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For the first time, velocities were measured inside a fieldscale rotary kiln incinerator. Combustion gas velocities and temperatures were measured at multiple points across a quadrant of the kiln near its exit using a bidirectional pressure probe and suction pyrometer. To accommodate the new bidirectional probe and gain access to the upper portion of the kiln, a lighter and stiffer positioning boom was designed. The kiln was directly fired using natural gas in a steady state mode. Results indicate strong vertical stratification of both velocity and temperature, with the highest values corresponding to the top of the kiln. Access restraints prevented the lower region of the kiln from being mapped. Horizontal variations in both temperature and velocity were insignificant. Operating conditions were varied by adjusting the amount of ambient air added to the front of the kiln. Increasing the flow of ambient air into the front of the kiln reduced the measured temperatures as expected, but did hot have as significant an effect on measured velocities. The quality of the results is examined by performing mass balances across the incinerator and by comparison to an existing numerical model. Both methods indicate that the experimental results are reasonable.  相似文献   


We demonstrate the use of an aldehyde scrubber system to resolve isobaric aldehyde/alkene interferences in a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) by selectively removing the aldehydes from the gas mixture without loss of quantitative information for the alkene components. The aldehyde scrubber system uses a bisulfite solution, which scrubs carbonyl compounds from the gas stream by forming water-soluble carbonyl bisulfite addition products, and has been evaluated using a synthetic mixture of acrolein and isoprene. Trapping efficiencies of acrolein exceeded 97%, whereas the transmission efficiency of isoprene was better than 92%. Quantification of the PTR-MS response to acrolein was validated through an intercomparison study that included two derivatization methods, dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) and O-(4-cyano-2-ethoxybenzyl)hydroxylamine (CNET), and a spectroscopic method using a quantum cascade laser infrared absorption spectroscopy (QCL) instrument. Finally, using cigarette smoke as a complex matrix, the acrolein content was assessed using the scrubber and compared with direct QCL-based detection.  相似文献   

Between September 5 and October 5,1989 a field demonstration of the NovaTerra, Inc. Detoxifier [formerly called Toxic Treatment (USA)] was performed by the U.S. EPA under the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program. The NovaTerra Detoxifier process injects steam and hot air directly into the ground to vaporize and strip volatile and semivolatile organics. Two augers loosen and homogenize the soil during the stripping process. The steam, hot air and organics are carried to the soil surface and collected for treatment.

The field demonstration was performed at the GATX Annex Terminal located at the Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, California. Approximately 17 percent of the 5.2 acre site is contaminated with chlorinated solvents, plasticizers, coatings, adhesives and paint additives, and other miscellaneous chemicals from aboveground storage tanks and transfer operations to railroad cars.

The objectives of this SITE Demonstration were to determine the in situ soil concentrations before and after treatment, quantify process stream emissions (fugitive and sidestreams), determine process operating conditions, and determine if vertical migration of contaminants is occurring. Results from the SITE demonstration showed that a substantial amount of the VOCs were removed, about half the SVOCs were removed, there was very little fugitive air emissions from the operation, and what little downward migration occured (if any) was inconsequential.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) hazardous waste incinerator performance standards specify a minimum destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) for principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs) designated in the incinerator waste feed. In the past, selection of appropriate POHCs for incinerator trial burns has been based largely on their heats of combustion. Attempting to improve upon this approach, the University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI), under contract to the EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, has developed a thermal stability-based ranking of compound "incinerability". The subject study was conducted to evaluate the laboratory-developed ranking system in a pilot-scale incinerator.

Mixtures of POHCs, spanning the ranking scale from most- to least-difficult to destroy (Class 1 to Class 7, respectively), were prepared and combined with a clay-based sorbent matrix. These mixtures were then fed into the rotary kiln incineration system at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility (IRF). In a series of five tests, the following conditions were evaluated: baseline/ typical operation; thermal failure (quenching); mixing failure (overcharging); matrix failure (low feed H/CI ratio); and a worst-case combination of the three failure modes.

Under baseline conditions, mixing failure, and matrix failure, kiln-exit DREs for each compound were comparable from test to test. Operating conditions in these 3 modes appeared to be sufficient to effect considerable destruction (greater than 99.99 percent DRE) of all compounds. As a result, separation of the highest-ranked POHCs from the lowest-ranked POHCs according to observed DRE was not possible; a correlation between POHC ranking and DRE could not be confirmed.

A correlation between predicted and observed incinerability was more evident for the thermal failure and worst-case conditions. Kiln-exit DREs for the four POHCs predicted to be most stable (those in Classes 1 and 2) ranged from 99% to 99.99% under these conditions, and were generally lower than DREs for the POHCs predicted to be more easily destroyed. Statistically significant correlations above the 99 percent and 93 percent confidence intervals were identified for the thermal-failure and worst-case tests, respectively.  相似文献   


A method to measure the in situ degradation rate of dissolved hydrocarbon contamination has been developed and applied at two locations at a field site. The method uses the rates of downward diffusion of oxygen and upward diffusion of carbon dioxide through the unsaturated zone, as calculated from vertical soil-gas concentration gradients, combined with stoichiometry to obtain two degradation rates in hydrocarbon mass per water table surface area per time. Values of 0.385 gram per m2 per day and 0.52 gram per m2 per day (based upon oxygen data) and 0.056 gram per m2 per day and 0.12 gram per m2 per day (based upon carbon dioxide data) were calculated at a field site with dissolved fuel contamination. This result of lower values from ground-air carbon dioxide concentrations is consistent with a significant fraction of the carbon dioxide produced being lost to the aqueous phase. Based upon a single-stage equilibrium phase-transfer model, gas/water volume ratios of 0.02 and 0.2 for the capillary fringe were calculated. Groundwater carbon dioxide fugacities and soil-gas carbon dioxide concentrations were used at the two locations and a third to determine whether the source of elevated soil carbon dioxide concentrations were unsaturated-zone hydrocarbon degradation or a saturated-zone process. This technique has potential applicability in setting risk-based remedial criteria and in allowing inclusion of the contribution of in situ degradation in remedial design. This can result in major remedial cost savings.  相似文献   


Oxygen (O2) sensors have been developed for in situ measurement of O2 in high-solids degradation processes. The O2 sensor has been shown to withstand the corrosive environment of the biodegradation process with high humidity and temperatures exceeding 60 oC. Calibration tests prior to and after in situ operation showed the sensor to perform accurately and reproducibly after 71 days of in situ operation.

A linear relationship between O2-sensor output and water vapor pressure was confirmed through calibration experiments. To compensate for the effect of water vapor pressure on O2-sensor measurements, O2 concentration was expressed on a dry air basis using the confirmed linear relationship. In situ O2-sensor output expressed on a dry air basis was found to follow trends of gas samples analyzed by gas chromatography with good agreement.  相似文献   

An in situ test method to measure the aerobic biodegradation rates of hydrocarbons in contaminated soil is presented. The test method provides an initial assessment of bioventing as a remediation technology for hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. The in situ respiration test consists of ventilating the contaminated soil of the unsatiirated zone with air and periodically monitoring the depletion of oxygen (O2) and production of carbon dioxide (CO2) over time after the air is turned off. The test is simple to implement and generally takes about four to five days to complete. The test was applied at eight hydrocarbon-contaminated sites of different geological and climatic conditions. These sites were contaminated with petroleum products or petroleum fuels, except for two sites where the contaminants were primarily polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Oxygen utilization rates for the eight sites ranged from 0.02 to 0.99 percent O2/hour. Estimated biodegradation rates ranged from 0.4 to 19 mg/kg of soil/day. These rates were similar to the biodegradation rates obtained from field and pilot studies using mass balance methods. Estimated biodegradation rates based on O2 utilization were generally more reliable (especially for alkaline soils) than rates based on CO2 production. CO2 produced from microbial respiration was probably converted to carbonate under alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

Two applications of the newly devised process evaluation criterion are described: (7) the transformation of process data concerning the air pollution sources into machine language so that it may be correlated with Chicago’s Emission Inventory; and, (2) the application of its principles to the administration of the permit system. This criterion for the evaluation of process activity is completely different from any other method used throughout the country. Examples of its application are given.  相似文献   

This paper presents an EPA evaluation of the first field demonstration of an in situ stabilization/solidification process for contaminated soil under the EPA Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program. Demonstration of this process was a joint effort of two vendors: ? International Waste Technologies (IWT) of Wichita, Kansas, who provided the treatment process, specifically the proprietary additive called HWT-20, and

? Geo-Con, Inc., of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who provided both engineering and hardware for the in situ soil treatment.

The field demonstration took place in April, 1988 at a site in Hialeah, Florida, contaminated mainly with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). EPA tested the soil before and after treatment and the EPA evaluation of this process is based on results from this testing. A year later, in April 1989, EPA tested again the treated soil and results of that testing were compared to those of the demonstration. Results of the EPA evaluation of the IWT process, the Geo-Con performance, and treatment costs are discussed separately.  相似文献   


An instrumentation system employing an RPV (remotely piloted vehicle) platform was developed for temporally and spatially resolved air pollution measurements, and was used to measure the evolution of gas-phase HC1 in exhaust clouds from a solid rocket motor firing and fuel pit burns. A thermistor and a sensitive (ppmv-level), rapid-response (<0.1 sec) infrared absorption sensor for HC1 were mounted in a flow channel in the RPV, permitting concentration and temperature measurements to be made in the cloud on a several-meter scale. The RPV system was flown in a series of field tests at Thiokol Corporation’s Elkton, MD division to evaluate the HC1 content of the exhaust products of a new Mg-based fuel formulation. Measurements were made in the clouds from Al-based and Mg-based solid fuel pit burns and a Mg-fueled motor firing over periods of several minutes. Elevated temperatures and HC1 concentrations were found to be temporally correlated with video images of the particulate cloud. Cl originating from the ammonium perchlorate oxidizer appeared in the exhaust as HC1 in each of the tests. Both the macroscopic and local cloud parameters indicate that the Mg-based fuel may provide some reduction in HC1 concentration compared to the standard Al-based fuel.  相似文献   

The Air Quality Control Program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has developed an implementation plan for the Metropolitan Boston Intrastate Air Quality Control Region as required by PL 90-148. An essential part of the plan was a set of control regulations designed to achieve and maintain an air quality compatible with adopted standards. Control strategy modeling was used as a tool in selecting the most appropriate regulations to achieve this goal. The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those state and county air pollution control officials concerned with the formulation and evaluation of regulations.

The paper details the procedures developed and presents a case history of their use in the region. The system is a synthesis of generally-available software and newly-developed computer programs to provide ahighly automated computational structure. It permits rapid simulation of the emissions resulting from the application of various control regulations. Predictions on the changes expected in ambient air quality levels are then made by the use of the Air Quality Display Model (AQDM).

The initial step in the application was a calibration of the system using predicted and measured annual concentrations. This step yielded correlation coefficients of 0.92 for sulfur dioxide and 0.85 for particulates. Subsequently, the system was used to evaluate the baseline case of uncontrolled sulfur in fuel use. Alternative sulfur control strategies were tested for compatibility with air quality standards. The principal strategies tested were: (a) 1% sulfur uniformly throughout the region; (6) 1% sulfur in core area of region, 2.2% sulfur elsewhere; (c) 0.5% sulfur in core area of region, 2.2% sulfur elsewhere; (d) 0.5% sulfur in core area of region, 1.0% sulfur elsewhere.

Strategies (b) and (d) were implemented into a time phased set of control regulations for the region.

Experience with the system has shown it to be a convenient and rapid method for simulating the effects of control regulations. Furthermore, the utility of this initial model warrants expansion of its application to the other air quality control regions in the Commonwealth.  相似文献   


An activated charcoal bed unit (ACBU) was constructed using teflon stock. The unit duplicated the flow and bed design of a commercially available tractor mounted filter for removing pesticides from the air.

Eight pesticides (4 herbicides and 4 insecticides) were used to test the retention efficiency of ACBU over a 12–48 h period with the ACBU in place. Polyurethane foam (PUF) plugs in series trapped any residual pesticide that came through the ACBU.

The ACBU retained 93–100% of the pesticides tested. The unit thus provides an efficient mechanism for removing airborne pesticides.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to evaluate an approach advanced by the St. Lawrence Centre (SLC) of Environment Canada for assessing the genotoxic potential of sediments. The SLC method entails the extraction, isolation and solvent exchange of the organic constituents in sediment, and the testing of these solubilized extracts with the SOS Chromotest (Escherichia coli PQ37). A total of five sediments, three variously contaminated by organic compounds and two reference materials certified for persistent organic chemicals, were Soxhlet-extracted. Each of the five extracts was then split, with a portion remaining in crude form and another portion fractionated into two molecular-weight classes of organic contaminants, thus yielding a total of 15 extract samples. The ability of the SOS Chromotest to detect genotoxins in the various organic extracts was evaluated and compared with that of the Ames Fluctuation Assay (Salmonella typhimurium, strain TA100). The intra-laboratory variance associated with the SOS Chromotest was also assessed. Procedural details are presented and results are discussed. The SOS Chromotest results were in good agreement with those of the Ames Fluctuation Assay, especially after metabolic activation. However, the E. coli PQ37 system was slightly more sensitive than the Salmonella assay for detecting genotoxins in the sediment extracts. The SOS Chromotest was also the most discriminating of the two assays, generating SOS-induction factors that were consistent with the organic contamination gradient reported in the sediment samples. The removal of macromolecules from the dichloromethane extracts by size-exclusion chromatography prior to testing enhanced the sensitivity of both test systems. The intra-laboratory variance of the SOS Chromotest ranged from 0.24% to 23.82%, depending on the extract sample. As applied in this study, the SOS Chromotest can serve as a sensitive test for screening the genotoxic potential of uncharacterized sediment extracts. A more sensitive assay would be appropriate, however, as a confirmation for definitive investigations, especially for the detection of direct-acting genotoxins.  相似文献   

The iodide ion selective electrode has potential use for continuous monitoring of total oxidants in ambient air. Total oxidants are measured coulometrically or colorimetrically after oxidation of neutral buffered Kl solution (0.6-1.2M) to free iodine. On the other hand, the iodide electrode can measure much more dilute solutions (<10-4M). The iodide electrode measures the disappearance of iodide from the absorbing solution. The detector is made from an iodide electrode, reference electrode, an expanded scale pH meter, and millivolt recorder. The iodide electrode shows a constant Nernstian —59 mv change per decade over a dilute solution range although the absolute voltage shows a drift of 1 mv/day. A continuous iodide electrode air monitor was set up and investigated for ambient monitoring. Operational parameters as air and solution flow rates and electrode parameters as response time at different iodide concentrations were investigated. Statistical comparison was made with a Beekman colorimetric total oxidant monitor and a prototype REM chemiluminescent ozone monitor. The iodide electrode monitor was shown capable of continuously monitoring oxidants in the atmosphere being sensitive to changes in ambient concentrations.  相似文献   

The odor panel using the syringe dilution technique has been successfully used to judge the effectiveness of control equipment in eliminating industrial odor problems by monitoring stack emissions. Data is presented using this odor panel method for efficiency tests of direct-flame fume incinerators performed in a large variety of industrial process applications, including pulp and paper mills, rubber processing plants, food processing plants, wire enameling plants, glass fiber manufacturing plants, paint bake ovens, brake manufacturing plants, caster manufacturing plants, rendering plants, and chemical plants. Test data shows that this method of measuring odor using the syringe dilution technique is a useful and practical tool in analyzing odor problems and determining the effectiveness of control equipment by monitoring stack emissions.  相似文献   

A new in situ gradostat was devised to study the dynamics of natural communities having nutrient gradients within aquatic habitats. This semi-enclosed mesocosm consisted of three components: i.e. three transparent, concentric cylindrical culture chambers, with diameters of 70, 60 and 40 cm, and 20 cm deep, supported by four flotation buoys, a medium reservoir, and a pump to supply the medium to the mesocosm. Water exchange between compartments was achieved via holes in the cylindrical walls, the number and size of the holes being chosen to regulate the rate of exchange. Sterile culture medium was pumped into the central (first) chamber and diffused outwards into the second and third chambers through the perforated walls. Suitable perforations could achieve a concentration gradient of up to 9.5 times between the first and third chambers within 12 h. The system was designed with the following characteristics: (1) an experimental semi-enclosed system in the natural environment; (2) to maintain equivalence with the external water except for the experimental factors; and (3) to form a manipulable gradient of experimental factors across the mesocosm. Using the in situ gradostat, the response of a natural phytoplankton community to a nitrate gradient was determined. A gradient from oligotrophic to eutrophic was maintained for 10 days in an oligotrophic pond. The mean growth rate of phytoplankton was lower in the eutrophic zone than that in the mesotrophic zone, where the highest mean growth rate was observed. The growth rate of each dominant phytoplankter showed its own pattern, but all rates were highest in the mesotrophic environment of the second chamber.  相似文献   

We recently reported a system for inactivating antineoplastics in which sodium hypochlorite is supplied by the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution. In this study, we designed an electrolysis apparatus for inactivating the cytotoxicity of antineoplastics in clinical wastewater using the system. The apparatus consists of an electrolysis cell with platinum-iridium electrodes, a pool tank, a circulating system for wastewater, a safety system for explosive gas and overflow, and an exhaust duct. The free chlorine concentration increased linearly up to 6500 mg l(-1), and pH also increased to 9.0-10.0 within 2h, when 0.9% sodium chloride solution was electrolyzed. We examined its efficacy with model and clinical wastewaters. The reciprocal of dilution factor for disappearance of cytotoxicity using Molt-4 cells was compared before and after electrolysis. In the model wastewater, that was 9.10 x 10(4) before electrolysis, and 3.56 x 10(2) after 2h of electrolysis. In the clinical wastewater (n=26), that was 6.90 x 10(3)-1.02 x 10(6) before electrolysis, and 1.08 x 10(2)-1.45 x 10(4) after 2h of electrolysis. Poisonous and explosive gases released by the electrolysis were measured; however, they were found to be negligible in terms of safety. The environmental load was evaluated by carbon dioxide generation as an index and it was found that the carbon dioxide generated by the electrolysis method was 1/70 lower than that by the dilution method with tap water. Moreover, the cost of the electrolysis method was 1/170 lower than that of the dilution method. This method was found to be both effective and economically valuable.  相似文献   

This paper describes a portable, low-cost whole air sampler capable of collecting 12 1-L samples in tedlar bags and using a single "D" cell for power. The results are presented from two tests of an intensive sampling and analysis method for measuring ambient carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in urban areas using this sampler. The method is evaluated in comparison with an approved continuous CO analyzer, in intercomparisons of the results of re-analysis of the samples, and by examination of the results from co-located samplers. The precision of the analytical method was found to be +/-0.30 ppmv. The precision of the sampling method was found to be +/-0.73 ppmv and therefore is the limiting factor in the method's overall precision. These values are sufficient to verify attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) levels in urban areas. Improvements in the sampler and analytical procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

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