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Carbon monoxide exposures to commuters were simulated in a 5-day study in Los Angeles County. Exposures were determined by measuring CO in three vehicles as they traveled typical commuter routes. The data collected during this study include measurements of vehicle speed and CO measurements in the interior and exterior of the three vehicles during the morning and evening peak traffic periods. In addition, hourly averaged CO measurements were taken from eight south coastal Air Quality Management District fixed-site monitoring stations and six California Department of Transportation vans in the proximity of the commuter routes. These data were used to investigate the relationship of CO exposures to meteorological parameters, fixed-site monitors, and traffic conditions.

The average ratio of interior CO concentrations to exterior CO concentrations was 0.92. Concentrations inside and outside the vehicles remained about the same even when the vehicles were driven with vents closed and windows up. Smoking was not permitted in the vehicles during the study. The average ratio of the hour average CO concentrations in the vehicles to fixed-site measurements was 3.9. However, this ratio decreases with increasing ambient CO levels. Although CO levels in the vehicles frequently exceeded 40 ppm and sometimes exceeded 60 ppm, the hour average CO concentrations did not exceed 35 ppm. Slow moving congested traffic is associated with higher CO levels in the vehicles than a high volume of traffic moving at a steady speed.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) exposures were measured inside a motor vehicle during 88 standardized drives on a major urban arterial highway, El Camino Real (traffic volume of 30,500-45,000 vehicles per day), over a 13-1/2 month period. On each trip (lasting between 31 and 61 minutes), the test vehicle drove the same 5.9-mile segment of roadway in both directions, for a total of 11.8 miles, passing through 20 intersections with traffic lights (10 in each direction) in three California cities (Menlo Park, Palo Alto, and Los Altos). Earlier tests showed that the test vehicle was free of CO intrusion. For the 88 trips, the mean CO concentration was 9.8 ppm, with a standard deviation of 5.8 ppm. Of nine covariates that were examined to explain the variability in the mean CO exposures observed on the 88 trips (ambient CO at two fixed stations, atmospheric stability, seasonal trend function, time of day, average surrounding vehicle count, trip duration, proportion of time stopped at lights, and instrument type), a fairly strong seasonal trend was found. A model consisting of only a single measure of traffic volume and a seasonal trend component had substantial predictive power (R2 = 0.68); by contrast, the ambient CO levels, although partially correlated with average exposures, contributed comparatively little predictive power to the model. The CO exposures experienced while drivers waited at the red lights at an intersection ranged from 6.8 to 14.9 ppm and differed considerably from intersection to intersection. A model also was developed to relate the short-term variability of exposures to averaging time for trip times ranging from 1 to 20 minutes using a variogram approach to deal with the serial autocorrelation. This study shows: (1) the mass balance equation can relate exterior CO concentrations as a function of time to interior CO concentrations; (2) CO exposures on urban arterial highways vary seasonally; (3) momentary CO exposures experienced behind red lights vary with the intersection; and (4) an averaging time model can simulate exposures during short trips (20 minutes or less) on urban arterial highways.  相似文献   


The roadway is one of the most important microenvironments for human exposure to carbon monoxide (CO). To evaluate long-term changes in pollutant exposure due to in-transit activities, a mathematical model has been developed to predict average daily vehicular emissions on highways. By utilizing measurements that are specific for a given location and year (e.g., traffic counts, fleet composition), this model can predict emissions for a specific roadway during various time periods of interest, allowing examination of long-term trends in human exposure to CO. For an arterial highway in northern California, this model predicts that CO emissions should have declined by 58% between 1980 and 1991, which agrees fairly well with field measurements of human exposure taken along that roadway during those two years. An additional reduction of up to 60% in CO emissions is predicted to occur between 1991 and 2002, due solely to the continued replacement of older cars with newer, cleaner vehicles.  相似文献   

The draft Technical Report on Air Quality Criteria for Carbon Monoxide shows thorough familiarity with the relevant toxicological studies. The authors selected materials for discussion very judiciously. They present the pertinent information in sufficient detail to permit an independent judgment of its significance, in most instances. The conclusions are firmly based on the information which is presented.  相似文献   

Eleven new cars were driven around a 35 km route comprising heavily trafficked roads in and around London, and the concentrations of carbon monoxide inside and immediately outside the vehicles were continuously monitored. Average levels of CO between 12 and 60 parts per million were found inside the cars, and these levels were between 30 and 80% of the external concentrations. The internal levels varied according to external changes but the changes were greatly damped by the buffering effect of the ventilation system. Differences in internal CO levels were more marked between vehicles than for different runs in the same vehicle and were probably due to differences in the ventilation systems.

Blood carboxy-hemoglobin concentrations which would arise from the CO exposures were calculated. Published data suggest that carboxy-hemoglobin concentrations within the range found (1.5-3.0%) would not be expected to produce an adverse effect on health; there are conflicting views as to whether driving performance would be impaired.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a measurement and modeling study of carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations In the proximity of intersections. Analysis for model performance of paired observed and predicted CO concentrations are presented. Two methodologies of pollutant prediction were used: the Intersection Midblock Model (IMM) and a statistical multiple linear regression. The results showed that both methods underpredicted frequently and dispensed results that were site specific. In addition, correlations of IMM predicted concentrations to observed concentrations were poor (typically r2 values <0.25). Various explanations for this observation are proposed. The statistical approach exhibited an improved accuracy over that of IMM. However, some of the independent variables used might be difficult to obtain as a routine measurement, and use of a one or two independent parameter model yielded adjusted R2 values comparable to the r2 values observed with IMM. Based on these results, an Intersection model applicable under a wide range of conditions of traffic, meteorology, and geometry is not available. Research Is needed to develop one, since its use would often be called on in the development of air quality sections of Environmental Assessments or Environmental Impact Statements.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds can contribute to the failure of electronic equipment in both switching offices and data centers. They can also be useful indicators of ventilation needs. Only within the past decade have ambient concentrations of volatile organics been measured routinely. In standard sampling approach, a pump is used to pull a known volume of air through an adsorbent. This study examines a sampling procedure that does not use a pump, but instead depends on molecular diffusion for eventual contact between the vapor phase compounds and the charcoal sorbent (passive sampling). The technique is both simpler and less expensive than active sampling with a pump. This method has been validated for low-level sampling over extended time intervals. This study demonstrates that collected amounts vary linearly with airborne concentrations for sampling intervals in excess of four weeks: even after eight weeks of sampling at typical ambient concentrations, the amount of material collected does not approach the capacity of the sorbent. The method is applicable for concentrations spanning six orders of magnitude; reproducibility averages 13 percent of the mean value; and the sensitivity is excellent (0.06 μg/m3 or roughly 0.015 ppbv for a compound with a molecular weight of 100). The procedure has already been used successfully to monitor indoor air quality at almost a dozen telephone office and data center sites.  相似文献   


Indoor and outdoor NO2 concentrations were measured and compared with simultaneously measured personal exposures of 57 office workers in Brisbane, Australia. House characteristics and activity patterns were used to determine the impacts of these factors on personal exposure. Indoor NO2 levels and the presence of a gas range in the home were significantly associated with personal exposure. The time-weighted average of personal exposure was estimated using NO2 measurements in indoor home, indoor workplace, and outdoor home levels. The estimated personal exposures were closely correlated, but they significantly underestimated the measured personal exposures. Multiple regression analysis using other nonmeasured microenvironments indicated the importance of transportation in personal exposure models. The contribution of transportation to the error of prediction of personal exposure was confirmed in the regression analysis using the multinational study database.  相似文献   


The concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and other gases were measured in the emissions from solid waste degradation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions during laboratory and field investigations. The emissions were measured as room temperature headspace gas concentrations in reactors of 1, 30, and 150 L, as well as sucked gas concentrations from windrow composting piles and a biocell, under field conditions. The aerobic composting laboratory experiments consisted of treatments with and without lime. The CO concentrations measured during anaerobic conditions varied from 0 to 3000 ppm, the average being 23 ppm, increasing to 133 ppm when methane (CH4) concentrations were low. The mean/maximum CO concentrations during the aerobic degradation in the 2-L reactor were 101/194 ppm without lime, 486/2022 ppm with lime, and 275/980 ppm in the 150-L reactors. The presence of CO during the aerobic composting followed a rapid decline in O2 concentrations Significantly higher CO concentrations were obtained when the aerobic degradation was amended with lime, probably because of a more extreme depletion of oxygen. The mean/maximum CO concentrations under field conditions during aerobic composting were 95/1000 ppm. The CO concentrations from the anaerobic biocell varied from 20 to 160 ppm. The hydrogen sulfide concentrations reached almost 1200 ppm during the anaerobic degradation and 67 ppm during the composting experiments. There is a positive correlation between the CO and hydrogen sulfide concentrations measured during the anaerobic degradation experiments.  相似文献   

No personal aerosol sampler has been evaluated for monitoring aeroallergens in outdoor field conditions and compared to conventional stationary aerobiological samplers. Recently developed Button Personal Inhalable Aerosol Sampler has demonstrated high sampling efficiency for non-biological particles and low sensitivity to the wind direction and velocity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the Button Sampler for the measurement of outdoor pollen grains and fungal spores side-by-side with the widely used Rotorod Sampler. The sampling was performed for 8 months (spring, summer and fall) at a monitoring station on the roof of a two-storied office building located in the center of the city of Cincinnati. Two identical Button Samplers, one oriented towards the most prevalent wind and the other towards the opposite wind and a Rotorod Sampler were placed side-by-side. The total fungal spore concentration ranged from 129 to 12,980 spores m(-3) (number per cubic meter of air) and the total pollen concentration from 4 to 4536 pollen m(-3). The fungal spore concentrations obtained with the two Button Samplers correlated well (r = 0.95; p<0.0001). The pollen data also showed positive correlation. These findings strongly support the results of earlier studies conducted with non-biological aerosol particles, which demonstrated a low wind dependence of the performance of the Button Sampler compared to other samplers. The Button Sampler's inlet efficiency was found to be more dependent on wind direction when sampling larger sized Pinaceae pollen grains (aerodynamic diameter approximately 65 mum). Compared to Rotorod, both Button Samplers measured significantly higher total fungal spore concentrations. For total pollen count, the Button Sampler facing the prevalent wind showed concentrations levels comparable to that of the Rotorod, but the Button Sampler oriented opposite to the prevalent wind demonstrated lower concentration levels. Overall, it was concluded that the Button Sampler is efficient for the personal sampling of outdoor aeroallergens, and is especially beneficial for aeroallergens of small particle size.  相似文献   

A practical, inexpensive computer model for estimating the level of blood carboxyhemoglobin (percent COHb) as a function of time for measured carbon monoxide concentrations (ppm CO) was developed from data from published studies on the assimilation of CO into the blood of human subjects. The model was designed to consider more realistically the dynamic characteristics of urban CO concentrations measured continuously at air monitoring stations, and it was applied to a year's CO data measured at the San Jose CA, air monitoring station (8760 hourly values).

The results indicate that the model can be used by local air pollution control agencies to calculate and print out estimated COHb levels alongside continuous CO concentration data. According to the model, the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for CO sometimes were violated in San Jose without exceeding 2% COHb, as well as the converse: 2% COHb was exceeded without violating the standards. The model's estimated COHb levels also provided an advance warning of impending violation of the 8-hr CO NAAQS, and analysis of the model's response to CO "spikes" suggests that averaging periods as short as 10 or 15 minutes are necessary to preserve completely the dynamic characteristics of ambient CO monitoring data. These findings suggest that the margin of safety included in the current CO NAAQS, would not be the same if the actual time variation of measured CO concentrations is taken into account.  相似文献   

The probabilistic National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Exposure Model applied to carbon monoxide (pNEM/CO) was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to estimate frequency distributions of population exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) and the resulting carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels. To evaluate pNEM/CO, the model was set up to simulate CO exposure data collected during a Denver Personal Exposure Monitoring Study (PEM) conducted during the winter of 1982-1983. This paper compares computer-simulated exposure distributions obtained by pNEM/CO with the observed cumulative relative frequency distributions of population exposure to CO from 779 people in the Denver PEM study.

The subjects were disaggregated into two categories depending upon whether they lived in a home with a gas stove or an electric stove. The observed and predicted population exposure frequency distributions were compared in terms of 1-hr daily maximum exposure (1DME) and 8-hr daily maximum moving average exposure (8DME) for people living in homes with gas stove or an electric stove. For 1DME, the

computer-simulated results from pNEM/CO agreed most closely within the range of 6-13 ppm, but overestimated occurrences at low exposure (<6 ppm) and underestimated occurrences at high exposure (>13 ppm). For 8DME, the predicted exposures agreed best with observed exposures in the range of CO concentration between 5.5 and 7 ppm, and over-predicted occurrences below 5.5 ppm and under-predicted occurrences above 7 ppm.  相似文献   

The original goals of this project1 were to establish the shape of a smoke curve for fine suspended particulates in New York City comparable to the International Smoke Curve used in British and other European practice, and to relate two commonly used reporting units of surface concentration, μg/m3 (European practice) and Coh/1000 lineal feet (United States practice), to each other. While not directly a goal of the project, it was essential in the course of work to study the relationship between particulate density readings taken for one hour and two hour sampling periods. Progress toward achievement of these goals is presented in the following pages.  相似文献   

A numerical model, which can be used to study the dispersion of carbon monoxide emissions from automobiles traveling on a highway, is described. The model Is based upon the semi-empirical equation of turbulent diffusion. The performance of the model has been tested using carbon monoxide concentration data obtained near highway 401 in the city of Toronto, Canada.  相似文献   


Volatile organlcs compounds (VOCs) are ubiquitous in the air we breathe. The use of passive samplers to measure these concentrations can be an effective technique. When exposed for long durations, a passive sampler may be a good tool for investigating chronic exposures to chemicals in the environment. A passive sampler that was designed for occupational exposures can be used as such a tool. Laboratory validation under as many conditions as possible needs to be accomplished so as to characterize the sampler with known parameters. This paper describes the methods and results of an investigation into the validity of using a passive monitor to sample VOCs for a three-week period. Two concentration levels, two relative humidities, and five VOCs were studied. Results indicate that the samplers work best under conditions of high concentration with low relative humidity and low concentration with high relative humidity. For the passive sampler, excluding chloroform, percent deviations from the predicted values varied between ?41 and +22 percent; while the values between the passive and the active samplers varied between ?27 and +24 percent. Benzene, heptane, and perchloroethylene were sampled with equal precision and accuracy.  相似文献   

Although fixed-site monitoring data have been used to estimate the spatial pattern of human exposure, the intra-urban distribution of actual exposure has not been documented. This paper used the data collected during the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) field investigation of personal exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) to investigate the nature of the distribution of CO with respect to residential location In the Washington, D.C. SMSA. Dot-distribution maps and analysis of variance were used to document the spatial pattern of individual-level in-home CO concentrations. The results show sampled individuals living in the SMSA center are exposed to statistically significantly higher levels of CO than are those living in the suburbs. The most important Implications of this work are for exposure modeling. Further investigation is needed to determine whether incorporation of a geographic component will improve exposure prediction.  相似文献   

A method employing the timed fill of Mylar bags was used to obtain average carbon monoxide concentration values for ten locations in the Fairbanks, Alaska, area. The method is shown to be accurate, reliable, and inexpensive. The correlation coefficient between the bag sampling method and a continuous carbon monoxide analyzer was 0.945; correlation of carbon monoxide data from several locations to a reference in downtown Fairbanks showed a general decrease with distance from the reference analyzer. Analysis of data from Fairbanks shows that carbon monoxide concentrations during the winter months may have to be reduced 50-75% to achieve the State and National Ambient Air Quality Standards; the high levels of carbon monoxide are the result of emissions from automobile traffic during periods of severe inversion in the Fairbanks basin.  相似文献   

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