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The digital opacity compliance system (DOCS) has been proposed as an alternative to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Reference Method 9 (Visual Determination of the Opacity of Emissions for Stationary Sources). The DOCS, which employs standard digital photography to estimate the opacity of visible emissions, was evaluated in a high mountain desert environment located in Weber County, UT. The DOCS recorded an average opacity deviation of 5.28% when applied to black smoke plumes having true opacities in the range of 0-100%, an error rate that was found to be significantly less than 7.5% (allowable error rate for attaining certification under Method 9). In contrast, results from estimating the opacity of white smoke plumes indicated that the accuracy of the DOCS was less than the Method 9 error rate only in the opacity range of 0-60%, over which the DOCS average opacity deviation was determined to be 6.7%. For the 0-40% opacity range, the DOCS recorded an average opacity deviation of 5.44% and 5.9% for black and white plumes, respectively. Results from the present study suggest that the DOCS has the potential to quantify visible opacity with an error rate that is significantly less than the Method 9 permissible error rate. Although encouraging, it is unclear to what extent the DOCS is affected by climatic conditions other than those encountered in a dry desert environment. Future studies should focus on evaluating the performance of the DOCS under variable weather conditions.  相似文献   


The digital opacity compliance system (DOCS) has been proposed as an alternative to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Reference Method 9 (Visual Determination of the Opacity of Emissions for Stationary Sources). The DOCS, which employs standard digital photography to estimate the opacity of visible emissions, was evaluated in a high mountain desert environment located in Weber County, UT. The DOCS recorded an average opacity deviation of 5.28% when applied to black smoke plumes having true opacities in the range of 0–100%, an error rate that was found to be significantly less than 7.5% (allowable error rate for attaining certification under Method 9). In contrast, results from estimating the opacity of white smoke plumes indicated that the accuracy of the DOCS was less than the Method 9 error rate only in the opacity range of 0–60%, over which the DOCS average opacity deviation was determined to be 6.7%. For the 0–40% opacity range, the DOCS recorded an average opacity deviation of 5.44% and 5.9% for black and white plumes, respectively.

Results from the present study suggest that the DOCS has the potential to quantify visible opacity with an error rate that is significantly less than the Method 9 permissible error rate. Although encouraging, it is unclear to what extent the DOCS is affected by climatic conditions other than those encountered in a dry desert environment. Future studies should focus on evaluating the performance of the DOCS under variable weather conditions.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed for calculating the Ringelmann number, opacity, and other optical characteristics of stack plumes from information on particulate properties, concentrations, and system geometry. Such calculations can be used in selecting clean-up equipment to improve stack appearance required to meet Ringelmann number and opacity pollution regulations. Methods were developed for white plumes caused by water drops or crystalline material and for black plumes containing carbon emissions. The Mie theory of light scattering was utilized to calculate plume optical properties which were related to Ringelmann number through psycophysically significant correlations. A computer program was written to perform the Mie theory and related calculations. Graphical methods were developed for plumes with log-probability size distributions composed of water drops, dusts with refractive index of 1.50 or carbon type emissions of refractive index 1.59-0.66i. Agreement of Ringelmann numbers predicted by these techniques and those observed for large stacks is excellent.  相似文献   

The opacity of "detached plumes" formed by condensation of vapors depends upon both the concentration of condensible vapors and the in-stack concentration of fine, submicron, particulate matter. This paper provides an analysis of the condensing aerosol problem and an evaluation of possible control approaches to reduce the downwind detached plume opacity. The opacity of such plumes may be reduced by reducing the concentration of condensible vapors or the in-stack concentration of fine particles or both. The results of the analysis indicate that for low concentrations of condensible vapors the detached plume opacity may be adequately controlled by reducing the in-stack fine particulate concentration alone. For high concentrations of condensible vapors, however, reduction of in-stack fine particulate concentration alone may not be effective, and reduction of vapor concentration may be necessary along with particulate removal for adequate reduction of plume opacity. Different combinations of levels of reduction of vapor concentration and particulate phase concentration are possible to achieve a desired result; and thus may be optimized to obtain a cost-effective combination.  相似文献   

Visual Determination of the Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources (Method 9) is a reference method established by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to quantify plume opacity. However, Method 9 relies on observations from humans, which introduces subjectivity. In addition, it is expensive to teach and certify personnel to evaluate plume opacity on a semiannual basis. In this study, field tests were completed during a "smoke school" and a 4-month monitoring program of plumes emitted from stationary sources with a Method 9 qualified observer to evaluate the use of digital photography and two computer algorithms as an alternative to Method 9. This Digital Optical Method (DOM) improves objectivity, costs less to implement than Method 9, and provides archival photographic records of the plumes. Results from "smoke school" tests indicate that DOM passed six of eight tests when the sun was located in the 140 degrees sector behind one of the three cameras, with the individual opacity errors of 15% or less and average opacity errors of 7.5% or less. DOM also passed seven of the eight tests when the sun was located in the 216 degrees sector behind another camera. However, DOM passed only one of the eight tests when the sun was located in the 116 degrees sector in front of the third camera. Certification to read plume opacity by a "smoke reader" for 6 months requires that the "smoke reader" pass one of the smoke school tests during smoke school. The average opacity errors and percentage of observations with individual opacity errors above 15% for the results obtained with DOM were lower than those obtained by the smoke school trainees with the sun was located behind the camera, whereas they were higher than the smoke school trainee results with the sun located in front of the camera. In addition, the difference between plume opacity values obtained by DOM and a Method 9 qualified observer, as measured in the field for two industrial sources, were 2.2%. These encouraging results demonstrate that DOM is able to meet Method 9 requirements under a wide variety of field conditions and, therefore, has potential to be used as an alternative to Method 9.  相似文献   


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emission Measurement Center in conjunction with EPA Regions VI and VIII, the state of Utah, and the U.S. Department of Defense have conducted a series of long-term pilot and field tests to determine the accuracy and reliability of a visible opacity monitoring system consisting of a conventional digital camera and a separate computer software application for plume opacity determination. This technology, known as the Digital Opacity Compliance System (DOCS), has been successfully demonstrated at EPA-sponsored Method-9 “smoke schools,” as well as at a number of government and commercially operated industrial facilities.

Results from the current DOCS regulatory pilot study demonstrated that, under regulatory enforcement conditions, the average difference in opacity measurement between the DOCS technology and EPA Reference Method 9 (Method 9) was 1.12%. This opacity difference, which was computed from the evaluation of 241 regulated air sources, was found to be statistically significant at the 99% confidence level. In evaluating only those sources for which a nonzero visible opacity level was recorded, the average difference in opacity measurement between the DOCS technology and Method 9 was 1.20%. These results suggest that the two opacity measurement methods are essentially equivalent when measuring the opacity of visible emissions.

Given the costs and technical limitations associated with use of Method 9, there is a recognized need to develop accurate, reproducible, and scientifically defensible alternatives to the use of human observers. The use of digital imaging/processing brings current technology to bear on this important regulatory issue. Digital technology offers increased accuracy, a permanent record of measurement events, lower costs, and a scientifically defensible approach for opacity determination.  相似文献   

The fundamental capabilities and limitations of the lidar (laser radar) in observing particulate concentrations in the atmosphere are discussed. The advantages of the lidar technique stem from its ability to obtain measurements remotely and at a high density in space and time. The quantitative application of the technique is limited by the accuracies with which: (1) the separate effects upon the return signal of back-scatter and attenuation may be identified; and (2) the optical parameters may be related to the characteristics of the aerosol. The main areas of utility for lidar in air pollution research and control are: (1) to observe the structure and height of mixing layers; (2) to measure the transport and diffusion of plumes or clouds of particulates; and (3) to remotely determine smoke-plume opacity. These applications are briefly reviewed and exemplified.  相似文献   

An on-stack transmissometer system which is designed to provide a precision measurement of the opacity of visible emissions is described. The sources of error in opacity measurements with regard to recent EPA emission monitoring requirements and planned specifications are discussed. Sources of error are voltage changes, temperature changes, light source and detector aging and effects of ambient light. Other major operational errors are caused by alignment drift and soiling drift. The methods employed to minimize these errors achieve an accuracy of ±3% of span and a maintenance free operational period of 3 months. The relationships between optical density, opacity and transmittance are described. The instrument measurement can be correlated with dust loading provided the particle size distribution is constant. Examples are given of correlations obtained between optical density and particulate concentration in the gas on various types of emission sources and the observed error margins are summarized.  相似文献   

Flares are important safety devices for pressure relief; at the same time, flares are a significant point source for soot and highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOCs). Currently, simple guidelines for flare operations to maintain high combustion efficiency (CE) remain elusive. This paper fills the gap by investigating the characteristics of the incipient smoke point (ISP), which is widely recognized as the condition for good combustion. This study characterizes the ISP in terms of 100–% combustion inefficiency (CE), percent opacity, absorbance, air assist, steam assist, air equivalence ratio, steam equivalence ratio, exit velocity, vent gas net heating value, and combustion zone net heating value. Flame lengths were calculated for buoyant and momentum-dominated plumes under calm and windy conditions at stable and neutral atmosphere. Opacity was calculated using the Beer–Lambert law based on soot concentration, flame diameter, and mass-specific extinction cross section of soot. The calculated opacity and absorbance were found to be lognormally distributed. Linear relations were established for soot yield versus absorptivity with R2 > 0.99 and power-law relations for opacity versus soot emission rate with R2 ≥ 0.97 for steam-assisted, air-assisted, and nonassisted flares. The characterized steam/air assists, combustion zone/vent gas heating values, exit velocity, steam, and air equivalence ratios for the incipient smoke point will serve as a useful guideline for efficient flare operations.

Implications: A Recent EPA rule requires an evaluation of visible emissions in terms of opacity in compliance with the standards. In this paper, visible emissions such as soot particles are characterized in terms of opacity at ISP. Since ISP is widely recognized as most efficient flare operation for high combustion efficiency (CE)/destruction efficiency (DE) with initial soot particles formed in the flame, this characterization provides a useful guideline for flare operators in the refinery, oil and gas, and chemical industries to sustain smokeless and high combustion efficiency flaring in compliance with recent EPA regulations, in addition to protecting the environment.  相似文献   

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emission Measurement Center in conjunction with EPA Regions VI and VIII, the state of Utah, and the U.S. Department of Defense have conducted a series of long-term pilot and field tests to determine the accuracy and reliability of a visible opacity monitoring system consisting of a conventional digital camera and a separate computer software application for plume opacity determination. This technology, known as the Digital Opacity Compliance System (DOCS), has been successfully demonstrated at EPA-sponsored Method-9 "smoke schools", as well as at a number of government and commercially operated industrial facilities. Results from the current DOCS regulatory pilot study demonstrated that, under regulatory enforcement conditions, the average difference in opacity measurement between the DOCS technology and EPA Reference Method 9 (Method 9) was 1.12%. This opacity difference, which was computed from the evaluation of 241 regulated air sources, was found to be statistically significant at the 99% confidence level. In evaluating only those sources for which a nonzero visible opacity level was recorded, the  相似文献   

Evaluation of emerging diesel particulate emissions control technology will require analytical procedures capable of continuous or “real-time” measurement of transient organic and elemental carbon emissions. Procedures based on the flame ionlzation properties of organic carbon and the opacity or light extinction properties of elemental carbon are described, and applied for measurement of particulate emissions from diesel engines. The Instrumentation provided adequate sensitivity and time resolution for observation of the transient emissions associated with typical automobile urban driving conditions. Analytical accuracy is evaluated by comparing Integrated average results to measurements using classical gravimetric filtration and solvent extraction procedures. Mass specifc extinction coefficients are evaluated using the Beer-Lambert law. A simplified linear model relating elemental carbon concentration to opacity is also evaluated.  相似文献   

The compact design of mechanical cooling towers necessitates that the plumes are issued into the cross-wind in close proximity. An improved understanding of the interaction of adjacent plumes is therefore required for better design of such cooling towers, which may lead to a reduction in their environmental impact. This paper presents the results of a numerical investigation into the interaction of two adjacent plumes in a cross-flow. The numerical model simulates small-scale wind tunnel experiments of a cooling tower arrangement. The computations are performed for three-dimensional, turbulent, buoyant and interacting plumes, and for a single plume for comparison. Two double-source arrangements, namely, tandem and side-by-side, with respect to the oncoming atmospheric boundary layer are considered. A low Reynolds number kε turbulence model is used with two discretisation schemes, hybrid and QUICK, and the results are compared. Comparisons are also made with the experimental results. The results show that the interaction of side-by-side plumes is dominated by the interaction of the rotating vortex pairs within the plumes. A tandem source arrangement leads to early merging and efficient rise enhancement. Comparisons of the predicted results with experimental data show good agreement for the plume rise.  相似文献   

In this paper, an experimental study of the rise and development of a single buoyant plume and a pair of in-line buoyant plumes is presented. The investigations were carried out at small scale in a water filled towing tank using both quantitative flow visualisation and local concentration measurements. The measured plume trajectories for a single plume were compared with the Briggs plume rise equation and predictions from a numerical integral model. Plume trajectories were studied for twin in-line plumes, with particular attention to changes in the plume trajectory, especially any additional rise that resulted from the interaction between the two plumes. Concentration field distributions in cross-sections through both single and interacting twin plumes were obtained from the local concentration measurement system. These showed how the interaction affected the plume structure, notably the double vortex system that occurs in a fully developed plume.  相似文献   

Results are presented of airborne measurements taken in oil sands extraction plant plumes in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. Measurements with fast response monitors at a high sampling rate illustrate the narrow reaction zone in the plume caused by a turbulent diffusion reaction of NO to NO2 as suggested by theoretical and laboratory studies. The measured conversion rates of NO to NO2 varied considerably from day to day, from 0.2 to 21.4% min. Analysis of the oxidation rate of NO to NO2 and of the atmospheric turbulence parameter reveals that, over the distances and time scales within which the plumes are distinguishable from the background, the nitrogen oxides chemistry in the plumes is controlled by the rates at which the plumes mix with the ambient air (containing ozone), rather than by chemical kinetics.  相似文献   

When multiple stacks are grouped or ganged together at a site, the effluent plumes are often observed to merge downwind, forming a single buoyant plume whose rate of rise is enhanced relative to the rise of the plumes individually. The magnitude of this rise enhancement depends on many factors, and the few available models for rise enhancement do not always agree with one another. In the present study the rise behaviour of pairs of merging, buoyant plumes was studied by physical modelling in a water flume at 1:500 scale. The experiments were conducted at several stack separation distances and various exit velocity ratios for stack pairs aligned with, or perpendicular to, the ambient flow. Limited experiments were also done with the stacks aligned at other angles to the flow. The stack releases were made buoyant by heating the source water, and the resulting plumes were measured with an array of sensitive temperature probes. From these measurements it was possible to determine the plume structure and rise rates. For small stack separations when the stacks are aligned with the ambient flow, the experimental results show that the enhanced rise is close to, and sometimes above, the maximum theoretical rise enhancement factor of 21/3. For the perpendicular orientation there is little or no rise enhancement. The rise enhancement for other stack orientations is somewhere between these two extremes. A plausible physical explanation for the observed behaviour is given, based on initial momentum shielding and line vortex dynamics in the merging plumes.  相似文献   

An emplaced source of coal tar creosote within the sandy Borden research aquifer has documented the long-term (5140 days) natural attenuation for this complex mixture. Plumes of dissolved chemicals were produced by the essentially horizontal groundwater flowing at about 9 cm/day. Eleven chemicals have been extensively sampled seven times using a monitoring network of approximately 280, 14-point multilevel samplers. A model of source dissolution using Raoult's Law adequately predicted the dissolution of 9 of 11 compounds. Mass transformation has limited the extent of the plumes as groundwater has flowed more than 500 m, yet the plumes are no longer than 50 m. Phenol and xylenes have been removed and naphthalene has attenuated from its maximum extent on day 1357. Some compound plumes have reached an apparent steady state and the plumes of other compounds (dibenzofuran and phenanthrene) are expected to continue to expand due to an increasing mass flux and limited degradation potential. Biotransformation is the major process controlling natural attenuation at the site. The greatest organic mass lost is associated with the high solubility compounds. However, the majority of the mass loss for most compounds has occurred in the source zone. Oxygen is the main electron acceptor, yet the amount of organics lost cannot be accounted for by aerobic mineralization or partial mineralization alone. The complex evolution of these plumes has been well documented but understanding the controlling biotransformation processes is still elusive. This study has shown that anticipating bioattenuation patterns should only be considered at the broadest scale. Generally, the greatest mass loss is associated with those compounds that have a high solubility and low partitioning coefficients.  相似文献   

The visual impact of primary particles emitted from stacks is regulated according to stack opacity criteria. In-stack monitoring of the flue gas opacity allows plant operators to ensure that the plant meets U.S. Environmental Protection Agency opacity regulations. However, the emission of condensable gases such as SO3 (that hydrolyzes to H2SO4), HCl, and NH3, which may lead to particle formation after their release from the stack, makes the prediction of stack plume opacity more difficult. We present here a computer simulation model that calculates the opacity due to both primary particles emitted from the stack and secondary particles formed in the atmosphere after the release of condensable gases from the stack. A comprehensive treatment of the plume rise due to buoyancy and momentum is used to calculate the location at which the condensed water plume has evaporated (i.e., where opacity regulations apply). Conversion of H2SO4 to particulate sulfate occurs through nucleation and condensation on primary particles. A thermodynamic aerosol equilibrium model is used to calculate the amount of ammonium, chloride, and water present in the particulate phase with the condensed sulfate. The model calculates the stack plume opacity due to both primary and secondary particles. Examples of model simulations are presented for three scenarios that differ by the emission control equipment installed at the power plant: (1) electrostatic precipitators (ESP), (2) ESP and flue gas desulfurization, and (3) ESP and selective catalytic reduction. The calculated opacity is most sensitive to the primary particulate emissions. For the conditions considered here, SO3 emissions showed only a small effect, except if one assumes that most H2SO4 condenses on primary particles. Condensation of NH4Cl occurs only at high NH3 emission rates (about 25 ppm stack concentration).  相似文献   

A smoke guide for use with white plumes has been developed by suspending size-graded industrial diamond dust in transparent plastic blocks. The guide consists of a series of four blocks containing dusts with white light transmittances of 20, 40, 60, and 80 per cent and scattering characteristics similar to those of white (oil) plumes commonly used for training smoke inspectors. The luminances of experimental plumes and guides with like transmittances are compared when viewed under different illuminating and viewing conditions. Similar tests with a U. S. Public Health Service Black Smoke Guide are also described.  相似文献   

The Digital Opacity Compliance System (DOCS) is an innovative method that uses digital imaging technology to quantify visible opacity of stationary sources. DOCS, which has been demonstrated at pilot and full scale as a technically defensible and economically attractive alternative to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Reference Method 9 (Method 9), uses commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) digital cameras in combination with a user-friendly computer software package to determine opacity. To date, all DOCS field testing has been conducted using two models of digital cameras, notably, Kodak Models DC265 and DC290, both of which are no longer commercially available. To ensure that field-validated digital cameras will be available to future DOCS users, a suite of new digital cameras was evaluated with the opacity determination software including the following: (1) Sony Model Cybershot Model DSC-WI, (2) Nikon Model Coolpix 5200, (3) Fuji Finepix Model E500, and (4) Kodak Model DX6490. Within the opacity range of regulatory interest, that is, 0-40%, the Sony Cybershot Model DSC-WI and Nikon Coolpix Model 5200 digital cameras were found to generate plume photographs of which the DOCS opacity analysis yielded results that were statistically equivalent to the previously field-validated Kodak Model DC290. In contrast, the Fuji Finepix Model E500 generated plume photographs of which the DOCS opacity analysis were, on average, 2.2% less than those generated by the Kodak Model DC290 photographs, a difference that was determined to be statistically significant. Over the same opacity range, photographs taken by the Kodak Model DX6490 yielded DOCS opacity readings that were found to be statistically equivalent to a Method 9-certified transmissometer. Based on the results from the current digital camera validation testing approach, EPA has developed a new camera-based visible opacity measurement method titled "Determination of Visible Emission Opacity from Stationary Sources Using Computer-Based Photographic Analysis Systems." The proposed method is expected to be promulgated after closure of the public comment period.  相似文献   

Characterization of redox conditions in groundwater contaminant plumes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evaluation of redox conditions in groundwater pollution plumes is often a prerequisite for understanding the behaviour of the pollutants in the plume and for selecting remediation approaches. Measuring of redox conditions in pollution plumes is, however, a fairly recent issue and yet relative few cases have been reported. No standardised or generally accepted approach exists. Slow electrode kinetics and the common lack of internal equilibrium of redox processes in pollution plumes make, with a few exceptions, direct electrochemical measurement and rigorous interpretation of redox potentials dubious, if not erroneous. Several other approaches have been used in addressing redox conditions in pollution plumes: redox-sensitive compounds in groundwater samples, hydrogen concentrations in groundwater, concentrations of volatile fatty acids in groundwater, sediment characteristics and microbial tools, such as MPN counts, PLFA biomarkers and redox bioassays. This paper reviews the principles behind the different approaches, summarizes methods used and evaluates the approaches based on the experience from the reported applications.  相似文献   

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