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Electric utilities considering atmospheric fluidized-bed combustion (AFBC) as an economic way to reduce SO2 and NOx emissions at coal-fired power plants must evaluate the impact AFBC will have on existing or planned plant systems and components. Because fly ash in AFBC units can have characteristics significantly different from that generated in pulverized-coal-fired boilers, a particular concern in this regard is the performance of the plant's particulate control equipment.  相似文献   

The information presented in this paper is directed to engineers who are involved with environmental emissions from coal conversion plants. Synthetic sorbents were investigated as an alternative to natural sorbents (limestone) for the removal of SO2 from the combustion gas in a fluidized-bed coal combustor. The sulfation rate of a synthetic sorbent, CaO in α-AI2O3, was determined as a function of gas composition, temperature, and calcium concentration in the sorbent. The reaction was found to be diffusion-controlled above 850°C and kinetically controlled at lower temperatures. The physical characteristics of the support material have a major effect oh the sulfation kinetics. Porosity measurements indicated that supports containing large pores (>0.2 µm) produced sorbents having high sulfation rates and that pores with diameters less than 0.2 µm did not contribute significantly to the capture of SO2. The sorbents SrO in α-AI2O3 and BaO in α-AI2O3 had lower SO2 capture rates than did CaO in α-AI2O3. The alkali metal oxide sorbents K2O and Na2O in α-AI2O3 captured SO2 much faster than did the alkaline earth metal oxides.  相似文献   

Chemical and biological analyses were performed to characterize products of Incomplete combustion emitted during the simulated open field burning of agricultural plastic. A small utility shed equipped with an air delivery system was used to simulate pile burning and forced-air-curtain incineration of a nonhalogenated agricultural plastic that reportedly consisted of polyethylene and carbon black. Emissions were analyzed for combustion gases; volatile, semi-volatile, and particulate organics; and toxic and mutagenlc properties. Emission samples, as well as samples of the used (possibly pesticide-contaminated) plastic, were analyzed for the presence of several pesticides to which the plastic may have been exposed. Although a variety of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds were identified in the volatile, seml-volatlle, and particulate fractions of these emissions, a substantial fraction of higher molecular weight organic material was not identified. No pesticides were Identified in either combustion emission samples or dlchloromethane washes of the used plastic. When mutagenlcity was evaluated by exposing Salmonella bacteria (Ames assay) to whole vapor and vapor/partlculate emissions, no toxic or mutagenlc effects were observed. However, organic extracts of the particulate samples were moderately mutagenlc. This mutagenlcity compares approximately to that measured from residential wood heating on a revertant per unit heat release basis. Compared to pile burning, forced air slightly decreased the time necessary to burn a charge of plastic. There was not a substantial difference, however, in the variety or concentrations of organic compounds Identified In samples from these two burn conditions. This study highlights the benefits of a combined chemical/biological approach to the characterization of complex, multi-component combustion emissions. These results may not reflect those of other types of plastic that may be used for agricultural purposes, especially those containing halogens.  相似文献   


The long-term stability of Hg in coal combustion byproducts (CCBs) was evaluated at ambient and near-ambient temperatures. Six CCB samples with atypically high levels of total Hg were selected for study assuming a greater potential for release of measurable amounts of Hg vapor. The samples selected included two fly ash samples from U.S. eastern bituminous coal, two fly ash samples from South African low-rank coal, one fly ash from Powder River Basin (PRB) subbituminous coal blended with petroleum coke, and one PRB subbituminous coal fly ash incorporated with flue gas desulfurization material.

Air scrubbed of Hg was passed through compacted 100-g aliquots of each sample at 1 mL/min and vented to a gold-coated quartz trap to collect released Hg vapor. The samples were maintained at ambient and near-ambient (37 °C) temperatures. All samples released low-picogram levels of Hg after 90 days. No pattern was evident to link the total Hg content to the rate of release of Hg vapor. An average of 0.030 pg Hg/g CCB/day was released from the samples, which equates to 2.2 x 10-8 lb Hg/ton CCB/year. If this were applied to a coal-fired power plant production of 200,000 tons of fly ash per year, there would be a maximum potential release of 0.0044 lb, or 2.00 g, of Hg per year. Experiments are continuing to determine long-term vapor release of Hg from CCBs. All samples have been set up in duplicate at ambient temperature with an improved apparatus to reevalu-ate results reported in this article.  相似文献   


Experiments were performed on a 73 kW rotary kiln incinerator simulator equipped with a 73 kW secondary combustion chamber (SCC) to examine emissions of products of incomplete combustion (PICs) resulting from incineration of carbon tetrachloride (CC14) and dichloromethane (CH2C12). Species were measured using an on-line gas chromatograph (GC) system capable of measuring concentrations of eight species of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a near-realtime fashion. Samples were taken at several points within the SCC, to generate species profiles with respect to system residence time. For the experiments, the afterburner on the SCC was operated at conditions ranging from fuel-rich to fuellean, while the kiln was operated at a constant set of conditions. Results indicate that combustion of CH2C12 produces higher levels of measured PICs than combustion of CC14, particularly 1, 2 dichlorobenzene, and to a lesser extent, monochlorobenzene. Benzene emissions were predominantly affected by the afterburner air/fuel ratio regardless of whether or not a surrogate waste was being fed.  相似文献   


Combustion of spent vacuum residue hydrodesulfurization catalyst and incineration of paper sludge were carried out in thermo-gravimetric analyzer and an internally circulating fluidized-bed (ICFB) reactor. From the thermogravimetric analyzer-differential thermo-gravimetric curves, the pre-exponential factors and activation energies are determined at the divided temperature regions, and the thermo-gravimetric analysis patterns can be predicted by the kinetic equations. The effects of bed temperature, gas velocity in the draft tube and annulus, solid circulation rate, and waste feed rate on combustion efficiency of the wastes have been determined in an ICFB from the experiments and the model studies. The ICFB combustor exhibits uniform temperature distribution along the bed height with high combustion efficiency (>90%). The combustion efficiency increases with increasing reaction temperature, gas velocity in the annulus region, and solid circulation rate and decreases with increasing waste feed rate and gas velocity in the draft tube. The simulated data from the kinetic equation and the hydrodynamic models predict the experimental data reasonably well.  相似文献   

The present study reviews the sampling environments and chemical transformations of nitrogen oxides that may occur within probes and sample lines while sampling combustion products. Experimental data are presented for NOx transformations in silica and 316 stainless steel tubing when sampling simulated combustion products in the presence of oxygen, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen. A temperature range of 25° to 400°C is explored. In the absence of CO and H2, 316 stainless steel is observed to promote the reduction of nitrogen dioxide to nitric oxide at temperatures in excess of 300°C, and silica is found to be passive to chemical transformation. In the presence of CO, reduction of N02 to NO is observed in 316 stainless steel at temperatures in excess of 100°C, and reduction of NO2 to NO in silica is observed at 400°C. In the presence of H2, NO2 is reduced to NO in 316 stainless steel at 200°C and NOx is removed at temperatures exceeding 200°C. In silica, the presence of H2 promotes the reduction of NO2 to NO at 300°C and the removal of NOx above 300°C.  相似文献   

Nitrogen oxides are a potential atmospheric pollutant. Their formation and decomposition were studied in an experimental pulverized-coal-fired furnace. The concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) was a maximum in the combustion zone and decreased as the combustion gas cooled. At a coal burning rate of 2 Ib/hr and 22% excess air, reduction of nitrogen oxides was obtained by selective secondary-air distribution. With 105% cf the stoichiometric air fed to the coal-combustion zone and 17% additional air fed just beyond the flame front, 62% reduction of NOx occurred with good combustion efficiency. Lowering the quantity of excess air lowered the NOx concentration, but at the expense of combustion efficiency. When 22% excess air was fed to the primary combustion zone, NOx concentration in the effluent was 550 ppm and carbon in the fly ash 2.0%. With 5% excess air, the NOx concentration fell to 210 ppm and carbon in the fly ash rose to 13.8%. With stoichiometric combustion the NOx was 105 ppm a reduction of 81 %, and the carbon was 42.3%. Recirculation of combustion gas was not an effective means of lowering NOx formation.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) levels in the atmosphere are increasing, potentially contributing to the greenhouse effect and depletion of stratospheric ozone. From a limited data base, combustion sources have been identified as a major anthropogenic source of N2O. However, the existing data base (obtained by traditional grab sampling techniques followed by gas chromatographic analysis) is in question due to the discovery of a sampling artifact. A continuous on-line N2O analyzer would enable and facilitate the accurate characterization of combustion sources over a range of operating conditions, and also aid in the development of an appropriate sampling technique. This paper addresses the development of a continuous measurement technique, and the evaluation and initial use of a field prototype continuous N2O analyzer developed at the UCI Combustion Laboratory in cooperation with a major instrument manufacturer. The analyzer is capable of measuring N2O levels down to a few ppm. The analyzer has been evaluated and used to study the N2O emissions from a pulverized coal-fired boiler. The N2O levels found with the analyzer are substantially lower than levels previously attributed to such sources. Initial N2O measurements made with the analyzer suggest that N2O levels are not a substantial fraction of the NOX levels, as previously suggested.  相似文献   


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research examining the characteristics of primary PM generated by the combustion of fossil fuels is being conducted in efforts to help determine mechanisms controlling associated adverse health effects. Transition metals are of particular interest, due to the results of studies that have shown cardiopulmonary damage associated with exposure to these elements and their presence in coal and residual fuel oils. Further, elemental speciation may influence this toxicity, as some species are significantly more water-soluble, and potentially more bio-available, than others. This paper presents results of experimental efforts in which three coals and a residual fuel oil were combusted in three different systems simulating process and utility boilers. Particle size distributions (PSDs) were determined using atmospheric and low-pressure impac-tion as well as electrical mobility, time-of-flight, and light-scattering techniques. Size-classified PM samples from this study are also being utilized by colleagues for animal instillation experiments.

Experimental results on the mass and compositions of particles between 0.03 and >20 μm in aerodynamic diameter show that PM from the combustion of these fuels produces distinctive bimodal and trimodal PSDs, with a fine mode dominated by vaporization, nucleation, and growth processes. Depending on the fuel and combustion equipment, the coarse mode is composed primarily of unburned carbon char and associated inherent trace elements (fuel oil) and fragments of inorganic (largely calcium-alumino-silicate) fly ash including trace elements (coal). The three coals also produced a central mode between 0.8- and 2.0-μm aerodynamic diameter. However, the origins of these particles are less clear because vapor-to-particle growth processes are unlikely to produce particles this large.

Possible mechanisms include the liberation of micron-scale mineral inclusions during char fragmentation and burnout and indicates that refractory transition metals can contribute to PM <2.5 μm without passing through a vapor phase. When burned most efficiently, the residual fuel oil produces a PSD composed almost exclusively of an ultrafine mode (~0.1 μm). The transition metals associated with these emissions are composed of water-soluble metal sulfates. In contrast, the transition metals associated with coal combustion are not significantly enriched in PM <2.5 μm and are significantly less soluble, likely because of their association with the mineral constituents. These results may have implications regarding health effects associated with exposure to these particles.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with developing or implementing screening strategies for characterizing organic emissions from incinerators and other combustion sources. The need to characterize hazardous waste incinerator emissions for multiple organic compounds has been steadily increasing for several years. The regulatory approach makes use of a type of indicator compound procedure that concentrates on principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs). In addition to continuing interest in POHCs, interest has been growing in the types and concentrations of products of incomplete combustion (PICs). Sampling and analysis methods have been developed previously for approximately 225 of the more important POHCs and PICs. These methods may be used as components of a cost-effective screening protocol aimed at maximum characterization of emissions, whether the project budget is large or small. This paper contains a discussion of fundamental principles of several kinds of screening strategies and recommends an approach suitable for incinerators and other combustion sources. The concept of a risk-driven analysis strategy is introduced and illustrated with a simplified example.  相似文献   


Emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and poly-chlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDDs/Fs) from incinerators and other stationary combustion sources are of environmental concern because of the toxicity of certain PCDD/F congeners. Measurement of trace levels of PCDDs/Fs in combustor emissions is not a trivial matter. Development of one or more simple, easy-to-measure, reliable indicators of stack PCDD/F concentrations not only would enable incinerator operators to economically optimize system performance with respect to PCDD/F emissions, but could also provide a potential technique for demonstrating compliance status on a more frequent basis. This paper focuses on one approach to empirically estimate PCDD/F emissions using easy-to-measure volatile organic C2 chlorinated alk-ene precursors coupled with flue gas cleaning parameters. Three data sets from pilot-scale incineration experiments were examined for correlations between C2 chlorinated alk-enes and PCDDs/Fs. Each data set contained one or more C2 chloroalkenes that were able to account for a statistically significant fraction of the variance in PCDD/F emissions. Variations in the vinyl chloride concentrations were able to account for the variations in the PCDD/F concentrations strongly in two of the three data sets and weakly in one of the data sets.  相似文献   


Combustion experiments were carried out on four different residual fuel oils in a 732-kW boiler. PM emission samples were separated aerodynamically by a cyclone into fractions that were nominally less than and greater than 2.5 |j.m in diameter. However, examination of several of the samples by computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM) revealed that part of the PM2.5 fraction consists of carbonaceous cenospheres and vesicular particles that range up to 10 |j.m in diameter. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy data were obtained at the S, V, Ni, Fe, Cu, Zn, and As K-edges and at the Pb L-edge. Deconvolution of the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) region of the S spectra established that the dominant molecular forms of S present were sulfate (26-84% of total S) and thiophene (13-39% of total S). Sulfate was greater in the PM2.5 samples than in the PM25+ samples. Inorganic sulfides and elemental sulfur were present in lower percentages. The Ni XANES spectra from all of the samples agreed fairly well with that of NiSO4, while most of the V spectra closely resembled that of vanadyl sulfate (VO?SO4?xH2O). The other metals investigated (i.e., Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb) also were present predominantly as sulfates. Arsenic was present as an arsen-ate (As+5). X-ray diffraction patterns of the PM2.5 fraction exhibit sharp lines due to sulfate compounds (Zn, V, Ni, Ca, etc.) superimposed on broad peaks due to amorphous carbons. All of the samples contain a significant organic component, with the loss on ignition (LOI) ranging from 64 to 87% for the PM2.5 fraction and from 88 to 97% for the PM2.5+ fraction. Based on 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis, the carbon is predominantly condensed in graphitic structures. Aliphatic structure was detected in only one of seven samples examined.  相似文献   


This study investigates the combustion kinetics and emission factors of 16 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in polylactic acid (PLA) combustion. Experimentally, two reactions are involved in the PLA combustion process that potentially result in the release of lactide, acetaldehyde, and n-hexaldehyde. The products may continuously be oxidized to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and some PAHs produced because of incomplete combustion. The analytical results indicate that the emission factors for PAHs are in the range of not detectable to 98.04 μg/g. The emission factors are much lower than those of poly(ethylene terephalate) (PET) and other combustion of plastics. Results from this work suggest that combustion is a good choice for waste PLA disposal.  相似文献   

In the past several years the use of cattle feeding lots for preparing cattle for market has developed into a large industry. These installations extend over much of the United States. Our lot, just outside of Memphis, Tennessee, is at present the only one in the area, but we feel that there will be others soon.

The control of odor in the cattle feeder industry is necessary if the operator does not wish to become the target of a nuisance or injunction suit. In one recent trip extending to Texas, then to California and back, numerous lots were inspected and this paper will present various types of odor control measures which were observed. The problem is one which can be controlled, but it is primarily dependent upon the willingness on the part of management to make the effort.

As a by-product of the cattle feeder lot, large quantities of manure are obtained and unless measures are taken to properly store this material, considerable odor can result. We believe that the use of dehydration in connection with the feeder lot will become more and more necessary, and it is our experience that this type of operation requires: 1. Good design of the dehydrating unit, 2. Careful control of the product flow, 3. An understanding of the proper method for storing the manure prior to its dehydration, and 4. Use of odor control methods to keep down those odors which would constitute nuisance to those living nearby. Various methods of odor control will be discussed.  相似文献   


Yiannis A. Levendis is a professor in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering at Northeastern University. He holds a B.S. and an M.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from the California Institute of Technology. Brooke Shemwell is a graduate research assistant in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering at Northeastern University.

This is an experimental study on the characterization of particulate (soot) emissions from burning polymers. Emissions of polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics were studied. Combustion took place in a laboratory-scale, electrically heated, drop-tube furnace at temperatures of 1300 and 1500 K, in air. The nominal bulk (global) equivalence ratio, φ, was varied in the range of 0.5-1.5, and the gas residence time in the nearly isothermal radiation zone of the furnace was ≈ 1 sec. The particulate emissions were size-classified at the exit of the furnace, using a multi-stage inertial particle impactor. Results showed that both the yields and the size distributions of the emitted soot were remarkably different for the five plastics burned. Soot yields increased with an increasing bulk equivalence ratio. Combustion of PS yielded the highest amounts of soot (most highly agglomerated), several times more than the rest of the polymers. More soot was emitted from PS at 1500 than at 1300 K. Substantial amounts of soot agglomerates were larger than 9 μm. At 1500 and 1300 K, 35 and 29% of the soot mass, respectively, was PM2 (2 μm or smaller). Emissions from PE and PP were remarkably similar to each other. These polymers produced very low emissions at f< 0.5, but emissions increased drastically with f, and most of the soot was very fine (70-97% of the mass was PM2, depending on f).

Emissions from the combustion of PMMA were comparatively low and were the least influenced by the bulk f, and 79–95% of the emissions were PM2. Combustion of PVC yielded the lowest amounts of soot; moreover, only 13–34% of the mass was PM2. On a comparative basis, at 1500 K, the following ranges of particulate yields were PM2: 19–75 mg/g of PS, 8–36 mg/g of PE, 1.5–47 mg/g of PP, 11–20 mg/g of PMMA, and 2–8 mg/g of PVC, depending on f. These comparative results demonstrate that PS produces the highest amounts of fine particulates, followed by PP, PE, and PMMA, and then PVC. Burning these materials with excess oxygen drastically reduces the par-ticulate emissions of PE and PP, substantially reduces those of PS, and mildly reduces those of PMMA and PVC.  相似文献   

Some of the features of the fluidized-bed combustion (FBC) process have a direct bearing on the particulate properties that most strongly influence filtering pressure drop. A laboratory program was conducted to experimentally determine the relative pressure drop characteristics of ashes from the TVA-EPRI 20-MW bubbling bed, atmospheric pressure FBC (AFBC) pilot plant and six pulverized-coal combustion (PC) units. The combined influences of measured particle and dust cake properties on filtering pressure drop were estimated with existing filtration theories. These theories predict a higher pressure drop for a dust cake produced with the AFBC ash than for one consisting of any of the PC ashes. Laboratory measurements were made of the flow resistance of idealized, simulated dust cakes to confirm these predictions. Field operating data from the fabric filters collecting some of the tested ashes were available to validate the laboratory results. The laboratory and field data show relatively good agreement. The AFBC ash must be treated as a special case for fabric filters, and careful selection of cleaning method and fabric must be made to minimize the inherently high pressure drop characteristics of this ash.  相似文献   

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