability, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Modeling System (PGEMS), a fast response Gaussian puff model with a three-dimensional wind field generator.

Performance of the model was evaluated for ground level and short stack elevated release on the basis of a special intensive tracer experiment in the complex coastal terrain surrounding the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County, California. The model performed well under a variety of meteorological and release conditions within the test region of 20-kilometer radius surrounding the nuclear plant, and turned in a superior performance in the wake of the nuclear plant, using a new wake correction algorithm for ground level and roof-vent releases at that location.  相似文献   


On-board emission measurements were performed on 49 light-duty gasoline vehicles in seven cities of China. Vehicle-specific power mode distribution and emission characteristics were analyzed based on the data collected. The results of our study show that there were significant differences in different types of roads. The emission factors and fuel consumption rates on arterial roads and residential roads were approximately 1.4–2 times those on freeways. The carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and nitrogen oxides emission factors of Euro II vehicles were on average 86.2, 88.2, and 64.5% lower than those of carburetor vehicles, respectively. The new vehicle emission standards implemented in China had played an important role in reducing individual vehicle emissions. More comprehensive measures need to be considered to reduce the total amount of emissions from vehicles.  相似文献   


Manure storage tanks and animals in barns are important agricultural sources of methane. To examine the possibility of using an inverse dispersion technique based on a backward Lagrangian Stochastic (bLS) model to quantify methane (CH4) emissions from multiple on-farm sources, a series of tests were carried out with four possible source configurations and three controlled area sources. The simulated configurations were: (C1) three spatially separate ground-level sources, (C2) three spatially separate sources with wind-flow disturbance, (C3) three adjacent ground-level sources to simulate a group of adjacent sources with different emission rates, and (C4) a configuration with a ground level and two elevated sources. For multiple ground-level sources without flow obstructions (C1 and C3), we can use the condition number (k, the ratio of the uncertainty in the calculated emission rate to the uncertainty in the predicted ratio of concentration to emission rate) to evaluate the applicability of this inverse dispersion technique and a preliminary threshold of k < 10 is recommended. For multiple sources with wind disturbance (C2) or an even more complex configuration including ground level and elevated sources (C4), a low k is not sufficient to provide reasonable discrete and total emission rates. The effect of flow obstructions can be neglected as long as the distance between the source and the measurement location is greater than approximately 10 times the height of the flow obstructions. This study shows that the bLS model has the potential to provide accurate discrete emission rates from multiple on-farm emissions of gases provided that certain conditions are met.  相似文献   


This paper demonstrates how wind tunnel modeling data that accurately describe plume characteristics near an unconventional emission source can be used to improve the near-field downwind plume profiles predicted by conventional air pollution dispersion models. The study considers a vertical, cylindrical-shaped, elevated bin similar to large product storage bins that can be found at many industrial plant sites. Two dispersion models are considered: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ISC2(ST) model and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy's GAS model. The wind tunnel study showed that plume behavior was contrary to what was predicted using conventional dispersion models such as ISC2(ST) and GAS and default values of input parameters. The wind tunnel data were used to develop a protocol for correcting the dispersion models inputs, resulting in a substantial improvement in the accuracy of the dispersion estimates.  相似文献   


A systematic investigation of solid and gaseous atmospheric emissions from some coke-oven batteries of one of Europe’s largest integrated steel factory (Taranto, Italy) has been carried out. In air monitoring samples, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were consistently detected at concentrations largely exceeding threshold limit values. By means of PAHs speciation profile and benzo (a)pyrene (BaP) equivalent dispersion modeling from diffuse sources, the study indicated that serious health risks exist not only in working areas, but also in a densely populated residential district near the factory.  相似文献   

A simplified method which is used by the Tennessee Valley Authority to estimate ambient concentrations of atmospheric emissions from its large power plants is presented. The technique requires the use of three nomogrdms for the rapid graphic solution of three dispersion models—coning, inversion breakup, and trapping. A discussion of the meteorological conditions that are associated with these dispersion models, supporting appendices, and a worked example are also presented.  相似文献   

A new complex source microcomputer model has been developed for use at civil airports and Air Force bases. This paper describes both the key features of this model and its application in evaluating the air quality impact of new construction projects at three airports: one in the United States and two in Canada.

The single EDMS model replaces the numerous models previously required to assess the air quality impact of pollution sources at airports. EDMS also employs a commercial data base to reduce the time and manpower required to accurately assess and document the air quality impact of airfield operations.

On July 20, 1993, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the final rule (Federal Register, 7/20/93, page 38816) to add new models to the Guideline on Air Quality Models. At that time EDMS was incorporated into the Guideline as an Appendix A model.  相似文献   

A model based on K-theory has been developed for describing the short range air dispersion from area sources of non-buoyant toxics. Model parameter estimation is via boundary layer theory. Lateral dispersion by plume meander is considered but ail other sources of horizontal dispersion are neglected. The model can be applied on and near area sources and it can be adapted for predictions of downwind concentrations with a wide variety of meteorological Inputs.

The model has been evaluated by simulating the data obtained during atmospheric tracer studies and by comparison to vinyl chloride concentrations near the BKK landfill in southern California. The model appears to represent a useful and accurate tool for regulatory planning and risk assessment close to area sources of toxics.  相似文献   

A long-term dispersion model is presented for traffic and space heating emissions in urban areas, allowing fast assessment of the spatial-averaged and center-maximum pollutant concentrations.

The assumption of study areas with circular shape and normal emissions density profiles is made for the purpose of streamlining model inputs with the inventory data normally available. In addition, the rather typical assumptions of Gaussian dispersion, narrow plume, flat or gently rolling terrain, homogeneous wind field and nonreactive pollutants are made. Values of σz from Briggs correlation are used with an initial value of 30 to account for building effects.

Meterological data inputs are reduced to six parameters, inventory data inputs to two, while computations are simplified to a degree that use of a digital computer is not required.

The model is well suited to yield separate assessments for individual types of sources and control measures, as well as to reveal sensitivities from parameters such as city size, or emission density levels and distribution patterns. Its predictions are virtually identical to those of the CDM-2 UNAPMAR model for study areas with circular shape and normal emissions density profiles, and as results do not appear overly sensitive to shape and distribution patterns, the model is believed to be valid for most urban areas.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to apply neutral electrolyzed water (NEW) spraying to inactivate bioaerosols. We evaluated the inactivation efficiency of NEW applied to inactivate two airborne bacterial Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis aerosols inside an environmental-controlled chamber in the study. Generated with electrolyzing 6.15 M sodium chloride brine, the NEW with free available chlorine (FAC) concentration 50, 100, and 200 ppm was pumped with an air pressure of 70 kg/cm2 through nozzle into the chamber to inactive E. coli and B. subtilis aerosols precontaminated air (initial counts of 3?×?104 colony-forming units [CFU]/m3). Bacterial aerosols were collected and cultured from chamber before and after NEW spray. The air exchange rate (ACH, hr?1) of the chamber was set to simulate fresh air ventilating dilution of indoor environment. First-order concentration decaying coefficients (Ka, min?1) of both bacterial aerosols were measured as an index of NEW inactivation efficiency. The result shows that higher FAC concentration of NEW spray caused better inactivation efficiency. The Ka values under ACH 1.0 hr?1 were 0.537 and 0.598 for E. coli of FAC 50 and 100 ppm spraying, respectively. The Ka values of FAC 100 ppm and 200 ppm spraying for B. subtilis were 0.063 and 0.085 under ACH 1.0 hr?1, respectively. The results indicated that NEW spray is likely to be effective in inactivation of bacterial airborne contamination. Moreover, it is observed in the study that the increase of ventilation rate and the use of a larger orifice-size nozzle may facilitate the inactivation efficiency.

Implications: Bacterial aerosols have been implicated in deterioration of air quality and occupational health. Effective, safe, and economic control technology is highly demanded, especially for agricultural and food industries. In the study, NEW mist spraying performed effectively in controlling E. coli and B. subtilis modeling bioaerosols contamination. The NEW revealed its potential as an alternative airborne disinfectant worth being discovered for improving the environmental quality in the future.  相似文献   

Jackson Hole Airport is the only air carrier airport located entirely in a National Park, that being Grand Teton. Concerns over noise impacts led to an Airport/Park agreement setting allowable levels, restricting flights and flight paths, and calling for compliance monitoring in the noise sensitive areas. This study documented seven days of continuous noise level measurements made at four sites in the Park during four consecutive seasons in 1985-86. Individual sound exposure level measurements at B-737/200 jets, Swearingen Metro turboprops, and general aviation aircraft permitted computation of “aircraft-only” day/night levels (DNL) at each site for each day. Measurement of half-hourly average sound levels permitted computation of “total” DNL for comparisons. Results showed general compliance with the DNL limits, except when winds necessitated northerly departures, in which case a single B- 737 could cause an exceedance. There were no statistically significant differences in mean aircraft DNL for each site over the seasons, largely because of high variances. At the more remote sites, the total DNL was generally not established by airport activity, but by the 10-dB nighttime DNL penalty added to background levels generated by wind or water. The newer B- 737/300 aircraft, introduced to Jackson in the winter of 1986, were observed to be noticeably quieter on departure.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to scientists working in atmospheric dispersion research and model development. Two years of field measurements in the coastal area of Bilbao in northern Spain show that the diffusion behavior in this complex terrain can be classified into several well defined patterns, which correspond to certain meteorological conditions. The approach taken has been the systematic use of SO2 remote sensors (COSPEC) and ground level monitors in moving platforms which are used to follow and document the flow of the air mass. Results to date show that complex reentry cycles can occur and that synoptically different flows may be indistinguishable by wind sensors at ground level (affected by channeling), and yet result in totally different observed pollution levels by a fixed monitoring network (affected by topographical effects). These results are being used to parameterize the cause-effect relationships and guide the modeling efforts in this area of complex terrain.  相似文献   

Transit traffic through the Austrian Alps is of major concern in government policy. Pollutant burdens resulting from such traffic are discussed widely in Austrian politics and have already led to measures to restrict traffic on transit routes. In the course of an environmental assessment study, comprehensive measurements were performed. These included air quality observations using passive samplers, a differential optical absorption spectroscopy system, a mobile and a fixed air quality monitoring station, and meteorological observations. As was evident from several previous studies, dispersion modeling in such areas of complex terrain and, moreover, with frequent calm wind conditions, is difficult to handle. Further, in the case presented here, different pollutant sources had to be treated simultaneously (e.g., road networks, exhaust chimneys from road tunnels, and road tunnel portals). No appropriate system for modeling all these factors has so far appeared in the literature. A prognostic wind field model coupled with a Lagrangian dispersion model is thus presented here and is designed to treat all these factors. A comparison of the modeling system with results from passive samplers and from a fixed air quality monitoring station proved the ability of the model to provide reasonable figures for concentration distributions along the A10.  相似文献   

A procedure for calculating the concentration at any point and time under varying emissions and mean wind conditions is developed based on exact integration of the governing conservation equation. The procedure is simple, easy to use and has no numerical instability difficulties. Application of the procedure shows the fast achievement of steady state concentration under steady chimney emissions and mean wind conditions. It is also suggested that the procedure be used to calculate the correction factor to the time-averaged concentrations determined by conventional computer or physical modelling for constant wind condition to account for the actual fluctuating mean wind direction condition. If the wind databank does not contain detailed minute-to-minute data for exact calculation of the correction factor, the sinusoidal wind assumption should give good approximation without adversely affecting the margin of safety for environmental protection. It is also suggested that the meteorological data bank should contain information on hourly amplitude and standard deviations of wind directions if storage is insufficient to store minute-to-minute wind data.  相似文献   


Refineries are a source of emissions of volatile hydrocarbons that contribute to the formation of smog and ozone. Fugitive emissions of hydrocarbons are difficult to measure and quantify. Currently these emissions are estimated based on standard emission factors for the type and use of equipment installed. Differential absorption light detection and ranging (DIAL) can remotely measure concentration profiles of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere up to several hundred meters from the instrument. When combined with wind speed and direction, downwind vertical DIAL scans can be used to calculate mass fluxes of the measured gas leaving the site. Using a mobile DIAL unit, a survey was completed at a Canadian refinery to quantify fugitive emissions of methane, C2+ hydrocarbons, and benzene and to apportion the hydrocarbon emissions to the various areas of the refinery. Refinery fugitive emissions as measured with DIAL during this demonstration study were 1240 kg/hr of C2+ hydrocarbons, 300 kg/hr of methane, and 5 kg/hr of benzene. Storage tanks accounted for over 50% of the total emissions of C2+ hydrocarbons and benzene. The coker area and cooling towers were also significant sources. The C2+ hydrocarbons emissions measured during the demonstration amounted to 0.17% of the mass of the refinery hydrocarbon throughput for that period. If the same loss were repeated throughout the year, the lost product would represent a value of US$3.1 million/yr (assuming US$40/bbl). The DIAL-measured hourly emissions of C2+ hydrocarbons were 15 times higher than the emission factor estimates and gave a different perspective on which areas of the refinery were the main source of emissions. Methods, such as DIAL, that can directly measure fugitive emissions would improve the effectiveness of efforts to reduce emissions, quantify the reduction in emissions, and improve the accuracy of emissions data that are reported to regulators and the public.  相似文献   

The emissions of hydrocarbons, nitric oxide, and carbon monoxide from one modern vehicle were measured using on-board instrumentation during about 350 miles of driving in Los Angeles, California. Emissions during on-road driving were compared to those obtained on dynamometers using the urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS). Although this study only used one driver and vehicle, tested over a relatively short distance, the analysis technique may be useful for a larger evaluation of off-cycle emissions.

The test vehicle had low warmed-up running emissions over the UDDS and for most of the on-road testing where the air-to-fuel ratio was maintained at the stoichiometric point. However, occasional heavily-loaded conditions during the on-road testing led to richerthan-stoiehiometric operation.

During these brief enrichment events, which lasted up to 29 seconds, CO emissions were increased by a factor of 2500 and HC by a factor of 40 over closed-loop stoichiometric operation. Nitrogen oxide emissions were similar during low-load stoichiometric operation and high-load enriched operation. The relatively constant gram-per-second emission rate of CO and HC observed during enriched operation suggests that such information can be combined with determinations of the frequency of enrichment for a large number of vehicles with similar calibrations to estimate the impact of the additional emissions from enrichment on emissions inventories.  相似文献   

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